Meriam Ibrahim,
her husband and two children arrived New
Hamsphire in the US yesterday July 31st where she and her family will begin a
new life. Family, friends and well wishers were on ground to
receive her at the airport. See how she's changed since being released from prison? Pretty woman. See more pics after the cut...

Good for her
When there is a will, there is a way and with both ...there is a God. She is one fine mama.
Congratulations !!!! and welcome to the land of the free...USA ,USA,USA
Peace. Finally !!
Thank God for her life.
She was pretty even in prison,there is this model look about Sudanese women.see even that crazy kola boof and I think iman has some Sudanese blood.
Nigeria is really embracing sin every little minute! These ones have left the chores of higher institutions to now gather members online pls be careful dear libers! Don't be anxious for quick money 1Tim 6:10 as God will make everything right n beautiful in his time(even money n fame)Ecc 3:11
"Become one of us and Become Rich We will teach you The 7 secrets of wealth you were never told. Anybody can get rich. It doesn't take genius. Nor are special talents required. You don't need to be lucky. And you certainly don't need to be privileged.
Do you want quick Riches protection and Power Then Become a Member of GURU Sri Baba when you Become a Member you will be among the Richest Nigerian and African whatever you want you will get it. Your business will Boom. And we will connect you to all the VIP in your country AND the world.. 85% of Nigerian Richest men and women are our members ..Governors, Senators ,Pastors, Army generals , Business men. we also have the Treatment for shock The best medical doctor in the world ARE our Members"
Our headquarters is in India
Wish You success ..
The funny thing is that they tag their contacts along with messages like this! Imagine if this message got into the wrong hands considering the vast amount of desperate and impatient Nigerians!
I urge you all to read this 2tim 2:22 n be very careful!
*crying* So happy 4 her #true Love#
*i like Don jazzy
Thank God for her. Miracles do happen. I only pray she is still safe where she is, away from her brother who has vowed to take her life...
Happy for her,she has bin through a lot
She has really transformed alot, to God be the glory. Make she come carry me o, even houseboy i fit do for her abeg....
Thank God she is alive to tell the story.
For a moment there I assumed I was the only person who noticed the change in her looks; she sure is pretty. Wish her a fresh start and all the best!!
Good for her….
Am happy for her.I praise 4 life saving
Thank God she is alive to tell the story.
happy life after seeing death face to face
I am so happy for this woman n her family. Victory at last!!
Am very happy for is woman
True christian.. One week in Italy see the result on her skin, face and persona .. imagine what living in the states will do.. give her six months she'll be so different and posh.
Her disappointment has become her blessing and made her famous, she is just travelling around the world
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If not for GOD!!!
Our God is Good!
Awwww. Beautiful woman
Nice 1.
Nice Linda, for more
I wish them best of luck,,,,,
Nice Linda, for more
Wow! I'm happy! So happy. I wish her all the best in life. Bless her. Mo-1
Wish u all the best dear @patfrance tha sweetest girl@
I'm happy 4 her...its gud 2 be free indeed.
Awwww. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Thank God.
Kimmy *****
like play she don turn celeb,very soon now,it will be sudanesse woman worships in the church or sudanesse woman goes blond
Happy for her
Wit God all tinz r possible. Pretty woman
From Zero to Hero,
From Victim to Victor,
From SUdan to US... May the Almighty turn every of our pains to gains, give us beauty for ashes and turn our lives around beyond our imaginations. Amen! Congrats, Meriam!
God is faithfull
Nice good for her #bright bravo#
Thank God for her life.I wish her all the best.
Welcome home sweeeeet.
see groove for inside party. remain blessed
Moye B
Her Life don beta
She's indeed very prety... But dint I hear dat her family was in suport of her arrest in d first place?
She's looking so much relieved..
She looks better now,Thank God
she don turn A-list star..superstar...................................#KingOfKings
God is great..he showed himself.may his name be praised..
Wow, thank God for her life, and she is so pretty#nija born yankeee based
Automatic green card for them, God really buttered their bread and disgraced the plan if the enemies
I call dis divine intervention. Osheeeeey... #call me indigenous lib#
Happy 4 her
this is nice and for your hot sport news visit
wat a way to be celebrated!
is it really such a good idea to announce to the world, where his lady is now living?. doesn't that make her vulnerable to retaliation of some sort?
thank God for delivering her
thank God for that
thank God for her life
happy for her..a true example of fighting the true fight of faith...ride on baby
Thank God for her, she has become a star. From prison 2 glory. Enjoy my dear d lord is ur strenght
Chia, baba God is involved. LIB Princess!
He is faithful
God indeed answers prayers.
Good for her. I wander if cynthia my friend in lagos who wants to denounce christianity,will be giving a visa to saudi arabia? And would she meet and shake hands with the prince? Lol..I know a lot of people would wish they were in this woman's shoes. Her life will never remain the same. Amina,zainab and co, Deny your religion and be catapulted to stardom and a chance to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. if only u manage to escape with your head still attached to your
God is on her side, she is really beautiful
Eyaaa... merciful God!
Almighty God delivers his own. Amen.
Good for her. Let her stay away as far as possible from her evil brother and evil country. And leave no traces behind.
Linda thank God for her life. CHI.
thank god o
I'm so happy for pays to save God.
happy for her
Probably I'm not see right but it looks like the husband physically challenged?
Wow,thank God.....God bless nigeria and U.S.A
I can't help but shed a tears of joy and praise d Lord Almighty,Rock of Ages u ar too much#meriam shld be a role model to christians all over d world
She is very fortunate,the God she served vindicated her from the shackles of death,may his name be praised
it feels good to be free
see how pretty she looks now
it feels good to be free
see how pretty she looks now
it feels good to be free
see how pretty she looks now
it feels good to be free
see how pretty she looks now
it feels good to be free
see how pretty she looks now
Such is life ooo...
Great...she is safer and better off there in the US, the land of the free...
Guess it will be pretty difficult, although not impossible, for Moslem zealots to reach her there and execute Allah's sentence on her for abandoning Islam...
But don't kid...some Moslem zealots will know no sleep unless and until she pays with her life for her "apostasy"!!!!
While you may pretty easily join the Islamic faith and become a Moslem, you are pretty banned from leaving the faith...
Allah says you must be killed if you try!!
What a religion!!!!!
Even in Prison she was pretty
Thank God she finally left that God forsaken islamic country... Sudan
Who no like better life? The muslims want to live under the stone. mtcheeeew.
Who's like unto God? He makes all things perfect in His own time. I'm glad I belong to Jesus
Thank God.
She looks so good! U thought her husband's wheelchair was a temporal thing, seems it is permanent!
Ehya hapi 4her
One word for this woman....HERO of the faith...
Land of the free, home of the brave!!!!!
Am so happy for her #lesson: always stand for what you believe
Wow. Am api for her
Pls and pls u people includin muslim can see dat jesus is lord 4eva more! Pls give ur live to him even linda inclusive!
Wow. Dats gud for her. Bt is her on a wheelchair cuz am seeing a man on a wheelchair dere
happy for her
Her husband and son are American goes without saying that she is entitled to a green card.
Such a dumb comment. !!
SMH. U sound really dumb and childish! Too bad!
She Has Been Upgraded. (Linda's Man)
That's true,she has really changed
God is just awesome! Turning her shame to blessings... Am next in line for an amazing miracle!
Bye bye to Islam welcome to life
I thank God for her life.She stood by her faith even when she was persecuted and almost lost her life.
Not everyone shall enter d kingdom of God.Life is lik a paradise for d unbelievers nd d hereafter is meant 4 does who we laugh best.This life is just too short to critise one another.#Truebeliever#
What a Beauty! I wish her and family well.
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