Ameenat the youngest of the brides (pictured left) wedded her husband, Hakeem Lawal on Thursday March 6th while Sekinat had her own wedding ceremony yesterday Sunday March 9th. All wedding ceremony was done according to Islamic and traditional marriage rites in the presence of their family and friends. See photos from Hon. Idaya and Ameenat's wedding after the cut...
Lovely. Its beautiful marrying off your girls. Happy married life to all of them.
I'll b away 4 lyk 2/3 days linda... som stuff came up.... hope y'all dnt miss me much... sloppy kisses to whoever wants it --muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Multi joyous family.enough extra mouths to join the celebration
Fine children! He is a lucky dad! See Gist! You wont believe what happened
See pimples for man face hmmm. Congratulations to all of em
Hmmm, 3days? 3 daughters? That's good for K1. Congratulations all the families involved. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
all dis razz fuji musicians, even d huzbandz sef luk razz, na waoh
Hmmm beautiful girls marry ugly men ok oh, happy married life 2 them
They look somehow....I don't know.
e get time! e weldone
all diz razz fuji musicians, even d husbands sef luk like all dis razz looking area boiz.
That necklace on a trad outfit is hilarious. And the make up,,,,,, Out of this world. Lmao. The pimples on that man's face though..... Over all, everything looks cheap even their outfit. But then again that's not the essence of marriage.
God bless your union guys.
Hmm. The red lipstick tho. #squints to look again
Soooo Yoruba! lmao..
this husband really needs nixoderm and skin heal.....may the wedding not be as rough as his face....lol....God bless you with kids and joy
Sis linda , Aminat got married to Waidi Akanni, sekinat is the youngest amongst the trio.
See their kpomo mouth...love d orange cake tho
Na charm this man use wey his three daughters don marry within one week..... his daughters must also have gud home training other than this their beauty..... Congrat mr kwam 1......
Hmm may God bless their union
Too much monie... Big congrat to them
Still on still, man hard to get this days....
pomo lips not sexy @ all.
Bloody fagot
Idayat elenu, Ameenat elete! Money can't buy class and the Bisimillahi dey fear to kiss the bride? Congrats oh!
Mtchewwwww mumu.i sorry for you.
The first girl in purple and white na pure "eze nma" with her kpomo lips. Abeg who do her that kind make up???
HML to all of them
Razz? I'm sure u r nt married.
Alatika everywia, wia z dia fashion sense biko? Congrats to dem though
HML to all of them,cheers!
alatika thingz, wia z dia fashion sense biko? congtats to dem
This KWAM 1 guy try o.If you were an Igbo man,I would have called you Dike bi n'ulo.Imagine hosting the wedding ceremony of three daughters in three days,I am sure it must have set him back by a couple of millions.
The luwing stick(lipstick) on that first picture na fire o.
Olu aye 1! Congratulations, sir.
It's a thing of Pride....happy for them
BLOG ANALYSER: the joy of every parent.
Congratulations to them .
Facts should be considered before going into marriage, there should be a through research on both parties.U wuld understand wat i am saying very soon.
@ onyx Godwin, d goofy kid,hope u're nt goin on a sucide mission?
HML to them... Such a nice idea.
See mumu. Just say ur subscription will expire soon and stop giving us bushit!
Who cares anyway.
I tot I was de only person seeing it o.
The pimples shaa! Congrats to the celebrants!
Ill miss you....onyx
You hv PHD in hating & envy. Haba! Its always good to rejoice wt those who are rejoicing so that things of joy wl not cease in ur life.
Alika,Heya success in flesh donation,u deserve it,
Wait make dem give u exeat card
My God, these comments are hilarious
Congrats jor..... e no easy o.
Congrat to all of dem
See how pissed off his new bride looked at his breath when dey 'keezed'
D former footballer?
@anonymous you can say razz fuji musician am very sure none of your family member is successfull as kwam1 is you are just running your mouth low class like you will never appreciate good things because you never taste good things in life show us your father and let us comment on that. so you can see more than govs that attend the occassion you better stop running your mouth so good things can happen in your life.
Y comment??? It shows u all have already started missing him...lol
some people are foolish imagine someone who has never taste good life calling kwam1 razz a classy musician that wine and dine with Govs. Please show us your parents to see they are not razz because am sure none of your family can be successful as kwam1 is. low class like you can call someone razz what do you know about razz what have you achieve in your life if you are educated am very sure you will still be earning change as salary and you come here to run your mouth on someone that have maintain high status for more than three decades. just pray to God to take you to higher level kwam1 has attain. Am very sure your father cannot aford to sponsor your wedding in a classy way like that. Tell me defination of razz because some fools will just open mouth and talk.
Tah! If I hear...worwor incoporation
Nice..... Ok onyix
worwor girls
Awww, lucky dad
Aminat is the youngest of the trio
The bleaching and pimples on these men no be here....hian
No be home training pple dey take marry, na GOD allow am abi u neva agaracha marry b4?
Man, woman easy, beta husband/ wife rare!
The spouse seems not to mind!
Ah ah wat a nasty thg to say, words have power
See person who knw u na
Dear LIB readers,
I am in my late twenties and have been in a serious relationship with my fiance for more than a decade now. There were times during this period that we broke up and then we re-unite again. The first and second time we broke up, he accused me of cheating on him with some of my male friends which i never did. He even denied being my first, that he did not meet me a virgin. This really pained me cos I had never been with any other person apart from him.
On the third break up (after accusing me of cheating again) I decided to date someone else. This new guy was loving, but he did not want commitment in the relationship. Each time i raised the issue about getting serious with me, he tells me i talk too much. But this guy is very very wonderful in bed, he gave me an experience which I never had with my present fiance.
I parted ways with this new guy months after i met him because i knew he just wants me in his bed.
Then my fiance came back and apologized, he was really sorry and I have accepted. He has even proposed and is planning for our wedding in June.
The thing is I do not 'feel' him in bed like i did with the other guy. I have listened to friends gist about how great their guys could be on bed and none of that i get from this guy. I have spoken to him about it and he has been working on it but i don't just feel him. He believes my current attitude to sex is caused by the way he accused me in the past. But the truth is ever since my experience in bed with the other guy I have been cheating on him. I am so 'wild' now that i feel that he (my fiance) cannot satisfy me wen we eventually get married. Aside from him not good in bed, he is a very wonderful, loving and caring guy. I believe he will make an enviable husband and father. Cos even while dating people envy our relationship.
Should i marry this guy? He now believes that i do not cheat on him and i don't want him to loose trust in me. But he does not satisfy me, he does not meet my sexual need. I feel mayb the shape of his d**k (curved)is what makes it not pleasurable, i feel more of pain than pleasure.
Please do i go ahead and marry this guy, he has proposed already?
Chai! See mouth like Toto! Ugly!!(1st pix) the the second pix, the guy don bleach finish! Kai! bet Y?? Otherwise HML!! Its not easy to give out 3daughters in 3days!
Onyx u b complete olodo.u b fool I swear.i just sorry for ur parents.
Where is farouk, sultan and Friday?
Y ar u all insulting him. I will miss u jare lepa....
Taiwo esther
Nobody is smiling. Weddings are suppose to be filled with smiling bride with joy brimming faces
Hon and husband..... bleaching couple! congrats sha!
Damn the girls are just so ugly...kai
I pity the one that married Lekan Bisinillai that comes from Yusuff's family in oyo town. He'll soon abandon her the way he abandoned Iya Junior in Oyo without catering for her children, Sauda Opeloyeru in London with three kids, the one in Canada, USA etc. Anyway she's born by a father with many wives.
Seriously, the way we insult this guy isn't gud o. Might cause depression or even make him conside suicide.......lol
Hon Idayat,av u paid d 3 months salary u owed ur former driver?
And yes I was at d Sunday's wedding was a place to be,brf was der,obas were der etc, yoruba actresses been bounced for no iv, tnx to my aunts hubby dats k1 fwend, at least dat gave me free access in and out,it was worthwhile anyway cos I came back to Lagos wit two bottles of Andre Rose...hehehe
(born again child says so)
Haha Sekinat retired leacdcity runs girl! Lool
Razzness at its peak smhh , linda where you paid for this?
when you have big leaps, you don't apply red lipstick to make it more obvious.
Lmao @ Anon 3:21... U get bad mouth o.
Ladies how long should you wait for him to put a ring on it? Find out on omalichaspeaks.blogspot.com
Prettiest Tribes in Nigeria:
1. Hausa (Fulani mixed)
2. Igbos
3. Efik/Ibibios
4. Kanuri
5. Edo/Delta
6. Pure Hausa (unmixed)
7. Ijaw
8. Tiv
10. Yorubas
Eeew bleaching cream smelling couple,am sure person mess inside there
Happy married life to them
haters wuld always be haters they are razz but their father was able to get most of the strongest south west governors under his abode it wasnt a wedding it was a carnival and the sekinat that got married isnt the ashewo sekinat in leadcity get your facts right
I dont think there is anything wrong in looking like your father. The ladies look like their father and they are beautiful no one is perfect.
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