Day 4 of Blackberry Passport Giveaway! Win two more phones | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 18 December 2014

Day 4 of Blackberry Passport Giveaway! Win two more phones

Wanted to switch things up & put this giveaway at a different time so others can have an opportunity to win.

To win the two Blackberry Passports I'm giving away today courtesy of Blackberry Nigeria, tell us in very few words what you like about Blackberry. We will pick from the first 200 comments. I will announce all the winners tomorrow. Good luck guys!


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Unknown said...

Blackberry is fun to use. That's why I love it.

The wayforward said...

Linda,thank you for this great opportunity.There are a lot of advantage with a BB phone.
Here are some of them:
The worldwide popularity of this device,is such that even a child in the village or a slum,know about blackberry;not to talk of my grandmum,knows what it looks like. The advantage here,is that awareness of a product is vital for the sale of such product.This is a marketing strategy.
Considering the portability of BB devices,you can bet,that that's why is has a lot of preference to other smartphone,out there in the market.
Ipso facto,newer generation of BB phones have a greatly improved battery lifetime-what a big plus!This is a clear indication of a visionary company.
Subscription is affordable(a day subscription exists) and there is room for promotions on the available data services.
As I look into the wisdom behind the installation of the BBM app,it is such that without airtime credit,one can easily send messages,transfer data,receive instant news.For the average Nigerian,buying a newspaper daily,is out of sight:but thanks to such an application.It is such a relieve,considering that it would have been impossible to carry out the simplest operation on phone,like sending of SMS,if one hadn't any available airtime credit.
Amazingly,the manufacturers of this device,deserve a pat on the back,for her consideration on data usage.In Nigeria,for example,where data is so expensive to buy,BB saves us a lot of money,for exigencies,outside the cost of keeping our phones running.
Who has not see the excellent data compression advantage with blackberry device?It is an excellent idea,to remember this company for such!
It would be unforgivable,not to talk about the magnanimous video calls and voice note advantage,one gets with BB devices.
This is why I love Blackberry phone...and it will remain my number one choice,anytime,any day.
Dr Okocha.

Unknown said...

Good luck guys!!

Anonymous said...

It gives me a deep sense of connection beyond the logic of time.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

King David said...

Anonymous said...

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Unknown said...

I just like the easiness and data cheapness.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...


Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing

The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.

Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).

Battery life

The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.

Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.

Early impressions

So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.

“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.

“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”

With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.


Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.

this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.

Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

I am transitioning from a student to a young working professional. The blackberry is the perfect phone .

Anonymous said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

One of the reasons why I like blackberry is because of data subscription on it is still the cheapest when compared to that of android or iPhone.. I don't see myself switching to android or iPhone because they are not just cost effective for me. So blackberry is it.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

Blackberry is fun to use. That's why I love it.

Unknown said...

I love that blackberry phones are user friendly. Using it isn't rocket science!

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

sleek design

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Anonymous said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

pweedy chy said...

Neks said...

>>>>> I love blackberry because it's less stressful typing cause of its physical buttons, less errors as well, it's security, it is durable , simplicity of its messenger Bbm, the indicator light when a message comes in without you knowing, the list goes on..... <<<>>

Unknown said...


Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing

The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.

Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).

Battery life

The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.

Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.

Early impressions

So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.

“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.

“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”

With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.


Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.

this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.

Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Subscription is cheap...and I don't have to turn off my

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

I pray I win

Osas Cruz said...

I love the downloading speed, so fast,

The best feature I love is the minimizing, so sweet and easy, I can use opera mini, Uc browser, web browser, facebook, twitter, bbm at the same time, so easy and flexible.

I love blackberry keyboard, oh, I can type full page of my text book on it within 5mins, so easy and stressless, and I also love using the touch screen and keyboard once,one finger on the keyboard one finger on the screen,

Good morning

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Anonymous said...

One thing I like about blackberry is the BBM app on it. When blackberry came into Nigeria, they actually know the want of the people and they gave us that social platform and till today BBM remains the best chatting platform. The BBM was so powerful even the other powerhouse such as Apple, Android, and Windows had to go through all odds just to have this on their phones and I was so happy Blackberry stood their ground not giving it out cheaply......They actually got a value for it......Thats why I will continue to use my Curve4 even if a good numbers of the button are gone

Unknown said...

fast keypad,durable battery,unlimited wifi,international roaming,synchronises wit itune,multi tasking,multi browser. choi tell me y i wnt lyk my bb hehe,bb is d best joor.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Unknown said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Mkpuru Mma said...

I like the OS it's high compared to other smart phones and it saves data.

Unknown said...


Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing

The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.

Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).

Battery life

The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.

Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.

Early impressions

So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.

“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.

“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”

With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.


Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.

this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.

Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud

Anonymous said...

Blackberry passport when compared to other smart phones has a physical keyboard which is is easier to use especially for professionals like me who do a lot of typing, writing and responding to emails, documents or memos. This is due to the square design of the passport. In other smart phones when you pull up the keyboard it covers almost half of the window but blackberry passport has enough room even when you zoom articles to read. Other phones when you zoom, you loose some words even when you turn the phone.

khalan said...

blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.

it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Jamesbond said...

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

sleek design

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Unknown said...

And also, the blackberry payment plans kick the butter of other smartphones.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands said...

I can't believe how good this phone is. It's probably my current favorite phone out there. Everything is fast, easy and multitasking, great call quality,it run android apps,long battery life, camera spec awesome!

Although the OS is on top and the phone is really beautiful. I thought it may look ugly but it's extremely beautiful in person and it feels so premium!
Call me crazy but now I'm even dreaming of having the phone right now.
Blackberry Passport!! Yes!!!

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

I like blackberry because of their conservative measures in data plans.
Blackberry have the best e-mailing smart phone system. Bkackberry camera is simply the best.
BlackBerry designs are cute.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Unknown said...

I Like blackerry 9900 black cos its has dis flashiness dat does nt fade away anytime I ll still choose bold5 black lol!

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Goziem Oh LORD said...

I like BlackBerry coz it runs fast wen am opening a page,their data is cheaper and can be on all day which allows me receive my notifications and update anytime .it all I needed to do is to just subscribe wit 1k and it also allows me to play internet vidieos and internet radios as well as internet video and audio calls witout minding my it is now I don't think I can use any other fones apart from BlackBerry coz all their apps is very unique to use and I can be in as many app as I want at d same time.i love BlackBerry so much coz it keeps me connected to d world any time any day . A very big big thank u to BlackBerry.

cornway boy said...

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Unknown said...

My BlackBerry, the only opportunity I have to do almost everything I can do without having a laptop,i can read for my exams anywhere anytime without any ish,it helps me to multitask,when I urgently need to attend to some travel request via email. pls I need this phone linda.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

khalan said...

blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.

it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Anonymous said...

I simply cant do without a blackberry phone.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

Moderate data consumption and its brand superiority.

Unknown said...

sleek design

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

Blackberry is d first 2 create an instant messenger,d first 2 introduce a monthly nd affordable data bundle,blackberry is creative wen producin phones with its varieties,unlyk odas wit same shape buh different model,bin usin BlackBerry 4 ova 4yrs nw,with BlackBerry it's a world of's jst convenient always!

Unknown said...

Blackberry phones are the best.. Where do I start?? Ok... BB has the worlds best game like WORD MOLE, always you swap BBM pins by scanning another phones code making drunken number swapping a childs play, When you get an email your BB blinks at you quietly it doesn't make noise or vibrate. Removing a BB battery is not physically impossible so its easy to fix when something goes wrong.. If you drop your BB, it won't crack but survive the fall and to crown it all, it came b4 so many smartphones lik all this android phones

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

I love Blackberry and the way it works,it has the best operating system because it is very easy to use, it is always my top option when purchasing a phone, compared to other brands they used a special server technology that sat between the phone and email systems to provide better performance. Because of the way they worked, they also offered a higher level of security than other systems. So I don’t have to worry about being hacked or having to worry about my files being leaked. Secondly the designs of blackberries are always very unique and catchy from the dimension and other physical features, most especially because most blackberries have physical keyboard, which isn’t really common amongst newer smartphones, blackberry always gives you an option of either using a physical keyboard or a touch keyboard. Lastly the famous blackberry messenger, which has now improved making it possible for users to make calls as well as messaging, this saves a lot of money for people. The call service is very excellent and can work with poor Internet. The above reasons are my top reasons.-----

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

I have been using BlackBerry as my main phone for almost five years now and here are some things I can think of about this great invention:
*.Better battery life
*.nice form factor / good feel
*.Great keyboard
*.Good messaging product (BBM)
*.low cost, low data usage
*.Easy use for starters
*Precise notifications for message alerts
*Great email functionality
*More professional appearance, brand recognition
*Easily unlocked from carrier (versus iPhone)
*.Good for travelling (some have dual CDMA/GSM radios and carrier plans)
*.Robustness / durability
*.Better reception / call quality
*.Blackberry allows apps to integrate with their core apps ... allowing social media apps better integration to address book and calendar; or items to be sent from the browser directly to an app.
*.Blackberry has proven to be more secure compared to other smart phones.
*.Blackberry is faster and uses less bandwidth by compressing all data

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar.
Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Mikkel said...

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

I just hope I will get one of this

Unknown said...

Wow!! Linda more grease 2 your elbow
The design and build:BB has a wonderful design an build up,be it d QWERTY or d TOUCH SCREEN,you dnt hv to eorry abt a fall either bcos BB is stone.its edges are smooth.
The internet and data services:Android can frustrate u with its high cost of data services but with as cheap as #1000,u can enjoy one full month of internet/data services without worry.
The camera:BB has an amazing picture quality dat has given a habit of taking snap shots almost everywhere I colleagues @ work enjoy taking pictures with my bb9380 and gives me d burden of sending d pics to them all bcos of its superb quality.
Social networking
U want to enjoy d best buzz of social networking? Be it BBM,whatsapp,facebook,badoo,etc BB will giv u d best.with its unique notification style of change of light colour dat blinks at top right edge,u never miss a chat,massage or mail.even d blackberry enterprise server BES-it thrills my uncle,he uses it 2 dispatch cooperate mails with ease
The keyboard
Comparing d keyboard of androids or iphones would be a little degrading to d superbly crafted QWERTY keyboard of d Q series.what of d predictive keyboard of d z10,z3-z series,for those dat type a lot,BB is ideal 4 you coz u can type a full long passage by just hitting a few buttons
There are a lot dat BB can offer I know...yea yea I've a consistent user of BB..dear BB thrill my life more,let me win,Thanks

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Blackberry gives me easy access to information,its d greatest communcation gajet given to man by man

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

Blackberry is stylish,classy,and suitable for me

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Miss linda pls let me win dis

Unknown said...

I like blackberry cos its gives easy communication through the bbm and and wit blackberry,I feel confident and

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Unknown said...

I love BlackBerry bcos I receive my emails without d stress of going online....i also love it cos d subscription is affordable....... Wish I could able to win a bb passport.

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Anonymous said...

I haven't won anything on LIB....i pray that i win this time....I like blackberry because it's a multi windows phone,easy browser that connect with the Internet anyday anytime.

Unknown said...

sleek design

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Unknown said...

“I was 25 years old when Buhari and Babangida were Heads of State and I am now 50 and they still want to be Head of State. I don’t understand that. I don’t understand that at all and I call on the young people of Nigeria to take their future into their hands and ensure that in the next election, they vote for a new generation of leaders"- said Nasir El-Rufai!

This is what we are preaching! This is why we are here! Say yes to Change! We are the Future and we all need to embrace it NOW!

God bless Nigeria!


Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

Blackberry products have made Surfing the netwet quiet easier for the common man because it has provided an array of all the Social networks in one piece!and to crown it all blackberry products re distinct that to move the android market foward a partnership had to be done with our ogboge blackberry!chai isn't that something to think's my email

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

chike said...

1) I love the keypads, makes you type without necessarily looking at the phone.
2) It keeps one connected for almost free.
3) ideal for business because of its easy navigation - keypad shortcuts and one-key search.

Unknown said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Especially with the blackberry 10, the hub keeps mi in sync with everything from emails,texts to my linkedin. Lightening-fast browser, uber-awesome bbm, skype,youtube. Longlasting battery life. QWERTY heaven mixed with touchscreen perfection..itz my blackberry of inesteemable blackberry in who'm i'm well pleased..

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

BlackBerry is awesome to use,been using it snc 2010,av used almost all dia products since bcs it's awesome,d blackberry world is easy to access ones u av created ur BlackBerry ID,u can get ur contacts back both on bbm and numbers,I introduced most of my friends to blackberry protect dt helps most in restoring all contacts. General,its easily to use,av enjoy both good batteries and d ones dt disturbs me,but I still prefer blackberry to all fones,using Q5 now,d battery is good,its jes like android except few things.

Unknown said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

sleek design

Unknown said...


Doctors Who (television’s great traveler through space and time) might be the ultimate backup sp...
BlackBerry Passport's screen size will make it ideal for looking at everything from schematics to x-rays, word documents and spreadsheets. Of course it's also going to make the handset ideal for web-browsing

The Passport will run the BB 10.3 operating system. It will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor and 3GB of RAM, specifications which are comparable to phablets in Samsung's Galaxy Note range.

Internal memory is shaping up to be 32GB with space to expand this with a micro SD card slot (up to 64GB).

Battery life

The Passport packs a large 3450mAh battery life, and BlackBerry is touting a battery life of around 30 hours for power users that browse the web, take calls and access multimedia content using the device.

Whilst testing out a pre-production device, blackberrypassport handset retained 15 per cent battery life after 16 hours of usage.

Early impressions

So far the blackberry passport has been the only publication to get extended time with the Passport. Although it looks like it could take users a while to get used to the unique design and keyboard, conclusions have been positive.

“It fits in dress shirt pockets and you can hold it with one hand. You just need two hands to use it. The battery lasts forever and the screen is a breath of fresh air for the 'cramped' Q10 users,” CrackBerry noted.

“The phone (if we can call it that) is meant for executives and serious businessmen who will now do more on their BlackBerry smartphones.”

With BlackBerry managing to retain customers in the enterprise market, the release of a truly big screen device is likely to be welcomed by those who still crave a physical keyboard.


Blackberry Passport 10.3 users will have access to software offered by the Amazon App Store, to broaden the range of services at their fingertips.

this means users should have access to "hundreds of thousands" of additional apps, including consumer offerings such as Minecraft, Pinterest and Cut The Rope 2.

Meanwhile, they'll also be given the chance to download one free, and upload article in cloud

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world, Its standardized, inexpensive which could save us thousands of naira and available everywhere in the world. Blackberry is easy to charge and it allows smooth and flexible Multitasking, You can browse and answer messages at the same time.
BlackBerry is known for helping you get things done quickly and effectively. BlackBerry Messenger is still the king despite the arrival of whatsapp, viber and all other new messaging applications. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app in the market. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. Best of all.

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Unknown said...

Blackberry phones are the best.. Where do I start?? Ok... BB has the worlds best game like WORD MOLE, always you swap BBM pins by scanning another phones code making drunken number swapping a childs play, When you get an email your BB blinks at you quietly it doesn't make noise or vibrate. Removing a BB battery is not physically impossible so its easy to fix when something goes wrong.. If you drop your BB, it won't crack but survive the fall and to crown it all, it came b4 so many smartphones lik all this android phones

seunboroks said...

BlackBerry is d cheapest in Nigeria for Internet mobile networks!

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

KayMaths said...

The bbm, fast downloads & data usage compare to andriod is superb

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar.
Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Unknown said...

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Each time I go to use the blackberry world, I'm always amazed by the plenty apps (over hundreds of apps) I have to choose from. So many!

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

In few words i love blackberry because of ts elegance and originality nd d power BB Os dat perform many functions nd also ts subscription...#TeamBBForLife....if i win i cn b contacted on 08100590106

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Anaturuchi Green said...


Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I like the BlackBerry because it offers powerful hardware and a clever click clacking keyboard that makes for a great reading and editing experience. The red light that blinks when you have a message or call and because its businessy not flashy but get things done fast.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry makes life much more easier and intresting, strong long lasting and reliable!! Get a blackberry Get a whole new life! @

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

edafeudubre tobore said...

blackberry smart phone always makes the different when it comes to mobile world which makes them simply the best.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

God bless you Linda.
May the spirit of God touch you to Please pick me.

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

sleek design

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

I love blackberry phones. It is durable. It has a long lasting battery life. Very fast when browsing. It is easy for multi tasking. Blackberry phones are way better than android phones that is flooding the market. I would choose a blackberry phone any day over any other phone.

ary said...

BlackBerry is an identity! It is an extension of yourself! It is who you are! It sets you apart from other phone users! A BlackBerry is unique, it is different. It is awesome! It is who you are! It makes life easier, it portrays the world differently. It is the difference between yesterday and today! A BlackBerry phone is the difference between a Hi and a hello. It sorta defines who you are

Henry Cheks said...

There are things about BlackBerry that simply doesn’t let its hard core fans and users like me down,When it comes to technology, Android and iOS devices are at the top of the food chain. So, does that mean BlackBerry is being completely outclassed OR out of the limelight definitely not infact blantantly NEVER!!
Permit me to outlist the reasons i like my BB Gadgets in formal details...
1). Great Keyboards – BlackBerry keyboards are pretty flexible and of great help for fast texting without errors. The keyboards feel way better than touch type. It’s like, you can carry grocery in one hand and text on the other, Amazing huh?
2). Variety in Styles – Frankly speaking, one gets bored of the same old block style. Be it the Samsung Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5, it’s the same style. With BlackBerry however, you have several unique form factors to choose from – Full QWERTY (Bold/Curve), QWERTY Slider (Torch 9800/9810), Full Touchscreen (Torch 9850/9860 and Z3/Z10), Suretype (Pearl 3G) and QWERTY Flip (Pearl Flip). A style for everyone,all exclusively from BB smart world of possibilities..
3). Can Be Used Anywhere – An unlocked BlackBerry can be used on almost any carrier around the world, so you are not limited to a few specific carriers.
4). Easy Charging – All new BlackBerry phones use a standardize Micro-USB connector for charging and synchronization both for extracting files and sending...
5). International Roaming – Because BlackBerry supports international carriers, international roaming is not an issue. However, am careful with this as the roaming charges from my carrier might be a little challenging.
6). Unlimited Wi-Fi Calling – If the BlackBerry runs on T-Mobile USA, it offers unlimited Wi-Fi calling from any corner of the world. WOW!!!! Thought you would shout this one out.......
7). Expandable Memory – Fit in as many gigabytes as you want! With flexible memory card options, you don’t have to be limited to phone sets that have a set amount of internal memory.
8). Smooth Multitasking – Oh yes. You can browse and answer messages at the same time. Multi-tasking is smooth and flexible in the Blackberry.yummmy right?
9). BlackBerry Messenger – Before WhatsApp, Viber, and all the other new messaging applications arrived the BlackBerry Messenger was king. Many of its features were copied by its competitors and it is still the most secured messaging app on the market. Best of all, it’s FREE!!!
10. Security – There is no debating this one. BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world. There is a reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch even though he insist on ditching his Blackberry. Am sure most of us dont know this one LOL
11. Email – Simply put, none of BlackBerry’s competitors have been able to match the effectiveness of Blackberry’s distinguished email system.
14. Relatively Inexpensive – The latest BlackBerry can be purchased for at a a very low affordable price tagged from the company’s website. This is at incomparably cheaper than even the least expensive iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 or Note.
15. Battery Life – Even though battery life differs with each specific BlackBerry phone, in general the average battery life of a BlackBerry cell phone is superior to that of its rivals.
16. Screen Share – Don’t limit yourself to calling and texting. Share your screen with anyone you wish through the BBM app.
17.BBM Social – If you are a developer, the BBM Social Platform API will provide you with access to the social features and functionality of the BlackBerry Messenger, all from within your app.
18.Peek-a-Boo – Newer BlackBerry smartphones allow you to sneak a peek at your latest notifications and messages without the need to switch or exit the current app you are using.

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Ify said...

I love the versatility of the compresses data, simple to use, sleek and beautiful designs, has an awesome messaging service and it's perfect for our Nigerian economy. In simple words, it's the ish....

Anonymous said...

Blackberry has got the best back-end infrastructure for mobile communication. It has awesome phones that can go head-to-head with other high-end smart phones. The number one thing I love about the blackberry is the "KEYBOARD". I type paragraphs and blogposts without looking at the screen sometimes with less typos unlike other phones. Other features I love include:
2. Real-time Email(emails come through way quicker on blackberry)
3.Blackberry Hub where all emails,twitter,facebook,whatsapp, chats and messages are in one place. Instead of going into applications one by one to check messages.
4. Removing a Blackberry's battery is not a physical impossibility (easy to fix when things go wrong).
5. The simplistic but effective operating system caters well to people for business, Entertainment(Social networking,music, gaming etc) and also for Education (Research purposes).The Blackberry is a smartphone that will last a lifetime.

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Olusegun said...

The most amazing things I love about blackberry are
1) The unbeaten compression of data
2) The upgrade of the os and the kernel from device 2 device
3) Switching from blackberry to another blackberry,which is an automatic change of pin but still same contact, even on from blackberry os to android os.
4) Ability to use email actively by notification. And lots more.

Anonymous said...

It gives me a deep sense of connection beyond the logic of time.

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Unknown said... said...

I love BBM bcus is d easy access to communicate wit frnds nd d picture is fantastic.

Unknown said...

Ever since blackberry came out it hs been my no. 1 cos I download files for free at blackberry world e.g torch, dictionary, games, Alkitbku bible etc. And the subscription is ecconomical.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the importance of smartphones since the development of technologies in Nigeria,though there has been many smart phones flooded in the country the blackberry smartphone stand out,i use a blackberry z10 and i can definitely say blackberry is head above the rest,some of things that made blackberry stand out is the hub which is great thing about blackberry,i get to see my emails,media and bbm message in one place at a go which makes it easier to operate and another stand out is the overhaul of querty  keyboard which makes me type for long without getting my finger stressed,how can i forget the amazing video quality and camera which are in hd version,the beautiful slim sleek shape of blackberry can never would always caught an eye at a glance.blackberry i can say stands

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

khalan said...

blackberry is a user friendly, durable and it is cost effective.

it keeps me on the go with news and entertainment, most especially with my emails due to its easily and swift accessibility to internet.

cozy swift said...

Anonymous said...

In my over 4 years experience of using a blackberry handheld, it has proven to be the most durable phones anyone can ever think of having! It has lasted and it's still very functional. It has made organizing my work on a daily basis easier; from access to my mails while on the move and even being able to open my documents, even before I do on my laptop. And what more can I say, the pictures are crystal clear.

Unknown said...

sleek design

Anonymous said...

Goziem Oh LORD said...

I like BlackBerry coz it runs fast wen am opening a page,their data is cheaper and can be on all day which allows me receive my notifications and update all I needed to do is to just subscribe wit 1k and it also allows me to play internet vidieos and internet radios as well as internet video and audio calls witout minding my it is now I don't think I can use any other fones apart from BlackBerry coz all their apps is very unique to use and I can be in as many app as I want at d same time.i love BlackBerry so much coz it keeps me connected to d world any time any day . A very big big thank u to BlackBerry.

Unknown said...

chimezie said...

blackberry phones are designed specifically with the customer in mind... to suit and meet the needs of the customer. they are durable and affordable, and the data requirements/plan is cheaper than other phones.

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

osikay said...

the sleek and elegant feel of the blackberry and also. durability and quality. it just makes a perfect phone for young entrepreneurs like me.

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bcos of its outstanding feature among its other mate lyk the OS,BBM,TWITTER.....ITS BIS is worth of using..from it inception its has over shadow all other phone...the sharpness of it camera both secondary n primary camera...its flash light make its picture look nice...memeory space n the durability....kudo to

Ambassador said...

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT BLACKBERRY... 1. Blackberry can be used on almost every carrier in the world. 2. Blackberry is available in five form factors – small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. 3. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand – all the time. 4. Blackberry uses standardised (=inexpensive and available everywhere in the world) MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. 5. Blackberry has expandable memory. 6. Blackberry has removable and expandable battery. 7. Blackberry allows programs to multitask. 8. The newest Blackberry screen resolution is 480x360. 9. Blackberry allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier, circumventing the email system. 10. Skype (NASDAQ:EBAY) on the Blackberry? Yes, from anywhere to anywhere. 11. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry.
12. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers from multiple suppliers. Uwagbale A. Oriaifo...

Unknown said...

I like cos its out standing of all black berry products

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

I love Blackberry for its physical keyboard, the physical keyboard is still a dealbreaker. I won’t give up on it and neither have other loyal BlackBerry fans. I’ve still never lost a typing race to my iPhone or Android friends, and typo free might I add. I have not met a single person who says they prefer touchscreen keyboards over the physical one I have.

I love Blackberry for its communication features. BlackBerry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one. The web browser on Blackberry is a pleasure to use. It is fast, supports multiple tabs, and I haven't seen any limitations so far. It even supports Flash for those that want it. It's a nice mobile browser.

I also love Blackberry for me it's Language Detection. I speak 3 languages and I love how Blackberry predicts what language I'm typing in.

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