Well, the suspect's mother Zubeida Yusuf, who lives in Mando, Kaduna has spoken and she says her son, Mansir Yusuf, is no terrorist. She said the military mistook her son for a terrorist because he was found wearing female clothes;
“My son is not a terrorist. What is wrong with him is an evil spiritual attack which is making him to prefer women’s clothing and to act as one who is mentally retarded. Everyone in Mando knows that he only has a spiritual condition that is making him to act strangely.
“He often dresses normal from home, but whenever he gets to an uncompleted building, he would go in and change to the female clothes. He usually carries his bag. He has been taken to the Village Head several times and has been flogged in the hope to cast away the spirits, but the spirits have remained and have continued to torment him,” Zubeida told Daily Trust. Continue...
According to her, they were
at home on Wednesday when they heard of the bomb blast in Kawo and
people were running there.
“My son said he was going there too and I told him to stay at home. But he sneaked out, and as usual he carried his bag with woman clothes and mobile phones.”
She said she later heard that her son had been killed and later that he was arrested by the military.
Zubeida challeged the government and everyone to come to Aminu Kano Street in Mando and ask of Mansir Yusuf, saying “they all know him and know his spiritual challenges for years.”
Zubeida challeged the government and everyone to come to Aminu Kano Street in Mando and ask of Mansir Yusuf, saying “they all know him and know his spiritual challenges for years.”
An elderly man in Mando said the suspect was actually under spiritual attack.
“We have even suggested several treatment options to the family which I am sure they have commenced. But his case is purely a spiritual attack,” he said.
The suspect’s elder brother Ibrahim Yusuf said
“the spirits making my brother to misbehave strangely have hindered him from doing any work to earn a living except the desire for wearing female clothes.”
A resident of Kawo, Sirajo Suleiman said Yusuf was not found with any explosives apart from some mobile phones and clothes.
Hassan Mai Shayi who stays in Kawo and knew the suspect said,
Source: Daily Trust“I heard that the mastermind of the blast has been caught but before I could go and see him another person told me that the suspect is a mentally retarded boy from Mando and that nothing was found on him.”
God punish your mouth......muslim fools...ifejikahenry@yahoo.com
Chai..the things we hear
Gonna enjoy the denouement! The drama in Nigeria
Confusion everywhere.. Oluwa saanu luke 12:32 BishopDammy#
Like mother like son
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I knew this might be the case. The guy's probably gay, but...mama does not want his son behind bars biko.
And yes, gayism is spiritual; evil spirit.
*My R1.50c comment*
Eyaa please let them quickly release him abeg
4cupppp! That means we're running short of one captive....what a waste!!
If really he is retarded, am sure they can carry out some tests on him to certify his real state..!!
Wat next. Bring him to lag. I have his cure. Lol. ENGR Emy
No, he is a Priest..mtcheew!!!
Yes oooo Linda, we know him in Mando. He is a dandaudu (Hausa word for gay). He isn't a terrorist mbok.
Mi o gba.. Police should do their stuffs... #call me indigenous lib#
The mistry shall be unfolded.
Nawaaah Nigerians nd their drama self.this country will never be good..."#let divide
He is a cross dresser, no spirit or attack involved ma'am.
Na wa oo cul dis b tru? Marydanladi180@gmail.com
It's not mental retardation. I think he is a transvestite which is normal in the western part of the world. However I do agree with their theory of spiritual possession. #personalopinion
Please they should investigate properly and set him free if its true. His family would have to exercise more caution next time.
The ppl may be right.
If he is not a terrorist then y the disguise,,he is oo irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
Wonders are many on earth
Ok oooooooooo
Abegi...make them free the poor boy jor. Idiots kawai, banzan bakwai like them. na after bomb don blow finish, destroy everything destroyable(no mind my english) na hin these zombies wan come dey form activity? Why them no fit gun down the bh guy wey bin dey hustle bomb them convoy before the damn thing explode if them sabi their work true true
Someone please tell the mother that every terrorist is possessed by evil spirits.
The way this pple talk makes u believe that all of them are terrorists or support terrorism. Does she think that the terrorists are right thinkers?, they are possessed by the evil spirit of Allahu Akbar Jihad, to destroy and kill innocent lives. SHAME ON THEM ALL
He should be well interrogated,coz now one knowns who is who
9ja I dey hail ooo....Lili happy new month wilfranky@yahoo.com
Yes he is not a terrorist...... He is a Reverend father in my parish
Hmmmmm,police una don hear am?make una release him sharp sharp.
More investigatn, if wht they re airn is true, let him be freed. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Double wahala 4 dead body........
dis guy is nt a terrorist..he gat ONYXX tendencies in him..faggit see wat u caused 4 ur sef...mumu.............................#KingOfKings
Lol @spiritual problem..the poor dude is probably suffering of "personality disorder" he wants to be seen as a female but unfortunately, he can't afford the cost of transgender surgery. So with his idea,he wears a female dress and tells himself that "I am a girl" he ran out of luck tho, He should have been born in a better country where people like him are given proper care and not some beatings.
looks like onyxx
That dude is a cross-dresser.....in other words gay....he is not under spiritual attack,.....he is just GAY
Naija and this spiritual attack mentality. Once something is unusual or odd it is spiritual attack. The poor transexual has been tortured for nothing, not that he isnt used to it since his family takes him to places where they beat the evil spirit from him. Mmmm.
See gobe
His face looks like someone with evil spirits #SoTrue
Evil spirit of terrorism, either of which can be cured with sufficient time in the cell.
Na wa oh
Haha, he's not under any spiritual attack, neither is he mentally retarded. He just wants to be a woman. Your boy is a drag queen ma'am. No amount of flogging or visits to your village can change that.
Gay Alert !!
I talk am, I said it right here that this innocent soul is just a dandaudu. All the real terrorists wey dem arrest, we no hear anytin as if them ' plant millet chaff.' (nothing go grow nah). Make dem go arrest Mujahid of naija delta.
Hmmmm, dnt knw which 2 bliv, the dude looks possessed sha
If this happens to be true,then they ave tormented an innocent fellow..... Feel sorry for him if dis story is true.......I AM MISS LIBER*MISS MEENAT
Who wuld be expectin her to say odawise? She is his mother for cryin out loud. Her views wuldnt count dat much
Sad tale
Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident on Friday night. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time... FULL STORY HERE
Gay things!!! #14years...
Gay things... #14 years...
let them release him asap if truly he is mentally disturb. Govt should please help and send him to hospital and prayer house for deliverance. Innocent people should not suffered for what they knw not. God bless my country Nigeria.
I said it here http://ofilispeaks.com/the-nigeria-na-you-do-am-criminal-investigation-strategy/ Na you kill am mentality ... just picking random people and accusing them of crimes and nobody is questioning them.
The boy look sick,they should release him to his ple.
Hmmmmm I said it, dis boy may be innocent, see now...masterminds always escape and innocent pple suffer it, even in borno its same issue...
hope na true oo oleahbabe@yahoo.co.uk
Total waste of our time! Let him go please!
This angle sounds legit. This guys is definitely no terrorist.
Our daft security operatives have been chasing shadows and gloating in their ignorance all this while.
Na wa ooooo! Who do we believe now???? Anyway a mother will always support her child! But I don't agree with this gist!
Poor transvestite in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eya.
they are quick to parade the innocent one's while the real criminals are walking freely. The gov can fool some, but not all!
If he lived in London or NYC, this individual would be a cross dressing gay man. His mom sounds crazy and in serious denial. She needs an intervention to accept her son.
I believe this story. The boy is no terrorist. He's just a girl who, unfortunately, finds herself in the body of a boy. He's not under any kind of spiritual attack, he's acting out he's real self. Just check out the second picture, and u will see how feminine he looks. My heart goes out to him, his people fails to understand him and he's been suffering all kinds of ignominy, and to add insult to injury, he's now arrested under the suspicion of terrorism. What a life this world has become for such a poor boy. There's nothing anybody can do to change his lifestyle. He's just a girl in a boy's body. So the sooner they started to accept him for who he really is, the better for everyone involved.
City: Unknown.
What kind of evil spiritual attack be dis? He is a cross dresser. Pls leave him and let him go home.
Eya. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
Aye Is Doing Him(Linda's Man)
What do you expect her to say?
What do you expect her to say?
liar, just to find a way to cover up
U just did.....meanwhile I now know who d boy is"na dat Gay anonymous 4 dis blog. Abeg make dem free him if nutin was found on him.
Spiritual attack?!! Looooool done... From what she has explained, her sun has a psychological condition called transvestism. Which is when a person receives some sort of gratification by simply dressing as a member of the opposite sex. I say the police should do a thorough investigation on him first and make sure this isnt just some plot to get them to free him
Shut up, low-life beggar.
If there is one person I hate in dis blog its u...wetin concern onyx here now...foolish retarded bastard...ur mama for abort u...beast of animals!!! Post dis linda...his own 2 much! #catwalksaway
Awwww poor dandaudu
Aww ceeflo, Always precise n well constructive. Rili like ur comments bro
Oboiii!!...u funny ohhh....funny goat
Come!..are u from igbo..plz stop acting igbotic..m1hat is I TALK AM
Linda, whilemina moses could be on to something. Has #gay anonymous posted since this man's arrest?
Only God knws the truth,Let his will b done
Release him to Mando community like that? No way! He is the federal government property now. I plead with mama peace to help this man woman back to his health. And for the soldiers... you were just doing your job. shit happens.
Release What
Useless set of human beings... spiritual attack my foot.. pls dey shld jsg kill dat boy, atleast he zhld pay for his sins d hard way.
I m sure u be gay,u n ur husbands go soon reach una bus stop,better go synagogue remove dat homosexual spirit! FOOL?!(๏̯๏)
Looking good girl
Looking good girl
Afi 'sun' @Lady G.
He be like Onyix
Dis one na typical gay no story
nollywood film.Apc paid him to say Asari sent him n now d mum want to save him by taggin him insane.wch type of spirit is dat.u cant fool pple lik me even wen u wl odas.God knws n wl soon arise against any person involved in d killings of innocent citizen in Jesus name.Amen.Amin
Why abusing muslims?? Are they terrorists?
What he said.......#true #sad #ignorance
Anonymous said...
I believe this story. The boy is no terrorist. He's just a girl who, unfortunately, finds herself in the body of a boy. He's not under any kind of spiritual attack, he's acting out he's real self. Just check out the second picture, and u will see how feminine he looks. My heart goes out to him, his people fails to understand him and he's been suffering all kinds of ignominy, and to add insult to injury, he's now arrested under the suspicion of terrorism. What a life this world has become for such a poor boy. There's nothing anybody can do to change his lifestyle. He's just a girl in a boy's body. So the sooner they started to accept him for who he really is, the better for everyone involved.
City: Unknown.
July 31, 2014 at 10:48 PM
That might be true(linda sugar boy )(peaceoboh59@gmail.com)
Hmmm. Smh
** Sexy MILF Queen **
That might be true(linda sugar boy )(peaceoboh59@gmail.com)
if truely he was a terrorist and disguised himslf as a woman so as nt to be noticed at the tym of the bombing,then hes a fool,but i doubt much,bcus he wldnt hv to disguised where thousands of men were standing,even if hes a terrorist
That's how they will mistakenly arrest the wrong people. At least do a thorough investigation before branding someone a bomber
Sam......they no dey toast Babe for here o
He's suffering from mental health problems, instead of taking him to a psychiatrist they're flogging him,
Plus, the level of idiocy on Linda's blog is amazing, so many stupid people hanging out here.
Lols. BBM 32F0BEFB
Other people have testified to his weird behaviors too, did miss those parts?
God punish you Henry,Christian animals,Linda if you like don't post,why allow such things.
Wow!!! They should just kill him?! Just like that? I wonder what kind of human beings we have in this country. Talking about taking somebody's life as if talking about what colour of shirt to wear for the day. Even though there's a huge possbility the accused might be innocent but just weird and different. Anybody can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's worse for this guy because he happens to be a cross dresser despite his family and villagers severally trying to flog it out of him; it is called transvestism. Normal human beings would at least call for more investigations and deeper research into his background before calling for his head. That is no different from mob attacks and jungle justice, have we not learnt anything yet from all the brutality and miscarriage of justice on innocent people?And we blame the leaders of the country when evil is thriving in the very hearts of the people. Lord help Nigeria and her children......... Just Me
He just might be gay n is being wrongfully accused
Kai... Branded a bunch of awful things just cos U're a lil different. When a cross dresser can't get justice. Dia riz God o
From the very first day, I knew this boy na dandauda
“ We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who will harm us” these were the words of Winston Churchill. This is what the men in the armed forces have been doing for us everyday of their lives and most especially in recent years in Northern Nigeria. As we loose our civilian brothers and sisters we are also loosing them in the armed forces whether a commissioned officer or a soldier, we as a nation have forgotten to mourn and honor them. We like many people have friends and loved ones keeping to their oath of protecting this nation in that part of the country. So we have come up with a way for us as a nation to honor our fallen, through a website called www.nigerianfallenheroes.com please visit this website to see those that have laid their lives so you can honor them (this can be done by leaving a simple message, poems, quotes anything you are comfortable with on the memorial wall). If you know an officer or a soldier that has laid his life in northern Nigeria in recent times please send the following information to nigerianfallenheroes@gmail.com so we might upload it on to the website (1) a picture of the person preferably in uniform (2) name, rank and service number (3) where and when he died. Please pass this on to as many as you can. Let us honor our fallen heroes and let us tell their families we know and appreciate their sacrifices. Thank you. Signed: Patron
God please help us
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