Kano State Police Command confirmed the blast, saying a female teenager blew herself up targeting prospective corps members who went to school to check their NYSC posting. They said at least two students died in the blast while 7 others were seriously injured and have been taken to the hospital.
Have you guys noticed how it's now women blowing themselves up?
For those of you travelling tomorrow please commit your journey into God's Hands. If you have never prayed before travelling your entire life, kindly pray tomorrow for Divine Security! DON'T BE TOO PROUD AND DON'T TAKE THIS MESSAGE LIGHTLY, PLEASE HEED TO THESE WORDS Psalm 121:4. Stay Blessed.. BishopDammy#
No I haven't noticed o Linda, u ladies said u been sidelined in nigeria affairs, u've got ur groove on naw...
Chibok girls on my mind.I suggest the facial pix of the bombers be checked against those of the abducted chibok girls.They may have been turned into some weapon of some sort(Just speculating)! Our biggest fear has began....God help us
Is now females???? God help this country
God help us ooo
okay oh, it is now the rave of the moment, female bombers.
Lord have mercy!
Its not in doubt that the abducted chibok girls have been 'transformed' @Fortunedexcel
Chibok girls they are using ,if actually they are girls. With this their dressing code it can man or woman.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
The girls have been brainwashed.
What type of evil spirit is this, bikonu?..; kill ppl and kill oneself.
* My R1.50c comment *
Hmmmm!speechless! Hope is not wat am thinking,chibok girls bin used! God!
God help us #bright bravo# 269beb21
Even women? LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Linda o!.. Are u sure is not des chibok girls dt de are using,. Cos is teenage girls dt de have been using recently o!.. Chukwu o!.. Napu kwa ekwensu ike o!..#teamchris
Kano is the new head quarters!
The Federal government I am suspecting are leaving in a monstrous self denial circus of the biggest Scarry facts of the chibok girls.
I suspect boko haram have started using this girls as suicide bombers given the fact that the poor girls don't have a clue what a suicide vest looks or feels like.they might be lied to that they are being sent on errands and that what they are putting on is just a tracking device to ensure they return.
My eyes are so so soaked in tears
You mean chibuok girls blowing themselves up? Why kano?
I hope these are not the "Chibok Girls" they abducted.
OMG!!!! Again?? This boko haram go finish us o,,,,irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
is very sad oooo women. I hope dey are nt d missing girls.
All bad people will pay for their sin...even bible talk am. Irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
Woman! Woman! Woman! But why?
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
its a welcome development, let them keep it up.Ass wipes
Are you sure they not brain washes those chibok girl
Are you sure Boko Haram has not started to use chibok girls for suicide bombers
I hope they are not using the chibok girls as these suicide bombers oh! God have mercy
Our chibok girls have finished!
Bring back our girls. . Now your girls are coming back one by one to blow you up.. God have mercy
Hope they are not using the chibok girls for this purpose oh! God have mercy
My dear na frustration dey make women do all dese tings. So Kanow is Now the new centre of attraction for Boko Harams. Lord guide us. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Linda it's scaring oooo,,,,,women in action now,,,God help us o irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
Pls Linda how many ppl feared killed?
Not again? God!!! Pls help us in this country! And as usual, GEJ will condemn the attack, then sit back and it would be business as usual. I pray that at the end of his tenure, there would be people left in the Northern part of the country for him to rule over. Nigeria we hail thee! It is well o! And there is God ooooo!
Not again? God!!! Pls help us in this country! And as usual, GEJ will condemn the attack, then sit back and it would be business as usual. I pray that at the end of his tenure, there would be people left in the Northern part of the country for him to rule over. Nigeria we hail thee! It is well o! And there is God ooooo!
Not again? God!!! Pls help us in this country! And as usual, GEJ will condemn the attack, then sit back and it would be business as usual. I pray that at the end of his tenure, there would be people left in the Northern part of the country for him to rule over. Nigeria we hail thee! It is well o! And there is God ooooo!
Naija nid's God's help.. *eyesClosed.. #DahBoY..
God help our country .........I'm suspecting they are now training chibok girls to be boko haram
I hope is not d chibok grls d r now using as female suicide bombers ooooh. Cos I dnt unadstnd again.may God hlp us oooh.
I just hope its not the Chibok girls that are being used for this recent female suicide bombings.
This is a very sad state of affairs. Very sad.
Are we these are not the chibok girls???
Are u sure these ppl are humans?
When will these night mares be over?
They should keep "blowing" themselves up. I wonder what they put on their skull. Are they hypnotized?
Hope dz females are not OUR girls? High women in d north especially Kano start slamming Jean & fitted T-shirts
Je.....sus Christ, the whole issue now is getting serious. Women re now involued, Father pls have mercy. Linda pls post my comment.
Linder i really love commenting on ur blog but i dont think its showing na wa o...pls try and make it easy like other blogs...
God save us.....Ms_trendy
Its cos the men haven't been successful recently so they use women cos people hardly notice when they are all covered up,but God will start exposing them.
Its cos the men haven't been successful recently so they use women cos people hardly notice when they are all covered up,but God will start exposing them.
As their bodies become pieces, are we sure they arenot men disguised as women....
God hlp us oooo and have ur way in dis country
Hmmm, these female bombers most b part of those women, dat was adopted by BH.
And what is BW bonita & bonario Nnags?bonita can't wait 4 Bonario 2 comment b4 she starts replying him..its called divine connection
i have noticed and i sense they r using our chibok girls!
Chibok girls in action
Hope its not the Chibok girls Oh Lord
May the souls of the dead rest in peace.
I just pray the Chibok girls are still safe.
I just home these female suicide bombers are not our CHIBOK girls
Where are the Chibok girls, are the boko haram sets using them as female suicide bombers? APC please tell us what is happening
God have mercy, Kano is now d new Borno. Hope is not Chibok girls dis pple r using?
Where are the Chibok girls, are the boko haram sets using them as female suicide bombers? APC please tell us what is happening
Islam the cancer of the world.
Adopted kwa? It's abduction or abducted bro/ sister..
Scary stuff.
Sometimes I wonder if all these will ever come to an end.. What sort of being are these?? God where are you !!
Not again!! I guess they are now using the chibok girls!! God have mercy! Intervane dear Lord and save your people!! #sad
We need God's intervention Asap
Hmmmm. Chibok gals
Hmmmmm!!! O dikwa serious ooo. I am beginning to think they are not really women. There is no promise of virgins for them. Men are disguising themselves as women now. It is well. May God have mercy. Even in their own Islamic school?
All these girls that tan everyday are gonna look like a piece of leather in about 15 years
All the Chibok girls have been turned into suicide bombers. @amfestus
Am suspecting the chibok girls. They must have been really brainwashed? The first thing that came to my mind the very first time was chibok girls
President Jonathan must win 2015 Presidential election regardless of the incessant bomb attacks.
Sometin tells me they are using those chibok gals 4 all these recent bombings, and if that's the case then, all hope is fucking lost, bastards!!! Fucking country, bulshit
This is becoming alarming. God help us
God help us
Linda Ikeji, it would be nice if we could like peoples comment so they will know their effort hasn't been in vain. @MeetdrealEvans your comment was liked by me.
This worrisome. Hope is not these girls we crying for their release that are being used? I think the DNA of the bomber be collected and analysed.
Now it's obvious that it's APC has a hand in this BH saga.. if it's what am thinking! I hope they r not already protesting GEJ and Sanusi Lamido Sanusi's reconciliation.. it's been Kano since d meeting ooo...
I think its high time hijabs are banned in some places.
How can someone blow herself up???this is really insane,infact i dont know what to say
A P C in action, pls continue the killing in the north
New Kano Emir new Boko Haram tactics
Anon 3:32 u ask why Kano? Well Kano is a big state in the North. Probably one of the most important state in the North. If they overwhelm the North East, Kano,& Kaduna then very little is left in the North. Watch out South.
Hey Bishop am oluwatosin(corper).I just got my callup letter and iv been posted to Zamfara,I would be travelling tmao from ibadan..I don't care if u are a real Bishop or not buh please pray for me. Thanks
Hey Bishop am oluwatosin(corper).I just got my callup letter and iv been posted to Zamfara,I would be travelling tmao from ibadan..I don't care if u are a real Bishop or not buh please pray for me. Thanks n God bless
Lol there is way more to this than religion! Only God knows what these people are really after. I wonder how all the ignorant and silly people who were angry rather than happy about the bombings that were stopped feel, because they were at mosques smh.
If u're fed up with life, must you take others along? cant u blow up urself in the desert? chidikwarosemary@mail.com
Oya Jonathan will come and condemn as usual....We are waiting for ur speech Mr president
It is well.
Shut the fuck up please..you are just a scammer trying so hard to scare some innocent libers into your game of deceit..a jobless bishop who keep spamming every post on lib. You are not a bishop! U are just a product of a corrupt society where jobless people like you, take advantage of religion to make money from the gullible ones. Your fake prophecy pisses me off..go find a life please and stop quoting bible verses that don't even add up..trying to be smart..
This is the worst..women involved in this...... Graphics Pics Of a Baby boy Delivered & Dumped inside the Waste bin By UNN Student ..Click to Read
Na wa o..
May the souls of the dead rest in peace excluding the bombers. Amen. OTUoCHA
wow! this is baaaaad
I jst hope chibok girls r safe. God pls intervene in dis situation.
PDP shld tell us what is happening in all APC state ?PDP God dey ooooooo why re bombing APC state.
He will win by riging. PDP is bombing APC state.
Now I dey fear service o! God should pls take control. #call me indigenous lib#
I hope BH is not using d Chibok as suicide bombers. God pls keep dis girls!
Chibok girls. Those innocent teens had been brainwashed. They were taught to pray and converted to Islam and shown on CNN. Enough time has elapsed. God have mercy. The Sambisa forest should be destroyed in its entirety. It is better to lose them than Boko Haram using them to lose more and more Nigerians. They are so stupid. It could have been better for them not to have denounced their Christian faith. If they are killed, they become Matyrs and go to heaven than blowing themselves up killing others too and finally going to hell. Our government should act quick. Destroy Sambisa forest and everything in it. Boko Haram hate girls going to school. They have just started as there is no educational Institution without girls. Now is the time to end Boko Haram or Boko Haram will end Nigeria.
Exactly my tots too. Hope d chibok girls re not d ones being used now. *sad.
Ha! Chibok girls ave been turned to terrorist o........ Allah yayisa boko haram...... *Miss LIbers*miss Meenat
The kidnapped chibok girls are gradually been eliminated. Hmmm. Pls dear God #bringbackourgirls alive!!!!
@meetdreal, boy u are one stupid being
Am starting to think. Those chibok gurls have been brain washed n are da victims of these sucide blow ups.
I hope dose chibok girls av nt been brain wash by dis pple o
So these Chibok girls are gone foreva? They are now using them for suicide bombings... God have mercy!
May there souls rest in peace
It's rather unfortunate the north are the ones suffering all these bombings...you don't expect ur president to act now knowing fully well he wants to come back for a second term in office...wait till he's reelected and I'm very sure that's when he'll take action and boko haram will be history.
are dis girls looking for 7male virgins or what...abeg God save us,,,,,chemicalx52003@yahoo.com
these female bombers might be the chibok girls that they have brain washed... #JustSaying
I hope n pray its nt chibok girls they're using o.
Shallowness is the biggest problem afflicting the average Nigerian...
And most Nigerians delight in either being politically correct or appearing nice, speaking tongue-in-check, afraid of hurting feelings in order to be told they are mature...
Unbeknown to them, the Greek Gift has put a limit on their ability to read and think hard through the problem, which now is threatening to consume all of us, including the nice guys...
Make no mistake: A jihad is under way...
I warn that most of the people, both men and women, involved in this spate of suicide bombing are practically unrelated or unconnected to Boko Haram...
The only element connecting them with the Islamist sect is the religious beliefs they share, as contained in the QUR'AN, being the primary and authoritative source of guidance for all Moslems....
These bombers have simply chosen to heed Allah's injunction as partly related in Quran 47: 4 that obliges Moslems to continually levy jihad against disbelievers until they embrace Islam and are saved from punishment in hellfire…
All that Boko Haram has succeeded in doing is to create the ambiance or auspices for the reign of terror, such that any obedient Moslem might as well do his/her thing, while Boko Haram gladly takes the credit...
The entire 47th chapter of the QUR'AN is devoted to the clarion on Moslems to wage war in the cause of Allah...
Here are excerpts from Surah 47: "So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]....
"And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others....
"And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.
"He will guide them and amend their condition. And admit them to Paradise, which He has made known to them.
"But those who disbelieve - for them is misery, and He will waste their deeds. That is because they disliked what Allah revealed...
"So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior," etc...
The point of note is that several portions of the Qur'an states unequivocally that jihad or fighting in the cause of Allah is ordained for every Moslem...
Qu 47: 20 maintains that Allah ordains jihad for the believer, and only believers with a diseased mind will shrink from fighting….
The Qur'an is very clear in respect of who the disbelievers are: Non-Moslems generally, but pointedly Jews and Christians...
Thus the current Jihad in Nigeria will continue until the government, being led by a Christian President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, is brought down and a Moslem is brought into power...
I urge you not to kid your self with the silly refrain that the insurgency has claimed the lives of both Christians and Moslems...
That is meaningless in explaining what is currently going on in this country!!!
Religion, intricately bound with political consciousness, is at the foundation of the current conflagration...
On my part, I strongly maintain, as one free to hold my views under section 38 and 39 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), that this darkness cannot be contained unless Nigeria goes the way of Sudan, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, USSR, among many others..
Jesus ! It could've be our chibok girls o. Lord of Isrselites in the hands of Pharaoh have mercy. I dont want to believe its our girls. But where are they getting the women and girls as suicide bombers from truly? My day is spoilt.
Hey na wa ooooooo,am wishin ma new copers save service oooo
ok now does she get male virgins? for what she has done? smh
Hmmmm. Brainwashed Chibok Girls Doing All These. (Linda's Man)
Heinous!!!! Dese pple have gone beyond #haywire.......they've degenerated in2 #haycable..... Who knws,dey may alrdy have Infant-Suicide bombers in training...
Heinous!!!! Dese pple have gone beyond #haywire.......they've degenerated in2 #haycable..... Who knws,dey may alrdy have Infant-Suicide bombers in training...
High time Govt banned hijab..purdah...and hand bags too
Nah muslims nah!
No one should bother cursing me out because i am too busy to come back and read your insults so what ever you say back fires on you .
The Hijab used for show of modesty or holiness is now the weapon of mass destruction. The fear of hijab wearing ladies is wisdom o, to be fore warned is to be fore armed.
Aburi Accord Playing out.
Go to school my friend.
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