52yr old woman arrested for allegedly operating baby factory in Imo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 3 November 2014

52yr old woman arrested for allegedly operating baby factory in Imo

Officials of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, NSCDC, Imo state command have arrested a 52 year old woman, Mrs Esther Akunmadu (pictured above), for allegedly operating a baby factory in the Umutueke community in Imo state.

Parading her before newsmen, the state NSCDC deputy commandant, Ade Micheal, said the woman was arrested following a tip off from members of the community,  a claim the accused woman denied

"She said she is a retired midwife and she runs a maternity home that has no name and no certificate." he said
A search carried out at the supposed maternity home which she opened about a year ago revealed she had four women and two one-week old babies in the premises. The NSCDC boss alleged that the woman bribed his men with N100,000 which they collected but presented before newsmen.
When interrogated, a distraught Mrs Akunmadu who spoke in pidgin English denied running a baby factory but admitted bribing the officials with N100,000. She said the day the men came to raid her maternity home, she was about going to the market to buy biscuits and sweets which she also sells and that when she saw the seriousness of the NSCDC officials, she gave them the money so that they could leave her alone and not drag her into any trouble.
When interrogated, one of the young girls found at her supposed maternity home, said her mother actually brought her to Mrs Akunmadu for treatment until she delivers her baby but does not know if there was any other agreement between her mother and the accused woman as she had only stayed barely a week at the maternity home.
In a related development, the Anambra state police command arrested and paraded a couple pictured above, that specialize in stealing new born babies at various hospitals in the state.

Parading the couple before newsmen at the state command headquarters in Awka the state capital on Saturday Nov 1st, the state Commissioner of Police, Hassan Karma said the couple who are in their early twenties collaborate with some hospital nurses to steal the new born babies from their mothers while they are still in hospital.
Photo credit: Screen-grab from Channels TV news


Anonymous said...

I like what you are doing and I know that God will bless you very well. My email is Johnbenard8@gmail.com

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Imo state and baby factories...hmmmm

Unknown said...

Why are d baby factories always in d east? Wats happening, if dey are giving d babies to couples who wil take care of dem, den I dnt see anytin bad, dts if d mothers are in support oh...

Alloy Chikezie said...

Its good the long arm of the law finally caught up with her.

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omo jasmine said...

That's there work in dat Imo state. Ibo ppl and money.mtechw

dhobiz said...

Hmmm diz pple never learn

Unknown said...

Nahwah oooo. Diff stories eVryday

Dave Mide said...

Will this ever end? What f***ing factory r they running? The only factory i know is chocolate!

Linda post comment on time ooo, since it seem u mean business this morning

Anonymous said...

Na wah o... no good news anywhere

Anonymous said...

it is wao

Unknown said...

God don catch her

Anonymous said...

wah is this world turning into????
#everyday nigerian question


chizzy said...

Good for her...wicked woman

Anonymous said...

Na wah o... no good news anywhere

Anonymous said...

Nawaooooo this kind news this morning , very bad of them .CHI.

Anonymous said...

baby factory again.

Unknown said...

May God forgive her

Anonymous said...

terrible tins be happenin


She must be made to face the full wrath of the law.


surshima samuel said...

Nothing our people will not do for money, I would have said she should be investigated thoroughly but then,if she was doing nothing wrong why did she bribe the policemen?

Unknown said...

The hrt of men, filled with spite and hate smh

Anonymous said...

Igbo people any thing is business #bright bravo# 269beb21

Uche Emma said...

This baby factory thing, na wa ooo

Unknown said...

All these are mare speculations and should not be on the news until proven!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

God protect my baby when I give birth

Unknown said...

Baby factory in Imo state again! Na wa

Unknown said...

When will women ever stop child traficking?

Unknown said...

When will women ever stop child traficking?

Unknown said...

When will women ever stop child traficking?

NaijaKOKO said...

Why are people so heartless... United we stand, divided we fall...

NaijaKOKO said...

Why are people so heartless... United we stand, divided we fall...

Unknown said...

Evil things people do 4 money

love said...

she is a disgrace to women and not worthy to be a mother

Unknown said...

Its no news. Baby factories are everywhere in Nigeria. Even doctors do engage in such acts.

Anonymous said...

wicked woman.....

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Anonymous said...

Nawa oh...wah a world

oge said...

d claim seems vague but if she is really guilty den justice should prevail

Anonymous said...

nawa oooo is unfair.

Unknown said...

These people should stop disgracing south east with these baby factory of a thing!


Unknown said...

People don't have respect for human life anymore! God help us

Unknown said...

A bitter pill to swallow


michael chocho said...

Wen will nigeria change

ary said...

Na wa oh! Who impregnates the women or are they products of sex outta wedlock? As for the ones who specialize in stealing babies......hmmmm!!! You steal someone's nine months labor and you think you will rest easy in this life or the next?

Unknown said...

The wickedness in done people makes me wonder.imo people and quick money

Easy-E said...

Wats wit dis baby factory nd stealin of babies? Igbo ppl, i hail ooo

Ebube God said...

Useless people they should all be punished

Unknown said...

Na wa, wahala dey ooooooo.

Unknown said...

This are really happening in this country. *****QUEENMAYA*****

Unknown said...


Fiery Ray said...

If there are no ready markets for this dispicable act, this crime will not thrive. Unfortunately, because evil people that buy these innocent babies are many in our society, these wicked people will continue to steal babies.

Uche Emma said...

What is making baby factory to boom? Childless couples.
What could be responsible for increase in barrenness?

Our life style, abortions, contraceptives, sex before marriage, etc, these are the things we need to tackle. If there is no market for the "factories", they will divest into other business

Uche Emma said...

What is making baby factory to boom? Childless couples.
What could be responsible for increase in barrenness?

Our life style, abortions, contraceptives, sex before marriage, etc, these are the things we need to tackle. If there is no market for the "factories", they will divest into other business

Unknown said...

Thank God she was noticed and reported.

yawanow said...

Full wrath of the Law

Anonymous said...

Awoof dey run belle

snowflix said...

Na dem sabi #onelovefromSnow#

Subomi said...

how can you wake up one morning and decide this is the kind of business you want to do

Unknown said...

see her ugly face

Anonymous said...

The woman looks vile and wicked.

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