All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership. —John Kenneth Galbraith. There are three kinds of people: Those you meet and instantly forget a few minutes later. Those that give you a negative impression when you meet them, and those that leave long-lasting pleasant memories after you’ve met them.
I am Onyeizu Chinedu from Obingwa LGA of Abia State; a Harvard University trained professional and a Petroleum Engineering graduate of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri.

Of course, I had a pleasant experience
teaching in the community school and hanging out with friends and other corps
members most evenings under the famous Kiama bridge.
One of the most significant incidents of
my youth service experience occurred outside the classroom and it started with
a visit from an elderly friend of mine, Papa, who supplied fresh plantain and
fish to corpers. Anytime he visited, I observed a cloudy white substance that
covered a large part of his right eye. While we conversed, I remembered we were
encouraged at the NYSC orientation camp to engage in group or personal
community development projects (CDP). So the idea of surfing the net for an NGO
to help the old man came to my mind, at the same time, as a corps member who
had benefited from his free food, I decided to make it a personal CDP and
explore any opportunity to relieve his condition.
Initially, I pondered whether my meager
N11,500 monthly allowance popularly referred to as allowee will be enough to
accommodate an extra investment in a humanitarian initiative and also sustain
me in Kiama village. But since Papa wouldn’t hesitate to share his bunch of
plantain, which is actually all that he had, I didn’t waste time to conclude
that any effort to restore Papa’s sight will be worth my time, energy and
The first thing I did was to register
the initiative as an NYSC CDP. Afterwards, I started researching to learn about
the name and cause of his eye infection. When I was told it was cataract, I
started surfing the net on weekends to either find a group, an NGO or a medical
institution that will be willing to offer free eye service surgery to Papa. As
luck could have it, I found a medical charity in the United Kingdom, “Sight
2020 Direct”. I wrote them an e-mail, asking whether they could come to Bayelsa
for a free eye surgery camp. After several e-mail exchanges, I was able to
convince the group to come.
However, I didn’t know that I had a big
bureaucratic hurdle to jump with the state government ministries. For common
sense sake, we are referring to a group of ophthalmologists and nurses that are
coming to carry out a free, again free eye saving surgery for cataract blind
persons in the state. With the assumption that government officials would be
enthusiastic about the project, I reached out to the Bayelsa State Commissioner
for Health and the numerous special advisers to the Governor on health matters.
To my utmost surprise, I was turned to a ping pong “Chinedu come tomorrow, Chinedu the
commissioner is busy with an important delegation, Chinedu the initiative is
laudable, we will consider it and call you, Chinedu do a formal application
using the NYSC letterhead etc.” After three months of seeking for help and
support from the government, I exhausted my resources and the resources of the
corps members that volunteered to help.
At a point, my small team and I decided to
organize the eye camp on our own. We informed the NYSC state office and got
approval to go ahead with a humanitarian branded message and creative ideas on
how to execute the project. We started making progress as more corps members
volunteered to join. Soon we had opticians, medical doctors, etcin the team. We
set up make shift diagnostic centers across the state, used opticians that
volunteered in areas outside Yenagoa. Within weeks, we registered over 50 blind
patients and conducted visual acuity tests on them. I remember organizing a
sensitization road walk along the major streets of Yenagoa wearing a white
T-shirt; we branded “Sight for all Bayelsans in 2003”. Because we had no money,
we produced the road walk T-shirts out of a
cardboard paper cut-out and then used diluted oil paints to write on it.
However, the Bayelsa Radio and TV stations agreed to place our public
announcements and jingles on air free of charge. That leverage helped us reach
out to patients that reside far from Yenagoa. I hardly slept for two hours in a
day. I would co-ordinate and plan project deliverables with the volunteer optometrists,
follow up on other corp members that volunteered to support logistics and at
the same time pursue the ministries responsible for health matters in the
state. But determination and the passion to serve our nation kept us going.
When the UK- medical team landed in Port
Harcourt airport on November 14, 2003, I still had no financial or logistical
support from any government agency. Meanwhile patients had started contacting
medical officials in Okolobiri General Hospital. Before I made the last move
towards getting the state government’s attention, I said a quick prayer in my
mind. I asked God to intervene; at least for the sake of the poor blind persons
that have made it out of the creeks to receive sight saving surgeries. This
final move was to visit the head of a Bayelsa youth organization. I met him and
explained my ordeal with the state government ministries. He apologized and
asked whether I met with the state deputy governor, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. I
said no; but that if any help has to come, it should be quick because the
expatriate doctors were already on their way to Bayelsa from Port Harcourt
International Airport.
He made some calls and asked me to
quickly get into his vehicle. We drove down to the Bayelsa State Government
House and we were ushered into the deputy governor’s office. We logged in our
names and after a few minutes we went into Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s office.
I told him about the free eye surgery
programme and my fruitless efforts to get support from the state ministries. I
was specific, I asked him for three things: accommodation, security, and
transportation. After listening to me, he smiled and thanked me for initiating
such a laudable project in Bayelsa State. You may wait at the reception.” His
voice was gentle, like he was giving me a suggestion, not an order. I left his
office and waited at the reception room. I was exhausted and anxious, still
praying in my heart for a miracle to happen.
As God could have it, the Chief of Staff
soon appeared and relayed a message from Dr. Jonathan. “You will be provided a
coaster bus, five mobile policemen and accommodation at Intercontinental Hotel,
Yenagoa. In addition, they gave me the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand
naira to purchase medical equipments for the project.
I couldn’t believe my ears. To me it was
a modern day miracle; especially after passing through hell in the last couple
of months.
The free eye surgery programme started
on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at Okolobiri General Hospital. The Sight 2020
Direct team performed a total of sixty-eight surgical operations; removing
cataracts and inserting intraocular lenses. Over sixty-eight blind indigenes of
Bayelsa State had their eyesight restored at the end of the programme–The full story was
published on pages 24-25 of the December 13th,2003 SUN Newspapers.
Twelve years have gone by since my youth
service in Bayelsa State, but I have never stopped wondering what would have
happened to that free eye surgery programme if Dr. Goodluck Jonathan hadn’t
intervened. What would have happened to Papa and the other 67 blind patients?
I strongly believe that Dr.
GoodluckEbele Jonathan certainly belongs to the group of individuals who give
long-lasting positive memories. He addressed the major anxiety of his people at
a time it was needed. Although we met for less than ten minutes, his prompt
action that fateful day had a huge impact on my life and the lives of those 68
From that brief encounter with him, I
learned that persistence pays off. Problems and challenges may obstruct your
progress, but if you believe in yourself and your goal, you will eventually
succeed. I remember waiting for hours, particularly at the ministry of health
with nobody paying attention to me. I remember being referred to this or that
special adviser, and being forced to use my meager corper allowance of N11, 500
(less than $100 today) to support the free eye surgery programme. Despite these
initial setbacks, the breakthrough finally came.
The second thing I learned from my
encounter with Dr. Jonathan is that there are government officials who
genuinely care about the welfare of Nigerians and strive to improve lives. Even
in the midst of corruption and apathy, you’ll find God-fearing leaders who
provide immediate solutions to pressing problems.
The last thing I will like people to
take away is that it’s okay to aim high. I could have donated textbooks to the
students of Kiama Grammar School and registered the donation with NYSC as a
personal community development initiative. But I decided to aim high and impact
as many lives as possible, and thanks to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, I succeeded.
These three lessons inspired me to share
my national youth service experience with Nigerian youths and with those who
find it difficult to cope with government bureaucracy and the challenges of
A lot has been written about the
upcoming February 14 presidential election, and most of the debate revolves around
speculation. I already know my choice for the office of the president and it is
based on personal experience, not fantasy or rumors. He might not be a perfect
president; but he is a man that can listen and act;especially when approached with
solutions to our national problems. However, my vote will go to the affable
former deputy governor of Bayelsa State who believed in a youth corper and
acted promptly to improve the health of the helpless.
His own opinion, everyone to their own tents. Linda take note!
His own opinion, everyone to their own tents. Linda take note!
Looooool we have decided since chibok girls went midding SAI APC
See story abeg...
Gej where is our $20billion? The missing money is causing a lot to our economy(Devaluation of naira).
Nice one. Gej is a gentle man. Gej all the way. Vote get for president coke march 28th.
GEJ earned my vote because he made it known that his ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian. Unlike the ones who will soak monkeys and baboons in their own blood.
GEJ has my vote because he pointed out that his ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian, unlike the opponent who said the monkeys and baboons will be soaked in their own blood which led to the murder of 9 corners in 2011.
WORD. Very Commendable. BT it is what it IS. "A Sponsored Post"
could not finish reading it, but I get the gist of the whole story .. Damn! that's a lot of campaign and support for GEJ even though he said this is self sponsored and not intended for that purpose.
Hmmmm very touching...perseverance pays...
*ah mk her cum first...den ah folo de lead*
This man is seeking for connections I hope Mr president read this to fulfill this man's wish.......Wasted my time reading this garbage
Sha mi.... na so.... walks away.......
Very nice ov him o,he z a vewi nice man........GMB 4 president
Honestly I believe you, GEJ has a good heart ..even though it seems as if his govt has failed, I still believe he has the interest of people at heart..the thing is that u can't control all d people in ur administration..
THIS one is looking for juicy contract! Mtchewww
U r a big lier ,image laundry, u started late cause d nollywood guys don overtake u since, u r a big fool.
Cool..... *thamixbreed*
Story...tales by moonlight
I can attest to d story cos I was involved as a corper. It was an awesome experience. By the way I m the third lady from the left on d newspaper extract
Too long to read abeg!
This may be your perfect reason to vote for GEJ, but a young man in Chibok whose sis is been missing for over a year, will not have that.
Your article is not enough reason to vote GEJ however, I will vote him anyway cos GMB is not a better option.
<< LIB Addict >>
I still believe Dr. Jonathan is a good gentleman by nature, but this nature is what the nigerian politics and governance can not allow to give progress to this nation at this time! The political 'tigers' need a lion to tame them and put them in their proper place, so we can make real progress not the 'rebasing' jargons.
I applaud you for your efforts in 2003. However the issues in Nigeria go far beyond the generosity of Jonathan's heart.
The Nigerian problem is deep rooted in the inability of the masses to demand change.
The author illustrated the mountain he had to climb in order to bring FOREIGN medical officials to Nigeria.
Now let me break everything down to common sense.
1. Why do we need foreign medical officers to provide medical care in Nigeria? Answer - Failed governance
2. Why all the red tapes during the author's endeavors? Answer - Failure of government
3. Why would a deputy governor provide security assistance to the visitors? Answer - Failed government who can't provide security and electricity.
Now in 2015, these issues continue to linger. No good healthcare, no security and corruption everywhere.
I find the author's exoneration of President Jonathan very disturbing. If any average person think Jonathan is kind, then why haven't the life of Nigerians improve during his term.
We have a very rocky road ahead if we continue to allow our judgment be clouded by sentiments.
Vote for change.. not sentiments. and stop waiting for God to change everything.
Plus 1 Vote for Jona
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Whether its Self-sponsored o, heaven sponsored o, jonathan sponsored o, devil sponsored o.... We need a Leader not a nice man.
Evry person i knw dat has had a personal encounter wit mr president always has one tin to say about him, humility. Like d article said he's not perfect but dis man dey try.
GEJ al d way!
Thats my wondefull president...GEJ FOR LIFE
Wow nice one very deep and expository do good when no one is watching because you never know when you might meet them
Small world
This Onyeizu guy is awesome form thinking up such a scheme and having the organisational ability to put it into practice. I'd like to work with such a person
and so how are we supposed to know if it really wasnt sponsored..please please Linda stop posting all this politically bigoted posts
I knew mr president is a good listener who have d interest of Nigeria at heart he might not b d best but he is doing his best
We know he is a good man, everybody has some good in them, you and a lot of other people. But my brother being "good" and "compassionate" are not the same thing as being competent, showing great leadership skills and managing a country effectively. What he did 12years ago in Bayels is obviously totally different from what he is faced with today as the country's President, because if he was that "good" I dont think he would be struggling to remain in that office. The support for him to continue would have been massively overwhelming and I am sure and certain that the President deep down in his conscience, when none of us is watching or tracking him, would admit, in the privacy of his thoughts that the support he received in 2011 from Nigerians has greatly diminished. As for your post and the disclaimer, ill-timed.
Those who doesnt see d good work of join r blind. Orji uzor kalu insists dat jona is d best president ever. Though d boko haram issue made pple term him bad bt dia are good tins he accomplished wich no govt had done. he might nt hav favoured me directly bt pple arnd me have attested to it. He is nt a saint bt he is good. I just lov dat man. GEJ til 2019.
'Disclaimer: I will like to inform the general public that this article is self sponsored and not a product of the Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign organization.'
Yea, Like I'm supposed to believe that bullshit right? It's good he helped you but he's gotta help the whole nation before we consider him again. I'd rather vote Labour Party in than PDP for presidency. We've had enough! You and your prez can go take back seats and I'm using a gentle voice to say it. NEXT!
VERULE say-gud. Encounter mà n
Wow! This is indeed motivational and i sincerely applaud the corper who despite the distractions made a lot of sacrifices to put a smile on hopeless people faces.
Story for d godss. Even if Badluck Ebele Jonathan raises d dead, i and my entire household av resolved to vote for Sai Buhari. March4Buhari
I know he is a good man.I nver doubted him though.May God help him but I still support buhari
Story story... u May not have been sponsored. But u are looking for patronage. Lastly, has any child of a thief that cared for him ever reported his father to the police?
The transformation we know is better than the change we don't know. #MarchForGEJ
Make we hear word.
Very inspiring piece. Certainly inspired my first ever comment on this blog. Shows that greatness is within each and every one of us. We can make significant impact from wherever we are. Also shows a positive side of Goodluck Jonathan - or indeed of any good leader - little words, positive action, maximum impact.
Oh!!; what an article.
D truth, I was there
aww so touching... Goodluck has my vote.... I am beginning to think he is clueless cos we call him clueless. Let us pray to God to give him wisdom instead of calling him clueless... I will vote for GEJ
Nice one my darling.
wow! This is quite an inspiring read. I do not doubt the fact that Mr.President has the best intentions and is a kind-hearted individual. However, there are a few reasons why i would not vote for him to have a second term as president:
1) YOU took initiative to better the lives of 67 blind Bayelsans. That is what leaders do. Mr.President has shown little initiative in his first 6years as the president of Nigeria and i am unable to trust that he would if given another 4years.
2) YOU persevered even in the face of seemingly insurmontable obstacles. Mr.President is in the habit of giving excuses for why things cant be done.
3) What happened to the commissioner who stood in your way? Was he chastised? Was he relieved of his duties? Was your project scaled up to become a yearly initiative? Thats what real leaders do. Not give hand outs,but transform lives.
If YOU, my friend, were running for president, i would vote for you but i am certainly not voting for Dr.Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.
For those of you who are quick to label this an "opposition attack". I am also not voting for General Buhari.
Story for d Gods
Wetin dis padi dey yan na?
If I sponsor someone's surgery, does that mean I merit to be a president of a country?
Utter rubbish. NEXT!
im currently serving in bayelsa,,THINGS TOO COST HERE ABEG....yaxx
Nice one namesake,God has blessed U and Mr President too,I know ur story n tanx for sharing it
Indeed President Jonathan is exceptionally gud. Truly he's a gud listener. I will surely n must vote 4 GEJ#Brassman
Mr.president has shown that he cares about his people
That is the reason why I will ask God to please help GEJ win this election he is good man with a good heart
My vote goes to gej till
Who the hell is this?! Please shift jor! Rubbitch!
Bros, no worry yourself. Whether it is sponsored or not, he has my vote already. Right from the days of John the baptist, he already had my vote and that of my family and friends free of charge. And i can influence more people to vote for him.
Busy Fingers.
this story reminds me of "beggars strike".moral good to be good to people...i knw GEJ is a good man.#GEJ2015
commenting 4rm d
TEMPLE OF JUSTIC EQUITY N GOOD CONSCIENCE. school mates husband.God lwould bless ur hustle dearr.
this story reminds me of "beggars strike".moral good to be good to people...i knw GEJ is a good man.#GEJ2015
commenting 4rm d
this story reminds me of "beggars strike".moral good to be good to people...i knw GEJ is a good man.#GEJ2015
commenting 4rm d
Wow what a story, so touching. For this reason GEJ come rain come shine you have my vote and all my family and friends will surely vote for you. God bless you my presido.
GEJ #2O15! CARRY GO! Buhari na dead body already!
You are free to campaign. It is by choice. You are just one out of 1 million youth benefiting. Not working guy.
U have said it all u have change my mind am not voting APC again dis country must move forward we most not go back to dat blindness days
Abeg the Onyeizus should go and sit down. They've sent me ds on whatsapp and bbm now i have to see it on lib? #longhiss
True that
you served in 2002 and your federal allowee was 11,500, that is a huge lie o.
Gud job bro... GEJ is always the man to count on....
Big deal he did wat any DG wld do,plus it does nt mean he is competent enough to b president
Dis tory too long abeg. #happyfriday
Beautiful story this one...please set politics aside and appreciate the nature of this story
Awwwwwwwwwww.... and it was a touching story
Na today Yanch dey back??, carry ur cook story go tell deaf ears.
Dr GEJ is a good man,a president with a good heart.he sure is the man for d job.slow n steady wins d race.continue ur gud work sir,someday nigeria will celebrate u mr president n realise they almost stabbed u sir
GEJ till 2019#Asorock for jona
Nice one Mr Chinedu but it's this same GEJ that was dancing Shoki after the Chibok girls were kidnapped, same GEJ who said "stealing is corruption", Same GEJ who said he doesn't give a damn! Same GEJ who did nothing after Aba Moro facilitated the death of young Nigerian job applicants..... All these we know as facts (not fantasy, not hear say,) and more recent and show the truer reflection of the man GEJ, unlike your lovely cool story. He might have be a good deputy Governor on that day, but he has been definitely a terrible president and commander-in-chief. This isn't a position to issue out coaster buses and mobile policemen and hotel rooms! For this I say NO to him. He should go back to Otuoke, I am sure there are still lots of blind people there who need him. I won't be surprised if he hasn't done much for them since that day he instructed his underlings to set you up! #Shame!!!
Chai this article touched my heart! Jonathan is a good man! I am never wrong in my judegements about people! Even as the president of a whole Nigeria the amount of modesty which surrounds him is beyond me! May God continue to bless this man! And if u are hating him based on rumours and sentiments please use your brain! use your brains Nigerians and vote wisely!
GEJ has a good heart though he isn't perfect but the devil they say u kw is better than the angel u don't kw
Goodluck is the man
Good story, good intervention by Goodluck in Bayelsa; but he is simply not up to it for the Nigerian project.
We need CHANGE!
True. Jonathan for life.
Why are people so bitter? Some people have made it clear that Jonathan did well but they would still not vote. But others are just there to insult! Do u know what it means to touch the lives of handicapped people who have no families to fight for them! Mehn people are bitter! Good luck u are a good man and even if the world condemns u your name would be written down in the good books of The Lord almighty!
I Blv ur point. I still believe he will win
Nwanne Odikpa long
So y did u write for Jonathan only
His state and federal allowee combined is that! That's not a lie.
I understand. Jonathan is not the present Governor. My cousin served their too. He was good while as a deputy and still is
My vote belongs to Goodluck E. Jonathan. #March4GEJ
Rubbish not rubbitch
@ibekwe.. Seems you have receive 1500 naira money for data to campaign and check comments for buhari.. This is just a blog get something better to do
But that was hs responsibity nw. So wat' s so great abt all this tales? I don't hv problm wt GEJ, but he can't take us to d promise land since STEALING IS NOT CORRUPTION. Sai Buhari come March28.
But that was hs responsibity nw. So wat' s so great abt all this tales? I don't hv problm wt GEJ, but he can't take us to d promise land since STEALING IS NOT CORRUPTION. Sai Buhari come March28.
But that was hs responsibity nw. So wat' s so great abt all this tales? I don't hv problm wt GEJ, but he can't take us to d promise land since STEALING IS NOT CORRUPTION. Sai Buhari come March28.
But that was hs responsibity nw. So wat' s so great abt all this tales? I don't hv problm wt GEJ, but he can't take us to d promise land since STEALING IS NOT CORRUPTION. Sai Buhari come March28.
He shld go back to Otueke to start taking care of d blind. Nigeria is too big for d clueless man. Sai Buhari
I have never on LIB insult anybody, but you. My dear I will have to insult you, permit to, because you worth it. You are a fool. Thank you for your time.
Well said Mr Chinedu, but in every situation, position there would be a different response. He supported enabled your dream or vision to come into reality, but it was not his original idea. Well for 6yrs now he has been on the platform to have his vision for Nigeria come into actualization, his had the power to change lives and establish innovations that will improve Nigeria and forever remain in our hearts that this is what he did, but what do we have to show for it,biko all this commissioning of naval ship,and Olorunsogo power station. thing is if you work with the wise you will be and if you work with fools, men foolishness is ur ID. his cabinet is full of corrupted mind of old people who care about themselves alone if you can not beat them you join them. Mr President is not facing reality he needs to sit down and take a critical assessment of his Job.
i believe this man is looking for connection from GEJ
enough of this rant
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
You're a fool
Any small thing is take note
The best players are those who are watchinh from outside the pitch bcos they see all the flaes and mistakes from their comfortable pisitions and begin to open their wide and dirty mouths to castigate and call for the sack of players and coaches who according to them are not good enough.Give them the same chances, opportunities, playgrounds and time, you would want to catapault them into hell straight fromthisworld.
GEJ 2015-2019. long live DR GOODLUCK JONATHAN.
You can also tell Aisha Buhari that we need a leader not husband material
Lol what if its made up who knows?
Which president from the 1st republic ever recieved praises while still in office? Mr President did this,Jonathan did that, those of u who work in both govt and private establishments, how many times did you get to ur offices on or b4 8am as it should b and sign the exact time, for u who are self employed; how maby times have u inflated theprize of ur commodity or handiwork and lied blaming it on high cost of things; for u who is a contractor and a supplier,how many times have u supplied fake or substandard goods and lied that they are good quality products; coniving with the store officer and how many times have u revieved mobilisation for a contract and instead if exevuting it u went settling those at the tip and abandoning the job? yet having the audacity to pount at Mr President. I discovered long agi that so many people cast votes forparticular candidates without even knowing why .Some others for religious and ethnic sentiments and some still, just bcos another person said so. BE SURE YOU KNOW WHY YOU ARE VOTING BECAUSE I HATE PEOPLE WHO COVER THEIR NOSES WHEN THEY ACTUALLY ARE THE ONES WHO DEFEACATED. LEARN TO APPRECIATE GOOD WHEN YOU SEE IT OR HEAR IT BEING TALKED ABOUT, INHRATITUDE IS A SIN B4 GID. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY POOR JUST BCOS OF THEIR ATTITUDE. .....BE WISE!!!!! VOTE GEJ.
Very good GEJ all d way.
Na sawdust dey or brain
Is dis salsa even a Nigerian or a Togolese? Carry ur hate enter gutter a beg..GEJ till 2019...I've decided to give him a second chance
Why won't u sai buhari when ur profile pic na even Arabic...fucking fanatic...a beg enter bush
Why won't u sai buhari when ur profile pic na even Arabic...fucking fanatic...a beg enter bush
GeJ all d way..Dammy says so...
People just come out and talk. Is hard for human to appreciate good. The guy story is right, my mother was among them and we are not from that state. Is Good to be good. Human cannot satify ur need, he will only try his or her best. The man is trying his best. Is only God that can give u best government you need.
The man his trying his best.
The man his trying his best.
Linda pls post my message and reply me oh.... Abeg make I ask you this Juliet Iwuno girl "with the Linda take note hatch tag at the end of all her statements " she dey find job for your blog, ha! You have to employ her if na so cos she comments on all your posts, wonder if there is anything else she does. It's just an observation...#Linda take note😜😜😜
LOLno mind the clueless ppl....#wehavedecided to turning back
First of all I don't believe gej has a nice heart....a simple example why, if he did, he won't surround himself with ppl like fkk, okupe, o'mockery, abati, odua, Allison, obanikoro, etc, etc, and the list goes on....but even if I were to play along with you and agree that he has a good heart, my simple reply is that it takes much much more than having a "good heart" to be an effective leader.....gej doesn't have it in him, simple and short
Your head dey there....niceness doesn't make u an effective/good leader.....if not we for go find mother Teresa to rule us
Thank you...nice ko mice ni
Ask ur father about. The 20billion, did u not see PWH report? Mumu
Can 2 walk together expect they agree?
So ur point exactly?
If it was the initiative of GEJ, it would hv bn diff cos it would hv portrayed the fact that as deputy govt, he carried out his responsibility well. The story would have been that GEJ came up with the vision bcos of his passion for blind people in his community and he approached Mr chinedu to help him with the project. There were more than 68 blind people in Bayelsa but Chinedu helped 68 regain their sight, what happened after Chinedu? Did GEJ help the remaining? was it made a yearly exercise? The answer is no..... Because GEJ lacks the will for continuity. that's exactly what will happen if he is voted into power again.
wow good stragy
You have counted your teeth well,the Future is sure,GEJ2015
Dis bernard u ar a fool oooo, I know they don't teach respect where u come from for u to insult someone's father because u want to make dat ur lame point.....
I can see u ar one of those dummy running afta GEJ, It will soon be over anyway.....
Everyone to his/her opinion. No doubt abt GEJ being a nice man. But the fact is Nigeria is seriously in need of a true leader and not nice leader
One of the nicest comments av read in LIB prompting my first response. All the mouth openers when giving a chance will do worst than he did and will never come up with a better initiative to better Nigeria. Always looking for a Jonathan or Buhari to do it for them. Bring an idea to better Nigeria and lets see what the president says about it after careful analysis
Leadership is not about having a good heart. In my own opinion that was the least GEJ cld have done. Remember that the expatriate docs were already in Nigeria when GEJ gave the guy his support. For me, he just cldnt have done less. #nobigdeal
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