17 people, all members of Saudi special security members, were killed and more than 25 injured in an explosion at a mosque in the southern Saudi Arabian city of Abha, Asir province on today August 6. According to Saudi media, the bombing took place in the mosque used by Saudi special forces. Death toll is expected to rise. So far no group or individual has claimed responsibility for the
bomb blast. More photos after the cut...
Subuhannallah, may Allah bless their soul.
Jesus, wat's goin on?
Lord pls grant d families dat loss their luv one's d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP 2d dead and speedy recovery to those injured.
Hmm there are many things worth living for,a few things worth dying for & absolutely nothing worth killing for.Fools!
Terrorists everywhere, God help us all. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!
Terrorists everywhere, God help us all. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. Linda take note!
May the souls of the dead rest in peace.
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Na wa o. I can't even imagine the crowd in the after world with all this incessant killing.
Haba!!! What is happening in the world?!
May their soul RIP.....
may their soul rest in perfect peace..... dear Linda which one be" ON TODAY AUGUST 6"
This ISIS are not Muslims! Even the holy land if not exempted from their atrocities!
Hawuzu billah mina shaytani rojim!!!
Na wa o. Nowhere is safe anymore. RIP to the dead, and i wish the wounded quick recovery.
And do people still believe that these animals aka terrorists are Muslims?!Please,these are devils in human form.They executed women cos the women preferred to die rather than satisfy the horny bastards and except you haven't taken time to study Islam,Islam doesn't harm women or children and even only harm men during a war and not for the thrill of it.
I have taken time to ask questions from literate,practicing Muslims.This IS NOT Islam.
I think it's way past time the human rights people step aside.The military should be left to deal with this.I know there will be some negative effects in terms of rape and un provoked civilian killings but the way I see it,its already happening.why not get something out of it?These monsters are already raping and killing innocent defenseless women and children,the military can't do worse.!JESUS,take control and hear our prayers LORD!
Chaii, muslim why una dey do all dis killings?
Chaiiiii it is well. Jesus!! Just come already.
This is serious. I suspect the Yemeni rebels.
Oh Allah guide us
Dis idiotas just won't stop killing their people......rest in peace..
Well so far its their People,No wahala jare!
Lord pls grant d families dat loss their luv one's d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP 2d dead and speedy recovery to those injured.
Ur comment tho!
Christianity doesn't teach what u just said
Dey wia humans like u
May dia souls RIP,Amen
God knws de best reward 4 all de terrorists in de world
For this comment Micheal lawson , I pray God will over look your stupidity and pray God will not pass judgement on u for dis statement, whether they are Christians, Muslims , Hindu worshippers u must be heartless to make this statement , we are all human beings, u don't knw whether children were harmed or killed and u are making dis kind of statement. Mark my words God sees all and u will pay
Am sure isis r responsible 4 d blast, only God knw whr is safe 2 go now, RIP 2 d dead n quick recovery 2 d injured
RIP to the dead but am happy this is happening in Saudi Arabia sha, I tot they were bomb proof, they sponsor most of the killing and other shits in the middle east.......Moslem/Islam must go into extinction one day Henry Eze
RIP to the dead but am happy this is happening in Saudi Arabia sha, I tot they were bomb proof, they sponsor most of the killing and other shits in the middle east.......Moslem/Islam must go into extinction one day Henry Eze
sad. terrorists have spread like wild fire. May their souls rest in peace.
Can't u use ur head,if this re true Muslims y should dey kill fellow Muslims even in holy land...this shows there is something far behind this dan just religion
If isis are muslims why are they killing thier kind?some kind of people should use thier heads rather than follow media
Stop deceiving yourselves. They openly say they are Muslims and kill for Allah. If it were only al qaeda that we suffered , we'l say okay...maybe Osama bin Laden brainwashed them. Buh virtually all the terrorist groups in the world all say they are killing for Islam. Doesn't that tell you something is wrong somewhere. Y'all should just stop all dese useless denials noone believes anyways, and tell your chief imams to take responsibility and clean up your quran. Else y'all will continue to be the plague Every1 hates and runs away from. Mstchew. Confused dumb religion, you kill christians, demean women, are pedophiles and still kill other Muslims. By the way, some Muslims I know actually agreed that your quran says if you kill 'infidels', you get a number of virgins when you die. Fucked up people.
who is isis when Bush was the president of America
How dumb can u be, when did Saudi become a holy land....u need brain like Henry EE
How dumb can u be, when did Saudi become a holy land....u need brain like Henry EE
Don't know how u reason, but somethings are worth killing for.......like when u mess with my only sister, i can kikk ur whole generation for that only Henry Eze
Madam... These aren't Muslims, so stop yarning this shit
They are Islamic extremists...
The chicken has truly come home to roost. The Saudis have created and spread the mo steer of militant Wahabi Islam and now it's coming home to bite them. Pandora's box has been opened and can't be closed
muslims killing muslims...very good
This is sad! May the souls of d departed rest in peace....
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