End-of-year LIB Giveaway continues! Win 2 Blackberry Passports | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 15 December 2014

End-of-year LIB Giveaway continues! Win 2 Blackberry Passports

I told y'all I will be giving away 10 Blackberry Passports courtesy Blackberry Nigeria. The phones are already in my possession...and they are worth about N150k each. I will be giving away 2 phones everyday from today Dec 15th to Friday Dec. 19th. But to win this is a little different from the random selection I do with the money giveaway. You have to work a little harder to win this...:-)

To win a phone, write a short note on what you like about Blackberry on the comment section. The guys at Blackberry Nigeria will review entries and send names of winners to me. If you win, you will meet me this weekend to collect your phone. If you don't live in Lagos, we will find a way to send the phone to you. Good luck guys...


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Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

I will win officalkaynice@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

BlackBerry is going to be a phone that can never go off the market even though other phones are trying to keep up or push it away. it comes with this awesome and exquisite experience. it gives you the Classic feel unlike any other phone. Whatever brand Blackberry does people always want to have a feel of it because they know what they are going for. A phone that is impeccable and do not need numerous adverts to make sales. BlackBerry the best of all Qualities.

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


khalan said...


Unknown said...

Thanks for this wonderful oppurtunity
Blackberry is a device that helps us today mostly in officies and homes to sort out things that we need to do online with a fast speed of internet connection good graphics , quick response to touch in terms of touch screen ones , mass mailer incase if need be ( ie you can send mass email to many number of people) personal blackberry id , very cheap and affordable to subscribe in terms of data subscription

in collection of my terms Blackberry is pHONE WHICH other companies copyrighted To make their products
Thanks so much for this chance i love blackberry phones

Dave Mide said...

I love the blackberry because of the way its designed. Before its introduction it wasnt really easy to communicate via im and get instant reply but with blackberry its easy.

Good 2 ways instant communication

Email sending and receiving in seconds

Good and stable Security

The unique pin which also makes IM secure from unwanted contact

The 10 series interface as well is a plus for me


odufua@yahoo.com said...


Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Henry Cheks said...



Master Vic said...

My physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

While my BBM is no longer a reason that keeps me a BlackBerry user I do have a new reason to remain loyal. It was sparked while reading a Forbes post about Instagram not releasing an app for the new BlackBerry. The post is titled “Instagram Delivers A Painful Blow To BlackBerry’s Software Hopes.”

The author argues that without desirable apps like Instagram BlackBerry becomes a lot less desirable. That may be true among potential BlackBerry converts but I doubt it will be a dealbreaker for existing BlackBerry users.

In essence, my reason for not switching to a smarter Smartphone (just yet) is that I’m not convinced I need one. If you’re still using a Blackberry by choice then you probably don’t care very much about Instagram or any other trendy app because you don’t care for your phone to act like a toy.

You like your phone for its…well, communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one.
That’s why I love my BB some more.



Anonymous said...

Need that BB passport linda

Adalud said...


Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

I like d browsing aspect of bb and d BBM

Anonymous said...

what I like most of blackberry is its less data consumption and it's subscription, blackberry is the best. adamuaminu65@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

The Passport is a weird looking piece of tech, yes, and the keyboard does take a bit of getting used to, but, like all new ideas, once you’ve accustomed yourself to its ways you feel right at home banging out emails, editing documents and tweeting. Good work, BlackBerry!

Henry Cheks said...



Ibukun said...

Cool... Minimum and maximum of how many words?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

First of all blackberry is my favorite phone,from bold 6 which I used to z10.i like blackberry because it is reliable, affordable,their designs are unique.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Android might be a wiz at handling social networks and e-mail,
but it is still not a patch on BlackBerry, whose hub integrates all
your messages from social networks and your mails in one screen
that is only a swipe away from your homescreen. The Facebook
and Twitter apps are made by BlackBerry and work very smoothly,
and the notification system is effective too.
Terrified of losing the data on your device or of malware? A BB
remains one of the most secure platforms around. Their CEO even
took a poke at Android's security features recently.
Visitors try the newly launched BlackBerry smartphones Z3
"Jakarta Edition" in Jakarta. Photo: AFP / Adek Berry
Web browsing
Not too many people seem to know this, but the browser on
BlackBerry OS 10 is one of the best around in mobile devices. No
worrying about Flash compatibility and the like. You will more
often than not end up getting Web pages just the way you see them
on your desktop.
Battery life
Want a reasonably powerful smartphone that can comfortably get
through a day of use with social networks and mail buzzing
merrily? All the devices in the BlackBerry Q and Z series will
deliver that.

k.c said...

Ma comment thank God. okwugbapaschal@yahoo.com

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

I love the BBM application, I love the unique Qwerty keypad, I love BB world. In a nutshell I love the way BlackBerry has transformed Social Networking especially for addicts all over the world.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I have been using a blackberry since I started using a phone. From a curve 1 to a bold 2 and then to the current phone I am using, a blackberry Q10. I like the bbm platform, which enables me to chat with my friends, even with the bbm on androids, the blackberry phone still stands out with features like the bbm channel, bbm suggested(where they suggest friends to add to your list) and so many other features only blackberry has. It sure stands out! Thanks!

Henry Cheks said...



khalan said...


Anonymous said...

BlackBerry provides wireless devices and solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. It is widely known for the development of the Blackberry smartphone.

It offers the BlackBerry wireless communications platform solution, which includes the commpression and security infrastructure services enabling BlackBerry hand-held wireless devices to send and receive wireless messages and data. It is engaged in the sale of BlackBerry hand-held devices and the provision of data communication.



-Unlimited browsing data subscription..


-Strong camera pixels

-high Broadband capacity

-specially designed apps

-reliable Operating System

-flexible 'multi-tasking'

the list is endless
above all, I love the company so much with all my heart and all my life i'v bn fantasizing about using a 'bb'..it is a pity that the dream has nt come true yet but you guys can put that smile on my face..


Unknown said...

I like EVERYTHING about blackberry. Who doesn't? From the low low internet subscription rate, to the picture quality. Too many nah. But I need it big time. Since I gave up on the money giveaway, this should get to me nah, don't you think Linda? Team #blackberry# all the way

FTUSH said...

I like the fact that blackberry is very rugged, all the blackberries i have used none has given me issues, i use them for at least 2years, i started using a samsung Phone and its been giving me serious issues and i was like OMG i miss my BB. i have already contemplating selling this samsung and adding money up to get a BB. so i hope i win. folatush@yahoo.com

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

A blackberry is a mobile smart phone .the.reason why I love it is becaus,it is the first phone with BBM and app store ...and it has a lot of unique feature

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

Blackberry is sincerely awesome, I wonder what the passport has in store 4 us. Talk2martins_2001@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

One thing I like about blackberry is the flexibility I enjoy when it comes to browsing. You don't have to start switching off your data network all in the name of trying to conserve data. I read sometimes that the same page you can open on another device for 250KB can also be opened on Blackberry for 50KB or less. This is because the data sent are first sent to the RIM server which compresses it before it is opened on your blackberry device, all within a twinkle of an eye. Adeleye Olaoluwa olaoluwa.emmanuel@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Abubaqar said...

The data package differenciate blackberry from other phones and I love blackberry for that.

Unknown said...

Yeah. Kennyokechukwu@gmail.com

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Unknown said...


susanadie said...

I like blackberry because is strong, has an amazing sharp and easy to use.
I like the blackberry messengers, the subscription is superb even when u leave ur data on It don't consume it unlike other phones.
am currently using blackberry phone and I will continue to use it.(adiesusan@yahoo.com)

Henry Cheks said...



Gabriel Olatunji-Legend said...

My name is Gabriel Olatunji-Legend, I run an inspirational blog which means I live daily to inspire people to achieve greatness in their different areas of life and I can confidently say that BLACKBERRY has aided me in the achievement of the above. The first BlackBerry I ever used was a Bold 2 and I ran my defunct blog with it. 90 percent of the times I manage my current blog using BlackBerry - I love BlackBerry for the above reasons and the following:
1. The BBM on it help me reach out to people directly.
2. I get my notifications all in one place and can respond to them there.
3. I am able to use almost every app I need on it.

Lastly, I am just biased towards BlackBerry regardless of what anyone says.

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blackberry has a unique way of making me like a rockstar. Motunrayo_2000@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

with blackberry u can do ur business from home were ever u r,emeumoh01@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Afrikanfame@gmail.com **HeavenOnEarth**

Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Tresh said...

Please remember me in ur paradise linda! Treasurechiji@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Wow I like the fact that once I buy my BlackBerry plan I can rest from buying data till like after a month.....the pinging aspect of BB had really helped me and saved me from calls as I can chat, gossip, see pictured and know what is happening around the world with my BB.......thumps up to BlackBerry!

Henry Cheks said...



k.c said...

Ma comment. Thank God. Okwugbapaschal@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

What do I like about bb? Hmm what I know is that I've been using bb curve since 5yrs now and I'm not tired of it yet. Even since android started pinging I will still not change because bb plan is way cheaper and offers me endless apps. Haven't seen any phone that can tempt me. even though bb doesn't have instagram app I will still not change.

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

i love blackberry because of its durability and the speed rate for easy Internet access and lastly i like blackberry cause it is a unique brand

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

The battery last a bit longer than other phones I have used.

know it first said...

i like the blackberry 2mp front camera.

Anonymous said...

I like blackberry Cuz is got great application and very easy to access unlike other phones and of course everybody loves blackberry and bbm


Anonymous said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Blackberry, particularly Blackberry passport, has the best Camera and picture quality I have seen yet... It defines prestige... and I love it for these things

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


Mz steph said...


BHS said...


Anonymous said...

What do I like about bb? Hmm what I know is that I've been using bb curve since 5yrs now and I'm not tired of it yet. Even since android started pinging I will still not change because bb plan is way cheaper and offers me endless apps. Haven't seen any phone that can tempt me. even though bb doesn't have instagram app I will still not change.

Henry Cheks said...



Sophie Sunshine said...

Hello. I am a widowed mother of 3 young children. Blackberry has made it possible for me to be away from home and still remain in touch with my kids, my parents and those that help me with my kids when I'm away at work.Getting this device would UPGRADE my life tremendously. And would make me feel like hard work has paid off. I've used bb for 10 years and remain a die hard fan! calatrana33@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i have been using Blackberry for 2 years now and i have never using it.Blackberry is the best phone any one can ever use use because the product is the best!what i love most about Blackberry is its data friendly.. i have been planning op buying another phone because the BlackBerry using now is 2 years old with me and i want to get another BlackBerry will be so happy to get this because blackberry is my favorite phone!



khalan said...


Henry Cheks said...




Needless to say blackberry smartphones are portable and classy.. :D

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Mz steph said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...


know it first said...

i like the blackberry 2mp front camera.

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



ujunwa said...

The Passport is unquestionably the most powerful BlackBerry ever made.

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Anonymous said...

Blackberry's Security feature is second to non, especially with the not so pleasant experiences of leaked photos. This hasn't happened yet and I'm sure it won't with Blackberry. So I'm so having peace of mind that my privacy is really private while using my Blackberry 9720.



Annie said...

Why i like Blackberry? With blackberry i do no miss my folks and friends as much as expected, 24/7 we are connected, i am also connected to the world 24/7 via blackberry, i have 24/7 access to the internet, at a go i can share pictures with family and friends, Blackberry is the way to go because it keeps me(people) abreast of happening around the globe and keeps family and friends close even when they are seas apart!

Oh, less i forget, with Blackberry i can work from any where, respond to my emails instantly, share data with a laptop to complete task i cannot carry out on mobile phone, that is one reason i want a blackberry passport, it will sure make my life a lot easier, blackberry, the sure way to go!

Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I like blackberry because they are sleek, user friendly. They help me get across to my friends & business contacts in the cheapest way via my BBM. They have easy downloadable applications and battery life is relatively ok.They are affordable and can meet varying budgets. They are constantly evolving; They are one of the best in the market producing very good softwares and the very best in terms of affordable smart phones that i really like. I would need an upgrade from my BB10. kindly pick me, a loyal blackberry user. funigwe@yahoo.co.uk

Mz steph said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

8. If you drop a BlackBerry, it won’t crack and subsequently
deposit glass into your cheek every time you call someone.

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Anonymous said...

Tpsamuel14@yahoo.com aunt linda pls I need dat fone ve suffered enough tank u ma

Mab said...

a Blackberry phone totally changes the way the you communicate on a day to day basis, what i like most about BlackBerry OS 10 is completely new from the ground up. Instant interactive notifications allows you to answer a text without leaving the app that you are currently in. The lock screen is enabled to let you sneak a preview of the unread messages that you have received (can be turned off for privacy), and when you do unlock your phone by swiping from the bottom of the screen to the top you can jump into the BlackBerry Hub.
I am currently using Blackberry 9900 (bold 5) and would really appreciate an upgrade to the Blackberry Passport. thanks

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...



its not your teenager smartphone, which is kind of the point. Its the corporate tool. Fritzgerald, fifi4teens@gmail.com

bimbabby said...

i use q5 like the sharp of the phone the excel on it works fine ,the ba3 last well too.

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...


petite_chilli said...

BlackBerry!! I love a lot of things about BlackBerry 1. BBM I get to chat with friends with just a text away without worrying if where they re on d globe 2. I currently use a q10 , upgraded from Bold5 I ve d choice to swap from BBOS to android.3. I love d curves nd easy QWERTY boards, can type wit my damn eyes closed. 4. Fast Internet

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

I luv d BBM a lot, chinnyhottie@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I like and prefer to use BlackBerry because it's user friendly and it's also has better features that enables me use it to work effectively as a secretary. Thank you. liliano76@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Unknown said...

I love blackberry so much cos itz d smartest smart phone ever... Ahh sold ma andriod to buy anoda bb

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blackberry's Security feature is second to non, especially with the not so pleasant experiences of leaked photos. This hasn't happened yet and I'm sure it won't with Blackberry. So I'm so having peace of mind that my privacy is really private while using my Blackberry 9720.



OMG!WOMAN said...

Yeah hhh me

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

BlackBerry remains the best smartphone..anytime....anyday!!! Kennyokechukwu@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Cool! I love blackberry because of the more affordable unlimited data bundle subscription.

Unknown said...

I like BlackBerry because despite their downturn in the phone industry recently. the managed to improvise and came out with state of the art phone called BlackBerry passport showing that the have what it takes to be the top dog in the industry

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

I have loved blackberry phones since 2009 and what I love the most about blackberry is the keyboard because of its ease of typing , I could type an entire letter on my phone and send it as a mail without any problem or hassle and blackberry is also very good for its office feature , in short it is the phone best suited for online and internet doings ... citizen_009@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

If you drop a BlackBerry, it won’t crack and subsequently
deposit glass into your cheek every time you call someone.

Unknown said...

I love the features like BBM which allows u to chat wit people within necessarily having each others numbers so privacy also speed and affordable plans

olami said...

What I love about blackberry is the bbm and cheaper Internet subscription. BlackBerry started the bbm application. I had an andriod phone but had to go back to my blackberry because it's cheaper to maintain unlike those andriod phones that one will buy 3k subscription that will finish after 2wks. My BlackBerry is smart, easy to use, not technical, cheaper to use also and very social friendly. Peackersay@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Blackberry.... more than just a mobile phone! I am connected to the world on my blackberry, fast access to the internet, beautiful moments perfectly captured, coordinated data plan and lots more.....what more could i ask for! ooops! just remembered, a new blackberry passport!

Jay said...

I love blackberry cos d picture quality is superb and bbm subcription is d cheapest.

Dakom said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...


khalan said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Whats makes Blackberry Stands out is the security its provides its data are all encrypted, making it hard for hackers to even break the codes its like breaking into world bank....and A list america actors actress musicians all use a BB to protect there data..SImply Put Blackberry Phones are jist dam secure..

Anonymous said...

It is very easy to use compared to other phones products. The. Internet connection is very fast even at edge and 3G. I love blackberry so convenient to use.


the Banku said...

I love blackberry,especially the bb10 series because the camera quality is badass(yea,i'm a camera freak like that).i also love the aesthetic quality of blackberrys.i also love the fact that I dont need to spend a whole year's earnings to have access to the internet,it's affordable and I can do all I want on the internet.

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

Lol the hooking ability

Unknown said...

I love the features like BBM which allows u to chat wit people within necessarily having each others numbers so privacy also speed and affordable plans

Anonymous said...

What i love about blackberry is the indicator light when you get a message.

UnDecided said...

Black berry has the most awesome apps ever! Never a dull/boring moment, hanging out on BB with your friends can happen within a blink of an eye.

Anonymous said...

Abeg,linda na to fuck your fat toto be wetin i want as my own LIB giveaway.

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

Picture quality,emails on the go tailfair10@Yahoo. Com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

The most amazing thing about blackberry for me is the fact that I'm online 24/7. that makes me feel like having the world at my finger tips and the subscription is very affordable compare to other phones. The BB Channel is another amazing thing.
Blackberry ...making your social life more than interesting

Unknown said...

BlackBerry is going to be a phone that can never go off the market even though other phones are trying to keep up or push it away. it comes with this awesome and exquisite experience. it gives you the Classic feel unlike any other phone. Whatever brand Blackberry does people always want to have a feel of it because they know what they are going for. A phone that is impeccable and do not need numerous adverts to make sales. BlackBerry the best of all Qualities.

Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

Correct mama. Lindosky I gbadun u joo. God blees u. Frst 2comment


Unknown said...

im still here

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Blackberry is known for its BBM everywhere, to me this is what stands it out from other phones. It's constant software upgrade and service delivery is Def on point. Seyedon2k3@yahoo.co.uk

Ruth Pius said...

Blackberry.....one brand uniting the globe

Audrey said...

The best thing about blackberry phone is the bbm feature which other smart phones copied. Also the fact that with as little as 1000 naira one is able to get access to internet, thereby making it affordable to the masses(all income earners) unlike other smart phones.
God bless you guys and I hope am picked. audreypeters29

efosa said...

Linda 419.upon all my comments;how come i no win 1 naira?

Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...


Uti said...

Heres what I like about black berry
1.BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other!!
2. BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market.
3. There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WoW!!! I love the security system of Blackberry products and even for the singular act that their internet services are subsidized to allow middle class owners to have access to internet. I appreciate them for that. I have used BLACBERRY BOLD 1 to BOLD 5. vivienduru@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Unknown said...

The BlackBerry 10 os is undoubtedly the smoothest os so far,it hardly lags,all apps runs smoothly, my favourite function of the BlackBerry Phone is the notifications, it never goes wrong,u never miss any notification,all your social apps can also be integrated in the social hub for easy access !! These are why i love my BlackBerry

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Blackberry is simply the best. Easy to operate with many fantastic free applications in its Appworld. With the introduction of BlackBerry 10, life just got better. Unlike before, BlackBerry now run android applications. These and other functions has made BlackBerry not only a phone of choice but an household name. With BlackBerry, Life just got better.

Anonymous said...


Nochade's Blog said...

i love blackberry because it's user friendly. it's not as complicated to use unlike android products. it's data friendly, camera quality is superb. Blackerry till infinito abeg.

Unknown said...

i simply love blackberry because of the red indicator light. it seems small but it is so dear to me, i can just simply look at my phone and know if i have an alart.

Henry Cheks said...



Uti said...

Heres what I like about black berry
1.BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other!!
2. BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market.
3. There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world.

Unknown said...

The blackberry experience for me is the best because it saves cost,good for my business and I can do multiple things on my bb as I go on with my daily activities and lastly connectivity,I can connect with anyone and anywhere in the world.sandraugbala@gmail.com

Unknown said...


Henry Cheks said...



Henry Cheks said...



Anonymous said...

Well lindaway I pray I win this one, for me one of things I like blackberry for is that i can subscribe any use it to do what I want for one month and enter Linda's blog and down load for one hole month. C . Ubochi.07035538272

Unknown said...

I love blackberry phones because it is the best there is the market now. It is beautiful, affordable in terms of BIS. It has best camera in phones nd the features are all great. The speakers always sounds good nd it lasts long. Pls I want one!!

mamatee said...

blackberry is the fastest multi-tasking fun you can get in Nigeria.it is durable in terms of components (especially for we nursing mothers who download educational apps for our kids) tope4saint@gmail.con

Unknown said...


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