The Special Number | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

The Special Number

Every kid always has their own version of things, just like this beautiful little girl I met in church some weeks ago. So the choir was rendering a popular special number to a rather sleepy audience, when this little girl suddenly rose up from her seat and started to sing her own version of the song, even the man snoozing with his mouth wide open at my side, woke up with a start and I myself was left speechless. 

The songwriter might not agree with the words she mumbled and jumbled together, but at least she managed to carry the perfect tune. She got everyone all excited and bubbly on their seat in an instance that the choir head had to ask her to join them on the stage. 

And that’s when the magic ended, just as the microphone was put in her hand or perhaps it was the round of applause that filled the room, because she suddenly went shy and called for her mummy.

Thinking back now, I am sure we all wish she continued.

Not too sad though, here’s another chance for us to enjoy our children’s creativity! Does your child sing at every chance they get?  This time around, there’s no need for microphones or stages to scare them away.

The THREE CROWNS: BACK TO SCHOOL competition is starting from the 3rd of August to 31st of August. Get your children to participate in this fun competition just by sending in a video of your kid singing the Don’t you wish” song from the Three Crowns Milk T.V Advert to Your kid must be between the age 3years to 6years old. The more exciting and creative the videos are, the better the chances of winning!
Every single day, entry videos will be announced on our Facebook page, so that you can be sure your video is in and the 5 most exciting and creative videos will be selected from the lot and uploaded on the Three Crowns’ Facebook page on the 28th of August 2015. 

What’s more, the 5 winning videos will be rewarded with shopping vouchers worth N50, 000 each! Imagine what N50, 000 can buy! -New bag packs, new uniforms, socks, shoes, books, stationeries, provisions, school fees… you name it! - Everything new, for your child to resume school fresh and ready. 

So mums, what are you waiting for? Send in your child’s video and get everyone wishing their child is as creative as yours.
Terms and conditions apply.


Unknown said...


Jasmine Joseph said...

Na wa oooo Linda everytin na advertisement for u, business woman

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Nice one and also captivating. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Nice one and also captivating. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Nice one and also captivating. Linda take note!

Blog It With Olivia said...


Pls Pray for me as I write my final paper today....can't thank God enough for bringing me this far.....4years of stressful days in school αи∂ finally am a CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT


Blog It With Olivia said...


Pls Pray for me as I write my final paper today....can't thank God enough for bringing me this far.....4years of stressful days in school αи∂ finally am a CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT


Angie said...


Unknown said...

So they make up this story then..... Funny.

Unknown said...

I knw linda was upto something with this write up...three crowns. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahah

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Madam advert

Unknown said...

Lol..cute lil girl

Pro said...


That vuvuzela P guy

Unknown said...

Congrats ngene olivia

Victoria said...

My boy must participate in this competition, 50k is not easy to come by these days. Nice One Three Crowns

Anonymous said...

I love this write-up. The story kinda reminds me of my son when he was much younger (even though his was a dance burst session). I can totally relate. Will have my sister to get her daughter to participate in the competition.
Good one Linda.

Anonymous said...

I love this write-up. The story kinda reminds me of my son when he was much younger (even though his was a dance burst session). I can totally relate. Will have my sister to get her daughter to participate in the competition.
Good one Linda.

Unknown said...

she fine shaaa

Unknown said...

Lol, nice one.


Unknown said...

That's my girl

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