A married
Premier League footballer who already has three children by his wife and
mistress has just taken a second bride in his native Cote'Ivoire. (pictured with second wife, Doukrou Laeticia )
Tiote, 28, who earns £45,000 a week playing for Newcastle United,
reportedly wed Laeticia Doukrou in a traditional ceremony earlier this
month, saying taking another wife was 'nothing unusual' given he is a
news of the second wedding came as a surprise to his first wife, Madah,
25, who is said to have only found out about it on Facebook. Madah,
who lives with Tiote and their two children in a £1.5m house in a
village outside Newcastle, reportedly fainted with shock when she saw
the photographs of her husband marrying another woman.
Meanwhile the midfielder also has a one-year-old child with mistress, 33-year-old Zimbabwean Nkosiphile Mpofu, known as Nikki. (pictured above)
His agent today confirmed reports he had got married for a second time.
Jean Musampa said: 'I can say that he did get married and that it is his second marriage. This is nothing unusual. He is a Muslim.'
footballer, who can have four wives under Islamic law, is also said to
have insisted to friends that having several partners is commonplace in
his native Ivory Coast.
A source told The Sun: 'He doesn't see a problem with having two wives. It's
perfectly acceptable in his culture. He doesn't see he has done
anything wrong and doesn't know what the fuss is all about.'
But his first wife, Madah, is said to have felt rather differently.
According to Ivorian news website iMatin, Madah wasn't aware of her husband taking a second wife, and found out about it through social media.
reported that she fainted when she saw the photos of her husband
marrying another woman - whose name she did not know - on Facebook.

The first
Mrs Tiote (pictured above with the footballer) is now said to have forgiven her husband, but his 33-year-old
Zimbabwean mistress, Ms Mpofu, is believed to have recently ended her
three-year affair with the footballer after he allegedly promised to
make her his wife.
she was said to have been 'comfortable' with his being married, she
apparently decided to call the relationship off because he 'used me like
a mop'.
Mpofu was pictured earlier this week leaving a Waitrose store in the
village where Tiote lives with his family, with her son by the
footballer, Rafael.
Newcastle United was not available for comment.
Tiote received interest from Lokomotiv Moscow during the summer and was thought to be keen on a move to Russia.
He remained on Tyneside after Lokomotiv failed to make an acceptable offer, but his contract is set to expire in 2016.
Culled from UK Daily Mail...
Men are wicked and heartless, may God deliver them all.
Foolish boy,how many wives is drogba married to?
nawa oh......y cnt u stick to ur 1st wife.u tink u hv gotin so much money
.bluejenny78@gmail.com 1st to comment
Eyah! What a pity. Remember ut should be one man Vs one woman..that's God's will. Gen 2:18-19. BishopDammy#
Urgh, he looks like a reptilian beast tho. And look at his trousers falling off his arse...just wrong on so many levels.
Tiote,the rugged footballer.. Never know that u are rugged outside football pitch... Especially his dick ... Ride on guy!
Sharp guy...hehehe....ogbuagu_micheal@yahoo.com
Men they can never be trusted, my dear just face ur children.
dis guy is a funny dude o,he wnt taste another microphone....black a** ni**a
Why fainting? I hope she gets well soon.
Why fainting? I hope she gets well soon.
Funny dude
It okay mr solomon but you need more wives and mistresses
Serious wahala.
And what's the problem? Men like this never lie to women that they are the only one. Probably thought she would change him, come dey complain for town. Sorry for yourself
Jess...wht was he thking without letting the wife knw of his decision... she forgave him to quickly, , I wonder why..◆◆mcheeew
its his culture, make una free am jor.. But why him son name be Rafeal?
This one na real gobe. helenmissy27@gmail.com
He obviously wants to enjoy his life and he thinks having several wife's is the best way to go about it......All the best Mr Black
I wonder why he likes ugly unnatural looking women.
Hmmmmm......Tiote of life
the guy ugly sha but that ass is sexy. c'mon gay muslims on lib. comment
Ugly thing
Hehehehe funny Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºo
Say wat
See gobe
That guy is as ugly as an ape.,Women and money sha,Anyway he felt he is earning enough so he can handle two women,Goodluck to the ugly Niga!
More woman, more wahala! But d guy grab ooo upon all dis uglyness
Very good, nice one, pls keep it up,,, Muslim my foot...
see his dirty face.... stupid animal.....very disgusting..... girls sha.....they can marry anything because of money.......
........Amie say so.....
Pls like my frnd's pic. Tnx. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365578766930815&id=128133707341990&set=a.365578373597521.1073741827.128133707341990&refid=13
Very good, nice one, pls keep it up...Muslim my foot. Linda pls post my comment ooo ifeoluwaajagba789@gmail.com
Rubbish his skin is so dirty..rose.powell80@yahoo.com
I will NEVER in my life feel sorry for women who throw themselves at rich guys, only to be jilted. Cheick Tiote ride on joor. In Fact marry 7 more join. looooool
Ok mke I knw tlk cos lyk he said he is comfortable wth 2 wives...Wsh him wat he wshies him sef..
Hmmm nawa.and he couldn't even tell his wife.this reminds me of a novel I read "so long a letter"
Men!! He shoulda told her
Afolabi Tosyne's blog
I wonder wat dey even see in him
Look at the burnt buns looking nigga that is carrying three women. Money sweet!
Two is not enough!!!
linda pls add more 10 set in ur giveaway price, making it #500,000. We are more 30,000 persons dat commented. chai! I type tire dat day.please compensate more persons. Atleast d 500th person, 1000th person,2000 etc. Please....thanks.
Guess his feeling on top of the world now
Tiote u are a boss..d mistress looks good..see chest..Luv her already..........................#KingOfKings
Dis guy is so fucked! I cant question him for marryin a secnd wife but its very unfair of him to av let his first wife find out in in dat manner
Culture & religion has means of excuse
Randy idiot.....the man has no respect for women......if am the first wife I will make all the money I can get and look for a boyfriend on the side....even if he finds out I will have enough to walk away too.....even Islam says the wife at home must be informed before u take a new wife but the stupid African man who thinks he is god will do otherwise......na the women in lame sef.....randy dog
O juru njo e ji apu court.....d guy wowo die!!! Make him marry more nah
U stupid fckstard xtians, hw many wife's did ur ancestors have.....way before xtianity nd Islam came around? 90% of dem had more dan 1 wife. So it's nt jst Islam dt allows 4 wifes, our culture does. Buh u fckers are blinded by western culture. Even d bible neva said marry only one wife literally. Most prophets in d bible had more dan 1 wife...so don't jst acuse Islam, it's d way god created men
Nd yes am a xtian
so bad
He's not finish yet until he makes it four, the bloke like things under...!
Who cares
In other words. money talks. It can make your wife forgive you immediately after cheating on her, marrying another woman, and having a child from an extra marital affair. :D
You are an ibiot
@anonymous. No u are not a Christian, u are a pagan. Being a Christian means 'following Christ and His teaching'. A Christian does not use swear words and does not mix the Christian Faith and ancestry(tradition). Please start to study the bible and pay attention to the New Testament. God bless u as u do so.
Women are for sale. Shikena!
Tanx 4 wat??? Hustler
Ok, anon 10:27pm, have you taking your meds today? Who said anything about Islam now that you're barking like a dog? You better crawl back into the forsaken hole you crawled out from if you don't know how to behave like civilized people!
Do you know wether that's what she's doing? See how quickly she forgave him
More reason why women see themselves as competitors.
So whats the problem? Abraham had many wives and he is at the right hand of God.
If he truly respected his 1st wife he would have told her no matter what. Men and their decision attimes sha. The 1st wife should better wake up and face her life #onelovefromSnow#
Lord have mercy!
Its so irresponsible n disrespectful of him not to inform his wife.
Dis is crazy..phillipjensen42@gmail
Many muslim may look pius and good but they are great pretenders. Islam is evil and is not compatible with life. The only peace associated with Islam is the peace that comes after killing others. Devilish people are happy when non-muslims are killed.
What sort of peaceful religion would encourage bloodshedding in the name of serving a powerless, wicked god?
Islam promotes intolerance, hatred, and discrimination.
This is a religion that a mere cartoon of their paedophilic prophet sparked a worldwide revolt and wanton destruction of lives all over the world, including Nigeria. Islam is the face of evil. Created by the Devil to deceive. Islam is a spirit and a very wicked and unforgivable spirit at that.
Cowards and wicked souls, trying to deceive people that terrorist groups do not represent Islam.
Isn't it very shocking, she was not treated nicely at all. She shd have been carried along immediately he decided to take on another woman. They are together in their life journey
I'm definately watching newcastle's next match..commentator will say somtin sha
I have no pity for foolish women who throw themselves at anyman with money. They usually get treated like shit that they trully are. So tiote my broda, ride on and marry more wives.
That foot wen go paralyse very soon! Useless mofo!
This is just an excuse to act silly! It is not about religion or culture! Having a wife and a mistress and another wife that is just ludicrous! Africans just use that Islam dictate to act silly and nothing else! They abuse the sh*t outta it!!
This...is really not good...how can he not tell the first wife until she finds out on social media...how can men be this wicked to women...things women go through because ofmen is unspeakable...women pls continue to be stronge for urself......Scheisse men
Madam take heart fine boy know b for only you
Men will always be men (eleyele1@yahoo.com)
Men are wicked.He couldn't tell his wife he is getting married to the second woman?
He said men not muslims!
Read before ranting and raving!
Or maybe you did read it but your not intellectually up to par to understand!
To all you ladies out there complaining about cheating husbands,its totally uncalled for.A real Man is not meant for only one woman.Men are always randy in nature,or have you ever seen a dick staying in one position as tohtoh?And moreover,the situation after a woman "s delivery somehow leads men to cheat elsewhere,or what do you expect a man to do ,when he has been advised by the doctor not to have sex with his wife for more than 40 days after delivery due to medical condition,and you will be seeing your wife nakedness everyday without touching?Abeg my dear ladies take it easy and face your priority now,which is your children.Once a woman give birth,the children psychologically turns to her husband in the absent of the her real husband.When the time comes,the man will realize his mistakes and come back to you fully.
Abeg..free †Ñ’ξ guy jor...biko enjoy while I̶̲̥̅̊t̶̲̥̅̊ lasts...no tym
9ice qstion oooO,wondered abt d@ 2....
Oh that's pretty bad #poor gal olasamop@yahoo.com
Bt if its his ryt to marry mor dan 1 wife as a muslim, y did he keep it a secrete frm his wife?
laughing so hard when is really not funny....Muslims i think should live in another world....imagine a world without them...
U r a big bastard fool for making that comment ife ( meemee )
well his tradition permits him to do so too bad for the women in his life when there's money involved do you think some women are gonna so no to him?
yo joy can you stop saying that y'all are wicked and heartless too. so let sleeping dogs lie
Where in the original comment does Islan get mentioned? And where in the Quran does it say you can marry another wife without the first wife's knowledge/consent?
These niggas ain't loyal #whistling
You obviously do not know God Anon 10:27PM. I pity the likes of u. Blasphamer. Anyway the man is ugly. It's usually ugly guys that do shit like this when they get money cos gurls must've really dealt them some *this is kindof a stupid joke but may be true*. She got kids or I'd have said Ditch the idiot. Dnt even sue him 4 bigamy,, waste of time. ----C21
Anonymous 10:27 pm u are just extremely dumb! Wat has her comment got to do with ur reply. Notice mi oshi!
Weird guy, he should have at least inform the wife, I feel bad for the main wife but of course she'll forgive him.. hmmm some girls sha!! the dude is a fantastic footballer though
Nawa o o.
The man has only 2 wives and a mistress - who can become wife no. 3, any time. He is a Muslim and can have [and take care of] up to 5 wives, on his present economic status! That means he has vacancy for 2 more wives, including the feuding mistress! So, what the heck? As we used to say in my school days, please "allow!"
Muhammed n his culture....sha,na so women dey suffer for this cheat called polygamy.even d so called prophet wives suffers during their time,cos d man would always leave them n enter d room of a captured slave called mary de copt.he was given her more attention so...d rest of d wives out of loneliness became envious of her.selfish vews...a man cannot stand seeing his wife with another man,but he wants his wife to stand when ever he feels like sleepin with others he calls his wives.God forbid bad thing,thank God for Jesus christ who has come to destroyed d work of satan.
U bastard idiotic Muslim talking are u on cheap drugs? Goat, go and read the bible and see the consequences of their marrying many wives.....they did it did not mean God approved of it.....when Jesus came to redeem mankind he expressly said one man one woman and that was how it was in creation.......u Muslims are randy and your Islam supports that randy nature so shut your anus u call a mouth.....idiot
ItS his life...he can do waheva he wants
Heartless man. Son of a whore.
Mr, u r not a christian cos u don't even knw d Bible& from ur words u can't be a christian, a child of God can't use d f word. By d way I forgot u said it's d way god crseated men dat means u r a child of god. REPENT
U most b stupid by said Islam is devilish religion wot abt christian,some pastors use human head 4 dere spiritual power.luk 'll d christians in nigeria cn u poin out a gud christian stupid talk.
Ife u most b stupid by making dat comment ok,hve u married no useless idiot,
Poor darling, rest in peace.
Said it before and I'm saying it again, men you'd better keep your Cassava in your pants.
So where is he now to Enjoy his money and women as you'd previously advised? Clearly, he destroyed himself and now who's gonna look after his women and mostly especially my heart goes out to his poor children. I have no sympathy for him though.
My sister once told me "You make your bed, you lay in it ALONE!
So where is he now to Enjoy his money and women as you'd previously advised? Clearly, he destroyed himself and now who's gonna look after his women and (most especially) my heart goes out to his poor children. I have no sympathy for him though.
My sister once told me "You make your bed, you lay in it ALONE!
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