The Event will attract politicians, captain of industries, tourists, top media executives and eelebrities.
The final contestants will represent various
Ethnic Groups in Nigeria to promote the unity of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria.
The winner
will represent Nigeria at the MISS AFRICA NAIADES BEAUTY PAGEANT 2014
in Nov among other Prizes.
of Aso Nigeria is designed to promote the cultural heritage and tourism
value of Nigeria..Aso Rock is one of the most unique rock in Africa with
936metres above sea level.
The On line Voting of the final contestants starts on 15th August and end on 31th August 2014 while camping kick off on monday 8th Sept 2014...
For more info contact 08036798508,08069552027.or
visit www.queenofaso.org
Lovely gurls... Dey look so..... U knw nah
Ok we de wait for the winner
Can spot some fine girls tho , buh I don't see how its supposed to be a competition when I can already spot out Who's likely gonna win
They are all looking beautiful! Let the best win! Rom 12:1-2. BishopDammy# imahiadammy@gmail.com
Thanks to the organisers for helping to combat unemployment in the country . @least they've got the lovely girls engaged.
Enough of all dis beauty pageantry biko!
Choi....may d best win
Pls visit my shoe blog
This had better be a joke!
*My R1.50c comment*
Queen of Aso Nigeria hehehe the kinda name been sprung up for different pagentry huh daris God #maryjane22cute@gmail.com
Hmmmmm,okay.I like Queen Uhrobo.
I want to marry the last contestant, she is my dream gal...... Eddreamzdreamer@gmail.com
Urhobo,ijaw,ibira,igbo,ogoni and tiv......nice,very nice
Beauty are queen Fulani and Uhrobo..... I likey dem.... But I tire for naija o, pageant upon pageant. After now dem go begin do miss ugly Nigerian ........ I AM MISS LIBER*MISS MEENAT
What the fuck are dese tins?
Queen ibo try.....ocha ka omaka. Wish u luck
Queen of ASS HOLE rock.Imaging queen of IGALA bearing Afolabi.So much beauty peagent in this country.
###############GOD punish##############devil
They look lovely! I rep team@urhobo
Mehn there are some very pretty babes here.just feel like selecting first the one i like....but i thought in this kind of thing each tribe should produce their own indigene to represent them,bcos i saw igbo girl standing for miss Hausa...just saying
Pageants everywhere!
d queen of Igbo i desire so much.
Oh sentiments aside, the Igbo chick beats all of them hands down.. There you can say beauty personified !!
Very nice concept. I'm just surprised as to how Igbo re representing so many other tribes. Lol...igbo babes no dey carry last wen it comes to beauty contest. I think Queen igbo nd Queen yoruba takes the lead
What a stupid stupid stupid name for pageantry!!!!!! Plz tell me am not in 1995 because this poor photograPhy and awkward amy winehouse brows definetely says so...... Hian ike guru#che
Why do i strongly feel "ESU" Florence would win ?? #jezsayin sha lol !
Ummmm. No comment.
WTF is queen aso..all d girls look local..so they cldnt snap a really nice pic..all dis pics look like passport photographs..dis pple ar joking..Evri day 1 new lame pageant show..rubbish......................................#KingOfKings
SMH for those girls that run along to buy those forms,really ??? They must have really low self esteem, and they re self obsessed there are other avenues for you to explore and be useful to yourselves,those around you to explore and be useful to yourselves,those around you and your community, or you think going into pageantry makes you more and appreciated??? Well no it doesn't,those organizers are only making money off you dumb girls So sick of all these stupid beauty pageant,miss this miss that...don't you girls have better things to do with your life??? Some girls are Some girls are ok facially some are just ngbeke as much as I hate to use that word I just had to, they all want to stay and feel relevant shio ... Anyway none of my business*goes back to minding my business*
Some of them no just follow. My best are miss hausa,igala,uhrobo,ogoni (think she'd be prettier without much makeup),ibira and of course my very own miss igbo.
Pls where did dey pick most of dz girls from??? Is it dat enuf girls dint apply??
Queen of isoko hmmm. Na wa for ur face o!
Who promotes all these trashy events? and all these bunch of losers always contesting...look at them all ibo girls. why do they just love shortcut to fame?
Why is Igbos representing almost all tribe?
Igbo girls oya let go!!!!!
Most f dm ar igbo grls.
Queen Isoko tho...
What da F ??????
If I had a look like any of these ladies,
I would humble myself and sit home..
Ladies now believe once they are tall they have automatically qualified to being a model..
Effing disappointed..
Pageant everywhere which one is Queen of Aso rock again.
What da F ??????
If I had a look like any of these ladies,
I would humble myself and sit home..
Ladies now believe once they are tall they have automatically qualified to being a model..
Effing disappointed..
Pageant everywhere which one is Queen of Aso rock again abi Queen of Nigeria
pageant everywhere kai
Wish all of them luck #bright bravo#
My eyes on Uhrobo and Ibira, black is beautiful...
strange faces
igbo kwenu!
Wish them luck. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Seen!! Pls wen is queen of LIB pageant form comin out#eyesrollin
wtf !!!.. pls MBGN is enough for nigeria
beautiful girls. Wish them the best
These women should try and get busy with something more meaningful. Is pageantry all we ever think of?
Nice looks irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
in my own opinion, these girls are "old girls", and the pictures poorly edited.
Carefully selected,all drop dead gorgeous,for me miss ibibio is charming,irresistible and queenly! Pls ride on miss ibibio.
Igbo no dey carry last at all. Na she fine pass
Enough pretty girls full naija , that's y most of us guys can't stick with one . But these pageant tin is just ashawo ashawo , these beauty queens are just meant for all ( high class prostitution )
Queen of igbo is biankiaful okpe....let her win plssss
Queen igbo! My votes for you! Finest of them all. No contest
Linda. I don't believe in dis sheet anymore
My reasons
My cousin tried something like this in her school(miss the ........university),after buying all her costume, 3days to the event the owner asked to see all the contestants, according to my cousin they started calling them one after the other in a room, then the owner of the school start to touch their bum bum and their breast. You can imagine the rubbish, becos of car n some peanuts, she refused and withdrew. Imagine am sure the one dat shows him the best time (serious sex) will be the winner.
Nawa ooo....... Whr dem for pick all these babes. *lip sealed*
Edo Λπϑ Idoma, What Is This!!!!!! (Linda's Man)
Mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all? .... Ogenna Ekwebirim!!!! Go girl!! We are right behind you. Go Bigger Go Home!!!!.
I see only 3 beautiful ladies- queen ekiti, queen ibo and queen ibira. The rest are ugly!
Our very own Precious Afolabi (Miss Igala). Wishing you all the best dear. See you at the top.
Ijaw, Tiv, Igbo and Ibira....the rest should just go home. DJ_Nene
go queen Idoma..I m proud of you baby
*Queen Igala
chai... dem no try a beg!
Linda which 1 is Queen of aso again...r dey doing it for jonathan and pple in govt...mmmmmmmm
Ok seen.
Rubbish pageants everywhere! SMH, Nigeria is slowly turning into a joke.
Queen Ekiti is on point
Queen Ekiti is on point
Queen Ijaw all the way. Am happy for you Sandra
Nice one.
See my love Ogenna Ekwubiri... go get d crown.
Jelly melly
Queen igbo has the look of a queen already. ...clasay n cool.
Queen igbo has the look of a queen already, classy n cool
Ogenna is the prettiest! That's ma gurl! Go get them hun*winks*
All are owk bt queen igbo is a knock out asin pwedi
Where dem find all these housegirls from? Wilhemina Moses type of people
Some of them have already started exposing their breast, wish them all the best sha.
kai, all these girls ugly die..
Sum of diz galz want 2 die wif uglinx evn wif d ova photoshopd pix yet dem wowo..... Dey alreadi kw dia winner so watz d point of me votin.... Rubbish!
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Queen isoko na wa oh. Na camera dance 4 ha face? Lolz. Gudluck 2u all
Few fine ladies but miss Ekiti standsout so natural,no Brazilian hair and all that fake beauty
1st of all, girls with children can't contest a beauty pageant.. The Organisers are very silly to allow this. Secondly, we all know Oge Queen Igbo is the next winner. she'll never contest if she's not promised *fact* thirdly, Florence, don't you think you can do better???? wow! every girl in Nigeria wants to be a Queen.. its a shame cos they'll all end up like Jennifer their fast queen who sleeps around with every and anything.. sad
May the best girl win.. I see my girls, florence, Deola and Oge.. good luck
Go go go go go...Olasimbo Yetunde should win this, she's got all it takes...she's my friend, my love...my personal person
Queen Igbo!
Queen 👑 igbo make sense jor
These eye pencils nawao.
Let em just give d crown to d igbo girl
Queen Igbo is soo beautiful
Queen Jennifer lam . Sharing STD since old days. Ashewo
But all these geehs nawao, poor hair do, poor make-ups, chaie!!!
Igbos always representing sha, best make up and hair do *apart from those on naturals*.
Hmmmm pageants everywhere! Few of 'em are beautiful. I wish 'em the best!
What's going on with thier eyebrows?! 😳😳
like uhrobo, naturally beautiful, others, don't know wat to say
Ride on Queen Urhobo......
Chineke nna ekwekwala ihe ojo! Wat kind of local girls are these? Queen of Aso ni, Queen of Chibok ko!
The are all beautiful
who are these pls.....disturbing pics.....queen isoko is nothing to write about.....as an isoko lady I'm ashamed......ewwwwww
Nice ones
Dem no fyn! Jst Dry nd wanabees! Simple
Go miss edo
Go miss edo
Nigeria and pageants....it's alrite
Go Queen Igala u rock baby💋💋
Not classy atall!
Ignored girls loves contest so much o o.
Ekenekwa mu una!
I vote queen isoka,ada kamsi you rock,go girl
Only few of them are actually fine
Makeup + hairdo = 0.
All these bad belle people...That don't even have the confidence to talk in front of a crowd. Miss IGBO IS RIGHT ON POINT. #hatersDie!!!
Bring the crown queen Edo! Not even first runner up or u no go enta house again. Lol! Go queen Edo!
U guys should leave them alone..they are beautiful,some girls are at home doing nothing with their lives but this girls came out to keep themselves busy..I wish u all the best..
Queen edo is pretty
Una they say queen Igbo,na makeup they deceive una so
Some of them are not photogenic,but they actually pretty
The contest is over,they got very ugly girls apart from miss Ekiti,igbo and urhobo.
Ekiti for sure
Queen edo is pretty,pls leave her alone u fool..
Queen edo is pretty
Queen edo is naturally fair and I think she might win tho
Queen edo all the way
I like queen edo and queen igala
My vote goes to queen edo
Queen edo u pretty,I know u have charisma and u also intellegent
Queen edo is a good model..watch out for her
People must talk,Abeg the girls fine,them better pass those stupid girls wen they look for men to depend on
This girls are not jobless most of them are in school ok,
Beauty contest full everywhere! Nah so so ugly mucheches full this one. Queen Yoruba, Queen Ekiti. No be say Ekiti nah Yoruba land? Shior Ignoramus pple.
Queen edo all the way
The girls that are saying bad about the contestants are the once that could not pass the audiction.lol+smh
These girls are pretty if u nor like them kill urself,they are far better than u...
Queen edo.. all the way
I swear,especially queen urhobo,d gal is so on point,preety
Kedu ife ne me. Some of the contestants eeh. obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
i love queen igala- afolabi precious.... go girl, you rock
go queen igala -
Queen Igala my vote for you. Go girl you rock. Black is indeed beautiful
All this girls are old,they should all go and marry and stop all this nonesence.
I think queen idoma is the pretties.love her
Queen of Ibibio i vote for u...you are so beautiful!i wish u the best
Queen tiv ur good to go *luv* igbo na studio work n plenty makeup
Queen tiv and efik
Queen Igbo go and rest Uve compete B4 nawa u don cast naa
Wonders shall never end so queen igbo has won the title b4, I like her appearance but abeg my pick queen ekiti efik n tiv n ibira
Hard to pick hmm tiv igbo and ibira
The girl don win before self, she wan win twice lmao I laff abeg make she park well
Which haters she has won before I think 2009 or 2010 she's an old face
U are right just saw her in d photo of 2010 crowning maybe she wants the crown again this queen igbo never tire *laughs abeg efik and igala tiv ekiti ibira are cool
She is a greedy girl she won before. Casted lol
Linda I vote for your namesake linda Ndukwe TIV
Dat 1 no meanoo she no fine joorooo
All the girls are fine but some don bleach sha igbo ekiti tiv and efik idoma bleachy bleachy expecially d Igbo chai commot jare
Go Queen TIV love your hair
All these comment for Igbo na she dey post am herself ni because to me she no fineoo na makeup
Linda your here Queen tiv lol
Abeg make una leave queen igbo joor na she fine past but queen tiv ibira ekiti try sha @posh princess
lovely girls,
especially queen igala
Queen Ekiti, no competition, looks natural yet beautiful #teamQueenEkiti
Desmond and Kingsley God will punish you I payed 5k for form and 2k for picture and I did very well at my audition but I wasn't pick, but you put an ex queen on d list again,
In Ekiti Queen, i see beauty and personality. All d best babe
Yeye pple na 2011 well I don't see anything bad in it maybe she wants to win the crown tho she's bigger than it lol I know and am shocked shes doing it again #yeye pageant
You are used to photoshped pictures darling...they are actually pretty ladies.
By meaningful, you mean?????
Oh you know her too.....fine girl with a heart of gold.
Have you seen any of queen ijaws movies?? I just saw 'aging gracefully' last night.. Her smile is just awesome.
I will ask Sandra out when she wins....hehehe
Queen ijaw!!!!!!
Na she sabi...my vote goes to queen ijaw..we went to school together. Killer smile...
And queen ijaw..i just started following her on IG...she's very pretty
Queen Ijaw
Queen Ijaw for the crown yo'!
Miss Ibibio! By name Orisaekezie Judith is a replicat of the hand work of Orisa(God) in creation. Judigurl! Intact u are a compendium of beauty. U are a silky gazzelle of the esteem paradise blazin radiance on every Nigerian like a blissful been. Nigerians are behind u, just hit de end. It is obvious DAT de cap fits best on ur head! Carrygoooo! Queen of Aso 2014 Miss Ibibio for God has destined it!!!! Bravoo!
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