Who rocked the shorts; Efe Tommy vs Uti Nwachukwu | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 2 December 2013

Who rocked the shorts; Efe Tommy vs Uti Nwachukwu

Who rocked the shorts, which I hear is a new trend now; TV personality Efe Tommy or BBA winner and actor, Uti Nwachukwu?


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Anonymous said...

D both of dem looks lyk lizards

Anonymous said...

Assu call of strike so these kids can leave this blog

Anonymous said...

why are we all so quick to judge others knowing fully well we all have our individual baggage of bullshit to deal with.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Something wey Southy boys don dey wear tey tey. Na now Naija boys don dey wear am. Omo una still dey behind oo

Anonymous said...

Look at all these toothpick legs.

Efe and Uti, you guys want to wear shorts please do your SQUATS!!!

Workout your legs and get some thigh and calf muscles abeg. My eyes!!

Anonymous said...

Are those two lesbians?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL if Uti looks gay then Efe looks how?? Please Uti looks fresh

Anonymous said...

None actually, but if im forced to, i'll choose Uti. Efe looks like a fag

Anonymous said...

very gay !!

Anonymous said...

Its sad how blind u are, can't even differentiate who's gay or not *smh*

Anonymous said...

Nothing spells gay more than a grown ass man wearing bum-shorts, a pout and carrying a handbag #EfeTommy#
Uti looks better
But shorts for men tho...nah!!!!!!!
If my boyfriend is ever caught dressed like this, I will sooo dump his homosexual brain...

Anonymous said...

UTI all d way!!!!!!! Linda dnt 4get 2 post my comment..... *Debbie Chelsea*

yoma said...

Uti rocker it, efe tommy looks so stupid

Anonymous said...

uti rocked it

Twista said...

m still trying, but i don't get that Tommy's pose and all. Uti is more of a man than him right now pawlease. NEXT!!!

Chi said...

The Efe guy looks gay

Unknown said...

Yeah BOYI can totally see your anonymous self rocking this .

Anonymous said...

Uti being a made the outfit look less homosexual than efe..

Ijjoy said...

Uti seems to have rocked it beta ohh. Efe tommy take style resemble gay for this short.

Apple said...

Uti. But he is gay so...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I give it to ma utilicious uti,Efe looks so guy.linda abeg post ma comment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Them be gay

Anonymous said...

Real women can't wear trousers, have short hair, wear a blouse with buttons.... Actually real women should cover themselves with black bed sheets with only their eyes showing.... A stupid comment, get out of village mentality, or just have babies and stay at home and cook, and don't drive a car.

Anonymous said...

tommy looks gay sha.

Noel said...

Definitely Uti, Efe Tommy looks gay and feminine in his outfit. The shirt is too tight and the short is just too...short.

Anonymous said...

Uti rocked it beta #wow#.... Obviously EFE is gay! Lol!

Anonymous said...


fungi said...

hahahhahahahhahha that first guy tho **eyesrolling


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Queen.C. said...

This efe looks kinda funny to me......HE IS SO GAY!!!!

brina said...

Uti rocked it better....as for efe...he looks weird ....girlish legs...and all

Anonymous said...

So if he's gay? Is being gay the new insult now? Your face looks like a drug addict. You need to get off that *ish you're on and go fix your face. What the fk is wrong with some Nigerians and gay people? Leave them alone? Are they coming on to you? Are you secretly gay yourswlf and make snide rude commebts will help you feel less inclined to be gay? If you're a gay person, be proud of it. Tell your friends and family and if someone makes mean comments, push them down the stairs and call it even. Ok, dont do that literally, but this "you're gay" comments is starting to get under my skin and no, im not gay. Im just tolerant and accepting of others that are of different inclination.

Ash Baby said...

Uti Definitely

Anonymous said...

Lauren, you're a retard. Stop using gayness as an insult. Maybe you're gay and are embarrased to admit it, so you make comments about others accusing them of the same thing that you are. Silly retarded Lauren.

Unknown said...

Uti my love is always d best

Anonymous said...

Stop asking questions you already have an answer to you closeted gay person. So if he's gay, what does that have to do with question? Efe or uti? Efe is the answer or uti is my choice. Case closed, why the Stupid dumb retarded comment from an asshole like you.

Anonymous said...

Mimi, you're a fool... a huge butt nugget. Biggest asshole the world has ever seen. Your existence is a disadvantage to the world. Your mouth like "gay thins". When does a man wearing shorts become a gay thing? You're very stupid. Senseless person like you getting access to a keyboard to spew your nonsense.

Anonymous said...

You're stupid, you closeted freak of nature. Whats gayish about Efe's looks. Say you dont care for his looks, whats the assault on his sexual orientation, dumbass!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy children's day to both!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hermit whats funny about the outfit. If you're going out to golf, what will you wear? Since when does a man wearing shorts mean he is gay? You're such a dumbass, the jokes on you retard.

Dominic Golden said...

Those who are supporting Efe's outfit are only doing so because they share same sexuality.

Anonymous said...

I know you're a dumbass, that much I know.

Anonymous said...

You look hideous. Post your pic so we can comment on your fugly face.

Anonymous said...

Im sure thats what your mom said to your dad.

Anonymous said...

You should ask your dad about him being gaty, im sure he's a closeted gay guy too. Your mom knows about it, ask her. Dumbass

Anonymous said...

Thats what people say about your dad and his man lover. Ask your neighbors. Silly kid.

Anonymous said...

Juliet, he dumped you already, you just didnt know it bc you're on here spewing your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Thats what your mom said to your dad. Ask him, he'll tell you.

Anonymous said...

Im sure thats what your mom said to your dad.

Anonymous said...

Im sure you're a closeted freak of nature.

Anonymous said...

You're gay

Anonymous said...

like uti's. d oda guy looks gay. hope he's not

Anonymous said...

David, I guess you haven't looked at the mirror lately. If this is you, you need to come out of the closet and admit to what you are. Dumbass... you're the biatch!!!

Anonymous said...

And you look like a man.

Anonymous said...

Bin dippers

Anonymous said...

Do us a favor and rid us off the embarrassment in the form of YOU.

Anonymous said...

Galore... you might wanna talk to your dad. He has some gay secrets to tell you.

Anonymous said...

Dumbass, do you know what a camel toe is? Are you stupid?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm is that bald guy Gay?

chiluc said...

U high? I don't think u can differentiate b/w gay and a real man. U c Efe wey put 1 leg for back, carry hand bag, u no call am gay. Its uti who's all masculine u call gay. SMH.

Anonymous said...

Uti please!!! D efe guy looks gay, his pose, n d bag didn't do him any good!

Unknown said...

D tommy tummy looks more like a lesbian

cReTiN said...

FLAMING GAYIUSH looks......awwww..........uti abeg come out publicly o...stop hiding!!!

Anonymous said...

Please show me ur husbands pic so I know what a real man looks like ..Ewu Contonou

Anonymous said...

The first guy is flaming.. Omg

Anonymous said...

Both look Gay AF! Uti looks less gay though so Uti rocked it better.

Still Gay AF tho

Anonymous said...

Uti Nwachukwu the other guy looks like a guy

Anonymous said...

It's the other way round actually. Efe looks gay

Anonymous said...

Seriously is uti gay??he shld be arrested oo

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Uti rocks it better jor.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

One word...


and GAY!

Anonymous said...

@ Uju, if dey re nt real men den wot re dey? Pls don't let Pple hear dis 4rm.

Anonymous said...

it' ma uti oooooo

Anonymous said...

People these days are been manipulated by so called fashion Consciousness, unfortunately all it does is make you look gay even though they are not. Think before wearing don't just wear anything because of the trends.

If a man should wear shorts above the knee he shouldn't tuck the bloody shirt in.

Anonymous said...

They both look gay to me!

Anonymous said...

Guys, these picture prove why you shouldn't "leave your legs at home" when you head to the gym...lol

Yunglass said...

They both look seriously gay

Yunglass said...

They both look gay!!!

Yunglass said...

They both look gay

Anonymous said...


Uzoamaka said...

Tommy looks more lyk a gay in it...d short is too short for me n dat wat mk him look gay....but I still lyk his colour combination;quiet matured...uti rocks too but d colour combination is a no for me...it looks childish for me

Anonymous said...

all u peeps dat r sayin efe nd al dat trash its obvious u dnt no a gay nd a guy.Dat efe girl z soooooooooo gay.luk @ hz first pix..........Oh Chukwu nna!

Unknown said...

these guys look gay

Unknown said...

these guys look gay

Anonymous said...

Uti jare, He looks good...

Anonymous said...

Uti really looks good!!

Anonymous said...

Efe looks better or is it bcoz he z nt a popular face??Efe luks better jare....uti rest abeg

Anonymous said...

Both luk lik boy's high school.

Anonymous said...

Uti makes it hard for people to believe the rumours that he's gay. He rocks these metrosexual shorts in a masculine way. Meanwhile, Efe, how u doin?

Anonymous said...

gay things..

Anonymous said...

Uti y u dey always defend ur post...actually wanted to say dis is fucking gayish!!!gbam

Anonymous said...

mehn! see toothpicks leg!

Anonymous said...

None of them rock it well, i never know they have funny legs till now...lol trousers dn cover lot!

Anonymous said...

see aa dem resemble faggots.


Two homosexuals. 'Smh'

Anonymous said...

That first guy is def gay, wtf is that?

Anonymous said...

Its nt shut up matter. They shld leave dis for them teens biko... onwe ihe ana etofe etofe

Mr. Fantastic said...

Anonymous 2:37: this is Uti Nwachukwu whose antennas go up anytime he is accused of the stinking G culture. If u aren't an a**-hole lover why help the public think so with all your actions? Please move over. You bore many.

Mr. Fantastic said...

Sure, Bonario; Efe rocked it better: he's got the frame for it, then see what he done with the colour combo of black, green and White. Effortless class. Uti tried too hard; are those bedroom slips he has on?
Uti, no cuss me under anonymous oh, I go wallop your behind.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell her to shut up. She's right! Have ur boyfriend dress like that to ur family dinner when meeting your parents for the first time nah. Ode!

Unknown said...

y can't pple just giv a straight answer witout pining gay on pple gosh! dey bot luk good but i prefair de tommy guy

Anonymous said...

Ur on point my dear

Anonymous said...

Uti looks better but they both look kinda gay..

Beccah babe toh qute said...


dammyflex said...

They both look gay, but Uti looks better.

Anonymous said...

U are so correct. U took it right outta my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Uti looks better but they both look gay tho

Unknown said...

UTIIIIII any day any time

Anonymous said...

Neither of them should wear shots; they do not have the legs for it.

kimberely Raphaels said...

D look really ridiculous...dis is a 10yr old boy's dressin nt dat of a thirties guy...d both look gayish bt if I've got 2 choose,Uti rocked it

kimberely Raphaels said...

D both look really ridiculous cos dis is a dressin u'd xpect from a 10yr old boy nt from a thirties guy...in my opinion,d look lyk gay partners...Uti rockd it though...yayyyyyy!

Anonymous said...

Uti rocked it! the shorts or the whole outfit makes Efe look gay sorry

Anonymous said...

Shut up..

Anonymous said...

uti is definitely rocking dat pair of shorts

Anonymous said...

OMG i love u uti he is so handsome....

Anonymous said...

Oshisco!!! Men carrying handbags!! Omase ooo

Anonymous said...

You certainly have no sense of style.

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