who has reported in the Middle East for five years, was kidnapped on
Nov. 22, 2012, by unidentified gunmen. Steven Sotloff, who appeared at
the end of the video, went missing in northern Syria while he was
reporting in July 2013. Continue...
The White House said that U.S. intelligence agents were working to verify the authenticity of a video.
Islamic State had not previously executed American citizens publicly.
The video was posted after the United States resumed air strikes in Iraq
for the first time since the end of the U.S. occupation in 2011.
The Sunni militant group has declared a caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria in areas it controls.
The video opened with a clip of U.S. President Barack Obama saying he had authorized strikes in Iraq.
authorizes military operations against the Islamic State effectively
placing America upon a slippery slope towards a new war front against
Muslims," words appear in English and Arabic on the screen.
It showed black and white aerial footage of air strikes with text saying "American aggression against the Islamic State"
person identified as James Foley and wearing an orange outfit is seen
kneeling in the desert as a man in black dress with a black mask stands
beside him, holding a knife.
"I call on my friends family
and loved ones to rise up against my real killers, the U.S. government,
for what will happen to me is only a result of their complacency and
criminality," the kneeling man says.
man in the mask speaks in a British accent and says: "This is James
Wright Foley, an American citizen, of your country. As a government, you
have been at the forefront of the aggression towards the Islamic
"Today your military
air force is attacking us daily in Iraq. Your strikes have caused
casualties amongst Muslims. You are no longer fighting an insurgency. We
are an Islamic army, and a state that has been accepted by a large
number of Muslims worldwide."
Following his statement he beheads the kneeling man.
the end of the video, words on the side of the screen say "Steven Joel
Sotloff" as another prisoner in an orange jumpsuit is shown on screen.
"The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision," the masked man says.
a freelance reporter, had been covering Syria’s civil war for
GlobalPost. In 2011, he was held for 45 days by forces loyal to former
Libyan leader Muammar Gadaafi.
is also a freelancer journalist with published stories in Time Magazine
and Foreign Policy. He has worked in Syria, Libya and Yemen.
House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said: "We have seen a video that
purports to be the murder of U.S. citizen James Foley by ISIL. The
intelligence community is working as quickly as possible to determine
its authenticity.
genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American
journalist and we express our deepest condolences to his family and
Islamic State also
released another video on Tuesday that gave the strongest indication yet
it might attempt to strike American targets.
The video with the theme "breaking of the American cross" boasts
Islamic State will emerge victorious over "crusader" America.
follows a video posted on Monday, warning of attacks on American
targets if Washington struck against its fighters in Iraq and Syria.
Source: Reuters
Hmm... Still claiming, any proof.. Mtschew..
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Na wa o...God have mercy,things are really getting out of hand in dis world.
OMG....f**k human rights, just blanket bombing and in their next world,dem go remember say religion is about love,peace and unity!
May God punish the wicked....linda post my comment ooo
Man inhumanity to man all in d name of religion
I will continue to say it Islamic is a blood thirsty religion
Islam, religion of terror, violence and murder! I know Muslims will now be happy because seeing shed innocent blood gives them joy.
Go follow for here to win yanfu yanfu, no go dull am oooo..
No selfish, oya go tell everybody for your house and where you dey work
Islam extremist are cause to generation...
i wonder why the religion exist from the beginning
Plsvisit my shoe blog
Islam is a religion of "peace". Where do all these murderers get their teaching from?
Loser islamists.
My problem is; they do it in d name of Islam. That's y Islam will continually b regarded as a religion that encourages evil. Boko, Isis, hamas, al-queda, etc. All claim to b fighting jihad. I pray this gets the US pissed enough to show them pepper
This Journalist falls my hand! This is a man who has covered all those trouble spots of Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the years and a very well informed man too. He knew what terrorist does to infidels, unbelievers to their course. He also knew the hate of Americans by Islamist are
second to none yet he choose to freelance in those countries in the form of Journalism. He very well know what would happen should he be caught yet he is here singing against his country, his motherland that is trying to ride the world of those lunatics and murderers called ISIS.
Unless those satanic verses in the koran are expunged,Terrorists and Radical Muslims will always be a problem to the rest of the civilized world
#God answers all prayers#
Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
Every moment - Thank God.
If this is their end will come soon. US doesnt play wt their citizenry, they will be more drone attacks. Life sha.
No way this guy is a journalist. Must be a cover for CIA. How could he have been kidnapped in Libya, released and he still went to Syria?
Finally the first.. this ISIS should calm down
Hmmm... this is awful, an human being like yourself? God is silently watching
This people are playing with fire oh
Obama please do something about this Wicked Islamic woreva asap......coz we citizens are kinda scared of their threatening......God bless America, God bless Nigeria
Forgive us lord and heal our land. Only if you would Take away insurgency and wars. Kai
Na waoooo dis people r becoming somtin else oo,God prove urself and help us. Doris
So in retrospect, world war 3 would be started by some mindless muslim, who wants to play God with the lives of innocents? Okay then!
I just hate muslims. They shd just end dis fight nite, nah wah ooo
And God is just watching. Is all good
Islam is the worst religion in the world.... I can understand why Hausa will subscribe to it but how did the Yorubas buy such religion of violence?
I think the whole world need to fight this damn war now since they want to take away our civilization..
Are this people insane..they are claiming an Islamic army...who send them..bastards jes spoiling Islam..I pray u are all infected by Ebola...awon were
We will continue to kill ourselves until we learn to respect ourselves.
Are You A One Minute Man?
Almighty God pls wipe off these Muslims terrorising the world once and for all . From Nigeria to Syria to Libya to Egypt to Iraq . They have nothing good to offer the world. God arise and break their teeth. Let them be as chaff before the wind. Let your angel persecute them.
Almighty God pls wipe off these Muslims terrorising the world once and for all . From Nigeria to Syria to Libya to Egypt to Iraq . They have nothing good to offer the world. God arise and break their teeth. Let them be as chaff before the wind. Let your angel persecute them.
I smell war buh I pray it doesn't materialise cus these middle east countries are now becuming a force to reckon with.
Where's the video?! They are idiots and will all be killed
3Rd world war abt to start. (Linda sugar boy)
3Rd world war abt to start. (Linda sugar boy)
This so painfull....
Ghenghen...this is war...pentagon to retaliate again
Nawaa ooo... This story sounds as if am watching Jack Bauer's 24... God help Americans in dis fight.... #PRESH
Trouble all over the world. God.
This is terribly cruel, one will think Nigerians are suffering but when u check other powerful countries what u see makes u thank God for ur country
It only takes a madman to adopt Islam as a religion. Check their records worldwide. Religion of peace my foot!
Ds is serious,Islamic here,Islamic there.it's infair bt xtain are not doing ds
This same ISIS group that most of you are all just hearing about is the same ISIS (together with Jabhat Al-Nusra, Abu Bammer,FSA,etc) that Bashar Al-Assad has been fighting in Syria for the past 3 plus years. The same ISIS that Senator McCain paid a solidarity visit in 2013! The same ISIS that have been clothed in the garment of "moderates" to sell the idea of arming them overtly to the gullible American public. The same "moderates" (ISIS) that Obama has asked congress for an additional 500 million to arm. The same "moderates" that have been the recipients of non-lethal aid (those gleaming new trucks and all) for the past 3 years from the West.The same ISIS that has committed far worse atrocities on Christians, Alawites, Shia and others in Syria than the events unfolding in Iraq and to the Yazidis in particular since 2011!! Why didn't Uncle Sam come to the rescue then?
ISIS is a terror horde created by the CIA and Mossad, fiananced by Saudi and Qatar petrodollar (Yes, believe it or not, Saudi & Qatar are in cahoots with Israel and the US by unleashing wahabist/salafist elements that espouse a violent brand of Sunni Islam against the Iranian dominated shia crescent that both Israel & Saudi & Qatar see as a threat ), trained in Jordan and supported logistically by Turkey with the U. S. Embassy in Ankara serving as operational headquarters. Now one of the terrorist groups, Al-Nusra has been delisted by Turkey (NATO member) and what's more, this same Al Nusra has merged with ISIL otherwise known as ISIS and now known as IS.
The end goal is to destablize the entire middle east: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and so on....And who ends up as the benefactor of the turmoil unleashed? Israel (Or Greater Israel as the plan would be). You think this charade of a bombing campaign is gonna stop ISIS? ISIS will soon come knocking on the gates of Beirut and finally Tehran..... This is all state sponsored terrorism courtesy of the great United States of America!
Now, before y'all go all bananas and start raining abuses and insults, I beseech you to go research these facts yourself, pour through the information available to you and then arrive as you OWN, INDEPENDENT thought - not one that the MSM wants you to arrive at. Do not be deceived!
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!
o not be deceived by this charade in which America appears to be fighting ISIS.
I still dnt kw y we allow muslims to live in this world,they shud be called together for a feast,wen they ve gathered,they shud be bomb,cos they re Evil and wicked!
Lord jesus have on us christians please help of end dis brutality
Anywhere u have muslims u don't have peace why,even that part of china that has muslims is filled with violence as well.......R.I.P
Na waooh, so horrible! But dis pple do d tink d will live forever. Whom dt kill by sword, knife shall die by it.
I wanna ask why GOd create this ppl, seems not to get it. cant we jut blow dem off... #jutasking
So horrible, do d think that the won't die too, whom dt kill by sword, knife shall die wit it.
Islam s a terrible religion oooo! I dnt used †̥̥Æ ̴̴̴͡ descriminate bt for Gods sake , wat do U̶̲̥̅̊ call this ???
U̶̲̥̅̊ can never hear of christains beheading humans or even killing! God forbid ! A human being beheading another ?!! And dey say Islam is for Peace ????!!!
This Journalist falls my hand! This is a man who has covered all those trouble spots of Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the years and a very well informed man too. He knew what terrorist does to infidels, unbelievers to their course. He also knew the hate of Americans by Islamist are
second to none yet he choose to freelance in those countries in the form of Journalism. He very well knew what would happen should he be caught yet he is here singing against his country, his motherland that is trying to ride the world of those lunatics and murderers called ISIS.
Unless those satanic verses in the koran are expunged,Terrorists and Radical Muslims will always be a problem to the rest of the civilized world.
#God answers all prayers#
Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
Every moment - Thank God.
U should know dat was written by isis for him to read if u aren't dumb
He might have been broken
I second that
Nawa oo insurgency all around the world, baba God na ur hand we dey oo
Nawa oo insurgency all around the world, baba God na ur hand we dey oo
Islam is a religion of violence, all the terrorist groups in d world are Muslims
I agree.
Islam should be scrapped from the face of the earth.
Islam has become a pain to the world
God have mercy, must they kill b4 passing their message
You just spoke my mind, you could imagine how I was picturing 24 while reading the story. #Best season film ever#
Y are there wickedness in my generation? Lord wipe out all dis evil pple n let's av peace 4 once pls
All this so called extremists causing trouble around the world,no place is safe any longer
The world is changing..
We ask for God's mercy.
I'd like to say that the whole Middle East needs to be completely and utterly eradicated from the face of the planet. I realize that there are some good people there, but the problem is that the "good people" put up with, and allow, these extremists free run within their borders. By harboring these extremists they are putting themselves and everyone else in danger.
If the people of the Middle East are unwilling to eradicate these extremists then they have to face the consequences of their actions.
I don't understand why some people post things they don't have concrete information about. Is Anonymous supporting ISIS or what? Everything he's stated about the West being the ones who have funded ISIS is all lies...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant. Everything you need to know about this terror whatever is captured there. People who support terrorism in the name of religion or excuses shows why such exists. I mean all these acts of aggression against a fellow human is just barbaric and unacceptable.
You just go online and read an article based on someone's perspective of a situation that makes sense to you then you come on social media and write nonsense. Tell me, what is America or Isreal's benefit of ISIS Becoming a nation. Do you even know that there were some ISIS members fighting alongside Hamas in the operation protective edge (latest conflict with Israel)?
It's Saudi Arabia and Qatar that are jubilating on ISIS' victory in secret especially Qatar because they are actually in odd terms with Saudi Arabia about sponsoring terror groups like Muslim Brotherhood, at least that's what the media wants us to believe.
Weytin carry america yansh go there abeg? Hiss
The servants of "Almighty Allah" are at it again...
The pattern of beheading should not be lost on us...
Allah particularly enjoined that formula for dealing with the disbelievers..
According to Qur'an 47: 4, Allah's warriors are charged to "Behead the disbelievers…"
In Qu 9: 5, Allah tasks Moslems to kill the Mushrikun (i.e. Christians, Jews, Polytheists, etc) when the 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islamic calender have passed; it maintains they should kill them wherever you find them and lie in wait for them and capture them and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush; but spare them if they turn to Allah and perform as salat and zakat, because Allah is very oft forgiving and most merciful"!!!!!!
For according to Qur'an 9 v. 19, "Those who fight in the cause of Allah rank superior among Moslems…"
The bitch is here once again.
You ar a fool
The Cowardice of isis is amazing and repulsive - anything they need to do with as mask is indicative of their fear.
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