147 students massacred in Kenya. Where's the outrage from world leaders? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 3 April 2015

147 students massacred in Kenya. Where's the outrage from world leaders?

Early yesterday morning, 147 students in a Kenyan university were massacred by Somali terrorists, a day later, the world has moved on from the story. African lives matter too!



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Unknown said...

Oooooooooooooohh!!!!! What kind of thing is this? This is way too much....

That Function Gurl said...

God take Control! Rip.....

Unknown said...

This is not fair.
They don't value the lives of africans.
Assuming this happened in europe or america,
this news will stay for months.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

My goodness, no religion will encourage dis barbaric act,we are all one,this beast ar up to no good, world leaders should take fast action cus dis is not funny,we all ar not safe o

Davido's driver said...

Oh nooooo.. Lord hav mercy. Lindaobsv

Davido's driver said...

Oh nooooo.. Lord hav mercy. Lindaobsv

Anonymous said...

My Lord and my God...

Davido's driver said...

Smh too bad we are minors

Unknown said...

This is not fair now.
They don't value the lives of africans.
Assuming this happened in europe or america,
this news will stay for months.

eka said...

so sad
but d bitter truth,
d earlier we realize that except
we africans are united in our problems; we shall never grow as a continent,
cos outside help only comes when its beneficial 2 them....

Anonymous said...


Elixir said...


Anonymous said...

O my God. This is really sad. May their souls rest in peace. Amen.

Unknown said...

How do we expect outsiders to come and solve our problems for us when we are electing terrorist godfathers like buhari as a president. We should learn to reject evil by our self.

Damilola said...

I agree. If this had happened in the US, Europe or even Canada there would have bn uproar an definitely more coverage smh

Unknown said...

There is God ooooo

Unknown said...

God what is this world turning into..... R.I.P

Unknown said...

So unfortunate nothing has been said from the world leaders about the massacre in Kenya and it's a true reflection that Africa as a continent has no priority in their plans. I feel its time Africa as a continent come together and tackle their issues, cos waiting for the world leader is like waiting till eternity.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I swear, I was surprised not to hear anything about them today.. How pathetic!!! Cos they ain't popular?? Lord help your children.

Anonymous said...

As true as this is, the sad thing is that we as Africans don't even care for ourselves. Before the whole world stands up for us lets stand up for ourselves. The Charlie hebdo match started in France before other countries joined them, so let kenya and other african nations unite as one and show that we care about each other. It's not always about looking for sympathy from Europe or USA.

Anonymous said...

Islam should be abolished!

Anonymous said...

Thank God this didn't happen in Nigeria

linda said...

150 pple were killed when Germany wings plane crashed...where was the outrage from african leaders. Our world with its issues doesn't revolve around westerners wo dnt give a fig bout us, the sooner we realise dat...d better for us. Let's stop being bloody parasites n solve our own problems ALONE!

jj2 said...

Im Kenyan and just viewing these pictures for the first time..im sick to my stomach.This attack comes less than 24hours after our president rubbished the travel advisory given by the British government over an imminent attack..and hours after the attack?one of the governments PR team tweets that well 147 dies but atleast we saves 500....500 saved themselves!when will this goverment get it?when?when one of their own is killed?but wait the president's nephew was killed during the westgate terrorist attack..what more will trigger these African leaders to act?im in pain RIP youth..half if not all 2nd year students wiped out in one attack too painful

Anonymous said...

How many were these fuckers anyway? The students should have fought back. The bastards were going to kill dem in any case. This is just too bad. World leaders have been trying to depopulate Africa for a while now. No one knows what exactly Obama told Jonathan in that closed door meeting they had in July, before the independence day blast. That's why I'm not too convinced that Jonathan doesn't know about boko haram. The All Seeing will reward sha. May their souls RIP.

linda said...

150 pple were killed when Germany wings plane crashed...where was the outrage from african leaders. Our world with its issues doesn't revolve around westerners wo dnt give a fig bout us, the sooner we realise dat...d better for us. Let's stop being bloody parasites n solve our own problems ALONE!

Anonymous said...

Islam should be abolished!

jj2 said...

im Kenyan and just viewing these pictures for the first time..im sick to my stomach.This attack comes less than 24hours after our president rubbished the travel advisory given by the British government over an imminent attack..and hours after the attack?one of the governments PR team tweets that well 147 dies but at least we saves 500....500 saved themselves!when will this government get it?when?when one of their own is killed?but wait the president's nephew was killed during the west-gate terrorist attack..what more will trigger these African leaders to act?im in pain RIP youth..half if not all 2nd year students wiped out in one attack too painful

Unknown said...

what's funny linda? you put "lol" at the end of the thing you wrote under the picture.. you think black lives don't matter??? sigh!

Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage from Africans? Europeans lives matter to European, ditto American lives. How come we haven't heard from AU, Nigeria, Ghana, South African, Senegal, etc. How come pple of Lagos/Abuja, Jo'burg haven't been laying flowers and memorial in from of the respective Kenya embassies. Why haven't African American been quiet, busy listening to rap? Must we wait for Americans to lead the mourning processions before we even morn our own? Shame on us all! Stop blaming Caucasians.

choice said...

*crying* omg whyyyyyyyyyyyy rippppppppppppppppppppp

Anonymous said...

Our leaders are weak. East Africa has been letting these Somalians off the hook. Massacre and empty the whole country if they don't want civilisation

Eze said...

JESUS JESUS JESUS....... are these really ppls children, God pls where are u, we need u now more than ever.......terrorist... Islam it shall never be well with u guys forever

Eze said...

JESUS JESUS JESUS....... are these really ppls children, God pls where are u, we need u now more than ever.......terrorist... Islam it shall never be well with u guys forever

Unknown said...

I gex the whites still regard Africans as lesser humans. They see us as being inferior to them. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!


May their souls continue to rest in peace.
Nobody can treat you better than you, the earlier we start tackling our problems without waiting for sympathy from others the better for us.


Unknown said...

I gex the whites still regard Africans as lesser humans. They see us as being inferior to them. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis was exactly wat I said wen d massacre was going on yesterday!CNN and skynews barely showed it!shame on d western world.

Unknown said...

I gex the whites still regard Africans as lesser humans. They see us as being inferior to them. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I gex the whites still regard Africans as lesser humans. They see us as being inferior to them. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Rip to d dead.All these islamic group springing up from different country, may God help us.

Unknown said...

Jesus! Watz dis? OmG!!!



Chai!!!! What Islamic sects are doing 2 humans???? The sort of pain dis religious fanatics are causing??? The suffering, only God knows.....back 2 d matter, the world stood 4 charlieHedbo but not 4 Africans, of course we mean nothing 2 them, but we will prove dem wrong!!!! Africans Arise.....may d souls of dis innocent students rest in peace!

Unknown said...

How do anyone expect the world to show outrage over the killing of 147 innocent kenyas when the didn't show outrage when Buhari Incited the massacre of innocent nigerians in 2011 by his northern muslim hausa fulani brothers

Zizi said...

God of mercy

osaro said...

May God have mercy!

Debbie Chelsea said...

Too sad

Anonymous said...

Stay there and be waiting for Obama and co. Don't solve your problem. Stupid Africans

Unknown said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Na wa o

Alexis said...

What do they expect the 'world leaders' to do? Come out and march? If they do that for every massacre, would that really solve the problem? And can't we help ourselves? Must we ask for help from the western world?

Anonymous said...

This is horrendous. Cnt Bluv wah am seeing. God take the wheel

Anonymous said...

This is horrendous. Cnt Bluv wah am seeing. God take the wheel

lucybings amebo said...

Yes I totally agree nt jst because am African but because this ought 2 be d issue dt shld be given immediate attention.

Unknown said...

That's so unfair and very sad

Unknown said...

God? Dis is just too much, may deir soul rest in peace


Linda, let's just kip prayin

Ethel said...

The height of racism! Yes I said it racism......what sort of wickedness is this? What did this poor students do to them n Obama is even quiet......Rubbish Africa is time we start standing up for some issues @least it will show dos white skin peeps dat we value our own as well.

yabsy said...

So saaad. Where are the world leaders? They are truly carrying on like this is just a normal occurrence, everyday thing.

Unknown said...

What is dis world turning to?

Onomiroro Dono Okeh said...

May the Lord preserve us each day in Jesus name (Amen) and you're right Linda. We do matter. Its the easter season; Think His Love or Sink in Sin. Kindly click www.thepinkjournalng.blogspot.com.

Anonymous said...

Somalia should be wiped out

Unknown said...

I think it will be better captured as 'where is the outrage from (the Retarded) African Leaders?
If we don't love ourselves, who will love us?

linda said...

What a gory sight! So its nt only bokoharam dat kills their fellow Muslims...Some students were in d mosque and were killed too.

Unknown said...

This is cruel and Inhumane.However I don't think world leaders tend to give more concern to whatever tragedy that happens in Africa except where their personal and commercial interests would be compromised.I must say african problems is for Africans to solve not world leaders.

Anonymous said...

God have mercy...this is too much

Anonymous said...

Oh God!

Nky said...

Innocent lives, Lord have mercy

Anonymous said...

Dis is too much......#sobs#

Unknown said...

Funny how People commit various sort of atrocities and hide under d disguise of Religion.....
#So sad.. All will b well....

Anonymous said...

There is no oil in kenya

Anonymous said...

So so so sad.....#sobs#

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Anonymous said...

Did i just shed tears?!! my God aret those human beings killed?!! While muslims say terrorists are not muslims, it is pertinent that most of the beliefs/principles of the terrorists are based on the muslim faith. World leaders together with world muslim clerics should put up a united message and keep this message going until it becomes like a doctrine to stop these mad religious beliefs. i feel for these souls. I'm biterred # iamGarrissa

Unknown said...

That's why we have to tell ourselves the truth. We don't matter to them.

Anonymous said...

It is so disheartening that such a thing will happen in Africa and the world will just keep mute...Well, RIP to the students

Chy said...

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh lord biko Pls come down from heaven.

omaojo said...

My heart is bleeding. My God my God!

Ntyshana said...

Jezzzz..God have mercy,this is so sad.

Anonymous said...

Let's be realistic here: first of all how many African leaders stood up and boldly showed their grief for the Kenya massacre! We have to firstly move together first before the World leaders can notice us. When you talk about the #CharlieHebdo incident it was a matter of the European leaders and no African leader marched so let's embrace our problems as our own first then the impact will show around the world.

Mzz_Mary said...

Too bad
May their souls rest in peace

sd said...

Linda Ikeji, please do the responsible and respectable thing and do not show pictures like this - or pictures of accident victims in Nigeria and so on. It is about respect for the deceased and their families.

Anonymous said...

God be with us

Anonymous said...

VERUlE says-gud one .nawa killin innocent ppl.

uwa said...


Of course they don't really care about us !
Had it been that one or two of their own was among the dead , CNN and co will be screaming BREAKING NEWS EVERY 10 FUCKING MINUTE .
They'll be reporting the victims last meal or phone calls the victims made, their family members being interviewed .
But no, they have no story now .

sd said...

Linda Ikeji, please do the responsible and respectable thing and do not show pictures like this - or pictures of accident victims in Nigeria and so on. It is about respect for the deceased and their families.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, did this really happen.
how can people be so heartless?

Unknown said...

Wat is this?

Anonymous said...

Show me a Muslim and I will show you the satan

Unknown said...

Oh my God have mercy. whichever social or religion ideology that gives you the licence to kill human-being like you just cos they belong to ur sch of thought is basically devilish.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I am crying. What is ds world turning to? Where do we go from here? If children can be killed and no one gives a fuck!!!! Ds is sooo heart breaking. GOD Help us.

Unknown said...

All man for themselves. African leaders have not shown love for themselves nor for their people, so why will world leaders do so?

If you check the pictures from the previous world leaders match, how many black leader did you see there?

Good you said world leaders, because at the time of my writing No African country is a world country.


Anonymous said...

You don't feel it, do you? They are all sleeping aren't they? and some one killed them in the name of RELIGION and you still take part in Religion.
Far be it from me that I shall ever enter a mosque again except to preach against Prophet Muhammed for preaching violence and hatred against Fellow Man.

Coco Arielle said...

Linda, the rest of the world don't care about what happens in Africa and that's d sad truth . God deliver us from these animals !

Unknown said...

Sooooooo true were are d world leaders, our lives means nutin 2 dem Obama dts ur root wat are u doing na kia ds is so unfair.

Zamani said...

But if its one of their own, they will bug us on CNN able it forever


Anonymous said...

Without Islam the world would have been a peaceful place. Oya Uhuru Kenyata resign and let Buhari take over.

Corruption led to the death of these students mtchewww. APC jagoon!

Anonymous said...

Show me a Muslim and I will show you the satan

Unknown said...

Jesus wow

Unknown said...

Holy jesus

Unknown said...

Oh my God....

Mr 47 said...

Oh my! May their soul rest in perfect peace n find a way to the halls of their fathers :(


The world is Not saying anytin or exaggerating the number because it is Not Nigeria. 19 girls were kidnapped here they said it is 219, 140 died in Bama they said it is 2000. All to paint GEJ in bad light. Well you guys can kiss GEJ's black ass. He has shown d world that he is not a power monger and values peace in his country.

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

Oh my God. I'm in tears. This is too much.

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

Oh my God. I'm in tears. This is too much. May thei souls rest in peace. The families of these people will be in mourning. Chai! So sad!

Unknown said...

What a great loss! May God rest their souls and console their loved ones....

Obiora jamal said...

This is getting out of hand seriously Charlie Hebdo issue wasnt treated with kids gloves .why is it brushed aside like is nothing?

Unknown said...

Wow.... This is so sad.

Anonymous said...

And it took you 24 hrs too,.......so,does it matter to you?

Anonymous said...

This is most tragic.

Unknown said...

What is this world turning too..what a sad story

RIP to the departed soul..


Unknown said...

It pains me sooo much how the international media inflate news about Europe, Arab and America.
We didn't hear word for complete 2weeks abt the Charlie Hebdo Magazine killings.
An "insane" copilot crashed a plane that killed everyone on board...though it was pathetic, but the too much emphasis on it made it boring...even at that, in far away Nigeria....a crucial election was being held, international media acted as if we r so invisible.
And now, the Kenya Attack, CNN is busy headlining abt Iran nuclear deal and women planning to bomb New York with amateur devices...

Since they dont care wen tragedy befalls us....i seriously think is time to stop giving a damn abt anything tragic dat befalls them.

Thru their "international media" they force us to internalize their story....they hardly show us our story, and wen they do...its in flashes

Wish Africa medias has wide coverage like the. western media

Unknown said...

God have mercy on us oo

Anonymous said...

This is most tragic.

Anonymous said...

There is No outrage because president Uhuru dismissed the intelligence report he was give by the UK....they told him of an impeding attack he ignored and said the information from the west and UK is "UNTRUE"!....so why would ppeople be outragef??they r sad but they told him.

Unknown said...

Its reall pathetic.. The lives of blacks doesn't matter... May the souls of the innocent rest in peace. All they wanted was quality university education

Unknown said...

America and the rest will claim deaf ears because it happened in africa but God dey #africamatterstoo!!!

Unknown said...

America and the rest will claim deaf ears because it happened in africa but God dey #africamatterstoo!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion on how to put an end to Islamic insurgency. Quran needs to be rewritten to take out all those controversial areas that these fundamentalists are quoting to justify their evil acts. When that is done, all the Muslim faithful, including myself, should be mandated to discard the old Quaran and embrace the new one. There are some areas in the Quran that have become unjustifiable in this modern age, especially the part that made our Prophet(peace be upon him) to look like he was a pedophile. This is my personal view and I am sure I speak the mind of majority of my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

We should not wait for anyone to make an outrage on our behalf. We should make our own outrage!!! We can make the world bear us.
The world stood with us during the Chinook girls incident, what good was that? The girls are still missing ! So it is not really about African lives. We have to make our own way and stop waiting for the world to make a way for us!

Unknown said...

Would d world leaders outrage bring d live of those people back?

i thinks its time we africans start to solve our own problem by ourselves

|| SEGZIE ||

Anonymous said...

Wickedness in high places

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Queen Tea said...

In tears. Let the consuming fire of God, come down upon those that are responsible. RIP all

ogeee said...

God ll judge d killers, chai see wasted lives

Anonymous said...

...oh my God, this other picture is gruesome. Rest in peace to the dead

Beauty Fables said...

African Lives matter...yes! But we all have to stop seeing ourselves as victims all the time....
Then we can grow onward

Unknown said...

OMG! Dis is tragic, and heartbreaking. I wonder where d world is heading to. When less than ten were killed in Paris, d killers were hunted, and. Killed. In fact d world stood still with their marChing across d streets of Francis.

D case is absolutely different in Africa, where lives of d citizens doesn't really matter if not y d silence frm our African leaders concerning dis ugly acts in Kenya?

God help, and save us frm tragic deaths.

OLIMA said...


Anonymous said...

Nawa o!this is wrong .may God save us in this wicked world

Unknown said...

It will not be well with those terrorists.

kings computers limited said...

If the world leaders won't stand up let the African leaders do so.

PamRocky said...

hmm!!! May all their souls RIPP in d Lord.Amen

Unknown said...

Something need to be done about these cruelty

Unknown said...

Something need to be done about these cruelty

Anonymous said...

This is terrible

Unknown said...

So pathetic, RIP students

Unknown said...

So pathetic, RIP students

Anonymous said...

We act like our lives don't matter, where are the African presidents shouting out, must the US and UK leaders speak out first?

Anonymous said...

MAY the GOOD LORD in HIS infinite grant them eternal rest.... this is SAD.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, this is cowardice. They were obviously asked to lie down and then shot. News flash, u serve a god not God if u do this.

Unknown said...

May their souls rest in perfect peace,I weep,lord have mercy,

Unknown said...

Oh God we need your help!

Unknown said...


godsp said...

Hmmmmmmmm...this not right.. Wickedness

GLO IS THE BEST NETWORK... I glo with pride

Unknown said...

Lord Jesus..This is sad

Unknown said...

OMG so sad

Musediq said...

This is just so sad!

nora said...

RIP.. so sad.

Anonymous said...

Blood of Jesus, may their souls rest in perfect peace

Unknown said...

OMG !!!!

Anonymous said...

Western leader don't care about Africa, they only care for how Africa can be used to better their own countries . Africa wake up! Hope Buhari will be smart.

Unknown said...

Now our foolish African terrorist knw dat African's lives don't matter, dey shuld try to stop making names, we're is just a small crowd dat cares abt dere evil ways.

Jules said...

God please have compassion on the innocent!

Unknown said...

My heart weeps, so much wickedness....

Aunty gwegzzz.... said...


moeajet said...

Why Why Why....the people who committed this such of gruesome and horrific act are wicked, heartless, inconsiderate and God will surely fight on behalf of these innocent souls. This is very sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is sad. Very heart breaking

Anonymous said...

Abeg! African leaders should stand up for themselves. You should ask where's the outrage from African leaders?

JaCkSoN said...

So horrific and provocative!
God please accept thr poor souls.
Why this kinda evil??

Jeni_zee said...

Lord have mercy !!

Anonymous said...

Which kind stupid question is that? Where's the outrage from Kenyans...or those Nigerians that were forming je suis Charlie hebdo?

dudette said...


Anonymous said...

It seems like we don't realize that it is the responsibility of a state government to protect the lives of its citizens. others begin to give value to what you show you give value for. we must therefore show to the world that we value our people's lives.

Unknown said...

Ofcourse they do, so sad all we get are news tickers and scrolls!

Unknown said...

Sooooooo true were are d world leaders, our lives means nutin 2 dem Obama dts ur root wat are u doing na kia ds is so unfair.

7F098C19 said...

Jesus.... Engr Emy

Goaldyn Boy said...

Chei! Look at the innocent lives these islamic beasts wasted! I'm terrified! It is not today that we knew that the white people are hypocrites and doesn't care about we africans! But what about our African leaders? How many them have shown concern?!!!

Unknown said...

U had better shut that ur dirty mouth. U are such an ass with no brain, ur just as foolish as ur name. Idiot. Do u know u are directly calling Buhari a Terrorist? Linda, u should not have published this foolish idiots message. This guy is a very stupid. Be careful of what u say. Ofe.

Unknown said...

Oh my God! This is wickedness of the highest degree.

bimpe said...

Don't think so! Shld be showing Kim kardashians pictures? While d world is dying? How wil people know wht is happening and take necessary steps?

Anonymous said...

Those clamoring that the west are silent. If they opt to intervene same people would be the ones shouting that the west are melding in our affair. Please you can't expect an outsider to clean your house for you. If we Africans don't stand to denounce all these barbaric act don't expected anyone doing it for you.

Alexis said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ode! Hw does dis one concern buhari now. Dey said kenya not ikeja olodo

Anonymous said...

This got me thinking so deep....I swear

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People like you are the problem, see how you spell guess

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your name is affecting your brain. Such a really sick fool

Anonymous said...

Shut up. Yeye fool. What has the price of tea in your village got to do with this? Get over it. Buhari kicked Jona's ass. Get over it. You think killing people is only done physically? You know how many people have died on roads jona did not fix, how many people died for lack of hospitals or adequate equipment, how many people go hungry all due to looted funds. Paying terrorists oil money under the guise of amnesty. If you ask me jona killed those Kenyan students by paying terrorist blowing pipelines. So shut your uneducated mouth.

ary said...

Look at this!!! Just look at what some idiots do in the name of 'god'! What god sanctions you to kill his creations like poultry?! What god tells you it is right to kill a fellow human and expect virgins in return? What type of god rewards cowardice, bullying and massacre?! A stupid god I tell you!!!! This is the handiwork of the devil and he is the only god that approves of this. And if anyone thinks this is okay, then he/she is a demon!!!!

frank said...

Jesus christ

Mufliat said...

Ya Allah please have mercy on us. This is too much,heal †he hrts of their families and forgive †he dead. #Hajia Mufliat

oghenemine Esther said...

Oh God it's well,pple are sooo wicked, rest in peace dear ones

Unknown said...

This is really sad and frightening.
My question is, what solidarity has Africans shown to one another?

Unknown said...

Best comment ever madeth

Unknown said...

WaAay too much! Allah pls

Fiyin said...

Oh Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

Purge Anarchy! If you have seen this movie then you might want to agree with me that some of the world's billionaires and leaders might have a hand in this, in terms of sponsoring this terrorist group. To them, its just a system to reduce the worlds ever growing population because they believe the burdens of the poor falls on them. Just saying!

Unknown said...

GOD please take control.

Anonymous said...

You are brain dead!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this comment

Anonymous said...

Too busy with the middle East....thats where their sympathies lie

Unknown said...

Hmmmm,even at that CNN will call this religion the fastest growing religion.......it sucks.....rubbish how can....the mistake of Abraham is what we all stand to face Today....a religion that kills freely....without succor abeg kill this religion before it kills all of us.

Rybson said...

This is purely man inhumanity to man

Rybson said...

This is purely man inhumanity to man

Anonymous said...

ooo jeez,,,this pple are heartless

Anonymous said...

U are also a problem, must u comment. Go get a life

Anonymous said...

Until Africans learn how.to fight back,realise that every life counts,draw out laws that protects its citizens even outside its border,the massacre will continue.Its abt the system,the people do what they do bkos they knw that your leaders will do nothing and sadly they are right.

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