Video: Watch Femi Kuti and his son, Made, show their musical prowess as they perform together in Lagos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Video: Watch Femi Kuti and his son, Made, show their musical prowess as they perform together in Lagos

Femi Kuti and his son showered their musical prowess over the weekend when they performed together on the same stage at the Shrine in Lagos. According to Femi who shared the video online, Made was going note to note with him on the alto Sax. Watch the video after the cut...


Unknown said...

Lovely duo

Agbomen said...

Wonderful!!! From one generation to another, Hmm-hmm.

Maureen said...

The boys need to experience the fright of their lives. The police cannot discipline them. These boys are highly motivated, they do not need ‘role models’ like Evans, they

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are inspired enough on their own to groom themselves to grab power from him after completing their ‘apprenticeship’.

Anonymous said...

A whole lotta noise. Great Made has the talent

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