Dear LIB readers: Is it wise to resign my oil & gas job and focus on my husband's biz? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 2 November 2014

Dear LIB readers: Is it wise to resign my oil & gas job and focus on my husband's biz?

From a female LIB reader
"My husband has just advised I resign my oil and gas job so I can focus on a business he started years before we met and married. It is our belief that every family should own at least one business of their own. As much as I buy into that belief, I am hesitant to resign my oil and gas job as I don't know whether it would be a wise decision for me as a wife to abruptly just resign. Would it also be wise for me to insist that we have a legal framework where we have equal ownership of the company? Am thinking this would cause a friction between us. I'm also making a lot of money where I work now and I don't know what things will be like working with my husband. I really need your advise.


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Adaorah said...

Nope. You can't resign yet.

Anonymous said...

You don't mean it do you?

Unknown said...

Dnt mind him oh! Men are always jealous wen de feel dia wives are doing better dan dem......he's scared u might get richer dan him. Dnt even tink abt it.

Anonymous said...

It is wrong!!! Ur husband is suppose to understand!!! D job brings a lot of money,.. for d family

ShadyThots said...

Hell no!!! I'm a guy & I advice u, keep it. U can still do the family business on the side. The only point u should give up the job is if the business has started to grow & u have enough saved for the rainy & trust me those days will come like a tsunami! If u don’t have enough saved to be independent should things not work out like y'all hope don't u dare quit.

Unknown said...

It's not wise to just resign just like dat but if you must join him, make sure that both of u sign memorandum of understanding and it must be legally binded. Nobody knows tomorrow not with what's happening to marriages these days. The man might not wake up tomorrow and discover you're no longer fit to be his wife. U better shine your eyes well well. Uwa k'anyi nor...anything can happen!

Anonymous said...

My dear don't do it

Anonymous said...

Dont dare try it.Its different if it was an ordinary job dt is stressful and not bringing much.If u drop dt job, u cant get it back of tins dont do as planned.More so, u n hubby can manage the running of d biz while u still work.if u still decide 2 want 2 drop it, plz pass it on 2 me biko.I ll give u ma whose hubbys bizs are multi millions still hang on 2 their job.Dont u dare.

Laszlo said...

Hahaha...most hilarious gist of all time. Biko use your oil and gas money carry your husband business go the next level. I feel your financial support is what he needs most

Anonymous said...

Are you serious right now?? Don't you even DARE quit your job. What is the meaning of that?? For what?? you said yourself your making a lot of money. If your husband really loves and respects you then he will appreciate the good that your job is bringing to your home. There's no reason why you can support his business and carry on with your job at the same time.

Unknown said...

Compare their income & go for higher one. I mean higher income


anifowoshe habeeb said...

its a two way street and no one can make that decision for you my are few questions i think you should ask of him ..1) why does he require your services in the company ? 2) how well is the business doing at the moment(financially) 3) will you receive the same salary or more if you agree to work with him at his company..after all this is said and should be a shareholder or a director at your hubbys comapny either you work for him or not...

Anonymous said...

Are you serious right now?? Don't you even DARE quit your job. What is the meaning of that?? For what?? you said yourself your making a lot of money. If your husband really loves and respects you then he will appreciate the good that your job is bringing to your home. There's no reason why you can support his business and carry on with your job at the same time.

dope Shanty said...

There's a difference btwn relationship and business. Never mix relationship/marriage with business. Why resign your oil and gas job since deep down your heart u don't want to. Don't loose your job cuz of your husband's own. Let him employ somebody not u. U know how africans are when it comes to bringin law into marriage. If u tell him to sign some blah blah about equal rights, it may lead to prob. So just stick to your job!

Unknown said...


ShadyThots said...

Don't u dare quit if u don't have enough saved up should things not work out as hoped. I'm a guy and i'd tell u, it's always nice & safe for a woman to be independent of her partner. I wish u well & hope the bizness turns out well but while the business grows, it will be foolish to quit.

Unknown said...

Don't resign unless you want to be dependent.

ary said...

@anonymous 4.04pm which kind witch you be? Haba leave her be! Is she stopping stella from eating or is she stealing her readers? Please crawl back into the whole you emerged from with all this negative energy!
And for the lady please do not resign your job unless you are certain it will double or at least equal what you make now.

Anonymous said...

Bad idea!!!!!!! DON'T

oyin said...

two word doll.......hell no

Titus Idris said...

Joining to build your husband's business is a good decision. But before you resign your job, take a look at the structure he has on ground. Do an objective assessment of the prospect of growth for the business and be sure to know how the business will chart it's growth in at least a few years ahead before taking the leap. If you and your husband are united in the goal of building a future for your family through the business, he should be sincere enough to let you have access to all the documents that may help you take a decision to join the business. Else, please keep your job.

oyin said...

two words doll.....HELL NO!!!!


That shall not fall for men's jealous trap.. "Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti 1950"

Anonymous said...

You want equal share with your husband in his business? If I call u thief nw e go be like say i wicked. By the way if u are work wit any of d IOC's i dnt think your husband will like you to resign but if u are working wit our local oil & gas firms where the MD and other top management officials are taking advantage of their female employees jst becos dey hv money to throw around then it will be advisable you listen to your husband as your refusal will mean that either yout MDD or a top ranking male official in ur company is shining your Congo

Anonymous said...

Don't resign oooooo..... dont try it and don't try joint biz with him likewise, it will be unwise of u.

Anonymous said...

dont even think about it,i did it & dont want to talk about it,not even in ur dreams.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion don't resign yet. How much will you receive in the business compared to what your receiving now. Are you going to be co owner of his business and have smae right as in decision making and all. Questions you should ask your sef and clarify from him before you resign. My sister made that same mistake and she is suffering now. Cos her hubby doesn't even send her wiv all her basic needs! Men are so unpredictable!

Anonymous said...

Are u in this country? Okay resign and smell rod in the future. That time those paper u signed will not save u. Abeg continue with ur work before I slap u

Anonymous said...

if u know what is goo for you,dont resign

Anonymous said...

My dear, don't resign o! You will regret it. If your job is flexible, what you can do is say take a study leave or something for a year, try and run the coy and since how it turns out. Best wishes

Unknown said...

i dont think its wise to to him the way he will understand...


Unknown said...

Anon.4:04,u b real akpo marine....carry ur bad Bella back to

Unknown said...

Do not resign madam... I advise you stick to your job. Working for your husband might create unwanted problems which aren't obvious now. Frequent minor quarrels might occur then next you would wanna resign then start thinking of having a business of your own and before you you realize it there goes the tot of you becoming a full house wife. Pls stick to your job.... you both can alwys advice each other on work issues when the need arises.

Anonymous said...

Dont try it

Anonymous said...

Please sweetheart don't try will backfire,he'll turn you into a beggar in your own home

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine, "oil and gas job" Mtcheeew. Fake as in FAKE!

D ROCK said...

See lady publicly stripped and disgraced for wearing a miniskirt in ghana

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

What are you? Fried yam? You want to resign for what? A biz that is in his name? Your job is your pride and respect, if you resign all in the name of family empire you are at his mercy and you know Nigerian law does nothing for women. The day you have a fight with him he would ask u to leave his house and the empire which u suffered for is in his name. You would be empty!!!!!!!!!! If you like, let love blind your eye then when it happens u start looking for who to catch as a witch..... Women really have fish brains! Would the man leave a mouth watery salary in an oil company to help u run ur biz???????? Well, resign abeg, maybe it's me God has destined to take your position in that company.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Go resign and suffer

Kponskii said...

I very much doubt if this is this right platform to seek an advise of such magnitude. But gud luck all the same.

Anonymous said...

The person with the least promising job between the two of you should resign. It does not always have to be the woman taking the slack. If his job is ridiculous, he needs to resign and grow the business. If yours is ridiculous relative to his, then you do it. Marriage is partnership. After all, if he decides to be a Nigerian man and marries someone else, do you think you would be running that business? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Mtschewwwwwwww who's biz is that ? That your family issue talk better thing, Linda no dey post all dis foolish question Jooooo no mind make dey go ask google their question

MrsEmmycollins said...

What can I say? *sigh*...

1. my dear, if out of the billions of ppl in the world, you think the best place to seek wisdom and advice on serious life decisions is from Lilliputian selection of random faceless ppl on a gossip blog, I wonder how you got your job in an 'oil & gas company'. Are you the typist there?

2. If you have any sense at all you would know that not EVERY family can or should have a business. How is that feasible?

3. Your relationship obviously cannot survive mixing business and marriage if you believe that it would cause friction asking your hubby to relinquish some equity on your account. What kind of husband did you marry? Even as a wife who is not directly involved in the business, should it be too much for him to give you a share in the business - even if nominally?

4. Will he be paying you to join his business? You must consider the income you will lose by quitting your job.

Anyhow, I think both you, the job, husband and business are all concocted for blogging purposes.

Anonymous said...

Don't try it. Dont.

Unknown said...

Dnt ever try it

Anonymous said...

that is an expensive joke dear... quitting a well paid job for something not exactly stable now is risky... consider the 'what ifs' .... its expedient you weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of you quitting b4 taking such step.

Anonymous said...

Pls resign nd connect me to the job, am a fresh graduate with 2:1 in computer science...

Anonymous said...

Just do your wish

amoni said...

Don't o. DO NOT!!!! Don't even try it. Let him run his business.stay where u r!! Ur children should grow up n work wiv him. U can keep workin in ur present place of work n put a lot together n build ur own business. Dnt even fink of quittin!

Anonymous said...

Do not resign

J. said...

do not resign! you'll definitely regret that action... talk about putting all your eggs in one basket. we go into marriage with our hearts yeah, but also with our heads!

H S C said...

Hell no! While one of you takes business risks, there needs to be steady and sure income flow.

Unknown said...

Dnt even tink abt it . Itz is so easy to say nw bt once u resign itz will b order way round. Jst keep acting d good wife

Unknown said...

Im sorry but your husband is a hater. Don't resign build your career and help him out where you can.

Anonymous said...

pls don't tink about it

Unknown said...

No try am @ all

Babe said...

Pls dnt resign bt ask God for wisdom to be a able to discuss ds wt ur hubby. Working wt ur hubby won't be pleasurable. U can only assist when u are less busy.

Anonymous said...

Dnt evn tnk abt it..he shd employ sm1 else 2do it

Anonymous said...

Stay where you are. You can't live on love or his future potential. Bills got to be paid now and today. Maintain your quality of life as he brings his dreams of being an entrepreneur to reality.

Unknown said...

Resignation is not the better option. *****QUEENMAYA*****

Anonymous said...

pls resign ur oil and gas job and help ur husband in his business.his company must be finacially ok for him to advice that. dnt u think u think u need that job to assist him financially to stand his business think abt it. but if u hv made up ur mind,you could link me up to ur boss to take ur place in ur present company before u resign.

Unknown said...

PlZ my dear, don't even think about resigning cos if anything happen 2morrow 2 de company. Wat will u pipo fall back on..

Anonymous said...

Babe, don't even think about it. Dat will be d beginning of Ur downfall. He only wants to make u subservient to him, he thinks u r too independent. T2

Anonymous said...

Please we wise. You cannot just resign abruptly. You can support the business side by side with your job. If things are not put in place properly with the business it will also affect your marriage. Key questions, what is the ownership structure? Do you have shares in the company? Is there clear separation of power? Seek the face of God before you act.

Anonymous said...

Don't ooooo.omosoft@

Anonymous said...

my dear, focus on ur oil and gas job. ur salary is guaranteed. dont fall into that business trap. let ue hubby continue with the business while u go ahead with ur work. you will understand dis better if ur husband dies

Anonymous said...

my dear, focus on ur oil and gas job. ur salary is guaranteed. dont fall into that business trap. let ue hubby continue with the business while u go ahead with ur work. you will understand dis better if ur husband dies

Anonymous said...

Men with there trick

Unknown said...

No, It's not. Full stop.

Doo Adekaa said...

Don't resign yet. Its better u both work on building it to a certain level. Leaving ur oil n gas job now isn't wie 4me.personally,I wouldn't .

Anonymous said...

Men with there trick.

Unknown said...

No, it's not! Does this question even demand an answer?

Anonymous said...

Dont resign yet,@least not until u know ow tinz are gonne be if u decide to work him.. I mean whether or not; if he's goin to start bossing you about and besides; if d company'l av his name only on it.. U kno ow this tinz can be; God forbids sumtin apns in d future nd u find out u'r "zero" in d company. Just pray about it tho. God'l see you

Anonymous said...

No is not advisable!!!

Anonymous said...

Pls don't

Anonymous said...

Do NOT resign. Rather, come to a compromise where you'll participate in the business part time. Except of course if you had agreed before marriage to resign.

Anonymous said...


Madam keep your job and just lend your input to your husband's biz.
The man just feels financially insecure and wants to cut you to size but tread softly and let him know you want to keep working to save enough for future endevours,

Anonymous said...

Please do not leave your job, the job market in Nigeria is not fantastic, so i advice you stay put and find your husband a male business partner.

Anonymous said...

Pls don't ooO, business bawo?? If u try it I will kill u myself..... never ever try it, he must be an illetrate to tell u to resign....rabbish!!!

Anonymous said...

Fake story...

Unknown said...

my dear, please don't resign. please visit my blog

Anonymous said...

Dnt try it ooooooooooo... kip ur job

mz phumike said...

Dnt resign

mz phumike said...

Dnt resign oooo

mz phumike said...

Dnt resign

Anonymous said...

Madam don't try it.... He should hire staff or I come in part time. Nawa for some men. Leave Oil Company jobs of all places. Haaa u will regret oh!!!!

Unknown said...

Abeg no resign ooo

#king said...

U must be foolish..Why will u resign? ode..people will come here asking questions a 10 yr old cant ask..Why give u advice?..............................#KingOfKings #6ixGod

Andy de don said...

Resign ke my dear don't o .. you can help him supervise the business..

Anonymous said...

Are u looking for a suger mummy or daddy please call dis line 07060801564 please be mature..

Unknown said...

Do not do dat witout him agreeing to co share wit u as equal ownership of d company but if he refuses den dnt resigned 4rm u work and also make sure u assist him in d family needs/wants dnt leave monetary issues 4 him alone dat way wen he sees ur commitment in d family and u give him a good reasonable reason why u dnt wnt 2 resign,he will do nothing Dan 2 support u cos he knws u help in d affairs of d family and him too.

Anonymous said...

Do not do dat witout him agreeing to co share wit u as equal ownership of d company but if he refuses den dnt resigned 4rm u work and also make sure u assist him in d family needs/wants dnt leave monetary issues 4 him alone dat way wen he sees ur commitment in d family and u give him a good reasonable reason why u dnt wnt 2 resign,he will do nothing Dan 2 support u cos he knws u help in d affairs of d family and him too.

Ozorokechukwu said...

And how are we supposed to evaluate that when.we don't even know what your husband's biz is???

Kulikuli said...

Look before you leap this girl. You said it yourself now: Legal Framework kia kia. But use diplomacy o. May God give you wisdom. You hear?

Unknown said...

Do not do dat witout him agreeing to co share wit u as equal ownership of d company but if he refuses den dnt resigned 4rm u work and also make sure u assist him in d family needs/wants dnt leave monetary issues 4 him alone dat way wen he sees ur commitment in d family and u give him a good reasonable reason why u dnt wnt 2 resign,he will do nothing Dan 2 support u cos he knws u help in d affairs of d family and him too.

Anonymous said...

pls dont mind and focus on own business ...
.from nwa nkwerre

Ozorokechukwu said...

Linda...Your own post will be visible after my approval.

You think say nah Onley you sabbi " approve "


Anonymous said...

You can't be serious Hun. Your husband should respect the fact that you had your career going before he met you. Asking you to resign is somewhat selfish and I do not advise you to do that. You can still run the business and retain your job. Be wise my dear. Men enjoy it when women are dependent on them. That way they can get away with anything. I am a guy btw.

Unknown said...

Yea...for once,I agree with wilheminna Moses.
Madam,please dnt leave ur job. Maybe he's jealous.He'll get over it.

Anonymous said...


THE ACT OF SEX said...

Your job fetch money for the family, your husband business fetch money too. I will advise that you explain to Oga that you need to retain your oil and gas job.

Reason, the money from the job will cushion effect of any capital down slide in the new business. For the mean time , he should employ competent hands to assist him. I advise that you can only quit when the company's foundation has become very strong. If you quit now, its a 50/50 chance, the venture may or may not succeed . In the instance it succeeds ; good. What of where it fails? You loose on both ends. So take a wise decision and make sure there is no friction with Oga

Anonymous said...

Everybody oil company,wer d cleamers,bankers,teachers e.t.c every story oil company

Unknown said...

Both of you need to meet with a business consultant for advice. You need to know the repercussion of it.

SUE JORDAN said...

You will regret it....Period!

Anonymous said...

pls dont mind and focus on own business ...
.from nwa nkwerre

Unknown said...

Just seat your husband talk it over i believe you will find a solution

Mrs E said...

I agree with you Moses! Biz should be separated from marriage to avoid friction. Men always believe they kw it all and may not heed 2 ur advice

Ozed said...

Don't resign.Can't he run his company without you?Again,it's not dependable for a family to have a single source of income.

Anonymous said...

Re u crazy or high???????Wch re u?

Anonymous said...

My first response would be a NO to that. There is something called diversification. If you get fired, your husband can provide for the family. If your husband's business fails, you will be able to provide for the family. No need putting all your eggs in one basket.
Having said that, its not inherently wrong for a couple to have a company together. Many successful companies have gone that route. If you want to do that, I would suggest you take about 2 months leave from work and give it a try, see how your husband treats you at work (as an employee, partner or wife). If you do decide to go into his business permanently, be sure that the terms are fully defined and set in stone; that is if you are coming in as an employee or a partner as well as how much you will be paid if you are an employee and opportunities for growth. if you are a partner, its more of profit sharing, but you get to have a strong say in the development of the business.
I am great supported of the women working, so I am quick passionate about such topics. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Instead of you to give us good news like Rihanna is back on Instagram you are giving us story for the gods.. Smh

Anonymous said...

Madam..its always good for the family to have other source of income..a business that would stabilise the family financially. . My ur husband 100% (FINANCIALLY!!)..u can afford 2 hire a good manager na...resign ke??? Oil n gas job !! dear God has blessed talk 2 ur hubby..whatever you do...PLS DO NOT RESIGN..

gege said...

No No No a thousand times. Face your job let him face his business. I am married so I know how this things work.

Anonymous said...

Don't even think about it girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@moses very right and true!..DON'T RESIGN

Anonymous said...

Pls don't resign o. Find a way to explain the benefits of multiple sources of income to him . That was how my aunts husband made her resign from her job to join the business because she was making more money than his business. After she resigned he told her to face the home front, and that's what's she's doing till now. She's so frustrated now

Anonymous said...

Please dont resign your job, instead explain to your husband that you guys need the security of your job incase his buisness fails or does not do well.

Unknown said...

plx dont resign ooooo...... U guys shud talk more abt it

Anonymous said...

I don't normally make comments, but i just have to say this. Your husband has an advantage to have a working woman. Once you resign, it becomes a disadvantage to him. A word is enough for the wise. She who has ears let her hear. DO NOT RESIGN

Unknown said...

Resign ke,let him manage d biz n u continue working biko

Sir jay said...

Safe Journey

Anonymous said...

Pls Dnt join ur hubby business but u shld always support him..and even if u join let dere be a legal framework..i will advise u shldnt sha..

wizcoded said...

well its left for you....its your choice

Anonymous said...

my dear, do not resign. You will be surprised how his attitude will change except you are certain he is not that kind of person. One other thing is , does he take your advise? You will be shocked how decision making can cause conflict especially in business. He will call it "his" business and then what. My advise, help him in anyway you can but please do not resign

Anonymous said...

He will be the first person to miss the money! Please protect yourself men are ruthless.

slimzyose said...

Pls dnt think abt it @ al,else u wil end up regretting it

Anonymous said...

A man that truly loves his woman will help her achieve her dreams even if she will be richer than him because they are one, therefore the money also belongs to him. Do u know how many people are begging to be in your position? As soon as you drop the pen, someone else picks it up. Besides, after you leave your job, what is the guarantee that he might not cheat you out of your portion of the company's profit or even divorce you at the end of the day and I'm pretty sure you haven't saved for your life yet. Listen babe, of a truth, no man should advice his wife to leave her job to work on theirs. Having a family business is an added bonus. So please don't listen to him. Try and talk it out with him. Make him see reasons and if he blatantly refuses, trust me, its gone way beyond you coming to focus on the family business. PLEASE, do NOT leave your job.

oge said...

aunty linda abeg oooo post my comment

Anonymous said...

Pls is there any side effects of taking postinor 1 8times in a month. Been having regular sex wit my bf, though he wants a baby but I'm not ready yet. I take postinor1 regularly without his knowledge. My regular menstrual cycle don scatter !!! E gba mi o

Anonymous said...


mimi said...

My dear pls don't ok Okurin are funny people.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that can happen to a woman is financial independence and most men are intimidated with it

Anonymous said...

Talk it out wit him and give him some reasons to believe u. But dont resign is not d best. Goodluck

Anonymous said...

Don't resign! I repeat do not resign!!!

Anonymous said...

He probably feels insecure that you earn higher. If he needs more staff, he shd employ. So many people looking for work. Is he going to march or surpass your current salary? And the day he tells u to stop working for him? What will happen?

KWEEN said...

Don't resign! That's all.

Anonymous said...

Don't resign. Be wise woman

Anonymous said...


Angie said...

Firstly, working with your husband will most likely cause some friction in your marriage, unless he'll be a silent partner which is impossible.
Now my advice..: As far as you fulfil your obligations as a wife, stay put where you are abeg. Some men be turning their wives into their slaves. Stand your ground against insecure men!

*My R1.50c comment*

jbankzE said...

Dnt eva try it...... He kwz ur goin to b richer dan em so he wants to brk it off nw.... Is his biznx nt urs,u dnt kw wat 2moro wil brin so dnt do it....

~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

Unknown said...

Pls do not resign.

APPLE said...

Don't resign .

Anonymous said...

Lai Lai pls don't resign o. I did same and I tell u it has not been easy fr me o. I can't even take care of my parent and siblings like I was doing wen I still had my job.

Anonymous said...

Dis is not d right time to resign if not u won't b asking fr advise. Pls hold onto ur job and wen it is time to let go u will knw it is time.

Victoria said...

Maybe ur hubby sees a better prospect in you pouring ur skills in his business, personal I see nothing wrong in that but I will advice strongly that you insist on laying a strong legal framework as well as understanding the technicalities involved in the business. You know, our culture still harbours alot of reservations about women, but with good legal framework you’re protected.

Anonymous said...

As for me.Whatever wealth and fortune u want to acquire is for both ur children born and yet unborn unless sit down together and set d priority right.

Anonymous said...

The best way to avoid conflict is to stick to your current job. Let him take care of his business. It's foolish for you guys to put all your eggs in one basket. What happens when his business goes through rough patches like all businesses? If your help is really needed with his business, just help him on a part time basis but do not quit your job.

Anonymous said...

Don't try it. Do your thing let him do his thing.

Unknown said...

I use God and your village beg you nor try am!

Anonymous said...

Do not resign your job. He is jealous of your achievement. The moment you resign and your salary ends, the reality will dawn on you when you need to beg for money for pad. Business has up and down, when it is down, you need your job to support the family. It is good for one person to be in paid employment and the other in business.

Julie said...

First and foremost dear both of you should not depend on the same pay......ur salary z a constant tin or it could be increased..... Unlike bizness where a day's pay isn't certain..... Both of you should ve different pays to be able to kip d family going anything can happen to the bizness tomorrow no 1 knows
......please don't resign

snowflix said...

Don't even try resigning, try and see if you can combine the both or better still let him manage the business for the main time. You both know better biko #onelovefromSnow#

elovi said...

Dnt eva try it oooo my dear stick to your job except he signs an agreement to pay you more dan ur oil and gas work does!!!! If I'm no gree my dear sitdown for your job na oyo things my dear!!!! Men are deceitful

Josh Atuanya said...

In one phrase...DON'T RESIGN

Anonymous said...

Pls Dnt mak sure a mistake o. U can manage ur home, career, family and business as well. Ur inlaw respest u bcos u hav a job, ones u resign, sorry, u wil regret it, I am a married woman wit 3 kids, banker, house wife, student and also part of our family business, u have to strategise how u manage all, again u need more of dat ur salary to pump into dat business.

Anonymous said...

you better not resign if u know what is good for you.

Unknown said...

Pls dont resign, i beg u in God's name! Focus on ur job and let him handle his bizness, u might have a share in his bizness but dont resign from ur job. Cos if u do, wen u start having problems, u will not be able to get ur oil and gas job again.

Anonymous said...

For meooooo don't resign .CHI.

Nwokolo Jeffrey said...

My dear, this is a tricky one but one that must come. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and its a day of decision. I would advise thus, first- answer some hard questions such as, is your husbands business viable? Has it been profitable and productive before now? Is there room for improvement by your coming in? Can the family cope with just one stream of income? Would the children feel the impact,greatly but in a bad way? Is there an investment portfolio and savings sea the family can fall back on? What's the level of trust between you and your husband before now and can it be grown?, does he treat you well as an oil and has worker? Do you think he would treat you well as a co-worker?. Am a law student and fully understand that asking for a legal framework to this kind of things can break marraiges. So dear, if your husband is an understanding man and if you feel the urgent need to secure your future now!, go ahead and demand on a communicative platform, a legal framework. As for leaving your job, you surely must leave someday! If your head your says now and facts concur, please proceed. Regards.

Anonymous said...

hmm.please dont bring this kinda joke here.take them to spam pages on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Dnt resign hes only jealous dt u mite bcm richer than hm.u cn support hm in oda ways 2 improve is business bt pls dnt resign u wud live 2 regret it

Anonymous said...

My darling pls do not resign,i beg you,let him focus on his bizness and u shld be working,plsss cos is good for one to have an 8-5 job then d other can be doing bizness,pls do not I beg you.

Anonymous said...

Hv a sit down with him where u r talking calmly & assuring him that u shud work till d biz is booming as in has subsidiaries. to ensure multiple streams of income.

Signing a prenup or ensuring legal protection seems unromantic but its d wise thing to do. U r protecting ur individual families.
If u both started working b4 u got married u want ur families to b able to benefit from ur sweat if u pass...
It's not just cos u don't trust him but in d "african" context if sth happens 2 him w'out legal protectn u r screwed. If sth happened to u, w'out legal protection ur kids r screwed if another woman comes in & twist things...
I hope this helps.
Also, pray for Gods leading
Good luck!

Mrs Ada said...

Sorry will be ur name if u do...

Anonymous said...

Dnt dare! Pls I beg u

Anonymous said...

Quit that what? If the papers are not drawn out to show ownership of some sort, do not be stupid and quit. These men today are not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji please help me ma I need money to go into a business venture,importation to be preciced please help me linda madam mummy

Anonymous said...

I don't think is a good idea cos there av to b a means of steady income in d house, businesses are uncertain.

Anonymous said...

dnt resign your job, at least not yet...til his biz is fully established and doing well. A bird in hand, they say, is worth ten in d bush

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji,mummy please help me,I need money to start up a mini importation business.Please help me ma.Here's my number 07063102915.thank ma

endy said...

She shouldn't even try it oo,, men will always be men..if d business fails and things starts becoming rough,he would take it out on her,,keep ur job oo,,u will still need it in the future,,amam ihe m n'ekwu

Unknown said...

I'm a first class graduate of managment, pls my dear tell ur husband to forget about you resigning and employ a capable hand that will bring a good result to the business.....I promise I will make a good profit to him

Anonymous said...

Before you resign let them know you have a substitute to take over your position. I'll send you my cv

Anonymous said...

My dear stay put to ur job don't resign Ooooº°˚ ˚°Âº.

Anonymous said...

Please maintain your job. His business is his job as well, you don't have to be part of his job and neither the reverse. If you love your job more than his then stay where you are. He can focus more on his job and even hire people to help him.

Think wisely before you make a decision.


Anonymous said...

Wives you must submit to your husbands in all things. Ephesians 5:22-23. Does that answer your question? Or are you wiser than God who instituted marriage?

Anonymous said...

True oh...

Anonymous said...

Abeg no try am o.

Anonymous said...

What happen if you guys divorce, God forbid but u need to think ahead & widely before making any decision

Anonymous said...

Don't even dare it please

Anonymous said...

My advice 4 u is dat....I see no reason y u ve 2 leave ur job 2 mange d business...u can wrk nd @ desame time both manage d business...neva put ur egg in one basket....pple wrk nd also run businesses....u can do both @ desame time....den wen u see d development of d businesss...u can den decide 2 leave nd give it ur full attention....I wud suggest dis 2 U

Unknown said...

don't even think about leaving your job.....absolutely not....he's just are like dat.if u do u might regret it for d rest of ur life

Unknown said...

Madam tell am say u go resign say ur office say make u wait for a while

Anonymous said...

Answer these questions and you'll have an idea what to do:

1) Will you be able to return to your job in case the business fails?
2) Will the biz make you what you're earning in three years?
3) Do you have 50% ownership of it?
4) Do you enjoy/get satisfaction from the business?
5) Will you enjoy living and working with your husband every day?
6) Can't you work and do the business too?
7) Does your husband have his own job as well or is the business your family's only source of income?

I wouldn't resign my job at all, Two incomes are better than one.


Anonymous said...

Don't try it! You will thank your stars later

dunny said...

Well, It depends on how Ur husband is towads you. please dont get me wrong as a married woman some men are so difficult to Live with talkless of working for. if Ur husband can trust u to manage His Business Well and wont nag u ever second for not doing the great job and u r totally happy with It then i would suggest to go for It. but if u think It is a disaster waiting to happen reject the offer.

Udegbunam Chukwudi said...

Nne keep your job oh! Men cannot be trusted biko. No allow Love/Marriage blind you oh. Use ya brain!

Anonymous said...

Pls don't do it. I resigned my job to please my husband and I hate myself right now. Don't let him manipulate u. U can contribute financially but don't resign please!

ifeanyimmuoemenam said...

I felt that too...

Anonymous said...

If this is actually a true story...never quit on something because of a'll regret it

Anonymous said...

Hi poster,
Finance is a big cause of friction amongst married or even cohabiting couples.
I advise you ask your office for a career break for one or two years then try running the business with your hubby and if it works... It works. If it doesn't ...both of you will see it and you will still have the chance of going back to your job.
Also justify asking for career break by explaining that nothing beats income from two different sources, what if there is a big business lag at least you both will have another source of income.
God guide you in your decision.

Anonymous said...

Hi poster,
Finance is a big cause of friction amongst married or even cohabiting couples.
I advise you ask your office for a career break for one or two years then try running the business with your hubby and if it works... It works. If it doesn't ...both of you will see it and you will still have the chance of going back to your job.
Also justify asking for career break by explaining that nothing beats income from two different sources, what if there is a big business lag at least you both will have another source of income.
God guide you in your decision.

Anonymous said...

All these actors...and with a big question like that to ask random unserious strangers on LIB...hmmm

How WISE off you.

Unknown said...

Pls don't dare it

Unknown said...

My dear.... Choose one.... Ur marriage or oil and gas job??? Wise up before u become single lady over 9it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is working in oil and Gas ..even if na Ororo or gas cylinder its still oil and gas..mtchwwww..

snick said...

Simple answer. No way.

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