According to an IG user, 12-year-old girl identified as Abigail Igbe, was reportedly beaten by her employers who accused her of stealing N200. The body of the young girl is covered with fresh wounds and old bruises from beatings received from the couple. The incident happened at No 16 Ayinde street, Ojota, Lagos. Read what she wrote after the cut...
C'mon this is wickedness.
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Kinda things u see in a poor home.. Nd poor environment
I don't condone what was done to the girl. But alot of these househelps are always stealing and never appreciate all you do for them. They're necessary evils.
Na wah oo this is wickedness and they forget that karma is a bitch.
This is totally wickedness
most people condemning these people's action will definitely do more than that if they were in their position. please lets leave pretence and face reality. They did wrong, sure they did by flogging her this much but trust me, these girls are pretty wicked if they want to. That might not be her first time of stealing. I'm pretty sure she was beating out of anger. I dont want to be judgemental here cos I don't know how my reaction would have been if I were her employer.
If the her well fed and taken care off the won't steal.
Unfortunately our idea of househelp is slavery.
The are not necessary evil.
If you think the are one,get family members or yet still do your chores your self.
It's an African mentality.
Anonymous are right..much as I don't support child abuse most of these house helps are evil
I know you probably responded out of experience that helps steal and never appreciate but have you thought about the possibility of a "stealing child''?
Would you do this to your own child for stealing 200naira?
Remember that at one time or another in our lives we all stole. Even our parents will agree that as children they stole meat from the pot,etc.
Punishment is very good but let the punishment never exceed the crime.
And you are unnecessary evil.
Most of them steal when you don't take care of them well. Expect the ones that are hardened already. when you treat them better they behave better.
Nobody says you shodnt punish them buh beating a child like this is bad. There are other kinds of punishment cos when t get used to this, they feel notin again period
Take this post away from here. This is not an abuse in any form. Do not spare the rod and spoil the child. Rod corrects, it doesn't kill. She is only 12, she is still correctable before it get out of hands. Stealing should not be encouraged, my own parent beat me while growing, and to an extent it instill in me some common sense. Talking to a child alone can not do it all.
Is even better they beat her now ,than she grows up to be a thief and get burnt with tyre on the road or market. Hmmm which way forward???or will talking therapy help?
I swear....Most of them are evil.very ungrateful idiots.. very dangerous.No matter how nice u are to them,they will still mess u up
It's highly unacceptable and inappropriate to maltreat young growing children no matter what wrong they do
She should NOT steal next time!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
You are a fool....
She deserves wot they did to her we receive such beaten from our parents when we do something wrong not to talk of stealing what r u encouraging her pls not all nonsense u people do even d bible said spare d rods and spoil d child.
Hmmm! It is a pity. She is obviously hungry that is why she stole the money. ordinary NGN200. She look so unkept with that hair. Are even sure she is registered in any school? This is wickedness. No matter what. Instead of doing this to her why not send her back home?
It is not a must to have house help. If you can't take care of them as your own Child please don't hire them, let them be.
Pleaseeeeee be kind and nice to them all ye house help beaters. angry face!!!!
It's unfortunate u have this sort of mindset. Not sparing the rod does not mean inflicting bodily harm on children; it basically means 'discipline' and there are so many other ways to instil discipline in a child. In this case, the guardians could have deducted the money from her allowance or deny her a 'privilege' but I assume the thought of allowance and priveledge don't even cross their minds. If a child is not responding to ur discipline PLEASE take him/her back to their parents, if they are alive. A person who can beat a child like that can kill her one day by accident or by design; then he/she will come and tell us how it was the devil. Exorcise the devil now! Pls do not support evil only to be complaining about a wicked world. God bless the madame who brought this to attention. May the appropriate agencies take it up from here.
It's just a pity we still think this way.
if it's your child would you beat her to this extent??????
Take a good look at the child, she looks unkept. she is 12 years old. There are other punishment you will give her that would be appropriate for her crime. You see these pics and you still don't feel pity for the child. you must be a wicked person.
what if she fell and died while he was beating her?
and someone says he beat her out of anger, you don't beat a child out of anger. That is how he will beat his wife out of anger tooo.
we need to all come together to help children that go through this abuse on a daily basis because most of them don't have their parents around and are of very poor background by reporting to the necessary authorities.
God bless the woman that posted this pics and the group you belong to.
Then why not just send them home. Nothing justifies this.
Dis is not right at all.
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