To win the two Blackberry Passports I'm giving away today courtesy of Blackberry Nigeria, tell us in very few words what you like about Blackberry. We will pick from the first 200 comments. I will announce all the winners tomorrow. Good luck guys!
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Thursday, 18 December 2014
Day 4 of Blackberry Passport Giveaway! Win two more phones
To win the two Blackberry Passports I'm giving away today courtesy of Blackberry Nigeria, tell us in very few words what you like about Blackberry. We will pick from the first 200 comments. I will announce all the winners tomorrow. Good luck guys!
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«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 13848 Newer› Newest»I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.
it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.
i also like the fact that i can multitask with blackberry.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
What I love about the blackberry is particularly from the BlackBerry Hub. This very unique feature sets blackberry 10 from all other mobile phones. Firstly, Because it gives you a quick view of notifications from your messages/call log/emails and chats, for me my special focus is on my chats as it helps me decide on which chat I want to view or discard. Most times I don't want my last appearance time to show up on my whatsapp or I particularly don't want to chat at that moment if that chat with a BlackBerry contact is not so important, all I have to do is go to the hub and view the sender. Secondly, the subscription for BlackBerry is so affordable compared to data subscription for Android/ iphones. Thirdly, for the network I use (glo) there is a special call line for BlackBerry users to call. This is so fast and a lot so convenient to have your blackberry question or subscription attended to in just a few minutes.
Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar.
Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
It is the efficiency of the messaging system as well as the fluidity of the OS. The whole screen is one big button on a touch device, yet other companies need a home button
I love blackberry phones because of their versatility...they enable u to do what other android phones can do..they are easy to use and not very expensive when it comes to data plan...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love the fact its data consumption is very low which means I safe more nd Payless to access the internet, the bbm messenger PIN is now on the same level with phone numbers and email addresses in terms of contacting people.
I love blackberry because of the easy navigation , its easy to use and understand, also, the data plan is one that all other phones have not been able to meet or surpass. No matter how broke i am, i can really on being able to subscribe for as little as i can! Honestly, this is what trips me the most. I love my blackberry!
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Linda I love you so much, please listen to my heart bcos It's saying that I really need this.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love blackberry because of the easy navigation , its easy to use and understand, also, the data plan is one that all other phones have not been able to meet or surpass. No matter how broke i am, i can really on being able to subscribe for as little as i can! Honestly, this is what trips me the most. I love my blackberry!
Blackberry is a very wonderful product, it has been consistent through the years and their phones are durable, upgradable and easy to use.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
My Blackberry can be used on very nearly every network on the planet.
My Backberry is accessible in five structure variables –
small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone and candy bar so it just meets my needs.
My Blackberry's keyboard makes it possible for me to really type quick and with no blunders. Helps me while
driving, strolling, while carrying something in my other hand .
My Blackberry uses standardized (inexpensive
and accessible all around the world) Microusb
connector for synchronization/charging and I love it because it's just so portable.
My Blackberry has expandable memory so I get to store loads of information on my device with no issues.
My Blackberry has removable and expandable
battery. This makes it possible for me to purchase a new battery if the old one is worn out.
My Blackberry supports multitasking of programs. It's just so amazing to find out that I can get to do as many things on my device at the same time.
My Blackberry's screen resolution is just perfect. It makes me have such a sharp view of things.
My Blackberry permits communicating peer to
peer by means of PIN identifier, bypassing the email
system. That's just so innovative for me.
I Skype on the Blackberry? Yes, from anyplace to anyplace.
My Blackberry can be synchronized to different
computers at the same time. It saves me time having to go through all the computers one at a time.
My Blackberry can sort the address book entries by organization name, so I can span down a long
rundown of names I don't recall, but I will get to see who works for which company.
Blackberry isn't slowed down by having many address book entries. This is not the case on any other phone with say 10,000 address book entries.
All major instant messengers are accessible on Blackberry. This keeps me updated on happenings around me. It's just like having the world at my feet.
My Blackberry accepts multiple browsers from multiple suppliers so I am not forced to use what I don't like.
My Blackberry synchronizes with itunes – and every other media management program. It just makes my leisure hours worth it.
My Blackberry fits as many emails in the inbox as there is memory available (normally many tens of thousands).
My Blackberry is extremely secure so I am not scared handing over my phone to friends when I know I have top secret info on the device.
I love blackberry because of the easy navigation , its easy to use and understand, also, the data plan is one that all other phones have not been able to meet or surpass. No matter how broke i am, i can really on being able to subscribe for as little as i can! Honestly, this is what trips me the most. I love my blackberry!
I like BlackBerry phone because it is the best phone in the world with applaudable features which include the BlackBerry messenger, the best email system, blackberry protect, the best OS ,Indicator light,the best picture quality and it has the lowest subscription rate that allows me assess to the internet in a month. Thank you.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I am so much in love with ma blackberry, it's just type of phone, the perfect phone, all in one....
Mornin sis... Hoping you'll choose Me... LoL... Can't wait to Dream holding one...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
The things I love about BlackBerry are the cheap Internet subscription, d fast Internet speed, instant messaging n emails, and the very clear n exceptional camera quality no matter the mega pixel.
I like that blackberry does not consume too much data, it is economical and user friendly unlike android that requires very expensive data.
I also like that BlackBerry incorporated everything one needs to enjoy the phone in BlackBerry world and mostly at no cost, this made it easier for the users to enjoy the phone better.
I also like that BlackBerry is portable, this is due to the size and sleek design of the phone. The phone is also very fast and gives a good browsing experience.
I believe I have tried.
It's very fast in browsing. And I do many thgs t the same time. Am so much in love with black berry, that. Ikve been using it since it came out till date.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Do something new in my lifea bblackberry passport...something new in my life oh lord.
I like BlackBerry phone because it is the best phone in the world with applaudable features which include the BlackBerry messenger, the best email system, blackberry protect, the best OS ,Indicator light,the best picture quality and it has the lowest subscription rate that allows me assess to the internet in a month. Thank you.
I love blackberry because of the easy navigation , its easy to use and understand, also, the data plan is one that all other phones have not been able to meet or surpass. No matter how broke i am, i can really on being able to subscribe for as little as i can! Honestly, this is what trips me the most. I love my blackberry!
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
The screen resolution.
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB.
Blackberry phones is so much fun to use that's why I love it. Lin lin,biko consider me o! No let this one pass me by. (
I like Blackberry bcos its so smart to handle, faster to browse d internet!nd has a unique red light blink to alert u. Thnks
I love the blackberry passport......I hope I get to win one.
Simply addictive, sleek, user friendly and with a none other like its BBM app. Can't think of any other smarter phone.
blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.
it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.
The blackberry passport which remotely got its name from having same dimension as a real passport. Intrigues customers by pushing boundaries with its awesome design. I have read great reviews about it from customers, about its amazing 60characters per line, thereby enjoying a better viewing experience while reading articles and checking emails. My favorite things in the world. It would be a great opportunity for me to win this phone. I sincerely hope I'd be amongst the lucky ones to have a merry blackberry experience . Thanks linda for this opportunity.
I've heard so much about blackberry phones, i never owned one till recently when my sister convinced me to get one. I did listen to her and i've never regretted it. it has made communication much easier for me. The world is at my finger tips now with my blackberry messenger. my mails get delivered on my phones promptly. My documents are well organized and the picture quality is a waoh!
Blackberry phones is so much fun to use that's why I love it. Lin lin,biko consider me o! No let this one pass me by. (
blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.
it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.
i also like the fact that i can multitask with blackberry.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I got this.**#....thanx...linda
Blackberry phones is so much fun to use that's why I love it. Lin lin,biko consider me o! No let this one pass me by. (
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar.
Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..
It hastens communications. It saves ur credit most times. Makes ur emails come handy. Its just unique
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
blackberry has really helped in connecting old time friends in the aspect of all the social apps.
I've heard so much about blackberry phones, i never owned one till recently when my sister convinced me to get one. I did listen to her and i've never regretted it. it has made communication much easier for me. The world is at my finger tips now with my blackberry messenger. my mails get delivered on my phones promptly. My documents are well organized and the picture quality is a waoh!
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
When i open Linda Ikeji on Android fones,i get so confused cz of d large page but Blackberry makes it easier 4 me whch is y i love blackberry
My Blackberry phones have been very reliable over the years, from the days of the blackberry curves, bold and now BlackBerry 10. I love the fact that it's simple to use, innovative, trendy and at the same time offers me the best in terms of service delivery. I do almost everything with my blackberry,sincerely everything, including editing my reports on the go.*wink. It is indeed an asset for me which I can not do without. What can I say, win or lose, I am a blackberry fan for life. Cheers.
Blackberry is the best phone in the world
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Linda me oh.
The blackberry world is unique to blackberry.
BlackBerry smartphones are unique. The BlackBerry Messenger is revolutionary. It stepped up instant messaging and everyone tried without success to imitate it. Most other high end phones have dormant IM apps unlike the BBM which is so exciting that you cannot help but just love it and so use it. Companies and organisations kind of abandoned emails and started connecting and communicating using BBM because its more cool and savvy. No wonder they all had to get the BBM app into the Android, IOS and Windows mobiles to add excitement to their devices. Another very enticing feature of BlackBerry smartphones is data compression. This unique feature which other OS do not seem to have(its the other way round for other OS) helps conserve data allowing BlackBerry users to better manage data for more efficient data usage.
BlackBerry smartphones offer very crisp pictures, and video files without being too large. This again highlights the innovative technology on which BlackBerry devices are made.
The BlackBerry smartphone hardware design is like no other. Sleek and lovely. BlackBerry smartphones remains unique and sought after, that's why folks are sweating it out writing right now even those who don't like writing. Smiles.
Sometimes it's too easy to take photos and I like quickly deleting the bad ones right away rather than "I'll go through those later". It's so easy now to drag the thumbnail image up to full screen to confirm the disaster and then continuing the same swipe right over to the delete button and letting go. Tap to confirm the deletion and you're right back to the camera ready to go. Very smooth, very effective, very BB10. (I think I just invented their next
It hastens communications. It saves ur credit most times. Makes ur emails come handy. Its just unique
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
BlackBerry smartphones are unique. The BlackBerry Messenger is revolutionary. It stepped up instant messaging and everyone tried without success to imitate it. Most other high end phones have dormant IM apps unlike the BBM which is so exciting that you cannot help but just love it and so use it. Companies and organisations kind of abandoned emails and started connecting and communicating using BBM because its more cool and savvy. No wonder they all had to get the BBM app into the Android, IOS and Windows mobiles to add excitement to their devices. Another very enticing feature of BlackBerry smartphones is data compression. This unique feature which other OS do not seem to have(its the other way round for other OS) helps conserve data allowing BlackBerry users to better manage data for more efficient data usage.
BlackBerry smartphones offer very crisp pictures, and video files without being too large. This again highlights the innovative technology on which BlackBerry devices are made.
The BlackBerry smartphone hardware design is like no other. Sleek and lovely. BlackBerry smartphones remains unique and sought after, that's why folks are sweating it out writing right now even those who don't like writing. Smiles.
I've heard so much about blackberry phones, i never owned one till recently when my sister convinced me to get one. I did listen to her and i've never regretted it. it has made communication much easier for me. The world is at my finger tips now with my blackberry messenger. my mails get delivered on my phones promptly. My documents are well organized and the picture quality is a waoh!
For me it's exactly what you said. The efficiency of the messaging system as
well as fluidity of the OS. The seamless (read button-less) interaction with the phone just feels right. The whole screen is one big button on a touch device yet other companies still need a home button... That always killed the feel for me on the iphone.
Battery life is a big thing as well, you can tell the phones made for someone who needs to stay intouch, have quick access to all their contacts over various means of communication. Business comes first but play isn't far behind. For me having the option to use flash is a big one. I'm not huge on apps and like to use the browser for a lot of what I do instead of getting a dedicated app, so being able to stream a football game or an award show.
You can see the QNX roots in the BB10 OS, application management is superb. The system doesn't bog or hang with multiple apps open and it just works as it should.
I forget how capable this device is sometimes. HDMI out, mirracast, android runtime, flash, USB OTG and host.
Typing on the Z10 is amazing and I love how fast I can pound out email and text messages. I always hated using full touch screen devices but not anymore.
I'm a corporate user of the BlackBerry and that's what sets it apart for me. We've always had the BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment for configuring our devices and on the BB10 platform it really makes the phone shine.
Good morning bloggers
wat i luv most is been able to do stuffs wit my pix and also enabling 247 surfing of web for a full month and sometimes wit jara sef witout having to switch data on and
The camera is amazing, you stay connected with ur friends n family 24/7 through bbm. The screen on the passport is exactly what I need for my new business, you see more info... The battery life is amazing especially in Nigeria where the power isn't steady...
BlackBerry smartphones are unique. The BlackBerry Messenger is revolutionary. It stepped up instant messaging and everyone tried without success to imitate it. Most other high end phones have dormant IM apps unlike the BBM which is so exciting that you cannot help but just love it and so use it. Companies and organisations kind of abandoned emails and started connecting and communicating using BBM because its more cool and savvy. No wonder they all had to get the BBM app into the Android, IOS and Windows mobiles to add excitement to their devices. Another very enticing feature of BlackBerry smartphones is data compression. This unique feature which other OS do not seem to have(its the other way round for other OS) helps conserve data allowing BlackBerry users to better manage data for more efficient data usage.
BlackBerry smartphones offer very crisp pictures, and video files without being too large. This again highlights the innovative technology on which BlackBerry devices are made.
The BlackBerry smartphone hardware design is like no other. Sleek and lovely. BlackBerry smartphones remains unique and sought after, that's why folks are sweating it out writing right now even those who don't like writing. Smiles.
I like Blackberry for its innovations and smartness!
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
yes ma oo, blackberry is good oo, infact i love it so much, right now am using a q5 and what i love about it is the web browser speed and subscription.thank you
Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar.
Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Since Blackberrys move to OS 10 and BES 10 Enterprise service(fully compatible with Active Sync), I have been captivated with the OS10 phones as I work in an Enterprise environment, where MDM is key. Why do I want one ? Reviews on the phone are amazing, long battery life, fantastic outdoor visibility, delightful camera,robust build and all the sweet trappings of OS 10. Simply put an Enterprise users best buddy... Gimme one please.
I like the following about BlackBerry;
1. The red indicator light that flashes when there’s a new message or alert. I don't want to have to go to my phone always to check if I have new messages.
2. The physical keyboard is unique with BlackBerry and easy to use.
3. The Blackberry is a "business-like" phone, its not designed to run flashy applications, play games etc which are a nuisance for business minded people
4. BES: With Blackberry Enterprise solutions, you can send and receive secure messages.
Linda I woke up 4. 28 am to ease mysef n I just went straight to ur blog. N I saw dt d giveaway msg came 3.59am nt many pple r awake now...Plz post my comment!!!
Things I love bout blackberry.
Peek into any executive conference room, and you're bound to see one -- or a dozen -- of these smartphones: BlackBerrys, their keys clicking like rain on a tin roof. Those red lights flashing training their owners to pick them up on a second's notice: An e-mail! A BBM! Answer me!
1). The click-clacking keyboard
Ask any BlackBerry user what they like about their phone, and they're bound to mention the keyboard. D keyboard is so great, and the click of the keys, n how d shift button is raised so u know without even looking ("shift" key -- oh, the shift key! )-- is just as easy to use as those on a full-size computer keyboard."Everyone sees the iPhone, and they think apps. And I see a phone with a keyboard, and I think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.
2) Because it's businessy
The BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone.It's not designed to run flashy applications,(until recently) for playing games( now it does). Its easy for uploading pictures to Facebook and Twitter. It started out a business-minded phone. Emails comes instantly in real time ....Part of the allure is that the BlackBerry is known for being secure. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving the phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails over the phones.
3). That red light
On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, and it blinks at you when a new message or call comes in. I av gotten get seriously addicted to that light,
When I see blinking red light on my device, and when that light blinks, I just jump for my phone.For me, really, it's my connection to my people. And second, it's my connection to the world in terms of news and everything."It's one of those tins that always calls mi back to my BlackBerry."Of course, other phones have ways of alerting people to new msgs too, but none has the same feel as that BlackBerry light, I must say!
Ps. alternative use for d buttons
For example d letter T can be used to go to top of d screen if u r at d bottom n d letter B to d bottom of d screen.
Frankly, I used to hate blackberry cos I felt it just wasn't something I saw myself using. I had my Android. But as time went on I realised how much I still came back to wanting to use one if I needed to continue to communicate with friends home and abroad more often. So truthfully I can say it helped me communicate more and that's something I can't take away from blackberry...
Linda me oh.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Blackberry is an amazing brand that has stood the test of time in the technology world, its ability to innovate using its core competence of security and the physical keyboard is the reason why I love blackberry. I feel more protected using blackberry because of its security feature which is like no other and also the fact that I can type making minimal typing errors with the physical keyboard. Blackberry has kept its focus and set itself apart from it competitors. I LOVE BLACKBERRY!! :)
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
No long english. Like it becos of its pixmix.,mtn subscrition,application,bbm,instagram,its 2go symbols.
I just love me some blackberry cos if its not blackberry it can never be blackberry!my hubby had to change d android he bought for me n get me ma blackberry cos i was complaining too much about d data n other stuff which i was not used too cos am a blackberry addict! pls ooooo.ive bin a fan but always commenting as annonymous!
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Morning,bb is am evryday fone,user friendly os, simbian, camera wit grt megapixel,grt processor,for d android types,wit both internal and external keypad, is vry one drm,bb is a lifestyle,a ladies best friend, cuz is vry handy,lillyspring01@gmail,com
I like blackberry cuz in of the monthly subscription.
2. Cuz is unique and easy to maintain
It saves me a lot of money when I subscribe every month,i don't have to boarder my self about my data till the next month.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I am a high flyer, I am a direct person, a very busy person, I have little time to waste on irrelevant issues, blackberry complements me in this, it's gesture control is brilliant, it's hub is ingenious, these two features above all save a lot of time wasting on a daily basis and the best part is I don't have to compromise on d premium feel, blackberry serves that too
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love blackberry because really in the world of social networking, its all you need.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB .
The efficiency of the messaging system and the fluidity of the OS. The whole screen is one big button on a touch screen, yet other companies still need a home button.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Linda touching lives since 1900
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
BBM is the best
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB .
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
What do I like about Blackberry?... What's there not to like? Is it the durability? Or the easy access it gives its users to all their social media handles? Blackberry is the reason everyone can afford to connect easily with friends and family on social media. Blackberry is the reason people are more informed today because they are connected to the Internet 24hrs a day, 7days a week! I love blackberry because ir makes the world go round; and I love to own a Blackberry Passport because it can take me round the world without my moving an inch. Long live Blackberry!
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love the size and shape.
With blackberry it's more about the company than the phone. This is a phone company out of Canada, came out of nowhere and took the world by storm. They envisioned a phone for the businessman and today it is being used by for more than just business. Even if the company has had hard times you have to respect them for what they created which served as a platform for the development of applications similar to bbm that we use today. I like blackberry because of their vision. Respect.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
I claim thischristmas
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
Good morning Linda, What I love about Blackberry is the blackberry protect feature. I have misplaced my device several times and I have been able to find it just by login into BB protect with my BB ID and because my device location is usually turned on i get to find it easily. I get to use my device as hot spot that is another beautiful thing.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love bbm, I prefer it to whatsapp and other chat applications. I prefer d bbm been on a blackberry fone. I miss my blackberry fone that is no
longer functioning. Hoping to get another one.
BBM is the best
Innovation. Communicating without the use of phone numbers.keep the great work going
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB .
Y I like a gets help finding lost blackberry with blackberry protect...u get to personalise your experience wit with custom home screen configurations,wallpaper accessories n more...I hope I get to win this tym n i hope you won't swallow my comment
I love blackberry because of its high speed of browsing, and it supports most of the social networks applications.
Blackberry! Here are a few reasons I like blackberry: -Blackberry has the most affordable data subscription plans. - All blackberry phones use the same charger. That's just life made easy! - Blackberry started the "screen munch" . I get to save pictures without having to download or use my data. -Blackberry phones are affordable ranging from the different models which makes it possible for alot of people to own one. -the designs are dynamic. You can easily tell one blackberry model from the other.
LIB, what I like about blackberry is that it is cool, it has 2 of the most interesting social networks(bbm and whatsapp), it will make one's educational research more easier.. I wil be delighted and delirious if I am being awarded one of these bb.. Love you @ LIB
The elegance and class associated with BB can never be underestimated. The simple user interphase and pic quality is equal to none. But nothing can be compared to its low data consumption and long lasting battery. Black is beautiful especially with BB.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
What do I like about Blackberry?... What's there not to like? Is it the durability? Or the easy access it gives its users to all their social media handles? Blackberry is the reason everyone can afford to connect easily with friends and family on social media. Blackberry is the reason people are more informed today because they are connected to the Internet 24hrs a day, 7days a week! I love blackberry because ir makes the world go round; and I love to own a Blackberry Passport because it can take me round the world without my moving an inch. Long live Blackberry!
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Weldon Linda mama, nice job always pls post my comment.
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
Blackberry still remain the most secured device in the world. Its this Singularly reason that makes the device the Phone of Choice for World leaders especially the President of USA President Obama.Its very fast and its has the ability to compress Data.Its also the phone of Choice for both Business and Pleasure because of its unique features. Moreover, for an average Nigerian, Blackerry subscription still remain the Cheapest compared to other mobile phones.-
Blackberry! Here are a few reasons I like blackberry: -Blackberry has the most affordable data subscription plans. - All blackberry phones use the same charger. That's just life made easy! - Blackberry started the "screen munch" . I get to save pictures without having to download or use my data. -Blackberry phones are affordable ranging from the different models which makes it possible for alot of people to own one. -the designs are dynamic. You can easily tell one blackberry model from the other.
BBM is the best
What do I like about Blackberry?... What's there not to like? Is it the durability? Or the easy access it gives its users to all their social media handles? Blackberry is the reason everyone can afford to connect easily with friends and family on social media. Blackberry is the reason people are more informed today because they are connected to the Internet 24hrs a day, 7days a week! I love blackberry because ir makes the world go round; and I love to own a Blackberry Passport because it can take me round the world without my moving an inch. Long live Blackberry!
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB .
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Blackberry! Here are a few reasons I like blackberry: -Blackberry has the most affordable data subscription plans. - All blackberry phones use the same charger. That's just life made easy! - Blackberry started the "screen munch" . I get to save pictures without having to download or use my data. -Blackberry phones are affordable ranging from the different models which makes it possible for alot of people to own one. -the designs are dynamic. You can easily tell one blackberry model from the other.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
Good morning Linda, What I love about Blackberry is the blackberry protect feature. I have misplaced my device several times and I have been able to find it just by login into BB protect with my BB ID and because my device location is usually turned on i get to find it easily. I get to use my device as hot spot that is another beautiful thing.
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
My life would have been miserable if not for my BLACKBERRY.
BB is like going straight to the point, it is fast and fascinating. its navigation system is superb.
BB tools and features are definite and wonderful, which you can't get in other phones.
You can do many things at a time with your BB. And it does not consume lots of data.
If its not BB then its not BB .
Blackberry! Here are a few reasons I like blackberry: -Blackberry has the most affordable data subscription plans. - All blackberry phones use the same charger. That's just life made easy! - Blackberry started the "screen munch" . I get to save pictures without having to download or use my data. -Blackberry phones are affordable ranging from the different models which makes it possible for alot of people to own one. -the designs are dynamic. You can easily tell one blackberry model from the other.
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
I love the Bis it uses, I love the. Shape of blackberry phones, and I Usually thought. Nokia phones were the strongest. Interms of falling from your hand,until I tried blackberry it is far stronger than any phone. I Love. My Blackberry
Easy to access. Battery life can last got close to 7 hours without charging, and the shape of the phone is handy,above all its not too complex unlike other phone brand. Thanks
Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing
The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.
Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).
Battery life
The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.
Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.
Early impressions
So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.
“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.
“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”
With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.
Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.
this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.
Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud
BBM is the best
For me it's the Language Detection. I speak 3 languages on a daily basis and I love how BB10 predicts what language I'm typing in. I hated the constant switching between languages on Android.
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...
I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability.connectivity,network,backup,app store,encrypt ...kudo to
If a blackberry falls, it hardly breaks. But if an iPhone falls, its gone. Gudluck to me. May I win and HV d opportunity of meeting Linda b4 this yr ends. Amen
I like blackberry because of the easy subscription!!
Blackberry is just a normal phone ya....buh BlackBerry passport is jus one marginalise in gadget....once a friend told me that in this world there re only two phones blackberry passport nd others...let's check nd balance...the mega pixel....the gb jus dam huge even inbuilt mem....that's why the phone is just
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