Yesoooo! I no reach? The whole country is currently agog with political rallies everywhere. Most Politicians/magicians are out with their jack knives, long spoons, guns and God knows what. As I lament over our obnoxious predicament, the phone rings, my uncle Chief OgbuaguUzukwuNsofor summoning me to his house. Unano go believe weytin we yarn! He called me to ask me to join politics and campaign for a political position. Haba! Me? Like how, for where? Who die? Kai!Tufiakwa was my immediate response.
Why will I want to join the
bandwagon of thieves and criminals with no pedigree or honour? But he went on
to extoll all the good virtues that he believed that I had which he said was
badly needed in the political arena of today. He said I was transparent, honest
and dedicated to service so he was sure that I wouldn't get into politics to
steal from the people. Of course I had a good laugh, but as soon as I got back
to my hotel room, it left me thinking deeply.
If the few men with integrity,
honour and virtue avoid getting into politics because the arena is clogged with
thieves and criminals who have no value for the honour in their words or their
pledge to the people then how will Nigeria ever get better!! Biko tell me. Because the scammers,
riffraffs, 419ers and those who are drunk on ripping off our treasury can never
let go without drawing blood. God, are you sleeping sef? Why do the vile and evil amongst us get away with murder?
That night I got no sleep, I kept
tossing and pondering and the answers I kept getting was why not, if not? Dem get two heads? Why shouldn't I delve
into politics and create this change I have so badly advocated for since I
became Charlyboy. After all, if change must come, the agents of change must be
at the fore front of the struggle. It is not enough to be an armchair critic.
If people like Fashola can make Lagos work irrespective of how diverse Lagos is
and the known and unknown challenges he faces in the hands of the shylocks,
then I Charles Oputa can do the same? Or can’t I?
If it is aboutgragra, I have some measure of street in
me to play, if it's about
qualifications, I'm more than qualified based on the constitution of the
country and of course you know my pedigree is unquestionable so why can't I vie
for a political position?
See me see matter, my thoughts
began to run wild strategizing my plans, what party is credible enough for me
to campaign under, what position do I want to serve in? How do I build a
reputable team to work with? My mind was racing, my heart beating faster and
faster, because in this game, it's do or die. I don't mind the dying but can I
deal with the doing? Odiofele?
All this strategizing is draining
me mentally and emotionally. How can this change be actualized? All this
thoughts are making me think about my father. I'm missing him badly and I
wonder, if Justice ChukwudifuOputa was still alive, can he ever delve into
politic as one of those change agents we need to steer this nation forward? I
can categorically tell you that the answer will be, HELL NO!
Knowing him, I know he would not want to mess with meddling into the
murky waters that flows in our politics of today. But me, Charlyboy, am I not
rugged enough to deal with some of these mother f..king assholes? After all a
few Governors and ministers have experienced the soar taste of Charlyboy when they
crossed the line, nonsense! I send dem?
Don't get me wrong, not everyone
in politics is corrupt, there are a few insignificant minority who are
honourably serving the people they pledged to serve on the platform they have
chosen, however their efforts get swallowed up by all the corrupt majority.
My recent trip to Abia state was
as a result of my conviction of one of these few good people who have made
money through hard-work and now wants to serve his people in Abia state by
aspiring to become the governor of the state. I'm talking of Dr. Alex Otti,
former group manager and CEO of Diamond bank. For the first time ever, I saw
myself standing behind someone I had faith in, someone who in my heart I
believe could make a difference if given the opportunity, but he appears too
much of a gentleman. And my question is, can he deal with some funny characters
and charlatans already in the system?
An ethical line has been crossed
by our yahoo yahoo leaders. Governments can’t act freely without lying and
democracy can’t function in this neck of the woods, sorry, we are not that
sophisticated in our thoughts or mindset. Our trust in politicians has been
damaged, over the years. Poverty and fear has weakened our resolve to build a
better environment for our children. We no longer care about how we’re
governed. Politicians and corruption continues unchecked. They are all
interested in winning this election by hook or by crook, what happens after May
2015, what kind of Nigeria and Nigerians will they lead? For sure the violence
after May 2015 will make Boko Haram look like child's play, because boys are
angry, and for those whose duties are to protect lives and properties of the
common man have failed because they couldn't careless, must know that even
their protection with all the brigade of security operatives can never be
guaranteed, they will be like sitting ducks, when the shit hits the fan.
About my ambition in running for
a political position? I believe I have always been involved in the politics of
change. Showing young Nigerians that values like, hard work, honesty, focus,
consistency, and believe in self are not outdated. They are the same qualities
that have brought me this far. I thank God that I have directly or indirectly
affected the lives of millions and will continue to do so, so why me and yeye yahoo yahoo area boys go deygo struggle anything. My tenacity, is
positively affecting millions of Nigerian youths, can we say that much for most
of our leaders? God punish Satan. Nonsense!
If I hear say barber no dey mess.
Jenyking comentin via # etsalat
This bros again, I beg free me Charly Man.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
This write up though....
you have to give it to him, he is a good writer
Heheheheheh..... Nigeria will be fine any which way. but nooooooooo.
Hmm.. Abeg what's this man's occupation again?.
Ngwanu, join the bandwagon; go chop your own.
*My R1.50c comment*
Hmmmm, I think am liking this man
Please click on my name for Fashion/Beauty/Fitness tips
i have never fancied and will never fancy charlyboy anf FFK's writeups. i dont even bother to open, the headline alone made me scroll down down in a hurry to the next post.
by the way this is my first time of commenting. am soooooo haapppppy. i newly bought this my lappy as a struggling final year for my project. nice to be a family. love you all. linda i have this kidnapping ish that happend at my street in iyaro benin were the girls break loose by falling out from the door thru almighty struggle. i have the video till when police came. How do i send videos. plus uniben student love you like pieces. come see them on your blog 247 at our free mtn e-library.
Charley boy has always been a voice. It's not a bad idea to present yourself for a political office. God will guide you with the wisdom.
Am speechless
Very funny article but since all wanna be a politician , why can't he? Besides we all are human. Hehehe!! *****QUEENMAYA*****
Free the long story
Only a mad man will.
Y not...charlyboy I will vote for u ooooo! Dis is the change we need. #VoteAreaFather
Charly boy, if u want to play the game go ahead, not all this sermon. Truly Nigeria politics is becoming something else, so much corruption in the society. benotekcomputers@gmail.com
And who said alex otti made his money through hardwork? He's worse than the worst politician in nigeria. Go and ask further abt him esp in his former company before diamond bank
Funny man
all this long story,na 4 who to read?...
Way too long .cnt get masef 2 read!
Are you a writer? Do you have passion for writing? Do you want to write from home and earn some residual income? Send me a mail on peter_okagba@yahoo.com and we will take it from there.
Bros is it bikers president ure cming out 4
High on cheap drugs!!
U better dnt consider any political position ooo... Na zero vote u go get wit ds ur weird looks
Twit @successralu
Charly u too talk nonsense abeg park well. How u take help d youths by piercing all ur body or posing with ur bed servicing girls u called virgins. Abeg go sleep, will be d last to vote 4 u sef.
The only thing I can say is " pally, u can write sha" . A nice read.
If I hear! Power bike as presidential vehicle, it will be fun.
I pray if u wil enter
I pray oooooooo
hum....true talk sha...but what image du u portray? ur behaviour nd dressing is different from a normal and responsible being...
Add me up guys on facebook with my email prettyfaith31@gmail.com your girl is lonely and needs to meet new frds!!! Am waiting...
Wish U luck!!!
When people talk faggots are not allowed to speak,so fuck off charlie boy
God punish satan papa...me go vote for joor
Oh shittttttttttt!!!!!!!
for the 1st tym, am gonna agree and support area fada on this
Nah wah
Jenyfool. Always writing rubbish.
My brother na laugh I dey laugh for this your article. You are hundred percent right, for you are an embodiment of all. If you want to go and try, go!!. "Yes You Can" at least for the youths. As for the Alex Otti abi wentin you call am? abeg, Abians are tired of Bende people, let's try other area of Abia, diff not those selfish Bendelites. Did I hear you mentioned Aba? please visit Aba you will cry.
Nice write up Area father but I have one problem with your thoughts it's very simple, simply conclude when you are going bcos always trying to figure out where stands but it's impossible. Perhaps you just want us to know that you're intellectually sound, as a matter of fact nobody doubting that boss, my question is ARE YOU INTO POLITIES OR NOT? Answer...............! period!! Tnks I still like you though.
Irrespective of the law and individual rights, not everyone is meant to be leaders (president of a nation at that). I guess I will sit here and watch how this plays out.
Try your luck now @area father
Re u okay...
CharlyBoy always on point. Like him or hate him, that's fucking true.
Well written
I might sound wierd but Charly boy is one of Nigeria's best WRITERS. #I cant say same for his personality.#atiku things***Linda oya publsh or u kappish! lol
Okay the title of this write up should have been... Vote Alex Otti.
Biko Abia state does need redemption from thief /chief Orji.
You vote for this one he will sell Nigeria within 6 months. See him coconut head.
Hahaha haha I don't know wht Dis country is turning into..every body wants to indulge in politics without considering if dey have d leadership skills.....make uña shine uña eye for 2015 election...do not allow dem buy ur conscience
Is ok
Charlyboy will have to change his name to Charlyman soon.
Shut up hoe. Looking for market, u will end up with onyx.
True point really. If the good ones leave politics for the bad, how will this country progress? It's time for the righteous to take over and show how it is done
9iz one @ charlyboy...... Solidly behind u
Dia is God o plz charlyboy dnt boder Abeg u n d name of God. He no go work 4 nija our children are n trouble with dat look of a president plZzzzzzzzzzz o
CHARLY boy tactically did a campaign for Dr. Alex Otti..nothing more. Wayo man we hear you!!!
Lazy head, dats why couldn't pass a damn Common Entrance exam. Box eyes!
Why dnt u go become a stripper since u cannot read a common write up, school no fit u oo.
U mumu, u are d rot and maggot nigeria is suffering from. Which chop charly boy was chop wey him never chop. There is still decent money to be made in this country and the youths need to believe that. Say no to robbing Nigeria
Ole ni ee Egbon u don broke abi? you want go chop small pay there...Ole ni egbon i dey tell!
His articles are interesting no doubt but on being a good writer; that's a big no. And as for charly boy going into politics... That should be fucking interesting
The guy is sound and has always been a positive voice but he should start as a Rep at local level.
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