A 30-year-old woman from Lusaka, Zambia allegedly shot her husband dead on May 25, because he had a child with another woman. Head Business News ChannelsTV, Boason Omofaye broke the news yesterday on twitter.
According to Zambezi News, Police deputy spokesperson Rae Hamoonga in a statement to Mwebantu
stated that Precious Longwe Liteebele shot her husband Akakanda Lubinda
Liteebele five times.
"The murder
occurred at around 03:00 hours at unknown house number off Buluwe
Road Woodlands extension in which Mr. Akakanda Lubinda Liteebele aged 30
years was shot at five times by his wife Precious Longwe Liteebele aged
30years,” Mr. Hamoonga stated.
"The couple was working for a
named bank and Precious has been arrested and charged with murder. She
used a pistol and the deceased sustained five bullet wounds: on the
chest, left rib side, right rib side, lower back and on the right arm."
Mr. Hamoonga stated that four empty cartilages, one projectile and one ammunition were found on the scene.
He stated that the pistol had been retrieved by the police and that the
body of the deceased was in the University Teaching Hospital mortuary
It's a pity,RIP man!
Whaaaa? Hearts rarely get broken and triggers hardly get pulled when LEGS remain closed!
Crime of passion, never an excuse! Reminds me of the novel "madness of a seduced woman"
Ah! What a terrible woman
Mixed emotions.
All this Zambian,kenya women...they get heart die,they can do and undo...RIP to him
so wetin she don gain?
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Shameless men every where.
Only God know what the devil pluck in the dicks of this shameless men.
See his beautiful wife still yet it will not hold his penis.
They lady did the right thing by sending him to Hell Fire to CONTINUE IMPREGNANTING BITCHES OVER THERE.
#sad indeed
Oh boi.
Lol. Laugh at Nigeria's funniest comedy skits here
Hehehehe are you serious!!!what kind of anger is that.smh
See Gbege
Wtf the way people take lives nowadays ehn!! U don't kill goat like that sef..Both of them fuck up; how do u cheat on a beautiful lady like this to the extent of having a baby outside wedlock,violence is not the best way to settle dispute..now she's going down for it👎
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Omg! She shot her husband five good times?? Too bad! Beasts everywhere!
Na me talk am!
Long Live Lib!!!
#The Kinda Thing Adultery and Fornication do...... #FLEE FORNICATION....FLEE ADULTERY.....Now the poor kids will be involved in the Mess for the rest of their life...#Lord Have Mercy!!
Why take law into your own hand. Just give him a divorce
Serious crime.
LWKM. Laugh at Nigeria's funniest pictures here
And you are sure the lady hasn't be cheating too. If it was the other way round they will ask the man to just leave thee marriage. Mtsweeeeeesssss
Hell hath no Fury.... Crime of passion sha.if she had killed the mistress and the husband same time, with a good lawyer she can go scotfree in Colorado.
Whaaat da F###ck? Just for having had a child before getting tied to her? She must get a life sentence for that. She didn't even think about their children?
Not even once but 5 times... chai
Eva Da Diva...
Now she will spend her life in jail. What is wrong with some people self?
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
I wish all those cheating husbands will end this way.good for him
Men causing confusion since 1900DC
So bad
hahahhaha...lessons for men.., you can't keep having kids everywhere and stay alive. faithfulness is the best cure.
Hian! What has the world turned into bikonu??? Linda take note!
She no sey cheat? She wan lie say she never collect another prick after this man marry am? If you check well now, you go see say one of those pikin fit no be the man blood. Well, as she take burst the man brain, make she go face the music na. The devil don use you kill person xo finish your own life join
That is what to cheater and liars.
bastard woman... the way women r killing their husbands nowadays... God help us
Matthew 19:1-12 "1. When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to
the other side of the Jordan.
2. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.
3. Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?"
4. "Haven't you read," he (Jesus) replied, "that at the beginning the Creator `made them male and female,'
5. and said, `For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ?
Jesus said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)" SO THERE SISTER YOU KILL YOUR HUSBAND BECAUSE HE MARRY ANOTHER PERSON YOU ARE A WITCH AND A MURDERER AND THE MEN YOU CHEAT ON UR WIFE WITHOUT BRING THE SECOND WIFE HOME TO MEET THE SECOND WIFE YOU ARE AN ADULTERER.There is nothing like am saving her the anguish of knowing her, bring her home if you are man not half man tho.
6. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
7. "Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
8. Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.
9. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
10. The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11. Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.
12. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
In the above verses, we see that Jesus was approached with a question about whether or not it is allowed for a man to divorce his wife in Matthew 19:3. Jesus immediately referred to the Old Testament for the answer in Matthew 19:4. He referred to Adam and Eve, one man and one woman. The Old Testament does talk about the story of Adam and Eve as one husband and one wife. However, the Old Testament which Jesus had referred to in Matthew 19:3 does allow polygamy.
Moral of the story... Don't F*CK with a Bi*ch! #Chilless
Devil don use dis babe finish
Daz de worst revenge biko
Linda don't take note!
very goood
Say African women not zam or ken.
That man should be 40yrs not 30yr
If u can't remain faithful take a
Zambian women are more tender hearted than you KNOW. But all these acts is because Zambian men have being cross the line for too long and no one has ever open up to tell them off. Politicians are inpregnating school girls and the society don't condemn it openly. Now women are taking things in their hands, am not saying this is the right move, but it's their helplessness. The whole country have left them down. Zambian men are sluts.Zambian women&men committe adultery on daily basis and no morals and norms around them. He is just 30 and has already started misbehaving in his marriage by the age of 40 what would have been he case? The lady here was working making money, supporting him, the time he had no job, he got a job, she got pregnant,he started messing around. the child with the other lady is just months apart from her own. I can imagine the apin she was in. I know how I felt, my ex.destroyed me financially, because I had to foot bills he cause and after I ended the relationship,he had the nerve to rent a new house and move in with a new woman,after he made me lose my home, my money. I would have done the worse things to him, but I had people around me, who gave me courage to move on and face my struggles. End of the story he is with her busy fighting each other. I have never a helpless and cold relationship like their before. They might kill each other soon.
Zambia is messed up!!
Both are terrible. I knew this guy from Facebook, he was a first degree whore, since he was working for a bank, he thought had a free pass. He used to comment really carelessly under female pictures even me an outsider could see he has no morals and I felt hurt for the WIFE at times!!
This galore girl, it is certain that you are mentality retarded and should not go near anything called marriage cos u will Mk ur husband kill u. U are indeed an evil person, change for ur own good
Like u foolish women wud always say, still dint deserve to be murdered...tufiakwa women, I spit on u people...hypocritical bigots
U are indeed Gods own child...freeborn is what the name implies, born trowey but ur mama wey trowey forget add ur brain as she trowey u
U are very stupid...ronkes husband should go free too
Retard, that is what you are
It's a situation of dispair that I live in a society where a man gets killed by his partner and women support it, A women gets beaten by her partner and all women are quick to rush in here to show their hate. Well, do i care? no. I see us building a society that would be based on hate since human empathy seems to be taking a back seat.
Na was oh! A whole Boason, senior journalist reporting in 'tattered' English ....
You just spat on your mother and sister too.....devil anonymous
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