Letter To The Ladies Volume 5. (Because you're 30 and single doesn't mean you should throw in the Towel) - written by Flamboyant Psychologist Adejoro Olumofin
As a result of the pressure from friends, family and close associates, when some ladies reach age 30 and there are no visible suitors in sight, they develop some Personality Traits or Defense Mechanisms which may not be in their best interest because they conform to societal views and build a mindset that makes them see less of themselves like they think society does. They then believe there's little or no hope at all for them anymore and they are emotionally tired of making themselves available to potentials..
For example they stop going out totally, stop bothering
about their makeup or fashion acumen, they say things like " I'm too old
to do this, I'm too old to attend this function / event" or too old to
go to the club, looking down on every guy who may not be their
preference because they have achieved alot at their age and some guys
may not meet their standard or pay grade and all other excuses.
What they don't know is that by staying indoors and saying
i'm too old for this and that, or being overly picky, they lose out on
chances to network and socialise so how will they meet people or even
Mr. Right? If you're interested in settling down, no guy will break
into your house to court you.
From my first hand experience, i have some lady friends who
are 30 years old and above who still look smashing and stunning and
also give 21 year old Ladies a run for their money, they also have
loads of potentials and suitors.These ladies have not allowed the " 30
year Old syndrome" and societal pressure get to them, rather they are
living gracefully while trusting in God.
Ladies, If you don't see the good in yourself or your
potentials, no one will. Say no to the societal pressure and live life
rather than get broken.
You wont overcome this phase if you're emotionally broken.
You wont overcome this phase if you're emotionally broken.
Lets encourage our sisters and friends dealing with this
"Pressure" because society and its norms are not too friendly towards
In my opinion 30 is the new 25 and age is just a number and
state of mind. The way you carry yourself emotionally, physically,
spiritually and Psychologically determine how a guy will treat you not
your age.
#DoktorMofin #Psychology #Volume5
Read more articles on Adejoro Olumofins instagram page : @joroolumofin
1 – 200 of 391 Newer› Newest»he shld go and keeep quiet abeg...
hmmm nice
Don't Let a Guy Waste Your Most Eligible Years...( U Just have to see this )
Beautiful stuff, the shrink has spoken
Keeping Your Legs Closed ( A must read )
Gud one
He is just a great talker
Das true...... #DORO CLASSY#
who b ds ozeisusan497@gmail.com
Money And Love; A Perfect Match ( U Just have to see this )
Abi ooooo tru talk
Hear! Hear!
Ok..ati gbo
you are right my brova
Yes oooo 9ce one bro. Ladies the guy don talk oooo n he make enough sense
just to say hi to u Cute G
reply me back if u care
Have to thank you Linda for not including moses smth smth in ur give away! * wiping perspiration *
Gbammmm.. u don knack am already.. #trueTalk
God's time is the best. Hmconcept2000@gmail.com
on point...
God's time is the best. Hmconcept2000@gmail.com
[Image][Image] Letter To The Ladies Volume 5.
(Because you're 30 and single doesn't mean you
should throw in the Towel) - written by
Flamboyant Psychologist Adejoro Olumofin As a
result of the pressure from friends, family and
close associates, when some ladies reach age 30
and there are no visible suitors in sight, they
develop some Personality Traits or Defense
Mechanisms which may not be in their best
interest because they conform to societal views
and build a mindset that makes them see less of
themselves like they think society does. They then
believe there's little or no hope at all for them
anymore and they are emotionally tired of making
themselves available to potentials.. [Image] For
example they stop going out totally, stop
bothering about their makeup or fashion acumen,
they say things like " I'm too old to do this, I'm
too old to attend this function / event" or too old
to go to the club, looking down on every guy who
may not be their preference because they have
achieved alot at their age and some guys may not
meet their standard or pay grade and all other
excuses. What they don't know is that by staying
indoors and saying i'm too old for this and that,
or being overly picky, they lose out on chances to
network and socialise so how will they meet
people or even Mr. Right? If you're interested in
settling down, no guy will break into your house
to court you. From my first hand experience, i
have some lady friends who are 30 years old and
above who still look smashing and stunning and
also give 21 year old Ladies a run for their
money, they also have loads of potentials and
suitors.These ladies have not allowed the " 30
year Old syndrome" and societal pressure get to
them, rather they are living gracefully while
trusting in God.
Ladies, If you don't see the good in yourself or
your potentials, no one will. Say no to the societal
pressure and live life rather than get broken.
You wont overcome this phase if you're
emotionally broken.
Lets encourage our sisters and friends dealing
with this "Pressure" because society and its
norms are not too friendly towards them.
In my opinion 30 is the new 25 and age is just a
number and state of mind. The way you carry
yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and
Psychologically determine how a guy will treat
you not your age.
#DoktorMofin #Psychology #Volume5
Point blank
Guy,u need a better career.This is a sticky shit
u don marry?ozeisusan497@gmail.com
I totally agree..
Dats y I luv Linda... shes chopping life... God will bless all my single friends and sister with d bone of their bone... Amen!
ok seen clearly
This doesn't apply to all ladies above 30 o. Yeah, age is a number.
Hmmm sorta deep
Ok noted.Good evening Linda, please I was left out last year on LIB Giveaway, people like Bonario NNAGS VIA NOKIA 3310, now NOKIA LUMIA, and Onyx Godwin, and the rest of LIB here, them alloy chikezie, Bishop Dammy, and some of the LIB here are new here, the prince was also left out, and there was anonymous woman who burnt her food why she was commenting here on this blog last year, so I don't want to be left out dis year oh, I was among the people who thank u for the house u build for ur parents last year, and there was a guy who wanted google to block ur blog accnt even when google latter block ur blog accnt I was not happy about it @all, there was a time u and (olamide Y B N) hard misunderstanding that his expecting baby from his long time girl friend, I was here using Swagg isimemen to comment here, it was latter I start using google accnt to comment here, to u to no that I have been ur follower for 2 years and half now. But if i am short-listed among LIB this year again I won't be happy with u @all and i'll continue to disturb u until u give me my own LIB giveaway. Bobbyferafavorirabo@gmail.com
On point, you shouldn't stop looking good cos you re 30, and also people should stop putting pressure on them to avoid desperation
>>>>> well written Olu,. <<<<<
9ic 1 jare bro tell dem
na tru yan oh chai tnk God say i be man
While said bro
Thank you... Quiet encouraging!
Attention seeker. Abeg take several sit back. All the ones them they preach since them no hear, na ur own them go hear.
Its nt dia fault.....pple nparents made it so....wonder if de expect dem to kneel b4 a guy and ask will umarry me? Low mentality bu ihe anyi na aya
And sometimes at age 30 they so much under pressure they make lots of mistake like falling for anything and any guy. ladies should learn not to make marriage a priority it will help them cope under societal pressures.
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Can't thank you enough Miss Linda! You are a blessing! 2015 will be a prosperous year for you..you shall be celebrated worldwide. Thanks a lot. Psalm 1:3. 3john 2. BishopDammy#
Nice one.
Miss indomie says so.
kudos bro
This is good bro keep it up.
And our ladies its up to u. While we guys don't look down on our self
Linda d heading of DAT article shud av been "Flamboyant phycologist writes to Linda Ikeji" winks
#BuhariOsibajo42015 #itcanonlygetbetter
First of all y should marriage b d ultimate aspiration of women? Mtcheww
Hmmm,keep encouraging them,but,it's not easy for them I must tell you.#NoLongYarnin
Oya naw pick one of the 30's off the street, wenti u dey wait for to marry. Mtwwwwwww
Gud one.Ladies wake up 30 or above should not lead u to despair.
Nice, thumb up
Thanx for ur word of encouragment
Nice one
Hmmmmnnn. Nice one. Cia_olamide12@yahoo.com
Linda,Hope say u don hear.U beta do something fast
hmmmm!!! SIngle Ladies above 30
I don't care to read the epistle now but he need heal his low self esteem of always wearing sun glasses even when there is no sunshine or indoor.
tell dem all
Well composed, well written, well analysed, and well emphasised. Wish people will read these and understand it like it is not lash out @ the writer. Best article so far. »»»QU££NMA¥A»»»
Linda did I snatch your boyfriend? Why are you not approving my comments?
30 is old?
Well said my brother.
So true nigga,btw linda u chose well in ur giveawy,am nt licking urr ass. Bt u'rre a nice person,tnks on behalf of d receivers hope to win someday as I have never been lucky
some of dem go de put there self on tinkin asif dats d end of life n dem
He's sure right
kk correct
He shld marry dem all na
Linda i hope say yu dey collect ur money bcos the rate wey yu dey advertise this guy here dey fear me o..... Lolx.....
I concur jor...
They always justify dier introvacy wt being too old.
Nice word of encouragement. Ladies either pretty or beautiful don't be pressured and same apply for men
Well written
Same-old same-old.
Lindiway he's a psychologist, he's a psychologist not different from those with office at Yaba left, adding flamboyant doesn't change the output.
coorect man
correct man
correct man
correct man tell dem abeg
And what is this one saying?
Thank you 4 dis advice.
Aunty linda am so happy i finally get to comment on your blog. pleaaaaase post my comment. am an ardent LIB reader n i hv bin trying so hard to post a comment n i dont get to see it. i hope it appears this time. n a quick one i will also like to participate in the LIB give away. *wink* isioma.rosemary@yahoo.com
Abeg wetin this one they yarn...commot for road jor aboki
True talk my brother.lol @ "no one will break into ur house to court u"
Word! Nigerians be obsessing over marriage and age. Wrong marriage can destroy lot of fins. People divorcing anyhow, God said it in d Bible that He hates divorce Malachi 2:16 (NLT). Children frm broken homes if care is nt taken re affected psychologically.
On point
True talk tosinasisat@yahoo.co.uk
This one is just advertising himself
"living gracefully while trusting in God..... I love dat
I agree with you man, I had an experience recently myself. This lady just boxed up herself, she was just suspicious of everything. Even when I made honest compliments, she felt there was more to it. I moved on.
Well said.
Correct my brother.
My fellow colleague in behaviour therapy
Letter to linda biko... INDIGENOUS LIB... V_okunola@yahoo.com 2015 is your year
Well said bros, preach on
True talk. The first step to success is loving yourself. 30, 50 whatever d age, have fun and stop comparing υ̲̣̥r̲̅ lives with others.
Nice article
Congrats Adejoro. I always knew you will be heard.
thanks Adejoro, you spoke well
well said...Adejoro Olumofin
Mr Suit
Lovely Content
He makes real sense
Na Prayer sure pass
Why does everything have to be about wedding in Nigeria? Abeg
Very truthful n intelligent write up. Love that.
Correct , I agree with him
Roger that!
True talk
linda hav u heard?stop dat excuse of am nt d makeup kinda person,cud remeber u said dat d last time u tuk ur siblings and dad 2 dubai,look gud even at home,well stil talkin 2 my self doh
A Lady should make herself seen.. This is very valid
Oga Boss can I be your stylist? 08043636272
pls tell them. pls women he is right, I've seen lots of women act like dat. u are above 30doesn't mean ur life is over. men are still there who would want to marry u. even if they don't, there is no crime against not being married. people will talk in all u do. because of the fear of beibg single, most women stay in violent marriages. where domestic violence is met out to them. pls women appreciate urselves cos God appreciates u.
Lol.. This guy from Instagram.
Linda I won win money abeg.. I don comment oooo..
For as long as you don't wear artificial eye lashes, have stretch marks, uneducated , I'm very okay with over 30 year Olds coz I don't want more than two kids. And yes, for as long as you are not an every day church goer as well
Well done Adejoro
Aunty Linda dis message is for u,plz be going out more often.hire more hands to help u wit ur job...And stop saying u re too old for some certain things
True talk Doc., life starts @ 30
True talk. The Lord is our strength.
E make sense small!
Who is this guy.
Linda im in love.
He has said it all.
Im not 30 but the pressures frm family and friends is alarming. Marriage is not a child's play coz if u rush in without looking, d next tin is to rush out.
Im living my life and trusting in God. All ladies should pls do d same.
Am so in love with this man, he said it all....
To the Ladies, if ur approaching late twenties or early Thirties,,,,pls don't allow pressure from family, friends or societies to push u into desparate mood....
Or u start looking down on urself, its not worth it
No matter what, stiil rock in ur world, go out to nice places where u'd get to see nice guys, socialise with ppl αи∂ don't look down on urself
Inferiority complex is very bad, don't say ur now too old or fat or whatever....
Just believe in God, pray fervently αи∂ above all good character counts too.....
Am so in love with this man, he said it all....
To the Ladies, if ur approaching late twenties or early Thirties,,,,pls don't allow pressure from family, friends or societies to push u into desparate mood....
Or u start looking down on urself, its not worth it
No matter what, stiil rock in ur world, go out to nice places where u'd get to see nice guys, socialise with ppl αи∂ don't look down on urself
Inferiority complex is very bad, don't say ur now too old or fat or whatever....
Just believe in God, pray fervently αи∂ above all good character counts too.....
Love u jare
Love u jare
Abeg what were these women doing that they ended up 30 and single..
Am so in love with this man, he said it all....
To the Ladies, if ur approaching late twenties or early Thirties,,,,pls don't allow pressure from family, friends or societies to push u into desparate mood....
Or u start looking down on urself, its not worth it
No matter what, stiil rock in ur world, go out to nice places where u'd get to see nice guys, socialise with ppl αи∂ don't look down on urself
Inferiority complex is very bad, don't say ur now too old or fat or whatever....
Just believe in God, pray fervently αи∂ above all good character counts too.....
True talk.
Yes dress how u want to be addressed and perceived but I want to know is if he is single biko linda help a lady out
Nice one dere!! Yemightbabe@yahoo.com
His P
good read. Say no to societal/family pressure. Being married doesnt giarantee true happiness. THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH
U said it all.... thanks for encouraging a soul out there
Well said...
This guy sha. Doin fyn boy no pimple wen pimples dey o *strollsaway*
This fellow has now wasted 150,000 in total on these posts he sends to Linda.
Thankfully we've all met people who actually know what they are talking about when it comes to human psycology.
Please Please face your Onod Politics and stop adding to the issues people have.
P.S: I am not 30, or close to 30, but i find this articul offensive.
Lmaooooo.. Cool Story
On point. Some women once they are 30 and above the next level is.....am a born again Christian. She will join the choir, join youth fellowship, join this and that and her social life will become zero.
Yemisi Z10 says so
Hmmmm dats good
Nice one wunmiomo1992@yahoo.com
Very true.
Finally a good article..
Linda please stop promoting this impostor who calls himself a doctor. He read psychology and is NOT a Doctor. If people need advice let them visit a real doctor'a blog.
Thanks alot.....
Shooo.. How 30 year old woman go dey picky again.. Na Okada rider sure pass for u
Senior Joro.. Bmjs repping! I see you
Nice read. Very apt
This guy vain shaaaaa
oga ju
My dr.....true talk,e no easy, many done die cuz of am,easier said dan done, i pray d lord empower us all to ovacome situations at hand
True 30 women and above think age 30 age is suicide. You can marry after 30 and be Happy
Mr Doktor Mofin advice yourself na
Well said.
Age is just a number.
dem don hear.
Ashewo 2 kobo
Women Affairs Adviser...lolz
So true, Nice 1
Good advice
Fresh Dude with Brains. Please Linda post more of this.
I love the Snap back. Please Dr or is Psychologist. Letme have one please.
just what i need to read,thanks alot.
Lmaoo!! Make guy break into your house toast you na. Oshiiiiii
just what i need to read,thanks alot.
well said. age is just a number ooooo
make sense... Dont know who ask him though
I am 29 and single, I am scared of hitting age 30 but after this article. I feel so confident. Nice read
valid point made! i hope the ladies in that age bracket read,learn and change.
Him try.
Oh wow.. This guys articles on instagram make sense. Too many pictures sha.. Nigga chill
True talk, even at 24years ther is pressure from your faily .i mean like really?
Nice one
Make we here word..
My Joro my Instagram Crush. Winks
Nice piece, I tink I agree wit him on dis one
he's saying the truth.
Too much Grammar.. We no say u go skol.. Shiooo
Nicely Written
Happy for you Man. More Salt to your rice
Nice piece man---thumbs-up
U ve said it all #DoktorMofin..wld like to read more from u soon....#Django
This Stereotype and Pressure is so real.. Competition is too much in Lagos abeg.
I have a question, is he married?
It makes sense
Who is he?
Niqquhz can show demselvex
Okay i think have had enough with this dude, If you want to cause a change do something active and stop writing letters to single men and women. Abi you don turn psychological journalist.
Oh boy... We need to be hearing these things instead of listening to ppl tell us we should be ashamed n then giving up on ourselves
Ur so right
Ok.... Respect! Nice one bruv
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