Photos: Rapper Eminem steps out looking a little different | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 7 November 2014

Photos: Rapper Eminem steps out looking a little different

He looks a little different, doesn't he? Guess it's aging? He's 42 now. The rapper who rarely attends events attended the the Wall Street Journal's Innovator Of The Year awards in New York City on Wednesday November 5th, where he came to honour his former mentor, Dr Dre and Beats co-founder Jimmy Iovine who won awards for their entrepreneurship. Another pic after the cut

Photo credit: Getty Images


Unknown said...

he looks older...


Unknown said...

he looks older...


Unknown said...

Looking like one of the banelings in legend of the seeker!

Unknown said...

This isn't a little ooo Linda this is pure age the agadi in him is now showing

Unknown said...

Chai! Eminem don de old naa

Unknown said...

Awwww he's getting old as you said, Eminem I loved you until M.I came for my heart!

Anonymous said...

his aging pretty fast

Anonymous said...

its just a mix of drugs and aging.... thatsall

I actually expected him to look far worse than this.

Anonymous said...

Crack is whack! That's the effect of drug use over a duration. Say NO to drugs, people.

Unknown said...

Nah this can't be Eminem ....@42 and he is this old??? Nope. ****QUEENMAYA*****

Linda Fashion Blog said...

Wow, I call this aging horribly. He dsnt look good at all . Hope Hes not on drugs sha.

Unknown said...

Himself be human being

Unknown said...

Rap god


Mk he nor age b4

Anonymous said...

Are u looking for. Suger mummy or daddy please call dis line 07060801564 please be mature...

Anonymous said...

Probably side effects of drug abuse from his days shooting 8mile.

Daily diet tv said...

Life tho!

Unknown said...

He is fast aging. Not looking too fresh and handsome anymore.

Anonymous said...

My eternal crush. Rap god.... Linda, you'll soon be looking a 'little different' too. lmao.

Olusoji said...

I like this dude good at what he does

snowflix said...

He is really ageing but still looks cute anywayz #onelovefromSnow#

Anonymous said...

Datz my Man!The Slim Shady
Eminem is the best Rapper So far.

Anonymous said...

Hope he isn't on drugs again. I love him, he obviously isn't getting much sleep.

Anonymous said...

Datz my Man!The Slim Shady
Eminem is the best Rapper So far.

Unknown said...

Eminem is truly ageing walahi,#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#

Subomi said...

he does look different but for some reason I don't think its age

Unknown said...

No comment bcs i dnt kn if u ll post my comment linda

jbankzE said...

42yrs no b beans na,e nid tell on em...old age don de cum

~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

Anonymous said...

Dude is getting old

ukbliss said...

Kinda sick

Anonymous said...

Best rapper alive #slimshady#Rapgod

Anonymous said...


Alloy Chikezie said...

That's my favourite rapper.

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Unknown said...

dre looking good, Eminem don dey old ooo


TripleC SDK BlogBoo said...

Old age fins, MyBest Rapper

Segun Ebenezer said...

Slim man don old oh.

Anonymous said...

Dis guy is still the best rapper alive.. my opinion. Aging or not he still looks good

Unknown said...

He really looks different. Age don't lie.

Mosdef said...

aww .... Rap god be aging. he can still do his thing tho

hrm paul ojeih said...

Linda Eminem drinks smokes consumes narcotics look t his skin is so pale as if he pukes each time he eats omashe.
linda look careful Dre is 51 years old yet he looks younger than Eminem. pharell Williams is 41 same age as eminem yet pharell looks like 30 poor old slim shady

Anonymous said...

But really o... blacks age better than whites. just Checkout Dre.

Anonymous said...

shaddy is come off age

Anonymous said...

The GOAT. Much love

marcee immanuels said...

its bcos you zoomed the pix ... from afar he looks like eminem

Unknown said...

Yea he is looking really aged
dr dre b .looking dope

Unknown said...

Bosses 'Eminem & Dr Dre'

Anonymous said...

Slim shaddy getting old man

I am Coonett

Anonymous said...

He's in his forties, what do you expect. At some point, your age is gonna start telling on you unless u subscribe to plastic surgery

PURPLE said...

Hez still my fav rapper nonetheless

Unknown said...



ary said...

Actually he looks fit and trim!

Anonymous said...

I can take bullets for Eminem... Eminem till the world ends

Rolwitmii said...

Finally...... Eminem is getting Old, hmmm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*F.O.L Face Of Linda iKeji * seen

#add me F.O.L on facebook @ Pretty Sabigal Faith

dhobiz said...

Wow! Guess I'll have to find another crush

Neks said...

He doesn't look sick to me, ....just aging gracefully.

Anonymous said...

my luv Eminem..nigger is now old..eeya..but he is still a talent

Bold Kid said...

Slim shady!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah he's slim shady,yes he's the real shady any other shady na fourth hand...Really love this guy

RareSpecie said...

Artificial pleasures ve finally taken its toll on Em. Still got genuine love (no homo) 4 dude havin reserve the braggin right as the de facto No 1 fan for memorising all the lyrics in Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers n Eminem Show albums.

humble said...

yes he looks older

Unknown said...

Seriously aging, too obvious.

Anonymous said...

Dude go ask your mama why you look so much like Jimmy?

Anonymous said...

its 2 much intake of hard drug

Bizzie Boi... said...

Marshal Mathers is definitely Aging
You nor when dem begin dey mention
Eminem for music living legend.

maryjones said...

kai old age don catch Eminem no b small.he really luks different

Anonymous said...

This is a drug user's scarred and aging face. He has admitted to using drugs..smh

Anonymous said...

The guy look so much like Wentworth miller. I think he has a skin problem.

Unknown said...

Awwww see my slim shaddy

Anonymous said...

Aww his soo cute @ much luv ds guy.

Anonymous said...

Aunty, won't he age? He's 42 ffs!

Unknown said...

Em is looking much old,well he should retire and leave the rap game for young stars.

OSINANL said...

What is dis?
he look so scary

Chikaka said...

That's what crystal meth does to you. It ages the skin and skews the mind.

Unknown said...

looking like a dolly baby and a very scary one as at that.

Jessica law said...

His aging reall fast wow.

Anonymous said...

but I still wanna fuck him

hopogy said...

time tells

hopogy said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

he look quite old, how come whities tends to look older than the blacks, I believe tho dt they hv stronger gene than the blacks. diddy is 45, jz 43 and Eminem is here looking like 60

Anonymous said...

he look quite old, how come whities tends to look older than the blacks, I believe tho dt they hv stronger gene than the blacks. diddy is 45, jz 43 and Eminem is here looking like 60

NaeTi said...

You have to use no homo in any nonhomo shit you say?...Really. ?

Unknown said...

Pls I didn't get d age again, fourth what, I don't believe it, well Google is my best friend.

Unknown said...

If he is ageing dis fast, then drug is somewhere helping him out, he should just take it easy.

Unknown said...

He's getting old

Unknown said...

Too much marijuana

Anonymous said...

I think he has cancer. He looks like someone in stage 1 cancer.

Unknown said...

Fuck d bullshit you all are saying; shady is a god..!!

Anonymous said...

The boo. Best rapper alive any day!! He's ageing nIcely to me #WonderfulMan 🙌🙌🙌🙌

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