The veteran Nollywood actor shared this photo of himself in police uniform from a new crime drama titled "Crossroads."
his life as an actor to be a gift and blessing, RMD also celebrated
with his Muslim fans as they mark the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy
month of fasting. He wrote:
'Making a living is a blessing, Doing what you love and making a living out of it is a greater blessing. My life as an actor has been a gift and a blessing and I pray for you today that your journey will lead you to blessings that are greater than you ever thought or imagined. Eid Mubarak. '
I agree with you absolutely! May God open our eyes quick enough to fall in line with His plans and purpose for our lives. It is only then can we truly experience happiness.
Lol RMD this uniform fit you die one love biggest boss
the bottom line is that someone was killed and the death needs to be investigated. the police should not just abandon the case because it wasn't
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an nysc member that got killed. he is a nigerian and should still be treated like a bonafide citizen even in death.
papa oku
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Attention seeker! Methuselah!!!
The name of the movie is,rise and fall of Evans
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