Pastor Adeboye: “The Richest Man in the World - by Femi Aribisala | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Pastor Adeboye: “The Richest Man in the World - by Femi Aribisala

Article written by Femi Aribisala. Read below
“I have houses in at least 188 countries in the world, so I am richer than Bill Gates.” (Adeboye).
Recently, a friend took me to the jewel-in-the-crown of the Redeemed Christian Church of God; a glitzy parish called “City of David” in Victoria Island, Lagos. Displayed resplendently on a wall in the church-office is a design of their current building project; a 14 storey architectural extravaganza titled “Trinity Towers.”
Is Redeemed still a church or is it now essentially a business concern? The Trinity Towers project shows the lines are now totally blurred. Jesus warns: “No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Matthew 6:24). Nevertheless, this Tower of Babylon being built with church funds is designed both for the worship of God and for the worship of money.
The project is an appeal to crass commercialism; a blatant celebration of wealth. In this poverty-stricken Nigeria, the foundation of the building alone is expected to cost over 2 billion naira. Side-by-side with a 5,000 seat auditorium for church services are high-brow restaurants, cafeterias, indoor swimming pools, cinema halls, gymnasiums, retail shops, games arcades, lawn tennis courts, relaxation spots, and a helipad as the crowning glory. Of what relevance is all this “supermarket” in a church?
Anointing for carnality
A church-member, overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all, buttonholed me in the hallway. I did not know him from Adam, nevertheless, he held me hostage as he waxed lyrical about how the Redeemed Church was, to use his words: “taking over.” “We have already got the vice-presidency,” he said. (The vice-president of Nigeria is now a Redeemed pastor). “Next we will get the presidency,” he continued; “and then we will get DSTV;” (a South African satellite television network).
The anointing for this pride of life flows right from the top. The General Overseer of the Redeemed Church is Pastor Adeboye. A few years ago, he decided he needed a billion naira without which his “work of God” could not be done. So he confounded the Christian faith by establishing a “millionaire’s club.” To be a member, you had to hand over a million naira to him in Jesus’ name.
Thereafter, he upped the ante by calling for a “billionaire’s club.” He announced that he would be building an auditorium that can only be described as “fantabulous.” It would be a ginormous three kilometers in length and three kilometers in breadth. This project is clearly more designed to get Adeboye into the Guinness Book of World Records than it is to get the members of Redeemed into the kingdom of God.
Declared Adeboye on that occasion: “We need 1 billion naira from ten people. If you are one of them, please see my personal Secretary after we finish today.” Who are those likely to have this kind of money to give in the Nigeria of today except those who have cornered public funds? Thereafter, an announcer sought to know the members of the church who were “willing to join hands with our Father in the Lord to build a new auditorium to God’s glory.”
Vanity upon vanity
The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye. Adeboye’s project is reminiscent of Saul’s, who built a monument to himself. (1 Samuel 15:12). Nowhere in the entire New Testament was money ever collected for putting up a building. Money was only collected for the poor. The temple of God is no longer a physical building. The temple of God is now Jesus Christ.
Pastor Adeboye is getting increasingly carried away by vanity. I have a tape of a question-and-answer session he had with his church-workers a number of years ago in which he boasted that the time would soon come when, before anybody could aspire to be president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he would first have to talk to Redeemed Church. Nothing in the scriptures can be construed as suggesting this as one of the stated objectives of Jesus Christ.
A Redeemed church-member told me of another meeting he attended captioned: “A Day Out with the G.O.” It was a dinner for financial sponsors of one of the annual “Holy Ghost Festivals.” Pastor Adeboye boasted tongue-in-cheek on that occasion that the time would soon come when the Queen of England would plead to join Redeemed in order to work as an usherette. The audience reportedly responded with wild applause and shouts of “Amen.”
Richer than Bill Gates
At the just-concluded 63rd Annual Convention of the Redeemed Church, Adeboye declared that he is now richer than Bill Gates; widely acknowledged as the richest man in the world. He said: “I have houses in at least 188 countries in the world, where we have our churches, so I am richer than Bill Gates. Each time I visit these countries, my children would be struggling and saying daddy, come and stay with me.”
These “houses” don’t belong to Adeboye; they belong to Redeemed church. Knowingly or unknowingly, Adeboye distorts the gospel. Jesus says: “All who have given up home or brothers and sisters or father and mother or children or land for me will be given a hundred times as much. They will also have eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29).
However, Jesus words are spirit. (John 6:63). Therefore, his “houses” are entirely spiritual, while Adeboye’s are physical. Jesus does not make his disciples richer than Bill Gates. Instead, he says: “God will bless you people who are poor. His kingdom belongs to you! But you rich people are in for trouble. You have already had an easy life!” (Luke 6:20/24).
Adeboye continued: “If I announce here that tomorrow morning, I need a car to travel to the new auditorium, how many cars do you think would be made available to me by you my children? Those of you that do not have a car of your own, very soon, God will give you your own cars. So, I am appealing to you to become an incurable soul winner before you leave this convention ground and your cup will overflow.”
Anathema to Christ
This is nothing but the enticing word of man’s wisdom. Believers don’t preach the gospel in order to receive cars. We do because God commands that we do so.
Jesus had neither chariots nor horses. He had no lands and houses. Indeed, he warned a prospective disciple who wanted to follow him they would not be staying at the “Sheraton Hotel:” “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20).
Jesus does not speak like Adeboye. He says: “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.” (Matthew 10:24-25). Jesus’ example is anathema to Adeboye’s declaration that he is now the richest man in the world.
This is the word of Jesus the Adeboyes of this age choose to ignore: “It’s terribly hard for rich people to get into the kingdom of heaven! In fact, it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 19:23-24).


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Unknown said...

Hmmm! Ok

Bishop Dammy said...

Would have had settle down to read this before running into conclusion. Matt 7:1

Unknown said...

Things has changed nw so without money the word of God can never spread and thats fact....

Blog It With Olivia said...

†ђξ rich αи∂ wealthy ppl don't make noises, their wealth speak for them

Pls Pray for me as I write my final paper today....can't thank God enough for bringing me this far.....4years of stressful days in school αи∂ finally am a CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT


Unknown said...

Mtchewwww,rubbish....cant a man of God enjoy his father's blessings ??? If he was a poor pastor I bet people wd av shredded him too

Blog It With Olivia said...

†ђξ rich αи∂ wealthy ppl don't make noises, their wealth speak for them

Pls Pray for me as I write my final paper today....can't thank God enough for bringing me this far.....4years of stressful days in school αи∂ finally am a CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT


Angie said...



"If I announce here that tomorrow morning, I need a car to travel to the new auditorium, how many cars do you think would be made available to me by you my children? Those of you that do not have a car of your own, very soon, God will give you your own cars"
Lol thought he was going to give the cars he would collect to the members without cars.
Anyway lemme comment my reserve before his children come for me.
Monkey dey work, baboon dey chop.


Unknown said...

Dreamer,and a bragger,wait till tithes stop rolling in and u tell me how rich you are,Scammer!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmmm! I reserve my comments on this. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm! I reserve my comments on this. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm! I reserve my comments on this. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Some thoughts.


Sadly...churches are now business ventures. In as much as the writer stated some valid points,d man being referred to in this context is one I hold in high esteem bt not with standing we ain't blind to fact nor would be needing a soot sayer to tell us that it has become hard to distinguish a true man of God from the numerous self acclaimed prophets chasing money and politicians yet brandishing as men of God. Nonetheless only God can judge them

Anonymous said...

Wow!! writer, how I wish u were in that service to understand every sentence u quoted out of context. His so called 188 houses, were referring to his spiritual childrens houses in 188 countries of the world where redeemed has a church.
He asked everyone to be an incurable soul winner by doing Gods work and God will work for dem too.that even if u wanted 1 thing and asked , u would have in excess. I wonder if u heard him asking for shoes too? Or did u just leave out that sentence deliberately??
Pls let's learn to speak the truth or keep quiet so that we don't heap sin on our heads.
God bless u ,and make u and I worthy of heaven.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! writer, how I wish u were in that service to understand every sentence u quoted out of context. His so called 188 houses, were referring to his spiritual childrens houses in 188 countries of the world where redeemed has a church.
He asked everyone to be an incurable soul winner by doing Gods work and God will work for dem too.that even if u wanted 1 thing and asked , u would have in excess. I wonder if u heard him asking for shoes too? Or did u just leave out that sentence deliberately??
Pls let's learn to speak the truth or keep quiet so that we don't heap sin on our heads.
God bless u ,and make u and I worthy of heaven.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I kinda agree

Funso Samuel said...


tsticks said...

Mr oga , whatever a man one God says leave him to it , don't come here to criticize .its either u believe it or not and stop making noise ... And aunty Linda ,anything that involves church and men of God pls be careful on how u post dem on ur blog .. Don't let some wannabes ruin ur blog .. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Sooo...question: Are Christians then meant to be poor? Is it wrong for a Christian to be successful?

Anonymous said...

The media is so dangerous! They can twist your word ehn... O_O

Anonymous said...

Well said my brother. In less than no time it will be done on them.

Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote this deserves God s mercy, Adeboye is a true man of God , i can imagine the time wasted just to try to find fault in a man that is running the race with with all his life. He was just referring to Redeemed Churches that are found all over the world.,he is the richest because of the number of souls God has saved through his ministry not in respect of material wealth
may God have mercy on you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Femi,i wish u knw God n hw Mighty he is! Tke time to read the bible n ask the holy spirit to teach u as u read it. Have a blessed day Linda!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! writer, how I wish u were in that service to understand every sentence u quoted out of context. His so called 188 houses, were referring to his spiritual childrens houses in 188 countries of the world where redeemed has a church.
He asked everyone to be an incurable soul winner by doing Gods work and God will work for dem too.that even if u wanted 1 thing and asked , u would have in excess. I wonder if u heard him asking for shoes too? Or did u just leave out that sentence deliberately??
Pls let's learn to speak the truth or keep quiet so that we don't heap sin on our heads.
God bless u ,and make u and I worthy of heaven.

Anonymous said...

The aberration we find coated with the name of 'Jesus'.

Unknown said...

You this writer well so?

Unknown said...

You this writer well so?

Anonymous said...

It is so imperative dt d author is speaking out of context. Pastor Adeboye saying he is d richest man on earth was as a result of soul he has warn for christ. When he said he has houses in more than 188countries, he was referring to his church members houses that would be willing to host him in their respective homes.
Saying that Queen of England will beg to become an usher is it wrong? Can't she be an usher?
Can d author recounts how many serving head of states/ presidents that had visited him?
I am ain't him church member, but I so much luv his doctrine.
I will like the author to listen to his sermon all over again.
The author needs deliverance urgently

Anonymous said...

Not a member of RCCG but it's obvious this writer doesn't know what he meant when he said he has houses in 188 countries. He simply meant he has members in 188 willing accommodate him. The supermarket in the church is my problem but building a magnificent church isn't a sin. The temple proposed by David and built by Solomon was built with Gold. It cost money. But commercializing the church with a supermarket, cinema is my problem. Don't think they are needed in the church.

Prostrate Care said...

This man shld just shut it!! he God who to be judge a man of God??....i don't need to read further tho.

King Kunta said...

Good.. people's eyes are opening..

Anonymous said...

Linda, stay off religious issues! Except u want to run a religious blog! These things shldnt be published on ur blog! Know wen to say no! Make money and over confidence no put u for trouble. Nigerians can love easily and hate easily. Don't forget that! Good day

Anonymous said...

U nd femi are both fools,go nd listen very well to what he said,femi is a fool for twisting words nd you r a fool for posting it

Anonymous said...

i used to be a redeemer too, but i recently excused the mission because of this said vanity.... its real people, have optimum respect for this people but i fear that's not the generation God wants to raise

7F098C19 said...

And that draws my attention. Was Christ the richest man during his earthly time. Smh for our prophetic men and women of God. Linda someone was burnt to death, I guess his a thief at coconut APAPA this morning. Close to my place. Engr Emy

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

oga...this your write-up is complete trash and absolutely childish (a show of stupidity at its best)...Solomon spared nothing to build a befitting temple to worship God so what's all the fuss about City of David's building? Nobody forces anybody in a church to go break the bank so he can donate money rather you will be made to understand that it is a cheerful giver God loves. Immature and selfish minds like you will not understand the principle and that's why you are seeking publicity in such a cheap manner.

I also see you are so myopic that you consider 'wealth' to be physical/material - i don't know how to start with you but hey you need a paradigm need to change your mentality. Read wide, learn from successful people, cure yourself of ignorance and quit being myopic - you will understand what Adeboye meant when he said what he said.

Anonymous said...

Wetin concern yuh eh?Enemy of progress...

Anonymous said...

Touch not my annointed!,

Anonymous said...

Touch not my annointed

Anonymous said...

Touch not my annointed

Anonymous said...

Asala or wat is ur name sef, you are d mumu of dis month of august... ode man

Anonymous said...

Why do people twist and misinterprete words like this. This Aribisala should go and give his life to Christ before its too late. Awon oniranu

Anonymous said...

This Femi Aribisala is putting his hand inside fire. Do not speak bad against a true prophet of God. His motive is definitely not the way you see it. Therefore, u have no right to judge him. HOW CAN YOU? I only pray God forgives this guy. Thats all i can say. Daddy Adeboye of all people is whom he speaks of in such manner? hmmmmmmmmm. God will fight for him. And its sad you have God to contend with. God save your soul.

Anonymous said...

Why do people twist and misinterprete words like this. This Aribisala should go and give his life to Christ before its too late. Awon oniranu

Unknown said...

This is why I don't go to church! The blatant commercialization of christianity has put a lot of people off the path to serving God.

Chimuanya Eboh said...

Its obvious you are blinded and your ear is dull of hearing for you to understand the words and ways of the man of God. Pray that God will open your eyes to see His plans for those that love Him.

Anonymous said...

Linda,u have never said anything good about redeem,u only post d negative things

Anonymous said...

Wise words, be ready for the backlash though from the gaulible followers. Everyone is responsible for their souls on the day of resurrection. You can't blame the " men of God" for leading you astray. For on that day they will proclaim you all had free will.

Anonymous said...

I watched the convention life. "He said that he is the richest man in the world. He has houses in 188 countries. If he goes to any country, he has a house because his children (the members of the church) will be rushing to accommodate him. If he ask for shoe his will get so many shoes that will fill the building." He isn't bragging about monetary wealth but the blessing. Not that he build houses in these countries but people would want to accommodate him to receive the prophets blessing. For writing this crap watch what will happen to you.

Anonymous said...

Mr Aribisala or what is your name called, I think you are biting more than what you can chew, I have read most of your articles and sometimes I wonder If you are a learned individual or probably you just graduated from your own school of thought. I stand to tell you this day if you don't repent from your mismanaged words you always post concerning the Redeemed Christian Church and Pastor Adeboye the wrath of God will fall on you.
The fact that we are followers of Christ does not mean we should dwell in abject poverty, the Church has so many projects that caters for the needy and less privileged, so make your findings before posting jargon. You are saying Pastor Adeboye is glorifying himself and not God, I pity you! because you might be offending the Holy Spirit, you don't ascribe what belongs to God to the Devil. So Mr Aribisala go and look for a better Job to do.

Anonymous said...

It is a lie. Dat wasn't what he said.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand some people, if u see something ur not cool with or u dont like, y not ignore, wuld u a man of God to pronounce something in your life that will affect you and 10 of your generations? Y not leave him for God to judge? When u people start having problems, u'll say its ur step mum from your village. Hian I tire for Nigerians o. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

I dont understand some people, if u see something ur not cool with or u dont like, y not ignore, wuld u a man of God to pronounce something in your life that will affect you and 10 of your generations? Y not leave him for God to judge? When u people start having problems, u'll say its ur step mum from your village. Hian I tire for Nigerians o. Hmmm. Too know behavior

Anonymous said...

I dont understand some people, if u see something ur not cool with or u dont like, y not ignore, wuld u a man of God to pronounce something in your life that will affect you and 10 of your generations? Y not leave him for God to judge? When u people start having problems, u'll say its ur step mum from your village. Hian I tire for Nigerians o. Hmmm. Too know behavior

Anonymous said...

I dont understand some people, if u see something ur not cool with or u dont like, y not ignore, wuld u a man of God to pronounce something in your life that will affect you and 10 of your generations? Y not leave him for God to judge? When u people start having problems, u'll say its ur step mum from your village. Hian I tire for Nigerians o. Hmmm. Too know behavior

Anonymous said...

I blame the people that allow themselves to be deceived by this new generation churches.

You can be your own pastor and Deliverer.

Please be careful of false prophets. May shall come in my name on the last days.

Anonymous said...

I blame the people that allow themselves to be deceived by this new generation churches.

You can be your own pastor and Deliverer.

Please be careful of false prophets. May shall come in my name on the last days.

Anonymous said...

I recently excused myself from the mission because of this said Vanity.... Its real people... its eating deep into the church and we don't even know it... i might not be right about every thing else, but this is not the church God is hoping to raise...

Anonymous said...

wise saying Mr Femi but they will castigate you for the truth.

Joecel said...

Am not a member of RCCG but who ever was using scriptures to analyze the sayings of Pastor Adeboye is indeed very canal and ignorant of the scriptures, am not here to tell you if he is a true man of God or not but you yourself is a nobody and with this mindset you are on a path that seems right but the end is destruction.

Anonymous said...

So the church should be poor eeeh! So how will they travel to preach the word of God? Them go trek like moses na. Na sure banker. Shebi make church dey poor make people dey run sey Christianity na for poor people. Use ur head and think. How would the convention ground be gotten without money? The bible said that "it was through the grace of God that Jesus was mace poor that through his poverty we might be rich." so because we are born again we should be poor to enter the kingdom of God. This bashing of pastors by Christians have to stop. U will never see a Muslim bash an imam the way we do.

Anonymous said...

This Femi Aribisala has simply taken out substance from the original message and twisted it for his selfish purpose. He must have been inspired by the devil.

Anonymous said...

When Jesus was on earth he never had anything to do with the politics of his day. He also said in the last days people will prophesy in his name,make miracles in his name, Expel demons.but he never knows them.

Anonymous said...

Lord have Mercy

Anonymous said...

The writer is a fool. Adeboye doesn't mean he actually 'own' these houses. Or they're property of the RCCG. He means he can pop into any country and he'll be welcomed by a member of RCCG into their homes.
If you're a Yoruba man you'd understand that, THAT is wealth.
I think poverty has skewed this writer's thinking. I don't pray you know wealth so you can keep being unstable for the fun of all and sundry. Worst regards,

Anonymous said...

Femi,RCCG,City of David pays a lot of needy children sch fees and go to unilag n ask students there on hw the same parish helps the students.

Ojone said...

Mr Femi or whatever ur name is, u need help and u need Jesus, Period!

Unknown said...

The whole essence of this write up is just to appeal to people emotions and hereby creating a negative impression about the Man of God and his Church.I wonder why people just decide to mislead others based on their own school of thought.

pretty sweety said...

Mtcheeeeeeww! Stupid baseless write up. Mr. Femi look for something better to do with your life. For u our info Christianity is taking over. Shebi they have islamise Nigeria, we will christianise Nigeria.

Unknown said...

You r not in the position to judge any body or u will be judged. Didn't u see that in the bible from where u hv been quoting from?

Unknown said...

I don't understand this write up. May the lord fight for his own. That's my prayer. Some people are so jobless. Sorry this article wouldn't make you popular. Attention seeker.

BaddestReporter said...

And also for the record, Pastor Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God did not own houses in those countries, he was trying to preach how the grace of God has helped him and given him opportunity to go anywhere or live anywhere in the world without paying a dime because The Redeemed Church Of God that started from Nigeria is spread all over the world and as the General Oversea he is recognized as the leader. Are we not suppose to celebrate this? Linda God help you o and me too!

her royal majesty said...

Wetin be this na. Mr Femi leave this man alone. Face the issues of corruption in this country. If GO has issues why don't u employ the services of Efcc? What has he done to u? R u that broke?

Thompsony said...

Guy, abeg pack well, and stop using the words of papa upside down

Anonymous said...

What a fool. And linda you are a bigger fool for posting this.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anything else U've said but I'm almost certain the 188 houses he boasts of are not his but church members whose houses he's welcome to stay at on his visits.

Anonymous said...

Mr Femi Aribisala, did you really listen to Pastor Adeboye's speech? He said he had houses in 188 countries in the world because he has members in those countries, who will be happy to accommodate him for the duration of his stay there!!! Stop twisting words, Mr Writer. We can understand English too.

Anonymous said...

I can only wish Femi well. Cos you cannot judge another's servant. If you read your bible well, God punished Miriam for disrespecting Moses. Be very careful. You might just fall into some terrible mishap like those who have done the same silly move before you. Be warned.

Anonymous said...

I LUV U...... FINISH.... U have said it all bro!!!!
Blind followership....
Thanx for ur deep insight!!


Anonymous said...

omg im scared!

Anonymous said...

Whilst your prose is more than passable, you have done the christian faith a great disservice by distorting the comments of the man of God. Particularly the "richer than Bill Gates" bit. He was simply trying to communicate that as a result of the ministry of Christ, he has a global family and therefore many homes. I will not comment on the billionaire or millionaire club ambit, as I do not have facts in that regard. But I will say this, there are very few churches that have taken up the plight of widows, have-nots and other neglected minorities in our society, and unlike in bible days, this work costs billions of naira. It is for EVERY MAN to work out his salvation with fear and trembling, meaning put your eyes to the plough, do not look left, right or at Pastor Adeboye and his plough. Do not by giving judgment weaken other's much needed faith in this faithless world.

lil princess said...

Well, I hope this doesn't harm d man of God in anyway cos if it does then brother u av asked for a fight with God. "Touch not my annoited and do my prophet no harm". Even when David had d chance to kill Saul he didn't do it bcos he knew God annoited Saul b4 he went astray. Its not until u touch someone that u harm d person. Words also harm people a lot. Watch it brother
I am not a redeemer by the way but still there are sum tins u just leave for God

Unknown said...

Aribisala has written a "good read'' piece which ordinarily should elicit interest.
Am afraid to burst your bubble sir, but you have misconstrued the context in which Pastor Adeboye made the proclamations he made on the presidency or being richer than Bill Gates.
I suggest you seek clarifications.

Miss Tara said...


Anonymous said...

Ah whoever wrote this article should fear God o
i am a redeem member & i attended the convention & i must say majority of what i just read are false i couldnt even finish the article beacause i was disgusted about the auditorium this person that is aying pastor Adeboye asked for a billion from people didnt hear when he asked for thousands too? & encouraged members to give whatever they have towards the project He refers to them as "covenant partner" and for the Guinness book of record i hope to remind everyone that that is not the aim in the last concluded convention people sat on the road on friday without cover over their heads if u say he want his name there thats ur biz but saying things like this about a man of God either fake or real is wrong!

Anonymous said...

I would have chosen to ignore this blabber but to set the records straight, you have only succeeded in displaying your ignorance and a flagrant distortion of facts. I was present at the convention and i heard those words myself and all you have done is to misrepresent the man of God. You are not the first person to blab but the work of God and His Church is marching on. Like it or not Pastor Adeboye is one of the richest men on earth because of his children, that is if you have an understanding of that statement. I pray like Paul, you will one day see the light.

4nkylization said...

Plenty kisses to you for ds writeup.

Anonymous said...

I would have chosen to ignore this blabber but to set the records straight, you have only succeeded in displaying your ignorance and a flagrant distortion of facts. I was present at the convention and i heard those words myself and all you have done is to misrepresent the man of God. You are not the first person to blab but the work of God and His Church is marching on. Like it or not Pastor Adeboye is one of the richest men on earth because of his children, that is if you have an understanding of that statement. I pray like Paul, you will one day see the light.

Unknown said...

A wonderful piece which am afraid the author took out of the context in which it was made and intended.
I suggest Aribisala should seek for clarification

Anonymous said...

This guy is an illiterate. He said it from a spiritual point of view.

Anonymous said...

My prayer for Mr. Femi Aribisala is that God should forgive him. Reading through the article I noticed that he distorted information to deceived undiscerning readers for which reasons I do not know.
He created the impression that the super rich cannot be christians, please let him read about how God blessed Abraham in the Bible.
I was at the last convention of RCCG where Adeboye said he was the richest man in the world. This is not in terms of money but in terms of winning souls for Jesus Christ. He did say RCCG has church in 188 countries and which by implication means that Adeboye can sleep ('have houses') in 188 countries where RCCG members have houses. Please be informed that every RCCG member would be delighted to host Adeboye in his/her residence.
The intention was not for me to respond to every distortion of information in this article lest I will also be writing another lengthy article because Mr. Aribisala's article is full of distortions.
Mr. Aribisala seems to still be hurting from the defeat of former president Jonathan who is Mr Aribisala's hero. Many of the likes of Mr. Aribisala believed Buhari won the last presidential election because he chose Prof. Osinbajo (RCCG member) as his running mate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Femi or whatever your name is. Daddy does not have 188 houses or many cars. Our Daddy was speaking by faith. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. so that you don't get punished by GOD.You need to apologize.

Anonymous said...

This man is such a fool. First you interprete everything entirely the way you want to to suit you so you can get attention. He is richer than Bill Gates meaning he has God. He has over 188 houses everywhere there is a Reedemed Church meaning He has children of God in all these countries that are willing to shelter him whenever he's there. You dare speak evil of God's chosen one, be prepared for the wrath of the Almighty.

Jasmine Joseph said...

This man should shot the fuck up, and retract this his lame ass pointless essay. All in d name of freedom of speech every pea brain can now open their gutters of a mouth, oloriburuku why e dey pain u, go open ur own church ode oshi

Jasmine Joseph said...

This man should shot the fuck up, and retract this his lame ass pointless essay. All in d name of freedom of speech every pea brain can now open their gutters of a mouth, oloriburuku why e dey pain u, go open ur own church ode oshi

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Anonymous said...

Redeemed is like Mac Donald's....anybody can wake up tomorrow and open a franchise. It's almost like Catholic church, even Catholic just have more strict principles. It's a shame that adeboye that started has mixed light with darkness...

AMARACHI (LindaIkeji's Daughter) said...

Ok first of all this person seems like a very bitter person. Secondly p.Adeboye is human! He is bound to make mistakes and offend God. If u feel his ways are not right make it known to him not harshly but with love not by trying to gain cheap publicity like this. Don't speak ill about the Lord's chosen!

Unknown said...

I Don't go to church or mosque or any shrine. I don't believe in this people. So let the gullible ones respond in their own words

Chidinma said...

May God forgive whoever wrote this crap!!🙇🙇

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala, y bring trouble upon ur own head with ur words. Didnt ur bible teach u to birdle ur tongue? Didnt know u were an assistant GOD called to judge GOD's elect.
I pity u....

Anonymous said...

May God forgive this Writer.#ice5music

Unknown said...

Criticism.. Mr careful. You don't mess with a 'Man of God".. Stop now.

Anonymous said...

May God forgive this Writer.#ice5music

Anonymous said...

We need more fact tellers like this fellow in d world... Indeed a lot need be answered

muyixone said...

Congrats to d writer, the article is more of an exaggerated criticism of a pastor.. Some pple jst avail themselves to d devil to use... #jst saying

Akin said...

You are a dumb fool. The world knows that Pastor Adeboye is very humble. If he was about wealth u will know. If you head a church of millions you cant be poor. Did you find out what redeem does for the poor. Same city of David you talk of why not talk about their efforts to help people. And 188 houses means peoples houses cant u just get it. If pastor Adeboye comes to London who wont want to host him. Redeem doesnt maintain houses for Him. He visits some once in 5 years. Lets get our facts right. Now GEJ is no longer in power so you dont have crap to right.

And Linda you are just looking for traffic abi.

Taiwo said...

Too long episode!

But one thing is clear that the writer of this is not a RCCG member.

If you are, you will understand the RCCG MISSION & VISION and God's purpose in Daddy G.O's life and you will NOT base your "documentary" on your physical thoughts and reasonings.

God will make us all heaven-bound in Jesus Name.

Anonymous said...

Femi sef wan open church. Na una sabi...... not all is perfect in the church, but we strive towards perfection with so many stumbling blocks.
Femi twisted the words of the man...... when he talks about those houses, he refers to houses of members in those countries. Not necessarily for the church.
As a member, if the GO is visiting a country I am in, and he needs a place to stay, my house can be his.
Yes! He can be termed richer than BG if BG is not a child of God.
Anyway, let me go and concentrate on my own walk with God.

Unknown said...

You mis understood him he said he has children in 188 country that can give him shelter. He also said if he needs a shoe dt about 5000 people will be longing to give him.stop misunderstanding the man of God.pele

Anonymous said...

Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.....let God be the judge not you...thank you

Anonymous said...

This so called Femi Aribisala, you are exactly like my uncles who study their bible just to accuse Christians? i bet you don't know the bible you are quoting. my advise to you is go back and study the bible and come up with more brilliant write up.

you say you are a christian and you are pulling other Christians down.


4lla said...

femi aribisala, you wrote nonsense. i was at the just concluded 63rd annual convention and is illustration of him being the richest man in the world is totally out of context with what you wrote.

I employ other LIB readers to get the tape for saturday communion service or you can check it on you tube. why do people like lieing when the truth is available for people to confirm and if you dont understand English femi aribisala, i guess you need someone to take you all over. I leave you to God.

Unknown said...

FEMI Aribisala or whatever they call your name you are a very big fool for writing this stupid write just because a man of God said he has 188houses in different countries he is no more a man of God,I don't usually comment here even thou am a hardened liber..but bruh this writeup is so daft that I had to comment.. Did you care to see what led him to say that, do you know if it was an illustration, people sha you just brought out a point and want to use it against a man of God.ok now that you have written it what's your gain,Wetin that one teach us...mtchwww jobless,attention seeker human being..go get a life brush you know say baba adeboye has rode his life to a point..rubbish.. NB please don't think am a redeem member of am not

Unknown said...

Its not your fault, Christian is not a religion.....God needs to open your eyes to understand that the when God starts with you, even your enemy will bless you...

Unknown said...

Dis is true..I use to respect adeboye dos days seems now his into prosperity gospel ..well God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I may not be in support of some of these,but the truth is that Some will give their hard earned money ,most even give faithfully from very little or nothing yet some of these so called men of God lavish it on unnecessary material things.we have so many poor people in our churches living faith. God will not come down himself and bless he uses people,lets stop all this competition and cater for the needs off the less privilege amongst us, may his grace abound

Anonymous said...

Whoever that composed this is surely a non-believer that reads the bible as a story book. Wasn't Solomon one of the Richest pple that ever lived? So because Jesus christ gave a parable about a camel and a rich man, now means all rich pple won't make heaven? Linda you create an avenue for non-believers like this to convince a lot of sinners to continue with the wrong ways.

Anonymous said...

Shut up please, I was there so you do not know what you are talking about, this was about God been all sufficient and using our work for him on earth to bless us, especially evangelism , research more ok? Before posting such rubbish

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala is a Fool!!! Obviously lacks wisdom to understand what the poor man meant by having houses in 188 countries.

janeexclusive said...

Humm,only God knows his true deciples.vanity all is vanity.

gentle said...

This article is straight out of my heart honestly. Nowadays it's just money money money. Our priest delivered one homily that I haven't forgotten till today, 'after Jesus died, the people who followed his teachings gave up EVERYTHING they had to spread the word'. But out pastors today just acquire and acquire in the name of giving to the man of God and spreading word of God. Even some of our catholic priests sef, I just pray for them, some priests go on apostolic work to Chad, Sudan and impoverished african countries preaching God's word, while some stay in abj driving big cars. Since you can't get married and you've vowed to live a life of poverty, why not make the most of it. That is why we dnt have a saint here in nigeria, when you compare the life some of those saints lived,you know that we havent even gone quarter way of being as holy as those ancient westerners. Anyways it's God's place to judge but its not out of man's place to point out what he feels is wrong or right- at least that was the only thing we gained from Adam and Eve.

Unknown said...

Femi Aribisala should leave Baba Adeboye alone, why is he always writing about him? Look at house on the rock, Fountain of life church and other big churches, do u know how much they have spent on building?
So because we are Christians we should look wretched and dejected. Or we should live in poverty.
Been born again doesn't mean I should be poor. It only means my means to wealth should be pure and not to lead others astray.
The man u re attacking doesn't live large or dress expensive. How many times have u seen Baba Adeboye is expensive cars. While many other pastors live big.
Pls leave him alone and get yourself saved first.

OSINANL said...

I think what he meant by saying he is richer than Bill Gates; is about RCCG worldwide not his personal houses

Anonymous said...

How dare you speak against a man of God! How much of the sacrifices Adeboye has made in his life time do you know? How much of his daily self-imposed hunger do you know about? Now that God has made his cup to overflow (as He promised us) all you can do is whine! We chose to serve God in abundance having paid the price. You can chose to live in poverty. It's all about choice and what we ask God for. You have not seen enough of RCCG. This is just the beginning. Olu

Unknown said...

May God forgive you of this blasphemy!!!!

LOLA said...

Some people will write articles that will land them in hell fire. pastor adeboye said hes richer than bill gate truly but he didn't mention that he has physical houses but because of all the parishes planted in 188 countries of the world. did God regard what he said as sin? why don't u allow everybody to be judged by God? as per the new auditorium, I was at the last convention and the old auditorium could not contain everybody,there was an overflow even outside the auditorium. do you think there is no need for a bigger auditorium? did he ask YOU to donate money?the people that donated money for the construction are not complaining oooo. don't judge and be judged by GOD.

Unknown said...

Who made you a judge over pastor Adeboye. Don't forget the bible said we should not judge people and why are you misinterpreting his words, yes his building mighty or big churches what of those buying private jets

mrpencil said...

God is so patient........

Linda's boyfriend said so......

Unknown said...

After reading all Ur rant, do I need to remind u that Jesus Christ was stricken naked so that we may have clothes to wear? My Lord Jesus went through all that so that we as his children will enjoy today, all the priest and prophet in the Old testament were all rich,was David not rich?what about king Solomon, Mr man children of God supposed to be the richest ppl in world, so now run along, God bless all christian. #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#

P-gurl said...

Hhhmmm! "Judge not that ye be not judge." Leave all to God. Let's not forget he's Gods servant.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

hes doing the will of God.

Anonymous said...

lmao...this is utterly the most ridiculous write up i have ever seen here. seriously?Femi you are a joker!!balant lies dude!c'mon grow up....i saw this coming, Pastor Adeboye has been quiet about Prof Osibanjo's appointment as the VP and i just knew pple like you,'Ignorant' pple like you would come up with sth to just make him talk so you have something to hold on to. FYI Pastor Adeboye has never declared his assets, and never will. As regards the building project, dude have common sense na, the money was raised voluntarily.Keep judging him, why not guard your own 'self proclaimed righteousness' and let Him be.

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala.....go and sleep if your dont have anything to do. please what did i learn from the story? a confused person looking for 1 hour fame.

jo said...

Dear Mr Femi Aribisala,
i honestly don't know who you are or what you do but i think you missed the most important part of the bible Luke 6:37 Thou shall not judge.

You took your time to dig up evidence and facts that can't even get into heaven.

i'm not a member of The Redeemed Christian Church of God so i won't say i really know their way of doing things....but one thing i know is if God calls you,he will definitely provide for you and your generations to come.

i'm not that religious too but its just simple logic, adeboye didn't become big over night,who knows what he might have gone through? ,all the fasting and prayers plus night vigils to get to where he is now, so Technically he paid his dues and now he is "balling"
your write up was very creative and you investigated well, but its not worth it,
what shall it profit a mr Femi Aribisala to judge by the way of man and end up being "the accuser of the brethren"

Unknown said...

Be careful with what say or type on a Monday morning before the fire of the almighty strikes u down,U are condemning an anointed man of God like pastor Adeboye

Anonymous said...

Foolish article from a poor and spiritually blinded man. He is so canal to understand the level of grace and anointing of God in the life of Pastor Adeboye, not to talk of understanding the deep things of God and the scriptures he is trying to quote to justify his rubbish article. Attention seeker.

Jayluv said...

Femi Aribisala or wotever ur name is,itz obvious ur an agent of d devil. I promise u'll regret all u just said n beg for forgiveness.
I think people should learn to listen well before making comments n saying wot suits them.

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala or what did you call yourself? You know little or nothing about God, Adeboye, RCCG or her members.

You are also not in the position to condemn Pastor Adeboye as your hand is soiled with corruption. You ate with any government in power and became the mouth piece of Goodluck Jonathan at a time.

Adeboye was speaking in parables as we all know he does not even have 1/1000 of the physical material worth of Bill Gate. How many houses does he personally have in Nigeria? Where were you and your ilks when Adeboye gave his gratuity as a senior lecturer to God through RCCG? Where were you when he left his well paying job that made him a PHD older as a young man? Where were you when he left his duplex to live in a room and a parlour for gospel sake? Where were you when he left the city to live inside jungle at the deepest part of Mowe /Ibafo in Ogun State when the place was not developed in the 80s?

His jet was bought by 5 members for him considering his itinerary all over the world. He gives his assets to the poor and ensures no senior pastor of RCCG hungers.

You better be concerned about your salvation than warning Adeboye who is a General in this our dispensation in God's assignment.

Unknown said...

This article lacks truth and substance.

Anonymous said...

The writer is a fool for talking out of his anus. Why can't you leave the whole thing to God? If he (adeboye) is enriching himself by taking from the masses it's left with him and his God. Nobody is worshiping him and nobody is scared of him we are only obeying the word of God which says. Respect my prophet/servant.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not Adeboye said these things I do not know...i know that whoever is making these allegations is a sound person who knows his/her theology...too many clowns walk around in Nigeria worshipping their pastors and they don't even read the Bible for themselves to see whether what their pastor says is true...the Bible says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6) and that is exactly what will kill us in this country...nobody wants to think and reason and search for truth... They'd rather carry their heads to church every Sunday and take what pastor says as's not Adeboye I blame for this ... It's those who give him the leeway to say these things and chant a big "Amen" after such stupid declarations.

mcmeffy said...

As for the Trinity Towers of City of David I have not made up my mind to say nada abt it. Oga Aribasala leave Pastor Adeboye alone it is not ur place to judge him,he is an anointed man of God and also one of His representatives! Is it wrong for someone to have ambitions??? We all know that money is needed to fund God's work if not the Gospel will not spread to less developed countries and d missions will be handicapped! W@ Patstor Adeboye meant was that he had a lot of spiritual children with whom he could stay with anyday anytime! And u also need to visit the Redemption Camp ground @ d annual convention and Holy ghost congress for u to understand d@ d auditorium is just too small for people to be comfortable in,hence the need for a bigger place(which is almost ready). It's a free world tho and jst thought to sensitive u!

Anonymous said...

The writer is a fool for talking out of his anus. Why can't you leave the whole thing to God? If he (adeboye) is enriching himself by taking from the masses it's left with him and his God. Nobody is worshiping him and nobody is scared of him we are only obeying the word of God which says. Respect my prophet/servant.

Anonymous said...

Well.. Mr. Femi I do not know ur reasons 4 analyzing pastor Adeboye Buh d same bible which u are quoting say touch not my anointed nd do my prophet no harm. D touching or harm isn't physical.. u can harm som1 by insulting or tlking bad about d person... well I hav noting much 2 say just count ur teeth wit ur tongue b4 wat u Dnt knw Ll hit u!!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm,hw true is dis gist?

Dammihdope said...

This guy has some reasonable points....but has more of imaginary points just to justify his poor minded articles....

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala,whats ur point exactly???Pastor Adeboye is busy depopulating hell and populating the kingdom of a christian,how many souls have you won??how many lives have you touched??how many children do you cater for??how Manny widows are on you pay roll?? And ure here blabbing..Please go annd take several seat.

If I serve a great a rich God,why would I live in poverty,If you haave the resources you can build house made of pure gold,but if someone builds that for God it becomes ur headache,the same money you Aribisala lavish on ladies is hard for you to give God.stay there and continue to rant rubish,God has blessed Pst Adeboye annd not even you can tannish his don't need a soothsayer to confirm that.

You have not done half wht he has done,wonn millions of souls for christ,take care of millions of widows,orphans, helpless, homeless etc.

Better watch ur words before heaven cut u down like a tree.

Unknown said...

God's appointed judgement will soon be on these ones...turned people's mind away from the truth because of their greedy inclinations (2 Peter 2:1-4). These self-acclaimed men of God should know that their ministry is never in any way leading people to salvation...for they are lovers of lawlessness who glorify riches, and are without the love of God (1 Timothy 6:6-9) It's a pity that people now flood into the gates of such demonic ministry (1 john 4:1,3,5 and Mat 7:13) Has he not read it in the bible that a prophet of God should not amass gold and silver for himself? We know his ministry is of the word, because it's fruith bear lawlessness (Matthew 7:16, 18)

Anonymous said...

I listened to this sermon....that was not what he said. Yeye guy

_Smy_ said...

Hmmm...who ever is writing this should be careful. I have warned

Anonymous said...

May the penalty of your words, Femi Aribisala never depart from you and your household.

Anonymous said...

Words for the wise...but now people will start cursing this man and totally forget d key message in this write up.

Anonymous said...

you better shut up make investigations before posting rubbish on your blog and the man in question does not need to lay a curse on you its disappointing...Linda
go make your investigations properly

Anonymous said...

Iam not surprised about message or statement of Femi Aribisala because in every disciples there must surely be a JUDAS. Is he a member of Redeem Christian Church of God? or Is he a born again christian or church goer? He should go for a thorough deliverance to deliver him from Satanic forces of destruction.

Unknown said...

This is what you do when you are jobless Femi... Criticize other people. Get a life Femi!

Daniel Blessed said...

Vanity upon vanity. Save our souls Lord from the subtle device of the devil

Anonymous said...

So ppl went there to get healed and saved nd u went there to find faults. Ppl take somtin and twist it to soothe them. Nd he is rili quoting bible to support hz point. Nevertheless the devil used the scripture to try to tempt Jesus. Christians think our inheritance is poverty. If a Christian is the richest man its for the good of the kingdom of God and the shame of d devil cos unbelievers will know that u can actually hv everything in God. U don go school we no go hear, wu him evn b 4 d muvee sef, which part him dey act?

Anonymous said...

Please thread carefully, even if u are correct which I am not saying that you are. You don't just talk about men of God like that. God is the owner of all souls and will determine what to do. You might have quoted Pastor E A Adeboye out of contest. Be warned.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Femi Aribisala, your write up lacks substance and depth. I feel like you are just a bitter person who has refused to see anything good in anyone. You are on a mission and i hope you reap the due fruit of it. I cant even understand why you will distort what Pastor Adeboye said, cut out in bits and pieces and put them together as what you want it to seem like. I just dont understand it. I was at the convention and my conclusion is you must have been sleeping or you just lack the ability to make sense of information. You are very shallow and you need help from the HolySpirit to see things right. I dont even understand how you can sleep at night with what you have done. You have deliberately twisted the words of a prophet for the purpose of your own relevance and desire as many people as possible to follow you. Are you that bored. To all those who will have something to say i plead with you to get a copy of the message of the convention and hear for yourself what Pastor Adeboye said and why hesaid it. He was adjourning the congregation to win souls for Christ and that by so doing you will reap a huge rewardwhuch includes the goodwill and honor of those those whose lives you have restored to christ. I dont even know how to evendeal with this man'swrite up. My conclusion is you just need help Mr. Aribisala

Anonymous said...

Please thread carefully, even if u are correct which I am not saying that you are. You don't just talk about men of God like that. God is the owner of all souls and will determine what to do. You might have quoted Pastor E A Adeboye out of contest. Be warned.

Unknown said...

vanity upon vanity. Save our souls Lord from the subtle device of the devil and the evils of this present world

Unknown said...

a sinful world

Anonymous said...

Oga Aribisala, which one be your own? why the beef? Is the same bible that promised us that he which us above all things that we prosper. So Baba Adeboye is living in prosperity. CHIKENA

Unknown said...

needless article. God help your soul!

Anonymous said...

Oga Aribisala, which one be your own? why the beef? Is the same bible that promised us that he which us above all things that we prosper. So Baba Adeboye is living in prosperity. CHIKENA

oguike Emmanuel Obiora said...

Nawaoo, This words are not for Pastors Adebayo alone but for every clergy and child of God.

mr Goldberg said...

I often have issues with pple who know nothing abt spiritual issues, but still wan2 jump on them as they wud political. I've said it time and time again that issues pertaining to spirituality should remain sacrosanct. Keep opinions like these to yourself or end up like Mirian and Aaron urself or end up receiving

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I will post a comment on LIB but I had to do this because I can already begin to imagine the series of comments that will follow this.

Dear Mr Femi Aribisala, I am not a member of RCCG but I am a devout christian who understands the importance of what you claim is a distortion of the teachings of Jesus.

After reading your article, I really wonder why you are so pained about what is going on in this great ministry.

First, I can bet your money is not a part of what you have so harshly criticized. If so, why not mind your business and keep shut, those that gave for those projects are getting blessed and are not complaining. You might say they're being brainwashed but don't you wonder how they've been growing stronger and bigger despite the fact that you have so "cleverly" kept your money to yourself?

It's a principle of sowing and reaping and it has been proven over the years. People like you cannot understand it. You and as many others that share your optimism can keep your money to yourselves and they will do bigger things than what you've seen.

For the records, the church of Jesus Chris is beyond Sunday and midweek services. Get that straight!

You quoted (Matthew 19:29) and left out the part of the scripture that said ..."in this life and in the world to come"... Hypocrite. I guess you were so blinded by what you wanted to portray that you decided to distort the whole picture by quoting the scripture out of context.

I pray that God will forgive you and hope that you realise your error for posting such articles which in my own opinion is just to gain cheap popularity and attention.

I would have taken the time to reply your article paragraph for paragraph but that will be for another day.

Just get this straight.

The church of Gd will wax stronger and stronger until Jesus returns.

Xmoke said...

Everyone has their own way of understanding things. This man happened to share his, and i think it's a very poor understanding. It can not be pure.

Unknown said...

May the Lord guide us unto the straight path.

Tolu J said...

Hmmmmm, I say Hmmmmmmm, this Femi Aribisala of a person should not make himself a lucifer propagating the kingdom of darkness. I am saying this not in defence of Pastor Adeboye, but in defence of the truth. I would have wondered if i did not personally listen to the nmessage where Pastor Adeboye made this comment my self live on TV. What Mr Femi Aribisala has done is to misconstrue and misrepresent by all means the words of Pastor Adeboye and he is therefore commended to God on that matter. I am not a member of RCCG so he should not bring up the issue of members coming to defence. Whoever are the followers of this man(Femi Aribisala), i think they need to use some eyeglasses to critically assess him. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Femi you are just a sad spiritual illiterate seeking to be relevant. Na you be anti-christ

Anonymous said...

There appears to be a form of competition among pentestocal churches especially RCCG and Winners chapel of who owns the largest church or building. This is going round all the churches not just Adeboye. The road that leads to hell the Bible states is wide but that which leads to heaven is narrow. Let him that has ears hear what the Bible says.

Anonymous said...

When u finish blabbing, u will gerrarahere.. Do u know why the new auditorium was built.. V u ever been to Convention ground? To see the crowd, to see how people suffer if rain falls on a program day.. Let judgement be for God and ofcourse, let God be d judge of every man according to his works.. So leave pastor alone and face ur own headache. To me, u should have other priorities rather than give ur self headache on what a man of God does or says.. And besides, u remember that scripture that means d earth is d Lord n d fullness there off, if God decides to bless his son abunduntly, it's none of ur business.. Pray for ur own blessings too.. I see resentment n anger In ur write up so do better next time.. Kapish.. Pardon all my typos, autocorrect n all errors. Thank you

Anonymous said...

i do not have time to read thru all u've written mr Femi, but the 2 pragraphs i read i know where u r coming from, i agree with some of things u wrote there like what is the essence of a swimming pool in a church but when it comes to beautifying the church with glttering stones i do not see how that is a problem, bcos if u r so knowledgeable u would av gone to the bible, make ur research before writing nonsense about poverty in the country, bcos of poverty in the country must God's house reek of it, did u not read of the temple Solomon built for God, of the gold- pure gold used there, have u not read that the streets of heaven is made of gold, should we not replicate God's throne with a place we're caling Him to come dwell in. Mr Femi pls spare me ur thrash, leave controversial topics as this out of ur write ups and u may become famous.

Anonymous said...

do not speal ill of a man of God the effect ma bad gan ur tongue very dangerous weapon......ask dos pple in the bible dat spoke rudely to their death end am oooo, be careful wat u say

Anonymous said...

Femi Aribisala you are a cow and a Goat infact a very big FOOL at that. So if this building was built by sinners you will call the building a Sprawling Tower but now that the Children of GOD are building for GOD, it has become a sin and a waste. You allowed your FOOLISH mind and heart to be used by Satan just as he used Judas Iscariot. A muslim will never try what you just did and please be reminded you Femi Aribisala FOOL that we are giving willingly and our GOD, the GOD of RCCG, The GOD of Abraham, The GOD of Isaac, The GOD of Jacob, The Holy one of Israel is BLESSING us abundantly. We have never lacked anything and will never lack, we did not come to meet you for money so put your dirty smelling mouth and Opinion in the position of permanent SHUT UP. You PIG

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Aribisala, Please Shut- UP! I was at the referenced Holy Ghost Convention and what Pastor Adeboye said, and i Quote is this "If Bill Gates wants to stay in any part of the world, he'll have to pay for the best hotels but if i want to stay anywhere, all i have to do is make an announcement and my children all over the world will be more than eager to accommodate me, free of charge". The houses neither belong to him nor the church, rather he was trying to emphasize that when God prospers a man, it goes beyond physical wealth and extends to goodwill. Bill Gates has the money while Pastor Adeboye has the goodwill which enables him get things without having to spend a dime, hence being 'richer'. I ordinarily would not have responded to write-ups like this but evil thrives when people stay quiet in the face of blatant distortion of truths by wicked men such as this. May God help us all.


Anonymous said...

The writer is SO RIGHT, this is why we're so poor and backward because we chose to worship the likes of ADEBOYE. I like in the UK and the white Christians do a lot of charity work, live the most modest lives and the churches are not edifices neither does those leaders fly on PJ. You lot should stop giving your money to the likes of ADEBOYE etc.

UK Tog

Anonymous said...

Okay! seen, read and understood Mr. Aribisala the Bill Gate advocate. But do not forget, whenever you are talking about God Almighty bear in mind that HE is not a reached God. Except you are talking of other gods,then you have a good point.

anonymous said...

Every point raised here was picked 'out of context. '
When Pst Adeboye said he has houses in 188 nations, he was not talking of the church, but of members who would gladly take him in.
We should be careful how we judge men of God, ' touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm' says the Bible.

sonia said...

Femi aka devil's advocate,so is Daddy E.A ADEBOYA dat even d blind knows he is a man of GOD dat u re talking 2 lik dis abi? D thunder way go fire u is stil doing press up. & 2 anybdy supporting dis bastard, may d GOD OF ADEBOYA don't spare u tins as well IJMN I PLEAD AMEN!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr femi for the great write up,I know most of you have been blind folded with the tricks and lies of your so called men of GOD,you better wise up and understand most of them are after money,the writer is correct......Christians stand up and fight your so called entrepreneur pastors...

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Pro said...

Bros what ever u say is ya concern. Children of GOD should be the Richest in this world. I'm on my way O soon I too will be talked about.

That vuvuzela P guy

Ms bee said...

I think people need to get their facts right before publishing nonsense really.. If a simple Joke is taken out of context, then u must need to check ur brains.. If RCCG is in over 188 countries and G.O says he has houses there, is it not obvious he said that kos he has children who technically have houses and live in these countries. Nigerians are d problem of Nigerians. God can bless every body if he chooses too, if u are angry or pained.. Prayer is free, pray for ur own blessing, annointing and houses..wont it be wonderful sef if today we hear that the world richest man is a Christian? Rant on and on for all I care but to me, this write up is Baseless and one thing I know, people are too quick to judge n read good intentions out of context. If RCCG brags like u claim, why is the new auditorium being delayed? Why was it not built in two months or something? Pls get ur facts right and stop talking based on them say them say.. Everyone knows G.O is way way humble and he says a lot of jokes so pls don't carry his matter on ur head like as clueless writer. If u don't know what to write, write about sambisa forest or boko haram members.

Unknown said...

Pls don't die in poverty. Who ever that publish this has poverty mentality. Pls ask the way out if u don't know the way to kingdom prosperity
Not until u carry gone or u beg for arm that u become rich or it is not when u become poor that u make this heaven
In fact when u are poor u will be tempted to still or. Covet another man's property. Pls be wise

hrm paul ojeih said...

You are right we av misplaced piority in christianity I don't get it any more it's all moni moni moni.instead of sharing d moni to d poor na wa o diaris god o

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Omolola said...

Mr writer, were u there when he said all this? If u were not there, u can like to shut up already. Thank u

anonimous said...

Foolish femi!

baby gal said...

Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm!....what right do you have to judge any man at all not to talk of the prophet of the most High...God wishes prosperity and good health for all those that follow him so if u don't belong to that group, u dont have to be jealous of those that do...Let God be the judge!!!

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