After dating for almost 4 years, Lady Gaga and actor Taylor Kinney are
engaged. Taylor proposed to the 28 year old singer with a heart shaped diamond ring on Valentine's Day. Lady Gaga and Taylor first met on the 2011 set of her
"You & I" music video. They've been dating ever since. Congrats to them...
Whao he is really gonna marry her. Good luck to him. She is cray cray
Like seriously? Lady Gaga getting engaged?
Congrats to them.
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
Father Lord, dis lady is so scary dt ve never thought of any man wnting her as a wife. Toh congrats oh
Taylor is a cute man! I hope the luv stands the test of time.Congrats to the luvbirds.
Awwwwww, how sweet.....
Father Lord, dis lady is so scary dt ve never thought of any man wnting her as a wife. Toh congrats oh
6months shebi na gaga wey I knw odiegwu
Congrats gaganokwu!
But d boobs tho #fallen
Congrats to her
Lucky her
Congrats gaga
Awwwww, I'm so happy for her. A big congrats to her. Linda take note!
Hope she will stop going gaga!
Awwwww, I'm so happy for her. A big congrats to her. Linda take note! sweet. I'm So happy to hear this. I love both of them
Another hoe getting turned into a housewife smh
Cute ring...
Congratulations...but must she show her flat breast?
Congrats madam.
@Sophia Stephen
Wow, congrats. I am so happy for her.
Wow, congrats. I am so happy for her.
Nice rock.....its lady has to be different!!!
Where r d comments linda? After hailing u today, u come dey fuck up
Congrats to them, despite all her craziness she stuck to one man for 4years and now they are engaged. Indeed à book shouldn't be judged by its cover.
Happy for her.
Congrats to her
Visit my nlog
Congrats chioooo d hubby fresh gan d guy 4rm Vampire diary taylor's uncle its alrty.waiting 4 d wedding ceremony might attend sha.
Congratulations to you Lady Gag.
Yaaaah!!!!! Nwanyi onye ara is getting married.....nice....congrats agwu gaga!
Awww. I've been waiting 4 this. Congratulations 2 them.
Jesus is Lord.
Aww. Her ring is so unique. Congrats to them.
Congrats to da queen of craze
That's great. A heart ring...waoh!
Add Julestherapy on 2B5CB881 for skin whitening products
I'd love 2 her sweet breast dry!
thz guy is too cute nd naive fr gaga,gaga needs sm1 who's like her name "gaga"
congrats gurl!!!!!!!! but this guy has got lots of balls!!! when i see lady gaga i sense a heavily possessed lady.
Congrata weirdo.
She No wan say yes before???
Finally, someone to tame the weirdo hath cometh.
Lady gaga?dating??!!engaged??!! Choi everybody must marry then...eziokwu!!!
The chicago fire actor his romantic role in that movie.......and this is why lady Gaga is dressing unlikely this days.....keep the decency up lady gaga.....congrats to dem both.....
Bull "F*cking" Shit!....I thought she was gay! Need Bill Burr to comment on this.
-The Russian
So cute...congratulations!
Oh sorry man u have married a devil to ur house
Seriously, talk abt finding Love in hopeless places...
Congrats 2dem sweet
No matter who u are , hw mad u are, hw ugly u are , how pretty u are there must be a man somewhere dying for u. LIB EMPIRE
Good for them ooooooo
I hope they last, cos it seems these whites can handle dating than marriage
They said he is not electable. Now that it's time to put their claim to test, they are running pillar to post trying to stop the only test that will prove them right or wrong.
They said Nigerians love Jonathan. Now that it's time for Nigerians to show how much they love him, they are afraid to subject him to public test.
They said Nigerians want continuity not change. Now that it's time for Nigerians to speak in favor of continuity or change, they wouldn't let Nigerians make their choice.
They said he's a military despot while they are democrats yet, he want elections and they hate elections.
They said their reason for the shift is to secure Nigeria from Boko Haram. How could they make Nigeria secure enough for elections in few weeks when they couldn't secure it in 5 years?
They said he is dishonest and they are honest yet, he always keep his words while they always break their promises.
We said they are clueless and they said they are prepared yet, it took them a week to elections to realize Nigeria is in security mess that needs the concentration of the armed forces to clean up at the expense of a promising general election.
They said Nigeria is safe yet, "unsafe" Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan conducted credible elections while a "safe" Nigeria failed.
Be it February or March, a bad government will remain a bad government that must be sacked. No matter how long you delay the burial of a corpse, the dead never returns.
Congratulations Gaga,so person still marry love is indeed for everyone
Na only you waka come
Must u display ur cleavage.
Finally, happy for them. Wish dem d best.
Dat breast sha at 28 hmmm
ohhh my goodness wah am i seein???gaga engaged???wow vats great den i guess evwibody shld start gettin married cs i tot gaga can only get married in my widest dream.....
I love the ring more than the owner
Happy for them n congratulations... do av a HML
ohhh my goodness wah am i seein???gaga engaged???wow vats great den i guess evwibody shld start gettin married cs i tot gaga can only get married in my widest dream.....
Awwwww congrats
Hahaha. Never thought i'd get to read this one day..gaga of all's her husband gonna cope with her nudity and her weird devilish mimickness..wish them luck sha
With that flat Boob's oh well
Meanwhile email me to know how to enlarge your joystick and stop premature ejac n let your woman respect you
This. "Linda Take Note" thing has become painfully boring!! It's too dry and senseless! Gahhhd!
He goat
Awwww so cute, wish dem d best but dos boobs is a no no, they looked kind of collapsed no surgery yet to lift dem up? Lol
A very big congratulations to you, Gaga- btw, that ring is very gorgeous. I'm curious and I can't wait see what her wedding gown will look like - probably made of beef lol
I even thought she's a les
Don't know why she doesn't take correction; she's so stubborn about it, as in stupidly stubborn.
Congrts Gaga
Seriously i used to think that gaga is d deputy devil. A book shouldn't be judged by it's cover.
Congrats to both of them . They do look sweet and good together .
I wonder how baby gaga will look like when dress by mom gaga. ? !!
The thought alone is making me giggle like a child !
Interesting news. Can not believe it
Congrats. #happytues
Wow,Lady Gaga actually just got engaged? And by such a handsome young man?WEIRD! Lol.....Congrats to them though
I wish them well and I hope she wil b dressing up lik a responsible woman after her wedding...
Like d adage says beauty is in d eyes of d beholder.congrats gaga,even Whn am thinkin ur wedding gown is gonna b a net without any undies
Awwww m so happy 4 dem + pls dis shld b able to calm her gaganess,dey lookk sweet togeda dnt wanna b hearing no brk up o. Congrats sweedy
They have been dating for the past 4 years remember... and no scandal in that dept so she must be doing something right... just wish them well...
Cray cray indeed! If this my crush can want to marry Gaga, LinLin we can do better
Ehn ehn?! So even the crazy one will soon get married?!
The best guy for her, am happy for gaga never expected it so soon.
Where do u know her from? Smdh
Sorry ass but she's engaged with a diamond ring n it's none of ur freakn bizwax freak!#bittermarystandingboobsnodiamondringlol
Onyiberibe! Ur moda was a hoe n that waz y she gave birth to u!she for become nun...that's wat saints do fyi and u won't dream of bringing ur stinking self into existence#no one v d godamn right to call any1 a hoe or a bitch#crazy
Congratulations lady Gaga, I hope he can manage ur craziness
Congrat bae.......though d guy try sha.............
I must be a bad girl in my next life. I'd get the good guys.....
All that you mentioned are for showbiz. They don't do all that cray tin at home.
That's nice.....congrats to them
Like seriously...hmmmm...he must really love her and her crazy ways...
Congrats 2 them! Hop d weirdo n her man mk tins work?
Wish her all the best.
This warewolf in Trueblood... Seriously dey hav tried... wish dem well,, plus dey luk cute 2geda...
Cute guy.
Congrats Gaga.
Cute guy.
Congrats Gaga.
Eyaa,dats gud. Just hope dis their marriage will last nd nt like d normal Hollywood marriages. They look gud together though
Ur own is it standing? Because you're almost sucking ur own breast in ur pic due to push me up by force bra doesn't mean yours are firm. Be there giving boys free ass afi sweet mary
It's called fame, u gaga Namaste
U pple shold leave her breast alone kai...d guy see am b4 him propose.#badbelle
Let DNB stories entertain you
As in Mr Taylor get ready cos na serious job u just get so.
Congrats to her.
And her boobs taking a bow. Fotoglafa for just help her adjust dey dless. Oghenegaga congra I save d Tulation if dis marriage last reach 730days.
I swear. This Juliet bitch shld just fall down on d road today and break her hands. Bush fowl
She is one of the SANEST people ever... the switch from gaga on stage to gaga off stage is always shocking. She's good people congrats to her.
the way she dress has changed, looked much better at the Grammys
Like seriously
see breast...
Congrats to her. I pray this brings about a change in her lifestyle coz she's a weirdo personified plus that ring is so lovely
Wow, lady Gaga got engaged! God is wonderful!
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