Charles Asare, Managing Director of the Ghana Airport Company, said the measure was part of a set of emergency management plans officials are rolling out to combat the spread of the virus. Continue..
The government there has also implemented strict restrictions on the movement and management of Liberian refugees in camps in the country.
Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Mensah, urged Ghanaians to bear with the government as they work to contain the virus. "Preparedness is not an event but a process," he said.
Source: Sahara Reporters
This is getting serious oh!aayoola@outlook.com
Hmmmmm #bright bravo#
From Naija? Wahala dey ooooooooo! Naija government, una see una self? Always doing tinz @ d wrongest time! We wud have banned all those flights 4rm those countries nd save ourselves dis embarrassment but we chose to fight each other wit politics! D whole world wud soon alienate us nd ban all flights in nd out of naija! Me not get wahala shaa, just pity Linda nd her kind! Stupid country! Regret being born into it!!!!!!!!!
#GozManuel Says#
This is a very gud step. I pray God gives Nigeria such brain nd sense
I hope nigeria will do same too
This is a government that is working. Ghana, see 9ja no nonse even d government but na them and dere family go die
Now that's a Government
Whts our fate? Does it mean Ebola has entered in our country? LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Wetin come concern Nigeria with Ebola? Abeg Ghana no give us name o. We no get Ebola 4 our country. Abeg where ma charger dey i wan charge ma phone jare.
Blessing say so via nokia XPERIA.
EBOLA yoruba disease.
So how does that stop the virus from entering their country? what if a citizen from another country which they have not banned travel to sierra Leone and contracts the virus and then travel to Ghana? So what happens in that case?
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Nigeria don spoil,
GEJ u are the amin cause of this ebola.
To ban Nigeria? They are not serious o!
Hmmmmm...dis is getting serious, God pls help ur children n deliver us
Ebola will not be my portion. God protect us o.
Country that care for the safety of their citizens.....naija is still doing charity work
That's ok. We may follow suit and ban all West African flights, ships, border crossing, inter country buying etc. People are petrified, you know.
Which is the best thing to do. Nija will not remember dat one na to allow a liberian man in here Mtchew!
Mo ro go! A friend of mine is schooling dere and hates travelling by road o the guy is even @home presently... #call me indigenous lib# v_okunola@yahoo.com
what ebola can cause.
whether d ghanians like it or not, if d disease want to get into their country, it will
Dats gud! I tink Nigeria also, shud ban liberians nd odaz 4rm our country.
...Bianca T...
Serious govtNigerian borders are so insecured and susceptible influx of people with the virus.What I saw when I reached the border of Nigeria with Niger via Jigawa state is better left untold.Vulnerability
Smh, dey shud ban d animals dat r d virus carriers too
That's good...prevention is better.
He that keepeth isreal never slumbers no sleeps. This deadly disease shall not befall us in jesus name! pls let's be very careful too friends! Watch n pray 2sam 22:3-4. BishopDammy# imahiadammy@gmail.com
Nice,they know ow to keep their own.wetin nigeria go do now?
I dnt blame them one bit,naija need to do same joor cos nobody wants to die oº°
Its no longer a secret that ghanians hate Nigerians, they also do a lot of eye service. Well if they must know, ebola no go kill any Nigerian. Imagine tiny ghana oo
Very good for us. That's what we get by being very careless! Especially those yeye airport officials and immigrations who only know how to rag money.
Pls should do same ooo coz dis Ebola virus is dangerously killing africans,......irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
end time sickness. Jehovah save us o. Preciousezekiel@gmail.com
What nigeria cud have done a long time ago!.. Haba!.. 9ja, giant of africa soo n'onu!.. Tufiakwa biko!..#teamchris
You can't blame them..... Ebola is too sensitive and contagious beyond imaginations.. Their citizens interest comes first, just wish all these moochers with power vest knows dt#cheEzyjayne
They are not †̥o be blame, is only my country that do not take things serious, just put 200naira in your passport our useless immigrration will let U̶̲̅ in.
God pls save Naigeria.
soo unwise, they should ban road transport from nigeria as well
soo unwise, they should ban road transport from nigeria as well
Straight up from the ministry of health,if ur Girlfriend/Boyfriend is bearing names like......
They are all victims of EBOLA.......be WARNED...breakup at once..... :|
###############GOD Punish##############devil
See better country that has the welfare of her people at heart not yeye Nigeria. By the way i heard a corpse suspected to have died from the Ebola virus was brought in from Liberia to Anambra though Lagos state . Even with the situation at hand Nigeria still handles issues in such a stupid way. May God save us
Way to go Ghana...Nigeria must do same
So students from naija dat need to go back to school won't b able to hmmm ds is a bit extreme oh...oh well
Nigeria should really do the same.
Just imagine wat our govt is putting us thru. Now, even Ghana is isolating d supposedly giant of Africa; Nigeria. Oh! God, pls have mercy
#infirstlady'svoice# Ghana daris God oh! What have we done to warrant this? Gush! So bcos a liberian based in Usa died in Nigeria we should ban them frm comin in? Haba! U pple should fear d lord! Lovette4luv@yahoo.com
....may God help us all.
Dis ppl dey vex o.. Lol. So, for hw long are dey goin to ban these flights? Foreva? I dnt tink dat is a lastin solution
God save us from this fucking Ebola and deliver us
we all dodge Ebola.
i think Nigeria Gov8 should act faster than ghana Our land boarder is porous and open for anyone to come in..Nigeria Customs and other agency like money pass the citizen. they dont care.Let see sha
i think Nigeria Gov8 should act faster than ghana Our land boarder is porous and open for anyone to come in..Nigeria Customs and other agency like money pass the citizen. they dont care.Let see sha
i think Nigeria Gov8 should act faster than ghana Our land boarder is porous and open for anyone to come in..Nigeria Customs and other agency like money pass the citizen. they dont care.Let see sha
I love love Ghana..they don't freaking care what Nigerians think..they'd do what's best for them.. What do they have to lose anyway? Nothing.. Smart guys.. I'm Nigerian b4 some of u open ur mouths to yarn dust
See how stupid u sound,how can u mention Gej being d cause of such terrible dease,u lack manner & respct. Vry sorry 4 d people u cal family. Loser!!!
Nigeria should ban them though. But guess what? They won't even wanna come, they have nothing to gain here. Ghanaians are just smart
Negligence on the part of the FG is what is affecting us in this country. The FG just like playing politics with people's life. What Ghana did was what the FG ought to have done b4 dat man came in from Liberia. As if we don't have enough problems in Nigeria already.My prayer is that the Lord Almighty should help n put an end to ebola virus.
This govt sef . Do they have the ability nor structures to curtail the menace from all borders entering their countries aside airport. Only Allaah will cll to guide them I'm combating this killer called Ebola .
This comment is soo stupid.. Nigerians joke about everything.. They can never draw the line. How on earth is this supposed to be funny? Silly!!!
Those countries wt whome we share boarders with come in an out of out country...so it wouldn't have worked even if dem b an airflight...
Wait so I won't go bak to skul. Lwkmd. There's no ebola in 9JA tho buh y'all shud still be careful
Na wa oo
Well guess what? They have. Nigerians are just impracticaly proud. They think they are invincible and insurmountable.. Its just silly. There's nothing good to identify with in Nigeria and u think they won't readily cut us off.. Think again ma.
How will it happen here when we have a baby as a leader who refuses to use his thinking faculties or who has non at all even... Rubbish!
What's this one saying? Pls just keep ur mouth shut since u av nothing sensible to contribute. Nigerians joke over everything.. Jeez!
One suspected victim of Ebola in nkwele ezunaka in Anambra state.Pls pple be careful
See small ghana oo,notin person no go see 4 dis country
Make we all stay for our countries nah. Now that a victim from America is being carried home, i hope they will ban all flights from America too.
That's a proactive step taken by a government that truely cares about her people. I think our government handles the current situation with so much laxity otherwise, I don't understand why our borders should still be left porous! MB.C. DORIS
A country that knows what's up. They cancelled all inter-African meetings long time ago n now flights. Good one Ghana. Not stupid, empty, brainless govt of Nigeria
prevention is better than cure. That's why I love Ghana. But what does the people on the refugee camp in Ghana need to be restricted though? Anyway, I wish other countries could take the same precaution.
Oh please! Ghanians and dier government r hypocrites. R u kiddin me? Has den bin any report of a nigeria who has d virus? Stupid eye service slum shanty of a nation.
ghana is not even one of my dream country to go to. even if they visa& flight ticket is 5 naira i wont take it...
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Hilarious Libers. Nigeria my dear country sit up from your slumber. Independence ιƨ around the corner. What are we marking this year?
Jst flew into naija this night n they screened us of d virus b4 we entered. Assumin they started this screenin earlier on everybody enterin naija. The Liberia Man won't hav entered naija wit it.
Jst flew into naija this night n they screened us of d virus b4 we entered. Assumin they started this screenin earlier on everybody enterin naija. The Liberia Man won't hav entered naija wit it.
Haba, Nigeria don suffer! Ordinary Ghana. Goodluck u see urself so...yeye dey smell follow your yansh yanfu yanfu
ΐτ̅ a right decision hence naija cnt protect her masses,,,,,I pray we learn 4rm other countries,,,,,,,#goodluckozomu@gmail
Why blame the ghanians when they are taking safety measures? Naija should have done that after the first case. There is something called quarantine. Y'all should gogle that. This is a deadly disease and they are taking it like its nothing.
God provide cure for this Ebola disease in Jesus name, Amen. flexwitht@yahoo.com
Nkwucha aburo ujo
Face of lib
It's a no-brainer. Nigeria should take a cue from Ghana. ALL IS WELL!
Ghanaians re very stupid! There is no records of ebola in our country Nigeria. Are they trying to count our country or what? Besides the Liberian man flight made a stop at ghana too. As they re scared of contacting it,thats is same fact as our nation nija. So they should go and rest, and quit the holy nwaje attitude.
Nigeria is a mess! Cn u imagine ds lil ghana ve brain more dan our FG...... Al dey do in ds country is fight abt politics
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
what do u expect Ghana to do? They made the best decision. Ebola virus no get Friend. Mind u am Nigerian
Maybe you should have been born into Liberia.
Lolzzz. Ofcourse, everything is usually blamed on GEJ.
Such a stupid writeup!!!
Lolzzz. Ofcourse, everything is usually blamed on GEJ.
I pity you,you are not informed I guess,Nigeria was the first to barn flights to and from liberia which got our nollywood jim Iyk trapped there,other passengers that came in the plane with the infected liberian are been quarantined including an ambassador as was said,so stop abusing our country for no reason or is it till a state of emergency is declared on the 36 states across the country
I'm sorry but you are daft
Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! Wtf..I'm going to Ghana tuesday! Wait, bt its by bus(I no get money 4 plane). Linda, abeg does it cover buses too?
It iz well.
Piff. BBM 32F0BEFB
So pathetic!
This is getting serious problema
That's good,Nigeria shld do same.
The fear of Ebola is the beginning of wisdom
Ghana is proactive about this outbreak of Ebola, they are even trying to ban the importation of certain foods and fruits. Our government is busy running around with their d**ks in their hands! FOOLS!!!!!!
this is false bcos my parents just travelled to ghana this morning...get your facts right linda
issues that libers are suppose comment on .. they will keep quit.. let linda post that she wanna give even 50 naira then you go see 50000 comment.. yeye people... with that said... wat is our Govt doing with this fipa wey ghana dey give us? no single nigerian as been reported dead from this ebola ... yet we are being punished... by small rat Ghana.... this see finish syndrome that too much... very soon important countries too go begin stop us from entering their nation... wetin our youth do nothing? instead dey are busy changing their DP names to Ebola cynthia.. Ebola Bola... Ebola rubish... the rest are busy doing fotoshop of a victim that is not existing in nigeria.... why some are busy making mockery of the situation... this govt don see our youth finish.. because them know sey they are busy dancing skelewu... ewu mee... Icry for the future of my pikin.. I wonder why I know come this world during Awolowo era
Its a pity,u are cursed forever and ever.that ebola will surely kill u,idiot tribalistic animal.
isnt this wat d Nigerian govt shudv done before before. it is well
I trust Ghana will never carry last! Wonder why Naija didn't do the same! Now there's panic everywhere. One thing I know for sure is that God never sleeps!
Ridiculous! Over the top, political move...no other country, not the USA, UK or any European country has taken this move. This is nothing but a small country trying to punch above it's weight and remain relevant.
I Wonder When 9ja Will Ban Those Other Countries Too. (Linda's Man)
Is this supposed to be funny? Big loud bloody fool.
You guys are not making sense here. What was the Nigerian government supposed to do before that liberian man with the virus came into Nigeria? Ban flights from the affected countries? Ever since that discovery in lagos, the government has done its best by putting down safety measures both at the airport and the borders. The government should be commended for their effort so far. If I may ask what safety measures did the Ghanian government put in place before now?
Good for you, all u can do is to regret only but you can't change it. Even in your next life (if any) u will till be born here. All u can do is to try and discover the y you where born here. And y you are a Nigeria.
Dey ll feel it more
Dey ll feel it more, Ghana is incomplete witout we Nigeria
Our healthcare personnel are most at risk because they are always in contact with people.They should be careful.
Ebola virus was first recorded in 1976 after an outbreak in Zaire now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where 88 per cent of the 318 people that were infected died. Another outbreak in 1995 also claimed the lives of 81% of the 315 infected people. AND another outbreak in 2014. NOW MY FINDINGS, WHY IS THIS DEADLY SICKNESS reoccuring EVERY 19years? And kills within 19days
They ave done the right thing sha..... Don't spread the virus #Ebola ....... I AM MISS LIBER*MISS MEENAT
Nigeria govt should do the same
*i like Don jazzy
Hahahaha APC are the one dat brought this virus to Nigeria, afterall it was first recorded in their state, all to tarshi GEJ image#let the blame game begin# joor
Mumu, Nigeria has since ban flight from these countries, read news not only LIB
The giant symbol of every event that will precede the coming of Christ is boldly written every where in the world today. Accept Christ today and be saved. He who neither sleeps nor slumbers will be watchful over you. A life without Christ is a life full of crisis. Shallom.
Read news, listen to news, and watch news not only LIB. Nigeria has since ban flight from these countries. OlodO
just passing by
Are u such a fool, must u blame goverment for everything. It remain make u blame GEJ for not giving u AIR.
See Ghana o, Nigerian government should ban all those countries including Ghana
ghana must go
Pastor weting you dey do for blog
Nigeria is free from this virus but we'll surely give Ghana a payback
click for more interesting and latest gist
Oh Nigeria!
Aunty Linda I hv not seen any of my comments .
God punish devil
Thank you for thinking bros, this is the most stupid thing i've heard yet. An American comes from Liberia and dies here, there has been no other case of it, all of a sudden, Ghana bans us. This is just a small window to get back for Ghana-must-go. The better be ready to ban flights from the US cos the took 2 Americans with Ebola back to Atlanta. Mtcheeeew
Right step in the right direction. This is what any right thinking government would do, we treat cases here with kid gloves and expect them to b contained, soon other nations will ban flights and any contact with us and then we will knw all we have is lip sevice n nothing more. Always fooling ourselves as the GIANTS OF AFRICA, yet we hardly get things right.
Ministers of Health, Information, Defence and Aviation should borrow a leaf here
Lol do same when they already allowed the threat in?
Ghana should close all their boarders if they are serious.Banning flights is cosmetology.
Please don't blame Nigeria Govt. If you have ever been to Ghana, you will understand how much they hate Nigerrians.
They are envious of us and alway ready to castigate Nigeria for any little errors as if they don't have one.
Ghana is a very backward country and I wonder why any reasonable citizen of Nigeria will ever compare them to u.
Ordinary Kebbi state is more developed to the whole of Ghana.
If Ghana was opportuned to be in Nigeria's position,we would have seen the true devil in them.
Any day any time UP NIGERIA , Ghana can go to hot hell for all I care.
Thank u jare! Wat den happens??! Dey shud bettr look fr genuine ways to handle the wahala, after all more cases hav been reported over in Ghana than in Nigeria...i certainly hope we r goin to ban dem too.
Mtcheeeeewwww.... Yeye dey smell. It's now they are waking up. All the while it's been in Liberia they ddnt ban the flights bcos naija is mentioned, they are all awake. Abeg Next pls...
Right step in the right direction. This is what any right thinking government would do, we treat cases here with kid gloves and expect them to b contained, soon other nations will ban flights and any contact with us and then we will knw all we have is lip sevice n nothing more. Always fooling ourselves as the GIANTS OF AFRICA, yet we hardly get things right.
Ministers of Health, Information, Defence and Aviation should borrow a leaf here
seriously,seriously....prevention is better than cure
Dats wht nigerian government shud av done, but dey prefer to goto Osun state for campaign...
Lord have mercy
Did somebody die of Ebola in nigeria???...The answer is yes...So why shouldn't they ban nigeria??
U are a fool..African mentality
Lack of knowledge my people perish..Why are u taking it personal??..This is the reason why africa is still the way it is...Nigeria shd do same..#LetfightEbolaAfrica
Do u know how many people the man came in contact with???
Read news, listen to news, and watch news not only LIB. Nigeria has since ban flight from these countries. OlodO
Lol...some ppl are already blaming GEJ for allowing Ebola enter Nigeria
if its a stupid country and u regret being born here while not leave the stupid country and go to another country that is not stupid or better still die so that u will given to in another country.
insult upon insult o level Ghana don ban our flights terrible insult corruption has ruined this nation Lagos state and port and akwa ibom put together is richer than Ghana their economy is now in shambles as compare to three years ago
our leaders messed up we should have imposed a travel ban on Liberia guinea Congo and other countries. what we didn't do Ghana has done it
if Ebola breaks out in Ghana do they ave the financial muscle to combat rubbish
Nigeria should ban ghanians too from entering the country too and find a solution to sorting people wih this diseases right from the airport. Also there should be adverts everywhere to inform the people of this disease, am not seeing anything. I no go fly again bcos of ebola? Na wa o.
You guys are not making sense here. What was the Nigerian government supposed to do before that liberian man with the virus came into Nigeria? Ban flights from the affected countries? Ever since that discovery in lagos, the government has done its best by putting down safety measures both at the airport and the borders. The government should be commended for their effort so far. If I may ask what safety measures did the Ghanian government put in place before now?
They care for their people.
Its well
what ghana just did is what i expected nigeria to do. nigeria now will not ban countries infected. na so we go dey Oga Jona, do somtin fast.
Jolly Girl, what payback? For doing the right thing and on time? Bottom line, they are not stupid like you.
This is what Nigeria should ve done since
It's people like you that are killing this country,imagine the words coming out of your mouth on your own country,may God forgive you
This story is not true.. I am a ghanaian . I just called the airlines to find out. Its not true
That is a country that has a reliable and working govt. Jonathan u have failed us
Mumu people! As if that will solve the problem.If an Ebola victim travels to like Cairo,and then makes Ghana his final destination ? What if an Enola victim boards a bus from directly to Accra?
Better option would have been to mount medical experts on all their airports to screen all passengers for Ebola before making it to the immigration section.This will at least curtail it to 'an extent'
Just verified this story is untrue
If you’ve come to a dead end in your LIFE BECAUSE YOU HAVE EBOLA VIRUS and have nowhere to turn, perhaps it is time to call upon the powerful spirits of the metaphysical world.
Each of us has spiritual abilities to one degree or another, but am able to summon these powers at will. I can have a profound effect upon your life. All you have to do is ask. I can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell for you. And am so certain you will be pleased with the results, I absolutely, unconditionally guarantee everything is possible with my super natural powers.PLEASE CONTACT ME NOW ON kamodospelltemple@gmail.com
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