While playing the
guessing game and enjoying the picture of his hotness, don’t forget to visit www.pbnig.com

Bath Treats to help you enjoy bath time or just as a gift at parties and events
Pink’s closet has new cute skirts
We are not finished yet, Flirty Fitness pole dance classes are now available to purchase from www.pbnig.com. Pole dance classes at the gym or at the convenience of your own home.
Neyi's Fit Club is also now on www.pbnig.com and has restocked their Maple Syrup aka The Lemon Detox Diet. Made Popular by Beyonce. To Purchase and For Consultation on the Process, Call 08090655550.
Just one more thing, Every Wednesday You can pop in to Ember creek in ikoyi from 1pm to 7pm to see the pbnig girls, pick up orders, ask questions and pick up your free bath cupcakes (till stock lasts).
Obodo....hehe, jackie appiah boo
No Idea..
kenneth okoli
Can guess who he is
Pls visit my shoe blog
Who cares
Bobboy Obodo. I have the hugest crush on him... i would recognise them tattoos anyday and dem beards anytime....love you Bobby... na only crush o.
Lemme guess who the celebrity is hmmmmmm..... jide kosoko
his name is bobby obodo. joydcutest@yahoo.com
Bobby Ogbodo
Bobby obodo
Linda in your mind now you are smart o. You got us to see your add. Well I still didn't read it even thou I waited 10mins for comment section to open.
Ehen to the picture that's Bobby, he lived with his cousins for a while on my street in warri back in the day. Few years ago before he started acting he came back from yanki or so and started blowing American accent after a few months there o, I laughed I say Bobby you no serious. Hi Bobby your friend from warri. Lol
UTI. Linda I love your concept for advertising
Cool.... Buh can't tell about d guy in d picture.
Bobbi Micheal, jackie Appia's boo
Nice advert strategy..
The best have seen on this blog..
Btw, I think its UTI
Bobby Obodo is his name. JDkrys
bobi obodo. Jackie Appiah's boyfriend
bobby obodo
That is Bobby. Even in my sleep I'll know, week that's if my eye can open in my sleep. He was in weekend getaway
I d like to pay aa visit. LIB Princess!
Oo,Linda which one be this kwan. Is this meant to be news or what? I tire o.
** Sexy Milf Queen **
Lol very easy wit his goatie. Bobby obodo
Pole dance classes?? Interesting lool
Jide kosoko
This is GEJ na.
Boby obodo who else has bible verses writen on his body he's also in kamaras tree
he is Sesan a video producer
Bobby Obodo as charles in Mrs somebody
This fake actor guy in Emem Isong's movie, His beards look unkempt.
Ode ni e..he is cute
bobby obodo
i care less
Linda stop asking us to guess, wen u won't tell us who at the end.
wow my own na d girls fashion i dey trip 4
Abeg help me tell doz girl@ d pix say if dem wear doz cloths small make dem send dem to me
Please remove the pole dancer silhouettes you are using. 2 of them are my copyright property and may not be used without permisison.
The one on the left and the one on the right in the image of 3 silhouettes.
You can find images that are free to use at www.shutterstock.com
The one on the right is actually an image of me taken by my boyfriend and the one on the left is my friend Chloe so please kindly stop using these.
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