You won't believe what this disgusting man posted on Twitter... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 3 November 2014

You won't believe what this disgusting man posted on Twitter...

So this disgusting guy who goes by the twitter name @KILLSemaj posted a pic on twitter that got people so mad, they called the police, FBI and reported him to Twitter.  The pic is still somewhere on twitter but don't go looking for it, because it's child porn and it's wrong and illegal!

Don't even know if it's legal for me to describe what he did but he uploaded a gross pic of a 4 months old baby he claims is his niece covered in cum and his erect penis just above her 'vag...' with the caption; "Babysitting my niece :)"

He actually put a smiley face! What an animal! His twitter account has since been suspended and I read that the police is now looking for him. See some reactions to what he did after the cut...


Unknown said...

So many psychopath out there.

Uche Emma said...

May God have mercy on him


You these days people do anything on social media to gain cheap publicity.
Technology in the hand of a misguided youth,is more dangerous than a Stry bullet.


Anonymous said...

Too bad

Unknown said...

I can tell that's not his dick....cus I've watched such b4! Very disgusting! D question is, why would he post such ? Sick mufu!

Unknown said...


Okoro said...



It could be a photoshoped pic....
Buh den again, not all jokes r funny

Unknown said...

He shld b arrested nd put to jail....rubbish

Anonymous said...

this isn't rili funny at all..

dhobiz said...

Hmmm saw the tweet's just plain stupid

Unknown said...

That is very absurd.

Unknown said...

Thats just terrible. Things that people do for fame.

Unknown said...

na wa ooo..there is nutin one wont see in dis world, first to comment.

Anonymous said...

jezz pipo are sick

dazzle said...

Are u serious ? . . disgusting!!!hope they get him..

Anonymous said...

love said...

he is a beast

Unknown said...

Omg! Terrible world!
He deserves a Nigeria prison !

Unknown said...

WTH.I can't ever leave my baby in hands of a male be it my bro or cousin. Hope the cops finds him

Anonymous said...

he should be castrated

Unknown said...

Such is life

Fashion Style said...

Taaa! Disgusting! U should have seen my face while reading d post :-@

Aamarachiogueji said...

It will never be well with him.... Oloshi

Anonymous said...

Sick people everywhere,Lord have mercy. Perv!

Anonymous said...

Bastard!!! pls sm1 shd do him a favour n end his miserable life already what's ds world turning into? U better vanish like Hitler Bcos deres no hiding place 4 u,u will be found and u will be killed

Anonymous said...

MAY God punish dat idiot, and may he be caught and rot in jail. I wonder what some men and even women do 2 kids behind closed doors *tears* may my kids never come in contact with paedophiles and evil people in Jesus name Amen.. and also 2 all d kids out there..may God shield all d kids away from animals like dis, dis is why it's better till 2morrow not 2 leave ur kids with anybody, especially when they are still tender...

Cynthia Iyede said...

Crazy people everywhere. He shld be reprimanded when seem asap.

Dave Mide said...

That pix is just gross! I wish i didnt look at it. He shud be killed and fed to the dog!

Unknown said...

Retarded & mentally unstable.
He should be in jail for the rest of his life. This ain't funny...


Mzz_Mary said...


Unknown said...

He's certainly on drugs else he would have known that child molestation is a big crime. Anyway the police will babysit him now

Anonymous said...

oommmg linda I saw the pics and am still crying I have a daughter for Gods sake. I have a screen shot of it incase the fbi needs it

dazzle said...

I was the first to comment.

Anonymous said...

fuck you man.....

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Unknown said...

Oh Gosh1 the animal must be high in something!


Unknown said...

Omg too bad, his not human @all

Unknown said...

Don't know hw to describe the idiot!!! A retard, scumbag, clown... Such a disgusting human being that don't deserves to live in this 21century...

Unknown said...

D guy must be jailed,that is child mlestation

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ! He should be jailed!

Vera Sidika said...

I saw the picture, freakin disgusting, the guy should be in jail by now

Anonymous said...

Ruminant aminal..i hope he rot in

Anonymous said...

So gross...he must be a total wacko.

Anonymous said...

Ruminant aminal..i hope he rot in

oilandgasdissertation said...

lol...serious tin

Unknown said...

Too bad for him......... Coward

COLLIN said...


chizzy said...

Orishirishi...mouth sealed


Judgement isn't far from Us...

ary said...

F*ck that sh*t, catch him and string him up by his balls!! Then take him to jail so he will get the Brazilian child molesters treatment.

I Love African Music said...

Although i didn't see it but through your description i feel it must be really disgusting... how on earth can a mother leave her child with such a guy??? This is really appalling and hope he shall be arrested for this terrible child molestation. The world is almost a mess!

Anonymous said...

Linda its give away monday o! Abeg I need the cash badly...pls

Anonymous said...

He needs to be checked in a psycho ward

THE ACT OF SEX said...

Extremists. Pervasiveness at its peak. The police should find him. What effrontery ?

Smile again, get your grove back,

Unknown said...


Nocknarl said...


Anonymous said...

Aunty Linda Ikeji please help me....I need some money to start up a business project...Please ma help me,I need about 350k please help me ma...Please help me ma...this is my email address or betterstill my phone number 07063102915 Thank you very much ma

Unknown said...

O my goodness, meaning he either raped d baby or masturbated to her naked? Such pervert! Even had d guts to put it on Twitter? Super mumu,and I'm sure it ain't his first time. God, nawao

Unknown said...

D guys shuld b arrested asap

Anonymous said...

What a sad news this Monday morning. His dick should be diced, roasted and fed to him, then let him rot in jail. Stupid animal...... Mtcheeeeew

Bonita Bislam said...


Anonymous said...

Linda you gossip too much #bright bravo#

Anonymous said...

this is some crazy shit.. what in the world is wrong with people.. gooosssssh

michael chocho said...

I guess he has a mental problem

Easy-E said...

Dat guy is sick nd needs 2 b taken 2 d psychiatric hospital n afta dat he shuld b flogd thoroly...

omo jasmine said...

He needs to be arrested n jailed.. wat an imbecile!

Anonymous said...

death by hanging

Unknown said...

I hope he will be severely punished...

Unknown said...

Sick goat.

gege said...

Humans have lost it.

Mercy kings said...

Omg so disgusting I hope God deals with him very well asshole motherfucker so upset now can't think straight want to kill him if I ve to

seunLondon said...

Some people are more sick than I thought...#SeunLondon

Unknown said...

Some guys are naturally morons. Yeah I said it. ******QUEENMAYA*****

Anonymous said...

Somtyms i fink satan nw stay wif us..look at his username for instance...its killin..may God hlp us. How cud he av dne such a silly fin.

mercy said...

he is evil

Anonymous said...

find this bastard, and take him down!!!

Unknown said...

pls nobody should say this guy has mental issues cos thats what they cover up wit as a defense mechanism when caught. Kill this Bastard;he doesnt deserve to live. Damn

Anonymous said...

he is lucky he is not here in naija. . Juggle justice will apprehend him b4 police go come. ..

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+18 watch the video ...........HERE

Unknown said...

Na wa. God help us,esp.d little 1's. Ur guidiance z wht dy nid,oh God

princess tochi said...

dis guy is a pervert! disgusting

Unknown said...

Guess he was fooling arnd, bt niggah u dont joke with stuffs like dt its disgusting
I hope he gets caught

Unknown said...

So gross some people are just so crazy

Anonymous said...

Sooo wicked of him...what kind of mother left her daughter with this animal when there are so many reports of child molesters..mtchew

Unknown said...

God dey

#king said...

Lmaoo omg the fvcktard is doubt...........................#KingOfKings #6ixGod

MY TURN said...

i pray they find him and torture him till he begs to die...SICK BASTARD

WIZZY said...

this guy is no human,he is a beast,,vicious creature............via LIB READER.........

Unknown said...

Animals in human clothing... God protect our kids

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He must die by hanging of his stupid dick!


yawanow said...

The mere thought is really disgusting

omo jasmine said...


Anonymous said...

Dis is so disgusting, can't deal abeg. I pray Hes brot to justice.. Mad man on de loose.


Uche Emma said...

He needs our prayers and help

xchic said...

Now u know for sure the world is coming to an end! Ya'll need jesus!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

So many evil pple out there!

Anonymous said...

...and he had to be a black guy. (without sounding racist). but really, what is wrong with us all?

Anonymous said...

Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla not saying wat he did was is totally insane but most of dem screaming "Crucify Him" have done worse things. Na becoz him carry him own go public......singing *u no holy pass my brother * Crazy world

Anonymous said...

he should be castrated

Unknown said...

Oloshi buruku

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Linda called out onyx for his child pornographic comments?

ujunwa said...


Anonymous said...

Listen to yourself. You must be very stupid. You also made such disgusting comments about blue ivy. Yet here you are talking rubbish. You and him are one.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pic! Highly disgusting, I was dumbfounded

snowflix said...

He has been looking for a way to become popular he just succeeded but trust me he will regret every bit of it 'Paedophile' #onelovefromSnow#

Anonymous said...

let me lend my voice to insulting this guy. Oloriburuku oloshi! May the hands of the law lay hold of him, let him spend the rest of his life behind bars!

Subomi said...

he is sick, very sick

Anonymous said...

He is definitely sick!

Anonymous said...

Linda, your depiction of the graphic details of the story in itself is morally repugnant...

But hey since when did you every let morality stand in the way of a good story..

Anonymous said...

Linda personally I think you should be careful on what you put on your blog. This in my opinion is no news, you should not publish or glorify such information. I am really disappointed in you.

Anonymous said...

Death sentence ASAP

shannaro said...

I was so pissed yesterday and I didnt even see the picture. I'm very proud of twitter for reacting like it did (though some sick fucks still found it appropriate to joke about this)

Whether he is the perpatrator of the act or not I hope they bust his ass for posting this,disgusting dog burn in hell

Anonymous said...

The full details of the idiot called @killsemaj is:
James A. Hunter
855 Gates Ave, Apartment 4B
Brooklyn NY, 11221
+1 (781) 574 8603
Please call 84th Precinct Now

Bigbrother is watching everybody. Our advice is to stay socially responsible. We can and will access and give up anyone's details who decides to be irresponsible on any social platform. Please be warned.

Unknown said...

What a disgust!! I really hope the find and arrest him! WT!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do you have a screen shot?????!! Pls delete it! That is possession of child pornography and you could go to jail for that. The FBI can get the picture with their own expertise.


Unknown said...

This guy is sick, he deserves to riot in jail.........

Anonymous said...

This guy is sick, he deserves to riot in jail I hope he gets caught

Segun Ebenezer said...

We're in the last days...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the guy in the picture did it. I believe someone very vile wants to hurt him. No sane man will put a picture like that on twitter, of his own image there.

Anonymous said...

You're just as sick as him. You just told the whole world that you've watched child pornography. Gosh you make me sooo sick you idiot!!!

Lady G said...

He seriously does!! American prison is too nice for him.

Anonymous said...

You're such a pervert! It was clearly stated that the image is a disturbing picture of child moleststion, and you went looking for it? Lord! Do these men think at alll???! Why would anyone in their right mind go looking for such a picture??

Anonymous said...

You're such an idiot Lord knows...

Unknown said...


Ifeoma Adeyinka said...

You're as useless as he is. That you can ever have the mind to think such shows how sick you are. Agreed, you acknowledged that he shouldn't have posted such but is it your own d*ck or vag*na that was in d pics?
If you have nothing reasonable to say, just stop!

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