Pics: Khloe K & her massive derriere attend cocktail launch in LA | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 4 November 2014

Pics: Khloe K & her massive derriere attend cocktail launch in LA

Reality star Khloe Kardashian showed off ample cleavage and her big butt in a plunging neckline clinging dress at the launch of a cocktail drink in Beverly Hills yesterday Monday November 3rd.


Anonymous said...

See policeman runs into wall after getting distracted by topless nude women activist see pics&video

Unknown said...

This khloe dat looks exactly like a bulldog.....ugliest and massivest of dem all.#notinterested!

Alloy Chikezie said...

Love her outfit.

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APPLE said...

I love her dress.

Unknown said...

Recently av not seen or read news bout toke appearing on events. Heard she is under pressure. Choi.

Jenyking comentin via #etisalay

Unknown said...

Who cares?


Unknown said...

So this wan nw na news.....

Unknown said...

Whr d boobs?

Anonymous said...

Khloe is my girl any day. Looking ravishing

Anonymous said...

na their thing now.

Bold Kid said...

Artificial human being!

Anonymous said...

Sucks out from the tummy and transfers it to the bum. Fat transfer!

Unknown said...

Khloe get am so am happy with her k.k families

Anonymous said...

Silicon bitches,fuck silidarshians!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Khloe I kn is Responsible I luv her lik wanna lick her pussy.

ary said...

Cute butt

Anonymous said...

Smh 4 u.

Subomi said...

my favorite of the girls.

Anonymous said...

This mad girl! Where did you emerge from? How does your comment relate to this? You don finally manage to subscribe? Monday give away is still on oh cus I still remember how despy you are about it.

Anonymous said...

I love you khlo,and I mean this in the nicest way possible..but you look like a man.

Anonymous said...

The Kadashians and black things...she looks cute, my favorite Kadashian, Khloe

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

@jenyking why bring toke into this? Run along gal.

Nnamdi Akwaeke said...

Na their own matter.

Unknown said...

This is smart and beautiful. This is class and fashion.

Unknown said...

Not bad.

Jasmine honeydrops Richards said...

The funny part is khloe used to be the no surgery kinda girl. She is big boned and she used to struggle with her weight but we loved her because she was human not the barbie dolls the rest of her family is. But now she's had surgery and although she could never be as thin as Kim (b'cos of her bone structure) she's as fake as the rest of her family

Anonymous said...

You have sense jare

Anonymous said...

How pathetic that all you live for is someone elses life.

Anonymous said...

Haba Linda! is this massive? You live in Lagos fa! You know what is obtained here!

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to see what your mother,your sister,wife,girlfriend or daughter looks like.

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't have the discipline to keep your mouth shut every hour or take minimum portions of akpu doesn't mean others don't.artificial,really?these people don't even know us yet we hide under aliases,anonymous and cyber bully anyone and everyone when all we wish for Is to have a tenth of their game,fame and money.

Anonymous said...

Go and do it now.silly people like you act like they are informed whereas they are ghetto all the way to their villages.
its called exercise and rations.illiterate

Anonymous said...

Im sure d kardashain family dog looks better dan shut up

Unknown said...

If hers is massive ,her sister's own nko? ......she beautiful tho

Jeni_zee said...

U dnt av a face n you de abuse person wey better pass u, u are known for insulting ppl on blogs while she's popular. Continue hating while good things pass u by like always.. I pity who ends up wt you

Anonymous said...

Ha life, ha body. It's actually nobody's bizness.

Unknown said...

Haba willie she looks cute now

MOKU said...

khloe is beautiful, she has the height and her shape!!! OMG Not Bad atalllll

Val lala said...


snowflix said...

She try, love her gown #onelovefromSnow#

Anonymous said...

Hello Θº°˚˚˚°Âº! Wen did khloe get this hot! Not that she wasn't before but this is really sth

Anonymous said...

Luv u dear but why surgery now

yawanow said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah. She's fake. Also respected her b4 but now her butt is fake n she looks like a man.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised...wen ur Name is 'willie willie ' u can't do better.

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