Rihanna tweeted yesterday "Finally! Rogue Man is coming this September! I've waited years for this moment!". In another tweet, she wrote "Ladies! This September wake up next to your man smelling like this! Makes you wanna steal his Tshirts #RogueMan"
In the teaser ad, Rihanna nuzzles, hugs and smells this very hunky topless model. Rihanna should forget Chris Brown and go with this guy...they are so hot together! See more pics after the cut...
Bad girl #bright bravo#
Hmmm riri.....nwa. Di ok.
Yh yh is still CB 4 her eniday enitym dis guy is just doing his job, if dey ll av a tin it ll just be like a fling u know
Linda, you be tafia.
Nobody fucks her better than Chris Brown!
Be with this guy cos you pay which of her bills? Tired of y'all suggesting who is or is not good for Chris Brown or Rihanna! And what the hell is special about this guy? What?
I don't know whether to say you over hype everything or that you're starved of male attention again.
Either way, every time I visit this and most other nigerian owned blogs, I can almost feel my IQ dropping.
Na wa, make una de try give us meaningful well written content, abeg!
Linda ehn......
Abeg guy, forget love and collect your complete money o!
Thanks Rihanna, I don't need Rogue Man, I'd rather stick to Issey Miyake. Awesome!
What is with this tattoos ehen? All his beauty has been spoilt by the ugly tattoos he has... Yuck!
Smart girl...investments/businesses are the way.
Re uo sugestn one for her? LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Hmmmmm. Seen
Linda u get eye for good guys
Linda boyfriend advertiser !!!! we don hear !!!™™™ SMILE
Moye B
Seriously if i put the perfume gals go dey grab my body like this?? Eddreamzdreamer@gmail.com
God! why won't you give me this kan guy eh! i think i need to go on 7days fasting QED.
I love you RiRi looking hotter every time....irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
Beautiful riri
Yes you are so right Lindodo afterall Chris has a pot belly now.#eyes rolling#
Bad Riri
*i like Don jazzy
What's cute about this guy now? lol women eh.. They look ok together tho.
Linda gbagbe! Ain't no nigga like Chris to Riri.
Ana emenu
Indeed he is,as much as I don't fancy tattoos.dis guy is mwAaaaah
The male model is not feeling Rihanna, he is probably thinking, hurry up and take the picture jare, I don't have time for all these nonsense lol!!! Whizman
The male model is not feeling Rihanna, he is probably thinking, hurry up and take the picture jare, I don't have time for all these nonsense lol!!! Whizman
Linda what's hot here? With all these scary tattoos hell no for me, perfume yes!!!
Yea! I agree with u Lindodo.... Dem too blend together........ I AM MISS LIBER*MISS MEENAT
Dat guy is *beautiful* No homo...
Even If She Starts Dating Him, Very Soon They Will Both Expire. (Linda's Man)
d guy may look good bt he gat way too much tatts n linda riri cant leave cb cos dat guy can fvck..na acrobat..........................................#KingOfKings
What happened to her hand tattoo? Did they photo shop it off?
Anoda punch coming
This Linda you are becoming a bit silly. Must people jump and sleep around just because they look good? Please stop subconsciously corrupting our youth.
I love him already.
I hate the tats, it's much but he is fine.Facial expression matters :) ---C21
Bad girl...
Hot! Hot! Looks like it'd have an on point scent!
Go riri baddest gal,isn't he delicious she says,rirri wat u driving @...lauhrex
Hes nt dat cute jawe,,my husby fyn pass am
I'm way hotter..
I'm nt into whyte guys or tatoos,but dis guy is absolutely delicious. Riri is working,chris is still tramping
Ds guy is madly hot *if d word is correct* I feel like spendn a nit wif em.....soooo sexy!
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
delicious? who says that?
Linda u're just too horny!! Calm down and read ur bible!!!...love u tho
Linda u're just too horny!! Calm down and read ur bible!!!...love u tho
Riri on point@mercy
The guy's tatoos are so hot. Totally fits his abs like a second skin. Hot pair!
Where is Riri tatoos?
Where's d tattoo on Rihanna's hand
Pictures of linda ikeji that you haven't see
Good work gurl
Linda match maker
Eeerr...he looks bored. The last pic literally screams, "why the hell am I doing this?!"
lol. Just jesting. Congrats on her accomplishment :)
Omg!!!Triple hot...Triple tap
He's really hot and sexy... They really look good together. so danm sexy
nice one Riri,finally some tin good not her regular controversial outfits.
She bad
What now??
This is perfection in photography. ..I can feel the scent from here. ..
Mia. E
He's good, but brown is more of a talent
Just that can't stand tattoos sha.except if his is fake.
Ayama girl uncircumcised dick u are into jatijati Obo ole
Ola Brampton
Chris B is a boy compared to this guy,this guy is sexy and mature and this is the kind of guy riri needs not all those small small boyz.
One special thing is u will never have someone like him. Ha ha ha!
Husband snatchers simple quest b4 d dumb conclusion. Do you know if the model is married or not? Commenters b wise for once Biko nuuuuuuuu
Noticed that too
Was thinking the same
Probably she's grew tired of it and had it photoshopped
Where's d tatoo on rihanna's hand
@Above anonymous. ..u know u don't get the point, right?!😐😐😆
But the guy looks uninterested in the photo
Good question
He looks like Pierce Brosnan's son that is a model. The tats tho'. He's suppose to look that way. He's modelling
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