Africa's biggest Jesus statue unveiled in Imo state | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 3 January 2016

Africa's biggest Jesus statue unveiled in Imo state

Nigeria on Friday unveiled a nine-metre tall statue of Jesus Christ carved from white marble, thought to be the biggest of its kind in Africa.
Standing barefoot with arms outstretched, the "Jesus de Greatest" statue weighs in at 40 tonnes.

More than 100 priests and hundreds of Catholic worshippers attended the nine-metre (30-foot) statue's official unveiling in the village of Abajah in Imo state, Nigeria.

The statute was commissioned by Obinna Onuoha, a local businessman who hired a Chinese company to carve it. It was placed in the grounds of a 2000-capacity church that he built in 2012.

In his homily at a Mass before unveiling the statue, presiding bishop Augustine Tochukwu Okwuoma said it is a "very great symbol of faith" for Catholic worshippers and passers-by alike and remind them of the importance of Jesus Christ," The presiding Bishop blessed the statue after mass.
The cost of the statue has not been revealed.
The 43-year-old boss of an oil and gas service company timed the statue's unveiling to coincide with his parents' 50th wedding anniversary.
He said the idea of building a giant statue of Jesus came to him in a dream nearly 20 years ago.
And when his 68-year-old mother fell seriously ill a few years ago, she made him promise that he would build a church if she survived.

Source: AFP


Davido's driver said...

Glory to God.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm.... Na WA o


Uzosafetyblog said...

I have being expecting this pictures. #IRepLIB

Natu said...

The guy try,but I don't believe in carving images of whatever kind.

Unknown said...

Looks so cool...

~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

kingsareborn2rule said...

Enter your comment...IMO is a state if hope


STERN said...

I hope BUHARI does not break it down.

Unknown said...

Oh how I love Jesus.. I love this status.. Good job guys👍


Incredible symbol of faith and a #fufilledvow

tosisochukwu said...

Tor! Jst a statue! An image thou

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thats good news for catholics...i serve a living God.
....from Romans

Anonymous said...

Lovely.Thank you JESUS.


^^^Adult Content^^^

I don't like this

Babylawyer. said...

Lovely, at least something for the Lord, it's amazing.

@Lindaikeji No. I FAN

Unknown said...

God told us not to make or worship any graving image of any kind including that of himself. So this is really not good. No one knows what Jesus really looked like when he was on earth. All these are just assumptions.

Unknown said...

Protect us dear lord.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. Nice

Unknown said...

Nice of him

Hannie said...

Ohhhhh lovly

Anonymous said...

So cool. My one and only saviour.


Beautiful. I site u uncle uwaoma

Unknown said...

Nice. more of it

Unknown said...

This is real good and it's a symbol of obedience on the part of the biz man

Unknown said...

Proud to be a catholic!!!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Nice one. Hope it won't be idolized

... Merited happiness

Mzz_Mary said...

God bless him

OSINANL said...

Good one...
Tomorrow now those cursed ppl will try to carve the statute of mohammed

OSINANL said...

Good one...
Tomorrow now those cursed ppl will try to carve the statute of mohammed

Pearlie said...

The most important thing is to have HIM in our hrts

OSINANL said...

Good one...
Tomorrow now those cursed ppl will try to carve the statute of mohammed

OSINANL said...

Good one...
Tomorrow now those cursed ppl will try to carve the statute of mohammed

Anonymous said...


Jesus, saviour of the whole world!

Unknown said...

He fulfil it. Tanks bro

Unknown said...

Wow magnificent

shalom said...

Hmm!this must have cost so much money

owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...

Oh, nice

Unknown said...

Wow May God bless him for this.

Lookman said...

Has anyone seen Jesus before, to have carved out his statue? God have mercy

Lookman said...

Has anyone seen Jesus before, for them to have carved his statue? God have mercy

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Let's all hope it's Jesus they truly serve

Anonymous said...

Idol worshipers will start going to kneel b4 the statue to pray now.

Anonymous said...

Love and faith to the world.

Unknown said...

Who e help?Jesus no send ona dis one joor

Liber said...

How did they know how Jesus looks like

Unknown said...

Wow..this is a true spirit of a Christian.

#linda give me 1bo#

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Catholics and statue sha

Unknown said...

Signs of end time, see how blind people are, you people are worshiping idol in the name of worshiping God

Unknown said...

Nice one.

Unknown said...

Nice one bt ope Nigerian christain fanatics don't turn it to something

My view not urs!!!!

Unknown said...


Olaaliu said...


Unknown said...

This is pure idol worship. Exodus 20: 4&5.

Unknown said...

Eiyahh... God bless you the more sir!

Linda chop kiss

Anonymous said...

Made in China...lolol, chance product.

joyousbabe,Linda IKeji first cousin said...

OK,good for them

Unknown said...

Ok seen

joyousbabe,Linda IKeji first cousin said...

Catholic church like worshipping images sha,

ijeoma(DAVIDO'S P.A) said...

Aww thats Good...Godbless him

Anonymous said...

I love this. The sight of it could make a sinner repent. May God bless His people.

nwa mazi said...

Ekene dili chukwu, chukwu agozi go gi mazi obinna onuoha na ezi na ulo gi.


Na wa for this same IMO state o!

Jesus I love you more than IMO state far far tho

Unknown said...

This is serious idolatry in the highest order. Whoever told them that is Jesus face? Hmmm God have mercy on them. End time tins.

Anonymous said...

Don't worship any carved image. 2nd commandment.

Unknown said...

Idol worshipping alert. The real jesus may not even look close to this statue. May God forgive their ignorance.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Kk o, seen #sneh




Unknown said...


FRESH said...

So it's not Rochas Okolobia using Imo state funds as being told on social media? Social media sure needs some regulation in Nigeria .Too much fake news everywhere. Ours is avert sensitive country. Lest we tear it apart by ourselves.

Anonymous said...

They wan form Brazil ......jesus statue at joi de Jene Rio is still dat best

Unknown said...

Too much money syndrome dey worry am

Unknown said...

Statue of White Jesus carved by the Chinese in Nigeria. Sometimes, People's stupidity even surprise Mr Ibu.
Who was the photographer that tookJesus pix
in over 2000 years ago?
Don't tell me Catholics use Jeffrey Hunter or Robert Anson pix as Jesus o

andre kelvin said...


Eddy Ogbunambala said...

WOW! Jesus is Lord

Unknown said...

Ok hope they won't start worshiping the image there by forgetting the message behind it.

kudos said...

I will never worship man made God...Believe

HUMBLE EVE said...


Unknown said...

Na wa ohhhhh.....


Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...nawao if am to comment about this!my people this is not jesus.when will catholics and other christains wake from their slumber!na hu take jesus pics then this statue is even older jesus was a young man@linda happy new year I go marry u this year

Unknown said...

You would prefer a black marble for Jesus statue! What is d issue wit color! SMH

Unknown said...

Allahu Akbar

Unknown said...

Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Okay, its really tall tho. 18plus

Okogba said...


Emmy Blu Modesto said...

What is dis one saying @Enyinnaya

CHYGURL from CHYNA said...

Negodu giant statue, let his faith and believe continually work for him. God bless u

Unknown said...

U just want to comment for comment sake.if u dnt knw wat to say,plz blow whistle.

ms.dharmmie said... comment...onto the next one

Anonymous said...

With all the poverty in the state, they're wasting money on a stupid statue. Do they know what Jesus Christ looks like?

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm no comment

Toni'Fresh West

Anonymous said...

Eyinnaya Dimgba u are so shallow minded. Will u ever build a one room apartment in ur life? Off course no! Ur comment is just poverty personified. Go and drink garri...

Anonymous said...

Eyinnaya Dimgba u are so shallow minded. Will u ever build a one room apartment in ur life? Off course no! Ur comment is just poverty personified. Go and drink garri...

Unknown said...

The 43-year-old boss of an oil and gas service company timed the statue's unveiling to coincide with his parents' 50th wedding anniversary........LINDA ARE U OK ? HOW CAN A 43YR OLD MAN BE CELEBRATING 50YS OF MARRIAGE ? SO HE GOT MARRIED LONG BEFORE HE WAS BORN ABI ? HE MUST HAVE BEEN AN ANCESTOR .....LINDA DARLING , BLOGGING IS LIKE DRIVING... WEN U DRINK DONT BLOG ! AND PLSSSSS KINDLY RETURN MY RING SINCE THINGS ARE NOT WORKING OUT BTWN US MA.... Linda return my ring !

Unknown said...

That's nice. Haters continue to hate.
Delsu calling.

Francissub said...

Ur name really sounds like d way u think.

Unknown said...

So nice love it. Haters continue to hate.
Delsu calling.

Famenaija NG said...

It's allowed o

Anonymous said...

Dimgba u're only naive nd God help u

Anonymous said...

Dimgba u're only naive nd God help u

Chris said...

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Catholics me earned! That's the word of the Almighty God.

Anonymous said...

My brother ike gwuru
And our real Messiah commanded us not to bow down before any carved image

Anonymous said...

A form of idol worship.
The Bible says do not bow down or worship any Graveney image of any form.
Jesus has paid the price of us all and those of us who should follow him should worship in truth and spirit and bowing down to a moulded sculpture.

Anonymous said...

A form of idol worship.
The Bible says do not bow down or worship any Graven image of any form.
Jesus has paid the price of us all and those of us who should follow him should worship in truth and spirit and not bowing down to a moulded sculpture.

Unknown said...

Hmm...Well done...

Unknown said...

The 43-year-old boss of an oil and gas service company timed the statue's unveiling to coincide with his parents' 50th wedding anniversary........LINDA ARE U OK ? HOW CAN A 43YR OLD MAN BE CELEBRATING 50YS OF MARRIAGE ? SO HE GOT MARRIED LONG BEFORE HE WAS BORN ABI ? HE MUST HAVE BEEN AN ANCESTOR .....LINDA DARLING , BLOGGING IS LIKE DRIVING... WEN U DRINK DONT BLOG ! AND PLSSSSS KINDLY RETURN MY RING SINCE THINGS ARE NOT WORKING OUT BTWN US MA.... Linda return my ring !

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm seen.

Unknown said...

Wow Igbo boys hollit

Unknown said...

Nice talk

Anonymous said...

@Enyinnaya Dimgba
I couldn't agree with you more. It is a shame that Africans cannot create images of their deities in their own likeness.

Lilian chinomso said...


Unknown said...

Enter your comment... Kul

Anonymous said...

It is only God that can have mercy on u.srop saying things u don't know

Unknown said...

it doesnt guarantee take note...turn away from evil

Unknown said...

Lol @ Enyinnaya. So true though.

Unknown said...

Good for them...just passing thru #libnation #vikkiloveslinda

Unknown said...

Great one,

Unknown said...

was not really necessary but since it came from an individual then it's kinda cool considering maybe he was trying 2 fufill d promise he made.

Unknown said...

And you non catholic why can you mind your buziness,people like you misbehave even will eating not to talk of other tins.his money not yours but if you need some why not copy the address and go visit him for help ewu or you can become one of us #Abi#

Unknown said...


Dan said...

Hope they Av him big in their hearts

Unknown said...

really nice. it Will serve as a tourist Attraction too. #lindaitsurboy

cube notes said...

European domination wins again, inferiority complex wins again, stupidity wins again. Common sense loses. And who told this man that's the actual image of christ?

Anonymous said...

Good one indeed. Awesome. We know Abajah is in Imo state even though you refused to say it. Hope our dear working governor doesn't come out tomorrow with a big bill board. By the way Linda it is 'Most Rev.Dr Augustine Toochukwu Ukwuoma' take note..

Unknown said...

Ok seen!

Unknown said...

To our Catholic ppl sorry to say this,but this a total waste of money. Ppl are hungry and jobless and yet millions of Naira is being spent on a stature. I think we need to start getting our priorities right in this country. Hian

Unknown said...

Enyinannaya on point

Most Handsome said...

Nonsence,money u shud av used in helping out odas u use am make statue,wetin pple go gain frm d statue nw,abi na to worship am?

Unknown said...

Seen. #IamMe

Anonymous said...

Lollll plus does people haven't eating people r hungry homeless can't pay school fees or maybe the status is edible .... Ignorance is really bliss I bet they think they r d shit now ....

Anonymous said...

Zombie o! Zombie in Felas voice

Anonymous said...

Very foolish question? Is only by a photography that someone's image can by recorded? What happened to the great artists of old who could only look at u and have a print of ur look on paper walls stones etc. Egypt is in africa u van read about dia history on sculpting and artistry. Stop being ignorant alhaji whatever

Anonymous said...

Lolz... Omoh take your time ooo

Unknown said...

True talk..

Unknown said...

God bless you u for your comment

Anonymous said...

um.....dats serious but why watse such on a satue.... When pp r looking 4 1meal.....

Unknown said...

Ana emegheri! These catholics sef...

Unknown said...


Aunty Linda Enter your comment...

Unknown said...

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.


Ikemefuna said...

Useless idiots,now I have confirmed why black people are called monkeys and apes incapable of reasoning.

How many factories and industries did the black ape that built this fake ass white dude he called Jesus build for his community ?

How many statue of his ancesstors did he erect anywhere around his village ? Youths are wallowing in abject poverty,no infrastructure but this brainwashed cow dung brain could afford to erect rubbish in the name of religion. Shame on you black people !

Unknown said...

Lwkmd....just can't stop laughing

Unknown said...

So what is the economic importance of this statue ....I hope say them do am well sha... Make e no go fall for people head.... #DANPHILIP#

Anonymous said...

You are a fool

Anonymous said...

Eyinnaya Dimgba could you pls mind your fucking business and face what ever stupid religion you are practicing. Why are Nigerians so stupidly opinioted to the point of being irritating

J.H.G OMONI said...

Naija.... Always ahead... Big JESUS.. Yet na we corrupt pass..

Anonymous said...

Thank you thinking Sir.

Unknown said...

Seen and will looking at it save people from their sin?

Unknown said...

Dats a good one. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Everyfin we do in this life is with shut up....y bliv in God hav u seen him b4?

Unknown said...

Good Work

VIA MY LENS said...

You got me laughing out loud;sometimes I wonder if some people really do think.Who told them that that guy is Jesus.Wastage at its peak.

lynda said...

You are just a fool

Anonymous said...

Retardedness. Stupidity.foolishness. i curse dumb Africans. Religion is shit. Christians are shitters. Grow brains africans. Stop being fools

Hon Oboro Preyor said...

Imo people..thats kul but they are two sided

Unknown said...

Lols...but d statue looks kul tho...

Lindaz in-law(my brother's wife)

Unknown said...

We have so many Jesus(s) in d world and I know this is not the Christ

Shaddy said...

Good day Linda... hasn't received d LIB giveaway 4rm u as promised...

Unknown said...


falz' gf said...

Pls always endeavor to get d msg ryt b4 commenting


Anonymous said...

This stupidity is exactly the reason why Africa remains underdeveloped....this should be termed the biggest foolishness of 2016....Jesus a blonde hair caucasian man with blue eyes from the middle east (Bethlehem or Nazareth as there r different subjective accounts) with a Spanish name (Jesus) born to an English mother(Mary) and now has the biggest image stature in Africa (Nigeria) man una dey try ooooo
Happy New Year to you Linda and all my fellow LIB readers, I pray the divine awakens our inner soul and opens our eyes of understanding so that we partake in his enlightenment and purpose this year...So mote it be

*Linda's Future Hubby*

Unknown said...

No comments. Only odiegwu linda

Anonymous said...

Ode.. Did you read well at all? Where did you see that it was his 50th anniversary when it is written clearly that it was his parents'... Abeg comot for here joor

Unknown said...

Natty my brother...........always being radical #ANA

Unknown said...

Chinese people that doesn't know Christ building His statue funny

Anonymous said...

Catholics are number one Christians like it or not. The calendar you use na them do am .even the bible cos they wr the first Christians. Na them go even tell you when easter go come.stop hating cos u can't pull them down. It's the only church founded by God himself.

Anonymous said...

The Bible says my pple are distroyed for lack of knowledge. (Ex 20v4-5) Says, Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve. Please let us be mindful of what we do in the Name of religion.

Anonymous said...

Pls with d little u have, hw many lives have u been able to touch?? Those of u dat buy different thngs for ur girlfrnds/boyfrnds, why not use d money to touch souls. He wants to fulfil his promise with his own money, and u ppl are killing urselves. Do u kw if he has helped people as well. Do not judge so u wont be judged.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Well done and God bless. Praise be to Jesus. Now and forever

Unknown said...

I don't know people are still this dumb . fucking white jesus

lala giggs said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely, but don't worship it

Unknown said...

Lol... Oh chim!help us with amadioha's image.


Unknown said...

Instead of them to make black Jesus like them they went and made white Jesus

Unknown said...

How about black Jesus

Unknown said...

How about black Jesus

Unknown said...

Instead of them to make black Jesus like them they went and made white Jesus

Unknown said...


geedup said...

Nw this is what I call idolatry. History is repeating itself. This is why I believe the Bible is more and more the realest thing ever since the inception of time

Pesin Pikin said...

Good record for the indegenes of Imo state...

Unknown said...

It is well .

When will I ever be the first to comment?

Unknown said...

Your ignorance is smelling .... Ask your father why his father kept a picture of his father ....

Unknown said...

what difference does it make in the

Anonymous said...

Let God be magnified.....jesus is coming soon be prepare

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