Cerys had met 34 year old Matthew Williams (pictured right) at a bar and he managed to persuade her to follow him back to his hotel and said he’d get her a taxi home. He killed her in the hotel...
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I wonder why a sane person, if not a prostitute will decide to follow a stranger back to their hotel room....Women please be responsible enough to uphold your dignity....Haba....Linda biko post my comment ooo
She's so cute.
ugly incident.
I wish this man is alive so that he can be torture to death
And she is such a beautiful woman! May her soul rest in peace.
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See his face like that of a beast.
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biko oyinbo too dey do retual ni? if nt dat wat is it?
so sad
How can u follow a stranger u don't know home.some girls get liver sha see wat it has cost her.
A mad man on the street is more mentally balanced than this lunatic. Geez!!!! Not everyone walking on the streets are mentally sound.Some are schizophrenic psychopaths and this is an example of one.
Heya. This is d typical ending of most harlots prostitutes nd whores.
Just dat dis guy wasted time in eating her face. He for don runaway since. Him no sharp
Wicked peolpe living in a wicked World.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
sad she is gone. RIP
May her soul R.I.P....
Why would she follow someone is just met.
He looks crazed!
God punish devil......*****QUEENMAYA*****
Cute G u be professor? Dat guy na beast...lubukola daniels aka blackmamba...
Another day, another trauma...so sad!!! RIP to the dead.
May God help our girls ooo. Dont follow strangers to their houses or hotel. in short dont enter free ride from strangers. see as fine babe lose her life. am sure the girl get boyfriend self but want to do free ipoki. see wetin ipoki don cause. RIP fine babe.
Dunno why some of y'all comments like an illiterate and How can you blame the girl for going to his hotel room? If y'all had lived in a western world then you would understand that it's not all about sex. Some guys hangout with girls after having couple of drinks together maybe cos they have a chemistry or one of them is too drunk to drive home not cos they wanna have sex. It's just sad that she's a victim of circumstance
So sad
She was really a scape goat, too bad for her. RIP to her! See the vampire man, u must rot in hell #onelovefromSnow#
God have mercy on us..
He had such a pretty face he just had to have some.
Warning to ladies don't just follow a man like dt without knowing him
Add me up guys on facebook with my email prettyfaith31@gmail.com your girl is lonely and needs to meet new frds!!! Am waiting
I hate seeing people being sexist. Always blaming the victim in cases of abuse, rape etc...why not "why will a sane person kill and eat another person's face"??? There is choice on lifestyle eg deciding to be a prostitute...but basic humanity isn't a choice. U can't just decide to kill someone. Quit blaming the victims or the sickos out there will continue!
This sound like a horror movie script but mehnn mad people dey o...no be everything wey wear suit dey alright
Wicked heart...evil man
I still can't understand how n y a sane person will follow a stranger home/ hotel room! Scares d shiiii outta me!
These guys should stop taking bathsalt it turns them to cannibals.. crazy...
Women no dey hia word. Don't follow strangers! Don't even talk to them!
Okpo dey cute die, Goto Ajah
It doesn't make sence going 2a hotel wiff a stranger u met 4d1st time so sad may her soul rip
So sad..why would you go home with a total stranger kwa
Well said Mabel Alubo, well said.
Some people are sick! R.I.P to the dead.
Shut up! Eyin ode,hypocrites gbogbo,u will come here and start forming,wetin be dat1?its easy 4u to judge anoda person,asif dos guys u meet on social media and send nude pix 4money,visit witout seeing dem b4 and sleep wit dem,isn't it d Same tin*?u are all animals!! Dis babe heaven sure pass some of una own*Shior
Serious!!! Ladies should learn from this o. 2 alws uphold thier moral values
@Faith so dis tory wey u read no upgrade ur brain abi, keep on askin guys to add u o
Why would he eat her face! Nonsense.
True talk Mabel Aluko
So sad RIP
So sad.
We talking about cannibalism here .
nawa o english error dectectors ther was an 's so it could hav been for 'was'
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