“We will never be able to get those girls together again. And the stories of those girls will go on for the next 30 years. Some of them will come out when they are adults or sent back when they are impregnated by their captors. If anybody is thinking of getting those girls intact, he must be daydreaming.” He told Radio France International in an interview
why sounding as if he is the one holding them
He is right
why sounding as if he is the one holding them
I agree wt u OBJ. Dey re long forgotten
He might be ugly buh what he said is pretty sensible
Seen. Hizson.gg@gmail.com
why sounding as if he is the one holding them
Reality check
Pls Oby leave us alone we had enough of u.
But is d truth he is saying. BH ll b taking turns with d girls
Or they will never rturn @ all!
What a country!
Its the bitter truth!!!
Sad bt true. I'm suspecting it's those girls dey are using for suicide bombers
We neva can tell if he probably knows bout dem
Bitter truth.
Jesus is Lord.
Dat1 na sure o...baba u talk true
That's a fact, those girl are "lost"
Baba..... you rr becoming a talkative ooo
Tru talk
na tru na
I guess so too...bcs those terrorist can be so cruel to have impregnated them all or even brainwashed most of them to go do the suicide bombing ...may God help us ..
-----LIB prince-----
No b lie o
They will.
What can one even say. The poor girls. May God be with them. Psalm 121:7-8. BishopDammy#
Blatant truth.
True.... may God help them
How did he know? OBJ should be careful with his utterance.
A Word is enough for the wise.....#Django
bfr nnko dat 1 na sure nah, stupid boko haram,,,,,,,
How will dey see pple dat were never kidnapped?? Dey shud stop fooling demselves jare!!
The truth
Gone forever
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
talking nosense...love2nicee@yahoo.com
U obviously can't read and understand...
he is right
Diz is serious
This is really disheartening. Yet, GEJ still wanna run for another 4 years. I think he's dreaming.#BringBackOurGirls GEJ
Fopr obvious reasons i agree with him.
He is ugly, quite alright, but he can feed u till u die nd never go broke,can ur handsomeness feed u?beauty and being broke is like oil and water...Ote
Bitter truth but that's the real fact #onelovefromSnow#
Na dem know
It is very possible dey mit not return. It's almost 7 months since dey were abducted
He shud leave u alone, not us,cos i don't remember him holding me
Already knew
Linda, do justice to these names listed below.
Peoples comment/ nominees on these blog is becoming nuisance. I believe all the people deserve something, it's a research from me to you. And I will keep posting these everyday until you do something about it, the fact that you picked 3 people & leave others is unfair, some names on my list might not be consistent & some might be new commenter (joined middle of these year) but they are all addicted to your blog. These are the names left behind;
1. Alloy Chikezie
2. Bonita
3. Willieminna Moses
4. Cute G
5. Bishop DAMMY
6. Shina shine
7. Kween
8. Christie Benjamin
9. Queen maya
Some of them are old & consistent, some are old but not consistent while others are new & consistent. They deserve something better like onyx Godwin, Bonario & Ed Dreamz
I rest my case......
God will intervene... We just need them back...
How did u know its bitter?u taste am?? I didn't know "truth" can be eaten ooo..educate me
It's already a known fact.The question she be "Are they still alive"?....
True tok
True tok
True tok
I agree with him. jacksoninem@yahoo.com
Mr. Chris, he's just saying the gospel truth. Any smart person knew this.
The Truth!!!
Mumu… ask google
Ye o he is right..rosepowell0@gmail.com
You dnt need a soothsayer to tell u that.
Unfortunately he's not....our so called leaders av dragged the issue for too long wit less or no positive actions. I cn't imagine An American citizen being abducted for over 200days and Obama wud kip quite and be busy with 2nd term. Take for instance 2nd term is behind the corner and people have been calling for his head over American Citizens killed outside US by the #Useless ISIS...talkless of within America
Nawah ooo...
Linda a beg I never see my money oooo....3rd winner 169the to comment....pls am still counting on u
Can u imagine what those girls have gone tru?They can never come bach d same
Linda a beg I never see my money oooo....3rd winner 169the to comment....pls am still counting on u
The Understand(ar) fag...
Let's keep praying for them
naawa ooh chai
He is just telling d bitter truth, u obviously don't understand simple grammar...
Uncle Oby has always been blunt with his comments. Sad but quite true. The government of the day has not managed this one. And that Doyin alariwo Okupe complicating stuff. Anyway...wey my green tea!
Linda i hv something tell u, my online present is now on ur blog,no much of facebook,twitter,linkedin,part from working on my own company site which will soon be useful to users to very other person here including u coming out soon,every other thing i do online is on ur blog pls create a forum or something more we love what u do and with what i hv seen here is not only me that feel this, do something more thank u.
Baba Iyabo, who does not know this as a possibilty of events that can happen in the life of these innocent girls. who knows if the girls are the one the terrorists are using for suicide bombing.May God help us in this country
He's starting the obvious
This chibok story is still not straight to me though
We know sir. Okesimaa@gmail.com
Hmmmnnn......Lord help us(bimbovat@gmail.com)
So because dey have given u 100k, u have nw ordained urself LIB voltron abi? Lmao!! Na wa o
True talk man no doubt.....
Very true
This is serious and it sound so harsh
Anon 6:01 me tire for the guy oh. He just they attack people anyhow. 100k don they give am mind n mb. Enjoy the ride. I go zip u very soon
Please read before you start analysing his words..«QUEENMAYA«REPORTING LIVE«
As in, no be small. Onyx I dey laugh you
Getting the girls back is a problem but not the most pressing. Uncovering boko haram sponsors is. Bcos even if these girls re brought back safely and intact, wat does it cost boko haram to go to another school and kidnap other sch girls, and the cycle continues...media raises hell, bringbackgirls campaign starts again, etc. So let's pray for an end to boko haram. I pray God helps us to successfully defeat the cause, before talking of the effects
Harsh and honest truth! The one truth we don't want to hear
If only dey were actually kidnapped,u people shld stp fooling dem selfs
Two munu anonymous... Gerrout or kiss my strawberry chocolatey anus
True talk...
Realevans!! Just say u want a piece of moi,,idiat
but truth be told,dem don dey forget dos grls small small ooo
And he knows this HOW??
And he knows this HOW??
And to think ur a man is appaling,Linda is doing us a favour dnt make it look like its ur right or something.. Fool
Even aliens knw dat
I think there is something he isn't telling us(oparachibaby@yahoo.com)
True talk o baba....God bless Nigeria
Naija is blessed
gbam!!!! remsco2sure@gmail.com
Good question sis
Man videos himself being swallowed by an Anaconda, records the whole thing
AMAZING: Two Angels Caught On Camera Flying In Brazil
Girl caught her elder sister sleeping with her Boyfriends
@ onyx, easy biko. @ ololade, it's wrong for u to call him ugly.
I fink we all knw dat....d gurls can nvr b dsame again
If those girls were left in Obasanjos care, they will not return home intact too. He will rape them'all cos' he is a monster.
They are being used by bh already for suicide bombing so I agree with OBJ
Are you deliberately being rude to everyone? I actually thought you were a really sensible and courageous lad but all this attack you are dishing out is quite surprising! In case you don't know, there is something called "figure of speech" and Jay Ayo clearly knows how to use it
He knows what is going on
Just realised u didn't get enough education @ home. U can try going to school douchebag!
Nd datz d hard truth pple dnt want to accept.... Dose gals r gone
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Here I am using my phalanges to write.....I'm officially anti-onyx
This dude be stepping on my very last nerve
Bitter truth
Hmmmmmn. obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
girls wia them don forget since naija which way adaseries@gmail.com
Only God knows d truth
Only God knows d truth
Dats just d truth....d girls cant cum back d same way they took them......its a piry
yh he said this before if I remember correctly, it hurts but its a fact ........subomioloruntobi@gmail.com
dis is true even some of the girls dat were later found or dropped were pregnant
Do i look like i care? Anti ur stupid self
Truth somehow, but what has been his effort to averse that. obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
F**ck u all,i don't care!
Go fuck your freaking self faggot!
Story for the gods
Sumtym I wonder if d baba words ar tru hmm God knws it all maryadell49@gmail.com
That's the nation the hausa-fulani have turned this nation into. A shameless pathetic nation.
Hmmm no comment. Even though am tempted to comment, but I wont.
Godwin wot are u here fo isn't 4 d money, ASS licker, ur licking has payed off.
Somebody vexed this ant called onyx or whatever the fuck his name is. Throwing tantrums like fucking kid. Ur ur upset go suck on a dick or hang yourself. No one cares
Chibok kwa?na only GOD fit bring dose ones back safely o
Ohhhh! Donnu wot say again dis chibok story
OBJ is right.... Good evening Lindway, please oh I was left out last year on LIB. Giveaway, people like Bonario NNAGS VIA NOKIA 3310, now NOKIA LUMIA, and Onyx Godwin, and the rest of LIB here, them alloy chikezie, Bishop Dammy, shina shine, and some of them are new here, the prince was also left out because he was not longer commenting here, so I don't want to be left out dis year oh, I was among the people who thank u for the house u build for ur parents last year, I was using Swagg isimemen to comment here, it was latter I start using google accnt some months ago to comment here, to u to no that I have been ur follower for 2 years and half now. But if am short-listed among LIB this year again, I won't be happy with u @all. Bobbyferafavorirabo@gmail.com
don't forget he was a military man. He knows what he is saying
Truth be told
Baba should just try and be compassionate, he should just keep his to himself.
*In 2chainz voice* 2ru
U all know wat ur doin
Oracle say so!i pity their parents, but there is God ooo
Mr man you are now an ex president so chill. Your own too much!
I am afraid i agree with him...
Anon 7:52!!u care fool! U won't have noticed if u didn't
Everyone aint as fake and shallow as u @anon 7:52!!
Fuck u again!!
Onyx. I think you're very brave and ur skin thick die but pls....exercise some self respect and class.We get it. You don't like being messed with but go easy with the attack on others as well.
@Onyx Pls stop! Hahahaaaaa your killing me with laughter!
"Anti stupid yourself"
Why the insult kid? That's left for Linda to decide. Chill boy
Onyx u are a retard for that statement.. You third class citizen. Who told u they were never kidnapped??
Tru talk
My God is bigger than d world. D Lord has d final say. Shut it! Ikmoney11@gmail.com
Tru talk
Me sef have given up on this Chi ok girls is. tessyuduehi@yahoo.com
Me sef have given up on this Chi ok girls is. tessyuduehi@yahoo.com
Most of them hav bcome suicide bombers
Prophet of doom.
Onyx are u saying the girls weren't kidnapped?
There is nothing like Chibok missing girl,OBJ let it enter that your old skull
7 proper ways to pray to get answer
3 Things That Make People Cry
3 Things Christian Churches Can Do to Fight Ebola
This onyx boi naa heavy ode...the goat just they show himself anyhow.....remember play wey they sweet goat Naim they kill am. You go enter one chance soon..you papa Naim go lick ur anus.....foool
CaIm down
Hey guyz no need for insult, and quarreling, harsh words seem not to have any good use in the statement made by good people.
OBJ said the bitter truth, it's sad they are not found up till now, that's if someone ever cared to look for them in the first place.
This onyx boi is becoming annoying....I dey feed the idiot mate for house...this is why is not good to expose ode like him to money....ordinary 100k, the guy just they do anyhow....your mb go soon finish nor worry.
C'mon. Y caII somon a fooI?
Bitter truth. I can onIy Imagine how traumatIzed those girIs are right now. I ReaIIy feeI for them. It's so sad their beIoved country couIdnt come to their rescue
Onyx abeg you be fool abeg.haa
U mean baba is saying no hope these girl coming back. Na waooooo
I agree
We pray and hope they return safe and intact...
that's if they ever return. GEJ government sucks. phemainc@yahoo.com
Let's not say he's being pessimistic neither is he a saddist but he's speaking an absolute truth..nothing goes into a burning furnace without having some textual changes
Onyx I dey envy uooooo..100k no b beans oooo...
Onyx u becoming way toooo insultive..are you intoxicated?..you'v gat to borrow manners
@ kemi..have you been in Jupiter all this while. Don't you read the dailies?..you'r suspecting you said..you need to work with reality and not hallucination...offcourse it's the girls they'v been using..
Have seen mine bro..perhaps you should resend your account detail
Aunt Lindiway is the aunt of the season
What can be wrong with this douche bag..its obvious he has lost it..can money make one go brash and silly..this boy needs to be healed of his ill manners
mmmmmm yeye de smell ooo. these Chibok girls still de surprise me sha. They just vamuse like that
No commnt..prettyasi@yaho.com
I can't disagree more
God will help us...Oshama2014@gmail.com
If GEJ said this,you people would tumble Nigeria,saying he's insensitive and all the loads of crap.someone should tell OBJ he's insensitive and heartless,he was a president.now he's telling the gospel truth.idiot biased people
God knows best
I love this onyx or wateva, ya'all insult him and want him to be quiet like a dummy, like his chocolate ass bloody faggorts! Onyx I love u, can't scroll up to grab the spelling of ur name. You are a man!!!!!u have same prick they have!!!! Idiots!!!
Onyx!!! Did u even go to school?
True talk
Onyx has just written nothing but the godamn truth, there is nothing like chibok girls, nothing like that all these were framed up by our leaders using the opportunity to steal our money and lying to us that they are using the money for insecurity eradication... There is God o
If dis man have connection to rescue those girls,let him do so and leave politics aside...he jst want GEJ to beg him to do so...dis selfish politicians shld jst drop their useless pride aside and save these children...raphealufere@yahoo.com
Obj is absolutely correct! those girls are already thinking like the BH boys by now... come to think of it, its since their abduction that the reign of female suicide bombers begun...jst saying.
very true
you are right sir
OBJ sure knows everything about those girls from the planning, execution and till now. Lets take him seriously. He might help to get them out, whether intact or not
baba sef , why dis guy go yan like dis ?
pessimist .
hmmmm that's de-facto buh dis one wey u dey talk say in next 30yrs u sure say ur hand clean so? biko
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