Long queues for iPhone 5 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 21 September 2012

Long queues for iPhone 5

Fans of Apple's smartphone queued overnight to be the first to get their hands on the iPhone 5 that goes on sale today September 21 in nine countries.


Anonymous said...

Whats the big deal? Whats so special bout it? Very soon K phone go comot and people would kill themselves for it.. Signs of the end time.. There are demonic and invisible forces controlling all this.... Just the same way people are killing just to ve a BB.. Demonic.

Jenny-Coco said...


Omoteezekiel said...

Nawah,no be small tin

Anonymous said...

I have bought the case for my iphone5.........na just to buy the phone remain.

Anonymous said...

Nawa oooooo..sumtin dat can neva happen in Nigeria. Had it been D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ were sharing confirm money dats wen we can queue lyk dis. We no D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ dull 4 niger. Am proud of ma country...

Anonymous said...

Datz y i luv 9ja.Who get dis tym?

Anonymous said...

the iphone 5 euphoria

Diva said...

I can bet Nigeria isn't one of the nine :(

Anonymous said...

Linda u have to put the video of Samsung S3 avert they are currently showing in the US. they finished the iPhone 5.... I am still laughing from the video. 'the next big thing is already here Samsung SIII"

NecFix said...

Choi, Apple don hammer! Apart from the queues, there has been over 2million pre orders online already. Funny enough, I've read a lot of comparisons b/w the new IPhone 5 & its major competitors: And Samsung Gallaxy S III & Nokia Lumina 920 came tops ahead of iPhone 5. It has no NFC (more advanced bluetooth technology that acts as credit card & let's u do much more than sharing wirelessly), no wireless charging capability, lower batt. life, dysfunctional mapping functionality etc. I guess people just love the Apple brand right? Me inclusive :)

Anonymous said...

Naija wey ur own queue? abi una no like good thing? A simple display of the huge numbers of people that belong to the middle class in these countries. Yet some Ignorant Idiaats for Naija dey yab Rick Ross *SMH*

Anonymous said...

maybe, they gonna get prices for being the first, either that or they're just plain stupid

Emmanuela Amalachukwu said...

Total Madness!

Peoplewatcher said...

One word: madness!

Anonymous said...

proof that the recession is just an ideology....strange days


Hmmmm dey get timeoo, can't wait to queue here price it and leave at ceddi or slot.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Tinuke said...

OMG.. I so want the iphone 5 like d air I breath... I don't blame them Jare,if Na me I go stay there till I get mine..

iPhone 5 cases said...

Thanks for the update, the picture says it all. The long line really adds excitement for us who are still waiting to buy iPhone 5.

Warri Girl said...

Hmmmmm, phone that they can still buy the next day.

Anonymous said...

Is dis hw crazy pple r ova a fone,smh!!!nt like dere is much difference btwn the iphone 4 nd 5,una get strenght. Lindo ur nt on d queue wid dem or hav urs arrived?


and they will soon be queueing up again in a few months for Iphone6. i hope y'all don't have no credit card debt and your bills are paid tho

Anonymous said...

Really! Are the phones free? If not they all need to have their brains checked up.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oooo, Iphone5 Madness mtchewwwwwwwwwww

DITLO said...

highest rate of joblessness, i tell you!

Anonymous said...

Dis is crazy!pass d mic

Baby Confessor said...

na wa o. them for just manage their iphone4s na. there is no much difference jorrr.


nsogbu uwa! iphone5 wahala.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, reminds me of drought affected and/or refugees queing for food. Wish each of those will donate just a $ for children's causes such as food, water and sanitation. Anyways, just thinking aloud.......its their money after all.

Anonymous said...

oooh! iberibe wu oria

Anonymous said...

sewiously is the iphone 5 wort the hype,can u have sex with phone

Chynwe said...

In Japan, they are not that patient o! Thieves broke into a store and stole $100,000 worth of iPhone 5.... they'll be enjoying it before anyone else

Anonymous said...

is our country among?

Ola said...

What d heck!!!

Anonymous said...

Lmao, oyibo people dey craze sha

Anonymous said...

See me on the queue behind the guy in blue.LMAO
that is if to say i no be naija pikin.Nonsense!!!

sQo said...

mehn pple are stupid

Anonymous said...


Maxiculture said...


Maxiculture said...


DINMAUGO said...


Amarachi said...

Yeah even here in Sydney,it was like that.The first two that bought it here in Sydney said in 6pm news that they have to queue for 17 hrs and so were the first to grab it.

Anonymous said...

My friend Near Field communication and blue tooth are two diff ball games .. Advanced bluetooth indeed una don start

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm i wounder why d queue?

Anonymous said...

@ anos 11.19 lmao u re funny

Stones said...

U sef, na watin b ur own... Phone don tun demonic... Tak ur tym ooo... Watin dey wori u sef... If u no get moni 2 buy yam, tel us mak we boro u smal... Mtchewwwwwww.../

bebe ade said...

This is madness of the highest order,the phone feel call God direct???..Oyinbo people they craze o,make i dey manage my BB jeje,i get better thingh to do with money..small time now dem go dey kill themselves for America cos of one recession,dem no dey save at all....we black get sense pass these mumus...#smh#

Anonymous said...

My phone is due for upgrade..am moving from galaxy to the latest galaxy...Samsung all the way. For some reasons, I just don't do apple. It's good to know they hv die hard fans.


KOFOSHY said...

Haha x

ella john said...

who dash u money.pretender

sexylove said...

Kinda excited doe, cuz my guy is buying for both of us this weekend... Can't wait!!

Unknown said...

can't wait for the uk used to come out

NecFix said...

Anon 2:53: Advanced wireless technology I meant there. Thanks for picking it out :)

Anonymous said...

which 1 z 'demonic again':....i taya 4 dis 9ja peeps oh on LIB

Anonymous said...

annonymous 5.30pm u scare me pls stop showing ur vampire face here untill u put a good looking pics pls and linda stop posting that horror ting coments.

Unknown said...

Omo wait ooo.. I hear say this eye-phone5 fit drill crude oil oo+ turn ‎​Ūя̲̅ eba.. *runs off 2 go get one* + *chances all of them I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the queue, evn the gate man*

Unknown said...

=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) ,I feel u Tolulope atoyebi

kanayo said...

They re just being plain stupid. Must they queue as if their tomoro depends on getting an iphone today. Anyway they no get problem. They re looking for ђã†̥ to think abt as them govt already did all the for them shikina

Anonymous said...

Our queue dey Shoprite, for affordable things for our existence. Se na d mast wey BH dey pull down u wan plan on.

chi gold said...

The iphone biko is it free? Why will people stay on such a long que?

Anonymous said...

I got mine tday.yaay!! Am selling ma 4s if anyone is interestd,holla me on twitter @hillzy90

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the new iPhone 5 helps people lose weight? When you pay for it you can't afford to eat for a month.' GOLDEN GIRL SAYS SO VIA BLUE EYE'

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the new iPhone 5 helps people lose weight? When you pay for it you can't afford to eat for a month.

Anonymous said...

Publish Your Comment

Anonymous said...

,,lwkmd,,u funny sha

Unknown said...

Its a new age where unemployment has made more and more people, business minded and now more than statistics show that has been a 52% increase in busniess start up from 2010 -2012, What you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Join the business world and imbibe the business culture.. Check my blog at businesright.blogspot.com . Please

and Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ooh well...people don't have to buy it here in the uk...they can just get it on contract for two years whereby they will be paying £45 a month including minutes nd Internet services... Thank God I waited cus am upgrading from 4s to iphone5..

Anonymous said...

Linda did u hear abt d O2 worker dat stole 252 Iphone 5's from d store whr dey keep d fones...dey r looking 4 d dude

Anonymous said...

Total maddness indeed. Signs of the endtimes.

Anonymous said...

my nokia e7 does exactly what i need a phone for:pp,excel,word,email,chat but more interesting is that it has a keyword board. All this touch screen alone,to my mind, is for hipsters..

I invested in it and i am getting returns.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

This people are still queing up to buy Iphone 5 when there is already an Iphone 6 everywhere in Aba. Naija is still ahead of them

Anonymous said...

My new iPhone 5 I ordered for just came in and when I took it out of the box it dropped and cracked. I need to re-order for a new one U guys just need to only see the features of the phone and your lives will never remain the same. Apple till God comes

Anonymous said...

I refused to follow and join the line because i don't see what the NOISE/FUSS was all about. few months time, it will be sold on e-bay for less!

Akerele Tunde said...

hmm..hope it'll be worth the rush

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