Some University of Lagos students pictured last night locked out of MTH hostel inside the school premised. The students are squatters and when they tried to get into the hostel last night, they weren't allowed in. They had to hang around even after midnight. The students are begging the school to legalize squatting. More photos after the cut...
Aww, too bad
Lol. Naija I hail thee. After you pay school fees, they still control you like kindergartens.
lol!!! na Uni Life
Why Most Nigerian Women Are Undateable ( You Just Have To See This )
linda ...its legalize not legalized
Why would the school want to legalize something that doesn't help them make money?!
No squatters period!!!
Nine Reasons Most Nigerian Ladies Don't Get Married...you agree? ( A must read )
Chai.... Operation all squatters must go
Heya dey now looking like night workers....
Nawa o, school should try and build more hostels nao or build a hostel that is very close to the school.
I don't ignore people, if I don't have anything to say, I don't say anything at all, I'll like to think that I have grown past entertaining pointless conversations for the sake of being polite.
Cutting people off is not malice, it simply means you want a life free of Drama, Pretense and Negativity.
Lol@ Legalize squatting. Too much hardship in this country. God help us.
so sad
Ah ah!.. Let them be naah!.. If any thing happen to them now u guys will be de 1st to cry wolf!.. Make a better provision for them and not push them to de street!.. #teamchris
Eiyaa Diariz God ooo
Ummmm,we all know d school make money from hostel fees,so no,squatting can never b legalized, cause they are short changing d school and pple that actually paid hostel fees
Too bad.
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
Dey knw beta dan me on hw 2 handle dia probs
Serve them right
Linda What kind of flawed report is this? Let your report be flawless. Don't rush to publish it without proof-reading the report!
awwwwww...squatting can neva be legalized...... dats the truth......how will d school make money if dey do dat......so sowie for the squatters
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....
U'll still have to pay heavily to squat. Pathetic educational system.
This is the kind of ish that drive our Queens into runs things. They r squattin cos they can't afford accomodation outside n the School Authority is not even entertainin this train of thought. Where wither our humanity?
This is the kind of ish that drive our Queens into runs things. They r squattin cos they can't afford accomodation outside n the School Authority is not even entertainin this train of thought. Where wither our humanity?
Ehyah. The school should understand all fingers are not equal. Thank God they are in school today, to make a better life tomorrow.
Busy Fingers.
Plsss ooo. The hostels are not enough so how do they expect the students to live and sch...houses around are not much or cheap either...The school authority should pls reconsider this act!
eiyaaaa, sorry for them o
Engee via Techno
Ehyaaaa! Pathetic! Hop somtin's done 2 help dem fast b4 they get forced 2 help themselves in horrible ways, esp as i c most of dem bn ladies.
After all this stress they put people through in school ... Where are the jobs after school
Na wa o! Dis one wey our universities dey shook eye for all the mata nowadays, e get as e be o! Linda take note!
Na wa o! Dis one wey our universities dey shook eye for all the mata nowadays, e get as e be o! Linda take note!
MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.
Na WA o
provide more hostels for Nigerian students..stop making them study in harsh conditions. u admit thousands but won't build hostels to accommodate everyone..Uniuyo have same problem especially in permanent site of the sch..engineering and science students don squat tire..thank God they are building something.. nigerian government
Chioooo ds is serz is nt everybody dt can afford a bed space na nd 4 Unilag d moni is much ds isn't fair na same thing dy are doing in UI alsoooo plssss smth shld b done abt it.
Ha! Ha! At least for that night na! What if something happens to them nko? It not nice atall and beside they are ladies!! Linda pls take note!
Der is notin bad in squatting now, dey shd free d students n let dem b biko. Ao do dey expect sm1 dat is struggling 2 pay sch fees 2 gt money 2 pay 4 bed space? Dey shd try n b considerate o jare
Der is notin bad in squatting now, dey shd free d students n let dem b biko. Ao do dey expect sm1 dat is struggling 2 pay sch fees 2 gt money 2 pay 4 bed space? Dey shd try n b considerate o jare
Der is notin bad in squatting now, dey shd free d students n let dem b biko. Ao do dey expect sm1 dat is struggling 2 pay sch fees 2 gt money 2 pay 4 bed space? Dey shd try n b considerate o jare
Der is notin bad in squatting now, dey shd free d students n let dem b biko. Ao do dey expect sm1 dat is struggling 2 pay sch fees 2 gt money 2 pay 4 bed space? Dey shd try n b considerate o jare
Nawaa ooooo
This is a shame on the school of first choice. It is so unfair, DSA won't give students hostel,yet they don't want them to squat. This is wickedness. I haven't gotten an hostel yet and d next thing I hv resolved to doing is squatting.
Ha!ha that not nice na!!! What if something happens to them nko? At least they should have allowed them for the night and take action the next day!!! Mmtchew ladies for that matter!
No be small thing!
i once was a squatter not becos i didn't have money but becos there where no hostel spaces available and i could't afford off-camp. if they have someone to accommodate them why not. this is inhuman locking students out. Some of this students might be sponsoring themselves.
It's really illegal. But it's normal in school
Isn't there a better way of doing this than locking them out at nite?
Am a UNILAG student...so they brag.
Eeyaa sorry student, the school shud have mercy on them pls....
Where do they want them to stay, when they don’t have accommodation! HABA!
Legalize squatting. LMAO
This isn't right, they should have given some thought to the students' safety.
Life is like a two sided drum... OBSEQUIOUS
Then the school shud provide enough hostels to solve this problem (if hostels are not enough that is)
My coursem8 experienced it. Lol. Dey shud legalised squatting biko,bt my potters aren't that strict. MTH potters re too strict. I rep Moremi hall
Eya. Not all fingers are equal. The school should realise that.
Fashion tips @
Legalise squatting? Choi, Wonders
Nawah ooooo. Ubanagum
Its a pity...
They should com to my home. Engr Emy
The school management could have tampered justic wit mercy,knowing dat all finger ain't equal.#unfair
commenting from d
Na wa ooo wonder shall never end..and what their business with squatters are they not attending lecture or are they not paying their fees..maulag with their problem..
Eya! Pele squatters
some are even floaters not to talk of squatters
They can't stop squatting. All fingers are not equal. They should free them jare.
All Fingers R Ht Equal Pls, Legalised it, But no tel Arm robbers dat all fingers R Nt Equal oo OYO 4 U
its so unfair
commenting from d
its so unfair
commenting from d
This is so bad! so what do they expect these students to do now? some of them don't even live in Lagos
The question is where did they went to at that time of the night??? Don't they have a proffered time of closing the damn gate?? Well, no further questions.....
Chai! I really feel for dem. Biko dey shud do smtin abt dis.
Hostel Palava
Eyah..they should just pity them.
They com late for their runs, they serve them right, I like that, nest time they won't try it again
Just like Usman Danfodio Uni.
eeeyah...i feel for the students...there isn't anything that can compare to being in the comfort of ur bunk....The school shouldn't ve locked them out like that..There are other subtle ways...besides,it's a given that there will always be squatters,not everyone can afford to pay for a bunk..what's their own jare... they should focus on more serious matters.
they should not be too harsh, Nigeria is 5th world country and we shouldn't expect standards, please squat them
they should not be too harsh, Nigeria is 5th world country and we shouldn't expect standards, please squat them
they should not be too harsh, Nigeria is 5th world country and we shouldn't expect standards, please squat them
Hmmm try am for Uniuyo! Just try it!!
Last session, I was the "squatting prefect" of M2 hostel, and the day potters tried shit with me, I gave it to them big time! Hence in M2 hostel, thou shall not intimidate a squatter!
If na now wey I don become chief priest, I for bless those porters with elephantiasis of the scrotum!
Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha
Hmmmm, all fingers are not equal dey should try and see how to help them.
They school did not do any wrong
They're squatting that is wrong
If the school legalise squatting it will affect them
Because insecurity will be the order of the day
Anybody can enter and stay
I don't support legalising squatting at all
So sad.i know some of dem spend their accommodation money on stupid things and was hoping to get money back to pay d fees.Only few of dem actually hv financial problems from home,as a result their families couldn't provide for dem..
I tire 4 dat sch Oo, thank God I'm done but dey should legalize squattin abeg! Afterall, dey knw dt dey admit more than the spaces they have...
God help naija ooooooo
All these pple They will steal money and send their children abroad...ordinary squatting they can't legalize abi dem. Tink say e easy?
This is very bad,squatting should be legalized in UNILAG because the available spaces is nothing to write home about,what if something bad happens while they are being delayed out @ night,squatters are human beings too,the porters $ securities are taking ds as a way of collecting money o bribe from students. @Omawoomie
They can't legalize squatting
this is bad, they are girls and u treat them this bad! get hostel for them na
destinysweet. its not money that is the problem but lack of enough bedspace. the number of student is more Dan the number of bedspaces... every1 wants hostel if its given to them .some even bought from ppl dat got at a very high prices e.g moremi. 130k. mth 80k. hostel dat dey paid 23k for.... so trust me if they were given hostel dey would never squat
squatting cant be eradicated
Fool!!! U tnk its funny?
How all this no go they runz..... Lord kill poverty
Wow, the strictness is quite serious oo. It's the same in UNN finally. I have seen some situations when some females have had to find a classroom to sleep because they were not in their hostels before 9p.m. when the porters lock the hostel.
Thank God my sister has graduated.
What solutions do they have?
this is very bad instead of them to go and displace Boko haram dey are here interfering with peoples children after all the so called Jonathan wont say he is not aware of this like he always deny all allegations mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..................... vote wisely.........
Feel sorry for them.
I doubt if you read the post, if you did your lack of comprehension isn't doubted.
As a UNILAG alumni myself, I can say that this is an age-old problem. Even I was a squatter for a brief period of 2 weeks (during exams). The spaces available are not enough. At the same time, Some of them are not students. They have lied to their family back home that they gained admission into UNILAG, then they squat with friends on campus and act like students, even going as far as attending lectures. They do this crap for 4 years and then disappear into thin air. So let the authorities look into this as well.
If only u even know d struggle, u won't spew this much rubbish
I really can't believe the comments I'm seeing are from so called "matured adults". I mean are some of you even reasoning at all. Why would you say they deserve it, that that after all they are squatters!!! Are you damn kidding me??? Does that also mean they are animals that should be locked out of their place of rest and start loitering about at 2am!!!. Please Nigerians think before dishing out any words
The system is the same everywhere in 9ja ah!
I love this manGovernor Of Plateau State Volunteers As Part-Time Teacher
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