Pastor Adeboye: “The Richest Man in the World - by Femi Aribisala | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Pastor Adeboye: “The Richest Man in the World - by Femi Aribisala

Article written by Femi Aribisala. Read below
“I have houses in at least 188 countries in the world, so I am richer than Bill Gates.” (Adeboye).
Recently, a friend took me to the jewel-in-the-crown of the Redeemed Christian Church of God; a glitzy parish called “City of David” in Victoria Island, Lagos. Displayed resplendently on a wall in the church-office is a design of their current building project; a 14 storey architectural extravaganza titled “Trinity Towers.”
Is Redeemed still a church or is it now essentially a business concern? The Trinity Towers project shows the lines are now totally blurred. Jesus warns: “No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Matthew 6:24). Nevertheless, this Tower of Babylon being built with church funds is designed both for the worship of God and for the worship of money.
The project is an appeal to crass commercialism; a blatant celebration of wealth. In this poverty-stricken Nigeria, the foundation of the building alone is expected to cost over 2 billion naira. Side-by-side with a 5,000 seat auditorium for church services are high-brow restaurants, cafeterias, indoor swimming pools, cinema halls, gymnasiums, retail shops, games arcades, lawn tennis courts, relaxation spots, and a helipad as the crowning glory. Of what relevance is all this “supermarket” in a church?
Anointing for carnality
A church-member, overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all, buttonholed me in the hallway. I did not know him from Adam, nevertheless, he held me hostage as he waxed lyrical about how the Redeemed Church was, to use his words: “taking over.” “We have already got the vice-presidency,” he said. (The vice-president of Nigeria is now a Redeemed pastor). “Next we will get the presidency,” he continued; “and then we will get DSTV;” (a South African satellite television network).
The anointing for this pride of life flows right from the top. The General Overseer of the Redeemed Church is Pastor Adeboye. A few years ago, he decided he needed a billion naira without which his “work of God” could not be done. So he confounded the Christian faith by establishing a “millionaire’s club.” To be a member, you had to hand over a million naira to him in Jesus’ name.
Thereafter, he upped the ante by calling for a “billionaire’s club.” He announced that he would be building an auditorium that can only be described as “fantabulous.” It would be a ginormous three kilometers in length and three kilometers in breadth. This project is clearly more designed to get Adeboye into the Guinness Book of World Records than it is to get the members of Redeemed into the kingdom of God.
Declared Adeboye on that occasion: “We need 1 billion naira from ten people. If you are one of them, please see my personal Secretary after we finish today.” Who are those likely to have this kind of money to give in the Nigeria of today except those who have cornered public funds? Thereafter, an announcer sought to know the members of the church who were “willing to join hands with our Father in the Lord to build a new auditorium to God’s glory.”
Vanity upon vanity
The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye. Adeboye’s project is reminiscent of Saul’s, who built a monument to himself. (1 Samuel 15:12). Nowhere in the entire New Testament was money ever collected for putting up a building. Money was only collected for the poor. The temple of God is no longer a physical building. The temple of God is now Jesus Christ.
Pastor Adeboye is getting increasingly carried away by vanity. I have a tape of a question-and-answer session he had with his church-workers a number of years ago in which he boasted that the time would soon come when, before anybody could aspire to be president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he would first have to talk to Redeemed Church. Nothing in the scriptures can be construed as suggesting this as one of the stated objectives of Jesus Christ.
A Redeemed church-member told me of another meeting he attended captioned: “A Day Out with the G.O.” It was a dinner for financial sponsors of one of the annual “Holy Ghost Festivals.” Pastor Adeboye boasted tongue-in-cheek on that occasion that the time would soon come when the Queen of England would plead to join Redeemed in order to work as an usherette. The audience reportedly responded with wild applause and shouts of “Amen.”
Richer than Bill Gates
At the just-concluded 63rd Annual Convention of the Redeemed Church, Adeboye declared that he is now richer than Bill Gates; widely acknowledged as the richest man in the world. He said: “I have houses in at least 188 countries in the world, where we have our churches, so I am richer than Bill Gates. Each time I visit these countries, my children would be struggling and saying daddy, come and stay with me.”
These “houses” don’t belong to Adeboye; they belong to Redeemed church. Knowingly or unknowingly, Adeboye distorts the gospel. Jesus says: “All who have given up home or brothers and sisters or father and mother or children or land for me will be given a hundred times as much. They will also have eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29).
However, Jesus words are spirit. (John 6:63). Therefore, his “houses” are entirely spiritual, while Adeboye’s are physical. Jesus does not make his disciples richer than Bill Gates. Instead, he says: “God will bless you people who are poor. His kingdom belongs to you! But you rich people are in for trouble. You have already had an easy life!” (Luke 6:20/24).
Adeboye continued: “If I announce here that tomorrow morning, I need a car to travel to the new auditorium, how many cars do you think would be made available to me by you my children? Those of you that do not have a car of your own, very soon, God will give you your own cars. So, I am appealing to you to become an incurable soul winner before you leave this convention ground and your cup will overflow.”
Anathema to Christ
This is nothing but the enticing word of man’s wisdom. Believers don’t preach the gospel in order to receive cars. We do because God commands that we do so.
Jesus had neither chariots nor horses. He had no lands and houses. Indeed, he warned a prospective disciple who wanted to follow him they would not be staying at the “Sheraton Hotel:” “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20).
Jesus does not speak like Adeboye. He says: “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.” (Matthew 10:24-25). Jesus’ example is anathema to Adeboye’s declaration that he is now the richest man in the world.
This is the word of Jesus the Adeboyes of this age choose to ignore: “It’s terribly hard for rich people to get into the kingdom of heaven! In fact, it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into God’s kingdom.” (Matthew 19:23-24).


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Anonymous said...

smh I pray for mercy on you and an understanding cause you know nothing I have 188houses and am richer than bill gate does ut even add thats was a joke to crack his congregation and show what yu gain when you win souls for christ I really pity you niggar shut ur trap

Anonymous said...

Please people should stop trying to drag the name of Pastor Adeboye in the mud. everyone is entitle to his or her own opinion. the bile said we should not judge,even when the man is joking it's been taking in a different form .Have anyone been to redeem camp during a program and see how people sit outside on the grass even under rain?the present auditorium is not enough to accommodate people. please people should be careful on how the interpret the men of God. may God have mercy on us all.

anonymous said...

God have mercy on us, our motives will be judged by God. I wonder why Mr Aribisala will judge any man of God. Is he God? The Bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Anonymous said...

this is what people say about men of God, but if na Chris Brown, people go say too much money, femi or whatever you call yourself go and read about king Solomon the richest man of God that build the house of God with golds

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


Anonymous said...

this is what people say about men of God, but if na Chris Brown, people go say too much money, femi or whatever you call yourself go and read about king Solomon the richest man of God that build the house of God with golds

Anonymous said...

He has quoted him out of context. I watched the programme live and this is a far cry from what the Pastor E.A Adeboye meant when he said he is richer than Bill Gates whom we all know is the Richest man in the world. What he said to my understanding is that if his father in heaven owns the earth and all there is in it, invariably as the to the owner of the whole world, he also owns the world and all that is in it afterall, the bible teaches us that the" Earth is the Lord's and all that is in it" and it also say that "we are heirs of the father and joint heirs with the son" so whatever belongs to Jesus Christ, belongs to me having been redeemed by the blood of Jesus . And I think he is right. He said he owns houses in 188 nations of the world, where RCCG is present, that is to say, if he were to be in any of these countries, he will not lack a place to say, he will not lack people to minister to his needs. These are not proud words but a statement of fact. So the author of this article should state issues the way they are rather than twisting and sensationalizing them.
Ialso totally agree with you, that the writer should trade carefully.

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!!!

I wil say dis over and over again, dat am born into Catholic family, a Winner member by virtue's of reading d books of Bishop David Oyedepo inspired by d Holy Spirit and a RCCG member by virtue's of listening 2d insight of d Holy Spirit message's via Pastor Adeboye.

Dis write up is another false alarm and bitter old soul write up dat leave much to say abt how distracted dis write up aim to b.

Dis writer is envy of d works of d Lord in d life of Pastor Adeboye and wht d Lord is doing in d RCCG family.

Dis shows dat dis writer is blind to d words of d Lord which says "Jesus became poor so dat we wil become rich" and also " Christ has made us joint heirs of d kingdom of God.

For crying out loud we r children of God and not just servants for Jesus Christ said so. So we d children of God r not to live in poverty but we r to prosper and b d envy of people lik dis writer.

The writer said "The proposed auditorium is not to the glory of God. The proposed auditorium is to the glory of Adeboye." Dis is blatant lies frm d pit of hell - Shame unto dis writer for he is a liar.

Anytin we sacrifice unto God mostly our substance's "Money" is given solely 2d Lord/unto His glory and not to any soul on earth for by our offerings, tithes and sacrifices d Lord we surely enrich/bless us. Pls note "Wht u sow dat is wht u wil reap".

God doesn't depend on us for our money for we r d ones dat depend on Him to replenish us and bless us. For d more we give d more we receive - so says d word of d Lord! God is d true source of real wealth and power. There is nothing impossible to Him for He is All-Sufficient God.

I wouldn't b surprise if dis writer is not a christian or at least a sound christian bcos by their fruits u shall know them. He write lik someone b indirectly used by d devil himsef.

Even d devil use d social media to blackmail d children of God and His MOG in order to distract them in their spiritual path to Heaven.

I refuse to believe wht is in dis write up bcos its written to blackmail d RCCG movement and its follower's. The write up is crap and far frm d truth and written in ignorance.

My people kindly disasscoiate ursef frm dis type of writer bcos they r capable to mislead people frm d true calling and words of d Lord even d devil quoted d bible. So am not amaze dat he used d bible to claim falsehood.

We christians r blessed and enriched by d precious blood of our Lord Jesus and God bless d RCCG movement and Pastor Adeboye.

May God abundantly bless Pastor Adeboyefor 4d wonderful work's d Lord is doing in his life mostly blessing people lives via d various miracles. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.

All d glories b unto d one and true God in Heaven for d wonderful works He is doing in d life of Pastor Adeboye/RCCG movement. May His name b glorified in our lives now and forever. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


ashilomo said...

Femi Aribisala, GOD BLESS YOU! If you do not believe in God, blessings from the universe. Thank you, people are hungry, uneducated ,still dying from malaria and cholera in Nigeria, and these selfish, thieving pastors are feeding fat off the sweat and poverty of gullible, hopeful sheeple we have in Nigeria, simply because we have NO GOVERNMENT. Shame.

Anonymous said...

U should not be making comments like this against a man of God like Pastor Adeboye,a young man like u should try to find a way to progress his life on a Monday morning like this.

Anonymous said...

A writer who does not have sense....he said he has houses in 188 countries.......dat when he goes to those countries people tell him to come and stay in their house..the house belongs to the church members not redeem

Anonymous said...

if a man of God is not rich how does he want to help and preach the gospel, pls do something with your life

yawanow said...

I won't condemn his entire write up coz today's teachings of prosperity beclouds salvation and true repentance which every clergy should try and uphold if they are true men of God but he forgot the basis which is faith in God. Faith in God can move mountains which pastor Adebayor has shown through his words as a man of faith. This obviously has worked for him and his ministry. Faith without work is dead. i also want to reiterate that one can be rich in both ways.

Unknown said...

@BONARIO, sincerely speaking I wanted to bash u b4 but my spirit held back and I laughed abt it.

Two wrong can never mak a right. Dis shows ur poor state of reasoning and spiritual path. Mak a different my belove brother so dat ur coast wil b enlarge physically and spiritually.

Thank God u recognised his spiritual children of which I am one of them r here on dis blog. Dat was d more reason I didn't bash u moreso I hav desist frm such act bcos its back. Shalom!

Unknown said...

@BONARIO, sincerely speaking I wanted to bash u but my spirit held back and I laughed abt it.

Two wrong can never mak a right. Dis shows ur poor state of reasoning and spiritual path. Mak a different my belove brother so dat ur coast wil b enlarge physically and spiritually.

Thank God u recognised his spiritual children of which I am one of them r here on dis blog. Dat was d main reason I didn't bash u moreso I hav desist frm such act bcos its bad.


Unknown said...

@BONARIO, sincerely speaking I wanted to bash u but my spirit held back and I laughed abt it.

Two wrong can never mak a right. Dis shows ur poor state of reasoning and spiritual path. Mak a different my belove brother so dat ur coast wil b enlarge physically and spiritually.

Thank God u recognised his spiritual children of which I am one of them r here on dis blog. Dat was d main reason I didn't bash u moreso I hav desist frm such act bcos its bad.


CROSS said...

This Femi guy is just a clown seeking for cheap popularity. in fact i think i will go and google you and look u up in FB and get your picture post "THE GREATEST CLOWN" Your comments are full of false accusations, you mentioned that the VP is now a Redeemed Pastor.The VP has been a Redeemed Pastor far b4 he became VP. So many other nonsense you just wrote. Let me annoy you the more CLOWN, Trinity Towers will be built and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. GBAM. People are giving money to church, E dey annoy u. I don,t know y? Na your money them they give? Let me also quickly correct this notion that most poor Nigerians have that most rich people one way or the other have stolen public funds...SORRY FEMI am sure you know the owner of this blog na small girlooo she is just 34 and she is a MULTI..I hope you heard the thing she did for herself last year abi, she buy BRAND NEW RANGE, and you are even making her richer by this your nonsense article. My humble self am making my millions quietly everyday. Infact let me go and look you up on FB and see how CLOWNISH YOU ARE. I NEED A COMIC RELIEF.

Anonymous said...

Having "houses in 188 countries" is in reference to his members living in those countries who would welcome him to their home as though the house was his... "Being richer than Bill Gates" is a reflection of the love and support from his millions of members! It is a shame that Aribisala decided to malign a man of God. God is watching.

Anonymous said...

A thousand likes for ur comment

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine! Even an illiterate can understand what Pastor Adeboye meant. Femi Aribisala is just a tool of the devil!

Admin said...

..cant u just shutup.......i tink u av a sence of reasoning b4......anyways i wont say more than that......cos all uve said made no meaning...

Tunmise said...

He who has ears, let him hear.. Femi, first, please seek forgiveness from God. This write up is totally Bayelsa. Where you at the convention ground? Yes or no? Why twist what G.O has said? What kind of beef is this on a Monday morning ehn? If God says he is a rewarder of those who diiligently seek Him, why are you questioning how God chooses to bless a man? Whether u like it or not, d place of pastor E.A Adeboye in this christian race cannot be over emphasized. Y didn't u even choose to talk about the miracles that were performed by God through the G.O at d convention ground? It's obvious u are only seeing attention and looking for faults where there are none. I am also sure there are more to this than just ur write up. Its very political but I forgive u on behalf of G.O kos I pray u don't real the reward of this write.. I just pray.

lil princess said...

I so much pity u

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at all because if you read and understand the bible, you will understand that it is the enemy of the church inside (insider)that has welcomed the one outside. The truth is mr Femi should for God mercy NOW before its too late.

Anonymous said...

Femi or whatever u call ursef, u better ask 4 God. Mercy for saying rubbish on a true man of God. U re so dull that u interpreted what Daddy said in camp upside down. May d Lord forgive u 4 saying dis in social media. U better don't cause ur self n ur generations to come

Anonymous said...

Wow!! writer, how I wish u were in that service to understand every sentence u quoted out of context. His so called 188 houses, were referring to his spiritual childrens houses in 188 countries of the world where redeemed has a church.
He asked everyone to be an incurable soul winner by doing Gods work and God will work for dem too.that even if u wanted 1 thing and asked , u would have in excess. I wonder if u heard him asking for shoes too? Or did u just leave out that sentence deliberately??
Pls let's learn to speak the truth or keep quiet so that we don't heap sin on our heads.
God bless u ,and make u and I worthy of heaven.

Emmanuel said...

This is the first time I will post a comment on LIB but I had to do this because I can already begin to imagine the series of comments that will follow this.

Dear Mr Femi Aribisala, I am not a member of RCCG but I am a devout christian who understands the importance of what you claim is a distortion of the teachings of Jesus.

After reading your article, I really wonder why you are so pained about what is going on in this great ministry.

First, I can bet your money is not a part of what you have so harshly criticized. If so, why not mind your business and keep shut, those that gave for those projects are getting blessed and are not complaining. You might say they're being brainwashed but don't you wonder how they've been growing stronger and bigger despite the fact that you have so "cleverly" kept your money to yourself?

It's a principle of sowing and reaping and it has been proven over the years. People like you cannot understand it. You and as many others that share your optimism can keep your money to yourselves and they will do bigger things than what you've seen.

For the records, the church of Jesus Chris is beyond Sunday and midweek services. Get that straight!

You quoted (Matthew 19:29) and left out the part of the scripture that said ..."in this life and in the world to come"... Hypocrite. I guess you were so blinded by what you wanted to portray that you decided to distort the whole picture by quoting the scripture out of context.

I pray that God will forgive you and hope that you realise your error for posting such articles which in my own opinion is just to gain cheap popularity and attention.

I would have taken the time to reply your article paragraph for paragraph but that will be for another day.

Just get this straight.

The church of Gd will wax stronger and stronger until Jesus returns.

Anonymous said...

Mr femi, I pray the eyes of ur understanding be opened, u want d houz of God to be in ruins while u live in goodly houses abi? Now we are privileged to have a man like this in our time who's willing to build a house 4 God by God's own divine supply not ur stupid money yet u come here to criticise, smh 4 u mr femi, one thing is needful 4 u to know, without u or any man's money, God's kingdom project on earth will be established ok, Let me humble u here, God banks anywhere even in the mouth of a fish! Grow up spiritually!!!

karl said...

100%of the comments here are 97% stupid. No one know anything!

Unknown said...

Judge not.The lord is the rewarder of they that diligently seek him

Anonymous said...

The person that wrote this is misunderstanding everything..May God save you!!! Don't ever ever come out to say what you don't know!! #RCCG forever

Anonymous said...

I'm not a redeem member,but I gladly quote him wrong on the issue of the billionaire club, it's meant for those souls who think that they have made all the money in the world and do not need to go to church or need hubby was given a flyer as regards to that incase if he's interested.their group do fellowship with even governors etc to make sure that they do not give excuses for not serving God nor coming to church.please writer, pastor e.a adeboye,is one of the most humble pastors who do not brag about riches,do not pick on churches if you not have any good thing to write about,please keep quiet.

mccoy said...

And somebody say TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED!
Lolz. MOG
whatever rocks there boat jare

Anonymous said...

Dear Femi, I couldn't finish reading this epistle but would want you to read Exodus 36 with spiritual understanding to enable you know the importance of building when it comes to God's sanctuaries.

Jade said...

I believe in the spirit of God that dwells within me. My hope and trust is not in any man of God, after all, they are just mere mortals like me. The church was built on the foundation of Communism,where all possessions were shared by all members of the church. No one person had control over the funds of the church as it belonged to all church members. Most Men of God have lost the plot. They run churches like businesses, amassing wealth and spending on frivolities, basically living in affluence off gullible church members. Let the good Lord hurry up and return.

Lawrencia Chioma said...

Mr. Femi Arabisala, I'm indeed impressed by the apt way with which you delivered your argument, and I applaud your courage to constructively criticise these men of God so-called regarded as demi-gods by their gullible followers.
I make bold to say that ninety percent of things and doctrines practised by churches, G.O's and members, God is not involved in them.
What pains me the most is the level of gullibility, indoctrination and fanaticism by people in the name of religion.
It makes me wonder, where is the thin line between sanity and insanity?
What's the difference between a neurotic patient and an unrelenting bigot?
People will read your article, which is an exposition of religious extortion and misplacement of priority by a highly exulted G.O and people will call you names for speaking out.
Some will go as far as ordering Holy ghost fire to consume you, since obviously christians have turn their Nigerian God to a killing machine. Some will even threaten.
And I ask, where is the love of God?
If satan tempted Jesus, who is Adebayo that he cannot be tempted?
Or has he now become infallible?
When Jesus said that judgment will start in the house of God, he said it for same reasons we are witnessing today in christendom.
Didn't Jesus go on a rampage and flogged the Pharisees and Sadducees out of the temple and destroyed their tables for turning his father's to a robber's den. So what's different now? Is it not same daylight robbery, only through more sophisticated means?
For gullible christians, ignorance is not an excuse, the anointing, the word are free. Access to Jesus Christ is direct and also free.
So better use your heads.

Anonymous said...


mccoy said...

Oh shut up. So you'll prefer the Kardashian whatever shey? Oponu

Unknown said...

Hmmmm.....mouth sealed

mccoy said...

Hehehe. Like?

Unknown said...

Linda, i hope you get this response to him...
it is terrible enough that the bible is quoted but not understood.
It only will be hard for rich men to get to heaven if their heart is set on their riches. Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is. The man of God cannot be regarded to as rich in a context of "the camel going through a needle eye" because he sees riches as a tool to spread the gospel. His heart is set on Kingdom work instead of piling up riches. there is a system of God and a system of this world (because we are in the world but not of the world). In the worldly system men pile up riches, In God's system Men use riches. He stated a scenario as opposed to a fact, we cannot say that he categorically owns all the riches he referred to, he only has an assurance that if he be in need he would have much more than you can imagine.
It is easy to not judge if we choose to understand perspectives and motives. The young man has his opinions generated from a mindset i believe is founded on misunderstanding the Bible.
This man has been working in the kingdom even when it wasn't lucrative, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, some of those rewards are here on earth.

Anonymous said...

People can be very biased, imagine the number of people that have decided to take sides with pastor ADEBOYE because they believe and respect him, in fact they wouldn't dare to judge him but how quick they jump at every opportunity to run TB JOSHUA to the ground without any regard. U can all pass judgement on some and wouldn't dare on another.hypocrisy shior

honeyberry said...

The presence of the Lord will not depart from you. Goodluck

Ms bee said...

Ode ni e.. Who is blind folded in this time and age.. What makes true christains different from others is the understanding in d scripture. If I decide to sponsor a church project n give out my all, it's because I have an understand that it is better to give than to receive. And ofcourse God can replace n replenish in thousand folds. So whether the man of God uses it for what it is intended for is not of my business.. I have simply done it in obedience to God's command. The write up is crap, bull shit and obviously taken out of context. If u also want to critisize, then pick up a copy of d message and see if it relates with this write up.. Obviously, people are too quick to judge without digging their facts.. I pity the writer becos an enemy of pastor Adeboye is an enemy of God. Yes, I said it.. Those who stole up against Moses as rebels know what they got as rewards. A prohet has no value In his own town.. Smh

Anonymous said...

Please be careful wot you spread...Especially when it comes to the Ministers of God so as not to incure the wrath of God...Pastor E.A Adeboye is a true man of God, your defamatory nd slanderous words against him would stop pple from believing in the God he serves...get a life nd stop looking for who to condemn and judge...Pls learn to read ur bible nd get the indebt meaning of the scriptures you quote cos the eye of a needle as used in the scripture is allegorical...

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised or upset by this writeup? Is is today that anyone knows that most Churches in Nigeria are business centres? where people are coming to trade and bargain with God? People are paying pastors to have prosperity, good health, for spouses, for success, protection from enemies etc all the vanities of this live. Even paying to have their sins forgiven. NONE OF THEM ARE GOING TO CHURCH FOR SALVATION! Nigerian are so gullible and easily deceived by positive affirmations rather hearing the truth. How can right thinking believer in Christ boast of his/her riches when Jesus who you follow advised against attaching our lives to money. Why would anyone compare himself or boast he is richer than Bill Gates but then have done as much as Bill Gates has done. Bill Gates is enriching lives, he worked had for his money and he is giving it all away because he believes in the principle of giving... using ones wealth to help others thereby storing his treasure in heaven. Adeboye has brainswashed gullible and lazy Nigerians whose faith in Adeboye is more than they have in Christ, whom they enslave themselves to by defrauding others and give the money to Adeboye... the CEOs who would not pay their staff well, the politician who steal the nations wealth bring it to the altar of Adeboye... not to God... to building a temporary business city they call a church. The handwritting is on the wall....

Felicity said...

And you anonymous I want to believe you are a redeemer? Go and Google that word. Don't go and work on your own salvation as adeboye is doing his.

Anonymous said...

Shut up!

Anonymous said...

femi is a confused man and i think he will remain one. so allow him to rant

Anonymous said...

@ royal priesthood,power words,it is actually a fight against the body of Christ,beware of such writers,God is the judge not man.

Anonymous said...

Aribasala, there is a deeper problem you have that makes you bitter against God. Your issue is not Daddy Adeboye, your issue is that you are angry with God...likelihood is that something happened in your past that is haunting you...and I fear for you, if you don't deal with it, you may wind up in the junkyard. Your opinions are completely warped and out of context. May God forgive you

Anonymous said...

Thank u @ royal priesthood. God bless

Anonymous said...

May God forgive u

Ms bee said...

Ode, u wey know something let us hear ur dumb opinion. The thunder that will fire u and d so called femi is ofcourse doing press up.. Idiot

Anonymous said...

Our people are so blinded by hypocrisy, fools like you royal priest hood make does pastors rich and continue to live in avert povety. The writer is right our men of God are the rallying from there call because of money. I was a winner member before there was a day papa said the Lord told him that members to bless with our substances a lot of people came with different gifts as sacrifice from electric appliances, kitchen, money gadget, clothing etc name them.
Am a cell minister, When it was time for the needs to be blessed we were only given Ghana must go bags full of clothing to give to them. After the clothing a form was given to us to share to these needy, widow etc to put I where ever they want ed/need some put stove, gas cooker, iron etc all this we saw people gave guess what the minister's told us that instruction have been passed that none of those things be giving out that they(needy) could come to the church community bank to get some loan to purchase them, I was bitter most of the needy's in my zone were those new convert. I thought maybe instruction we still come that those things could be given to them later, a week after that the sales of those things were done where people came to buy those things from the church, let I forget the needies want were surcharged for rigours Water keg of red oil, veg oil, 5kilo of rice and beans someone who doesn't have a stove how can such person cook those item. I made up my mind to leave the church that very day, i have made a vow never to attend a service there, my house is behind cannan land in ota for you to know.
Stop be decieved it's all doesn't seem the way u see it. I concur with writer our men of God now worship money and not God
Before you curse me out I never and will not need any church sacrifice I am very well to do, I can afford a virgin weave of 150k. So buying all does things won't be a problem to me, I knew how much I gave just because papa said it was for the needy. How can such person who sell those things to make so much money ask for money form members. I know papa try to put fear in the minds of most member by cursing that anybody who speaks I'll of him will never do well,. Is curses can only affect me if his hands are clean. I can stand before him and say this I fear him not. I have handled several cases as a lawyer against him even when I was a member of the church. People go through different type of tortures from him but are sacred to say it because of the curses he gives on pulpit but to me I stand on the saying that he who come to equity must come in clean hands. Stop condemning people who aren't moved by there curses that can have effect, it will only affect people like you who fear them and see them as God. We are quick to say touch not my annionted , if you have read the Bible well you know the annionted been referred to aren't men of God alone but all Christians(believer of christ). Stop deciding yourself sweetheart u are also an annionted child of God so therefore no man of God can curse you. Because the Bible all power belong to him.

Anonymous said...

You are very right

Anonymous said...

this is why people experience suffering while on earth..their mouths filled with blasphemy

Anonymous said...

Bad belle like you Femi or whatever you called your name. May God forgive you. Nonsense. it is not a bad idea if city of David wants to put up such a great structure, its all to the glory of God because our God is not a cheap God so if you like you can go under the hut and worship your God thats your own cup of tea.

Unknown said...

It's no news that when the devil tempted Jesus, he quoted the Bible. Most people quote the scriptures based on what they know. When Solomon built for God, do u know how much would have been spent? David openly decleared for donations. And the writer said it was Saul. He is a Man of God, don't say evil things about him. Shalom

Anonymous said...

Madam must u post ur comment 100 times? Am tired of ur rubbish 👎

Bells said...

Lmao.. This guy will trend for the wrong reason

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 if the new auditorium is for d glory of Pastor Adeboye, how do u know this sef? Are u saying you are God that knows whether a Glory belongs to Him or to man? What does Pastor Adeboye want to use auditorium for if it's for his glory? Se na to sleep there ni or wetin? I don't get.. Omo, d thunder wey go fire u ehn, e dey go press up.. E dey train like seriously. If something happens to u now, u will blame ur fore fathers In d village.. I leave u in d hands of ur own concience. When a goat laughs upon d hearing of d sound of d lion, they need to check which grass he has been eating.. Abi how them take talk that proverb sef.. And u think u didn't mention how many millions were fed at the redemption camp at the convention. Twice a day meal per day for one week is it beans? But una no go see that one.. Pls allow my G.O to hear word and let God be the judge of all man according to the works of their hands.. And ofcourse, God will also judge u for this post because you have misled people with ur lies and terrible false info.

Unknown said...

All writers who feel that it is fair to castigate men of God and attempt to insult the anointing should be extra careful. Remember that the bible says "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm". Writers should Stop playing God. Allow the almighty to do the judgement not you.

Unknown said...

I love your pen and always read your write-up. But this time i think you need a renewal of heart. You need to be born-again in christ i.e. to have knowledge of the spiritual.

Unknown said...

My friends in the office laughed at this write-up and called it occultic writer

Unknown said...

So many foolish people in here. It's a pity that resources supposed to b used in feeding d poor and needy b used to build a multi billion auditorium. Whose life will it change? Other than gain cheap popularity, I pity those who worship men and glory in pride yet think de re serving God. What ever happened to giving out to d least of ur brethren and Jesus saying to u that wen he was in need u had visited him? Does it mean that after d building project God will relocate from his throne down to earth to stay de? Smh, so many tots but lemme stop typing. Shame on those who glory and take pride on such things.

Anonymous said...

Nawa ooo.... This is how google describes Femi Aribisala....

FEMI ARIBISALA is a scholar and international affairs expert. He is currently an iconoclastic church pastor in Lagos. He is also a syndicated essayist for a handful publications in Nigeria......

What do you expect from a struggling and angry pastor? can you imagine this guy is a Pastor? even and an Alpha will never talk like this because they have better understand than this Pastor Femi. I am serious surprise.

I was personally at the Program where Pastor Adeboye talked about being richer than gate, he meant "If you have people, you are rich" that today he can get anything he wants because he has worked and won souls for God, and that he has many children who can afford anything. That he has children in 188 countries in the world and he could sleep in any of their houses in those countries. He meant he owns what his children own. He the admonished that people work more on soul winning. This Pastor Aribisala is just a sadist, Imagine a Pastor clearly and openly running down another Pastor, is that how to make heaven? or how to teach others to make heaven? so is he preaching with write up now or what? why not go to his office and tell him your felling according to bible's recommendation? I wonder how you got time to put together and analysed series of event that are not even related to each other? You are just an angry man who wants to run down the MAN OF GOD.
Please note that PASTOR ADEBOYE is a very Humble man of God. He has nothing in his name, not even a small shop, nor the house he live in, talkless of the University or Jet. All he has is in the name of the RCCG church. He gave all he has to God long time ago.
May God have mercy on You....... It should not be you Aribisala, and It should not be Adeboye!

Anonymous said...

Good day everyone,to be honest i really don't have a stand in what mr Femi is saying,but as human beings if you use your head to reason you would understand where he is coming from and what point he intends on establishing.i don't blame people who think this way because my own understanding of the bible from what i have read for over 20years of my existence on this earth i have never come to any path where jesus christ lived a flamboyant lifestyle. For the stupid ones who would open their illiterate brain to castigate every write up they read here without any form of knowledge of research and establishing logic from reality you are free to keep thinking like Ape' is only education that you all need. back to what i was trying to say. I am a contractor and what happened in my eyes in this redeemed church up till today i just can't place a reality in it.pastors of the church were fighting for a contract to fence a new land the church just acquired in Abuja in 2013 and where threatening each other with death and all sorts of diabolic words were used including charms too were used. i was just in the middle of the whole fight between the pastors and i was so much in Awe, i was afraid i could also lose my life just because of fencing of a land they were fighting for whom would have the contract. this was so disgusting i had to abandon the job so i dint lose my life cos the heat was too much every one was threatening each other with death.pained me a lot that on Sunday those said pastors still climb the pulpit to preach to mostly ignorant innocent believers. It pains me though that Life is now like this.seems like money is now the new god everyone worships. please people of LIB don't just conclude when you read,or be fast to comment, think before you talk, before you type "Reason" and before you conclude "do a research" we don't know everything, as humans we learn everyday and what you don't know you don't know until you know. "I am not condemning the church", the house of God is his temple.if you go to church with an open heart and faith you will be blessed beyond your imagination, things like this happen all the time because of the amount of souls churches win,the devil is not always happy so he comes to distort and bring confusion in the midst of the children of God.even Jesus christ was tempted by the devil 3times so who are we not to be.All we need to do is pray for every man of God that they overcome temptation the way jesus christ did for they also need our prayers as well.its not easy in their position at all.God bless every man of God....have a great day everyone.

sweetmummy said...

'sigh'thank u all for ur comment i take my time to read all ur comment for those of u that support aribisala how is ur life been like?think abt it "aribisala who re u to fight God battle?the very jesus u re qouting ve u forgotten he thou shall not judge?ve u forgotten how abraham was bless beyond measure and let me give u an insight that jesus and his disciple never work but people double over to cater for his need.that is daddy adeboye. dear femi aribisala leave God alone with is prophet and minister.and remember what happen to to those that gang up against moses the ground open and swallow them up even moses sister was covwe in leprose....go and ask for forgiveness and pray for d spirit of God dont be use by d devil God love beauty that is y heaven is pave with gold i rest my case

Unknown said...

lame post..twisting the man message

Unknown said...

lame post..twisting the man message

Anonymous said...

You are a fool.

Anonymous said...

This why Nigerians will continue to fall victims to fake pastors. When it comes to religion, we stop using our heads. Please Christianity is not poverty, but there is great emphasis on moderation

Anonymous said...

femi Aribisala, have you not gained wisdom yet? its obvious that this gives you joy, countering what this man of God days. even if people are spending money on churches and pastors as you think, do we come collect from you? why speak for us if we are not complaining? Has anyone come to take your money? Mr money keeper, Bill Gates Bestfriend, well done... your attachment to money is very deep, i guess you would be taking all your money to heaven! enjoy your life boy..

Anonymous said...

I read your rebuttal to the essay. While I am not a fan of the RCCG and its G.O., I do respect you cordial and very polite response. A lot of members are aggressive towards any criticism of Pastor Adeboye. He is human and can/has/and will make mistakes. I have no knowledge of the situation(s) referred to above but I have heard of a few situations where ppl very close to him have been somewhat inappropriate with money. Stay blessed.

Eze said...

So u were writing exam, while u were always here, how are u going to pass or come out with flying colors..... Tomorrow now u go say after four stressful years dem no won graduate me.......this lecturer is wicked......hope u wrote well sha

Anonymous said...

Shut up blind fool.

Anonymous said...

Mr Femi Aribisala you need to know something , you don't have to say anything negative about a man of God . if you are a man of God you won't have time writing articles that don't make sense against a big church of God , if you don't what the fire of God to burn you you need to fast for 21days to cleanse you self . it says in the bible that touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm , no one sent you message to be a writer , you can also be a pastor to , because if you work for God you can't be poor . don't compare anyone to jesus because he can't be compared to anyone. he came to die for our sins and be poor so we could be rich , jesus paid the price .

Anonymous said...

Why are people of the world always angry when they see a child of God in abundance riches? Pls note you can never truly serve the Living God and be in lack. That can never happen. Never limit God. He is richer than all these names and material things you are talking about. God will only manifest Himself as you think He is in your life. God is Richer than any human being ever created not even bill gates can compare his riches with that of the Almighty God.

joneswears said...

Are can you say this about a man of God.....may God forgive you

Unknown said...

He is jst misinterpreting evrytin, attention seeker

Anonymous said...

Now dts abt Christianity u a asking Linda to stay off,Bt if its oda faith/religion u wil wag ur tongue. Mind u Linda is a biz lady,u cant tell wat to do wif a blog.

Ladyvee said...

Thank you Damola - my sentiments exactly It amazes me that such a straightforward concept has been twisted out of shape God will have mercy on us all even as we claim to do His work!

Anonymous said...

@ROYAL PRIESTHOOD well said jare

Anonymous said...

People need to stop worshiping these so-called 'men of God'. They are human beings like you and me, and in most cases their self proclaimed anointing is non existent.Be honest with yourselves... what is the purpose of the multi billion naira building? why does a church have need of a helipad????? Are you happy seeing your tithes being used that way?Is that what you pay tithes for?
Do you ask your 'men of God' these questions? or do you just swallow whatever they tell you hook, line and sinker, and keep giving?
May God open our eyes to see.

Anonymous said...

Naysayer! I advise u briddle that serpentine tongue of yours before the wrath of God destroys u for contributing to a malicious and character assassinating post done by evil men whose wishes are to truncate the work of God and win souls to the devil. May God forgive u all . Be careful not to lay a curse on urself o.

yemmy said...

Tnx alot jare. Besides, we r in no position 2 judge any1. Jst kip looking unto Jesus & concentrate on ur making Heaven

bola said...

well as a minister in the redeemed christian church of God i stand to say all your alegations against the man of God is a sham. u coated out of contest just to get people to support your view. if u were in the service as you claim it means u are not listening or u just went to the convention as a spectator. In all your allegations u never mentioned those the recieved devine healings need i talk about hundred of lame folks that walk without the man of God touching them. REmember sir that the bible says every ideal words shall be given account of when we get to heaven. Pls sir get the tapes and listen to the message again G.O said he's richer than billgate on spiritual things and not in terms of money. Do u even know sir the amount redeemed spend on refugees and countries ravaged by natural disasters? I wish you well sir


Anonymous said...

Of course u would be excited having carried out the evil u all wish for. I pity u, lost soul u better find Christ ASAP else u could be embracing doom for concurring with a malicious and hateful post done against a true servant of God. If u attended the convention u would realize this writer is simply evil becos he intentionally misinterpreted what Daddy said and is spreading a false rumour. God be merciful n God be true! You naysayers shall reap what uv sown. On ur marks.....get set....

bola said...

well as a minister in the redeemed christian church of God i stand to say all your alegations against the man of God is a sham. u coated out of contest just to get people to support your view. if u were in the service as you claim it means u are not listening or u just went to the convention as a spectator. In all your allegations u never mentioned those the recieved devine healings need i talk about hundred of lame folks that walk without the man of God touching them. REmember sir that the bible says every ideal words shall be given account of when we get to heaven. Pls sir get the tapes and listen to the message again G.O said he's richer than billgate on spiritual things and not in terms of money. Do u even know sir the amount redeemed spend on refugees and countries ravaged by natural disasters? I wish you well sir


bola said...

well as a minister in the redeemed christian church of God i stand to say all your alegations against the man of God is a sham. u coated out of contest just to get people to support your view. if u were in the service as you claim it means u are not listening or u just went to the convention as a spectator. In all your allegations u never mentioned those the recieved devine healings need i talk about hundred of lame folks that walk without the man of God touching them. REmember sir that the bible says every ideal words shall be given account of when we get to heaven. Pls sir get the tapes and listen to the message again G.O said he's richer than billgate on spiritual things and not in terms of money. Do u even know sir the amount redeemed spend on refugees and countries ravaged by natural disasters? I wish you well sir


bola said...

well as a minister in the redeemed christian church of God i stand to say all your alegations against the man of God is a sham. u coated out of contest just to get people to support your view. if u were in the service as you claim it means u are not listening or u just went to the convention as a spectator. In all your allegations u never mentioned those the recieved devine healings need i talk about hundred of lame folks that walk without the man of God touching them. REmember sir that the bible says every ideal words shall be given account of when we get to heaven. Pls sir get the tapes and listen to the message again G.O said he's richer than billgate on spiritual things and not in terms of money. Do u even know sir the amount redeemed spend on refugees and countries ravaged by natural disasters? I wish you well sir



Trust me you are a big circumcised femi or whatever, what baba was saying is that he has the capacity to say so but wouldn't say it because physically he is rich and can get anything, this is a blessing to all big pastors out there they can get anything they want even without asking he is just trying to explain that the riches of the world is nothing and no one is richer than him because the God that called him said he wouldn't lack any good thing, so bro chillax.... And mind you he do dash out cars, so please think well before dropping I'll comment you hypocrite....

Anonymous said...

Oh well, the Aribisalas of this world have to say something and get a semblance of relevance for themselves. Who knows Aribisala???? On the other hand, even the beggars on the street know who Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is. Pastor Adeboye is richer than Bill Gates o....In Nigeria alone, he has millions of houses, I am proud to be one of those who will gladly give up their houses and cars for the service of Pastor Adeboye. I will buy him SHOES if he ever says he needs a pair (SHOE(S) o) because I am one of those people that have been touched by the anointing of God through him. So if you call me gullible, na you sabi....I know who I am in Christ today and I know who has helped me get where I am by his teachings on holiness, righteousness, soul winning and giving....As we have been taught, let us all fight for our own salvation with fear and trembling!!!

Unknown said...

I happened to b at that service that night at the convention when daddy G.O made those comments, and I knew it in my guts that some very canal minds will twist it, so wen I saw the caption on dis blog I jst smiled at myself. The trust is dat if we don't understand how God works we will never understand His Sufficency. This guy is jst allowing the devil to use him. Dear linda... I reserve my comment on u....

Queen said...

may GOD forgive yhu,for saying rubbish........if u don't understand what he said,ask god for understanding......i dont criticize i hope no one criticizes my pastor....if pastor Adeboye was to stay in my house....i'd be over-joyed....not because i see him as a god buh because i believe the anointing of God is upon my house will be blessed....the auditorium ure talking about is to be used for conventions and other things and not for football....if he said hes richer than bill gates...he meant spiritually...the so-called vice president u are talking about is an usher in church up till date....he is still humble...and the funds people do u know theyre are illegal money,and do u think GOD is blind that he cant see....or differentiate truth from lies...and who made yhu a judge over anyone....yhu beta DHUT DA FUCK-UP!!!....before your life becomes short...if i see u face-to-face....I'd shoot yhu.....buh ill let go cus i see u as a sadist...buh please remove the wood in ur eyes before u remove the sand in someones eyes....ure da kind of person that finds it hard to put offering in church yet u open ur smelling mouth to talk about church ur mind u know how to quote the bible...ure forgotten...the common one that says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.....may poverty follow you all the days of your life...since yhu don't like riches or good things for other people....Linda beta post this thing o...cus i dey vex for here....and am not hiding my name...FEMI if u want to reply...reply...ill be willing to answer ur wretched life!!!......

Unknown said...

I think Mr. Aribisala got it totally wrong, I was at the just concluded Convection holy communion service, When Daddy GO declared that he is richer than Bill Gate, the pastor was only encourage believers to do more on soul winning, referring to RCCG presence in 188 nations of the world, he claimed that members of the church living in these countries will be eager to accommodate him in their respective homes if he is on a visit not that he personally own them, I want to let Femi know we are very proud the grace of God manifesting in the life of Dad GO, Dad will never force any one to bring any thing to him, even the church auditorium you claim to be an Adeboye glory will not but that of almighty God when completed. and generation yet unborn will benefit from this God project.
On the remaining comment,on the prophesy concerning members welfare and life please read John 1:2

ALEX ifeanyi said...

New International Version
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

New Living Translation
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you."

English Standard Version
I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

New American Standard Bible
And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

King James Bible
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who treat you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

International Standard Version
I'll bless those who bless you, but I'll curse the one who curses you, and through you all the people of the earth will be blessed."

NET Bible
I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name."

GOD'S WORD® Translation
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse. Through you every family on earth will be blessed."

Jubilee Bible 2000
And I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

King James 2000 Bible
And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

American King James Version
And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

American Standard Version
and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Unknown said...

Femi Aribisala.....Of course I love critic but constructive ones and not destructive ones. It is evident from the tone of your write up that you are filled with envy and wrath for the Man of God as well as for RCCG. But you have missed it. I pray for you, that God will show you mercy and grace. This same church you are running down, you will become a great evangelist for the mission. If you doubt me, ask Apostle Paul when he use to be Saul of Tarsus. You dare not speak against the anointed of God in this manner. Repent and be saved. Stop destroying what you cannot build! May God help you.

Anonymous said...

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When we hear people ready to speak of the faults of others...or to lessen the...piety of those about them, that they themselves may seem the wiser and better, this is a sign that they have but a vain religion.

If one of [us] says to him,"Go, I wish you well..." but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is that?

Worthy is the LAMB who was slain to receive power and wealth.. wisdom and strength.. honor, glory and praise!!

Sow your se


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A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.

We are not trying to please men but GOD who tests our hearts...We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else. #Jesu3Much

Nara ekele
Overtly. Carat




Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success. #LoveNeverFails

Getting emails is trivial. Here is a few examples type variations of these searches in the google search engine:

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Asampokoto said...

Read this from the beginning to the end. I must say, truer words have never been spoken.

Anonymous said...

thanks so much pple just sit down and conclude anyhow.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious your father is poor

nmbw said...

Completely taken out of context!

Let's all mind our heavenly-race business and leave God, the Just Judge to judge.

E se.

Anonymous said...

if God start dealing with you, then you assume that is from the village. what is your business if he is the richest man in the world, is not a crime to be rich what is a crime is to have a poor mind set. can you address oprah or dangote that is opening cement factory in other countries capital NO better mind your business and face your own calling. END TIMES THINGS. .

Unknown said...

U better dont say what u don't know

Unknown said...

U better dont say what u don't know

Unknown said...

U better dont say what u don't know

Unknown said...

U better dont say what u don't know

Unknown said...

U better dont say what u don't know

Fearless! said...

@ Bonario, u need to understand that people who have these things (material things) but want a blessing or blessings from GOD are more than willing to give these things in exchange for what they want

Unknown said...

Linda mind what u post here. Don't let God get angry at u. And for whoever that wrote this stupid article u are just a critic. May God have mercy on you.

Anonymous said...

people should be carefull of what they say about men of God. i know my Daddy he is not a proud person not to talk of comparing his wealth. Thanks

Unknown said...

Femi don't say what u don't know.

Fearless! said...

@ Femi, I pray that G*D has mercy on you.

bola said...

well as a minister in the redeemed christian church of God i stand to say all your alegations against the man of God is a sham. u coated out of contest just to get people to support your view. if u were in the service as you claim it means u are not listening or u just went to the convention as a spectator. In all your allegations u never mentioned those the recieved devine healings need i talk about hundred of lame folks that walk without the man of God touching them. REmember sir that the bible says every ideal words shall be given account of when we get to heaven. Pls sir get the tapes and listen to the message again G.O said he's richer than billgate on spiritual things and not in terms of money. Do u even know sir the amount redeemed spend on refugees and countries ravaged by natural disasters? I wish you well sir


Unknown said...

Wow.....this article is deep. Very deep. I won't say what i don't know so i won't end up judging or even worse, blaspheming.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm its funny how we measure or dispense grace to our favourite pastors! i do not agree with what the writer has said/written but how many will defend or give a benefit of doubt to pastors like tb joshua, oyakhilome etc summary, be care ful abt how you talk about men of God!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the writer has learnt from all these comments. All has been said so i rest my case. Pls Femi, ask God for forgiveness if you are a christian. if you are not then give your life to chrisr today. its never too late with God. linda pls repent too for posting this.

Unknown said...

Dear readers, let us be careful the way we respond to this write up . The writer's intention is to frustrate you and make you say things you are not to say, don't let him drag you into sin. The bible says " If not for the fools, all words would've been in proverb". And Pastor Adeboye spoke in proverbs as a true son of his Heavenly father. So Mr writer you'll need to ask God for the spirit of INTERPRETATION OF PROVERBS. Lolz. Av a nice day.

Unknown said...

Haaaaaa..... Blasphemy.......
Linda, why you go push this kind thing??

Anonymous said...

Shut up, fool. If u decide to be a fool forever, u r on ur own. That's how the so called pastors have succeeded in making u guys very timid and so full of fear. U can't criticize a pastor because they're no longer humans abi? Pathetic!!

City: Unknown

Anonymous said...

Shut the heck up. Timid soul!!

Unknown said...

This writer better begs for God's forgiveness. There is mischief all over, its obvious its all made up.

Anonymous said...

Bigger fool because it has to do with your papa abi? If it were others, Linda will be a wise blogger. So many of u are already perished because of your utter lack of wisdom.

abayomi said... u earn my respect. Let's have drinks if u're in ikeja. Anytime..on me my intellectual friend.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Femi Aribisala, everthing you have written is a distortion of facts. For the fact that you are good with pen does not mean you should go about distorting facts about a man of God. Did you see the multitudes at the Holy Service of the Convection? Please investigate and report things the way they are not the way you THINK they are. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Bless you

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, fellow Christians out of fear, envy and pure malice have now become the assistant 'accusers of the brethren', forgetting the lessons of John 3 vs 27. Baba is going on his journey, and he will be accountable to his God only. Hopefully, Mr Aribisala is prepared to give account of his services to the Almighty God.

Anonymous said...

God will forgive u

Anonymous said...

Man of God is making a stupid declaration? After all now u will start blaming God for ur misfortune not knowing you have offended God himself!who are you to judge his own?can u even gather 3ppl and make a fellowship!may God forgive u

Anonymous said...

It's sad ur parents named you peter!u shud either be called devil or serpent.omoale bastard christian

Anonymous said...

When i read articles like this, i know exactly whose voice it is. If the church is renting a space in a mall and struggling to even meet its rent obligations, then it's acceptable to the world. But if the church owns a mall, the world will kick against it because they want the church to remain poor and at their mercy! Sorry Devil, we've found u out, and we refuse to be poor. Our father in heaven isn't.

Unknown said...

We're no oro agbelebu fun a won Ti o nsegbe sugbon fun a won ti a gala, agbara ni

Anonymous said...

femi aribisala , it is well with u, u obviously haven't had an encounter with the holy spirit.. just go into ur closet and pray for forgiveness. ull be fine

Anonymous said...

I love your comment! Tell the blind Nigerians worshiping religious leaders than God!

Anonymous said...

Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no and your stupid judgemental.....God will forgive you

Anonymous said...

Hi,you think like Boko Haram or whatever they call them(You don't believe in civilization). World has moved on ,if Jesus were to be in world now I assured you HE will fly plane and ride a car
Again if you you head a company Will you want to be stagnant or progressing?
So writter , not everybody that donate In church are rogue as you believed..Please read your Bible well,all what you said are untrue.
Your bible understanding are of people who is frustrated. May God open your understanding. Amen

Emmanuel said...

Femi or what ever your name is , I was there at the service immediately he mentioned I knew people like you would want to run your mouth out of context ,you need to be careful ,before you start reaping the fruits of your ignorance . It's a shame you lack knowledge and understanding of the word of God , if you knew this man well you would be publishing this nonsense .
Please get busy .

However you need to give your life to Jesus and ask for forgiveness of your sins.
May God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks dear....his father's blessings indeed...they won't understand cos they don't understand the word

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on Aribisala and on every unbelieving commenter. I pray that the Holy Spirit will save every soul from the pit of hell and every destiny destroying comment. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Well articulated truth. The church is blind.

Anonymous said...

My answer for you all is Jeremiah 23. Read and know the truth of what you see an hear in churches. I bet no body will read this. Wisdom is crying in the streets.

Anonymous said...

Your fada yansh..stupid native fowl like you...

Anonymous said...

God bless you for your clarification. And may God forgive the ignorance of the author.

Anonymous said...

Redemption camp is residential. So d residents need supermarket to get their daily needs. Banks nd proper market as well

Soki Briggs said...

Now would be the perfect time to use the "None of my business" meme because this is really none of my business.

Anonymous said...

You are right. I just wish people would study the bible and stop depending on this so called MOGs

Anonymous said...

I understand you very well Mr Aribisala.The difference between you and that Man of God is wisdom.You can choose to operate with the wisdom of this word and become more Distant from understanding the things of God.When u operate with the wisdom of the word of God u function in divine wisdom.Your brain can't comprehend it.You just know things and you are able to explain because it comes from the spirit.i have seen men like you who are very smart in the eyes of men but not in the eyes of God.That makes a man unwise.Would you rather prefer to be smart with men and foolish with God.Its foolishness to put ur hands on your system and start typing such an article against a Man of God.You have read a lot of things,You have watched a lot of movies,and you think you have have acquired wisdom.I dare say to you that it's just a matter of Time.If you study your Bible you would have been taught by the word when it Says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.With your mouth,your pen touch not.God never made you to be like this but you have chosen to be like this.There is a way to looks right in the eyes of a man but the end of it leads to destruction.Dont do things for God.Study about people like you in the bible and see their end.Christianity is not a religion but it's the life of God at work in a man.Dont try to advise God.sort yourself out from your struggle in life.Be smart with God.

Awesome Reads! said...

I don't know why people even bother to read stuff written by a disturbed mind like Femi Aribisala. Is he not the same guy who write some years back that Jesus did not die for anyone's sin? Was he not the who tried to discredit the books written by Apostle Paul, saying the Pauline Epistles was not inspired of God? Was it not this same Femi Aribisala who early in the year tried to discredit GMB and did a horrible job at selling Goodluck Jonathan?

Honestly this man doesn't need so much attention that you guys are giving him. What he needs is your compassion and prayers. He's a completely lost soul.

Anonymous said...

I will be happy if someone can confirm if this is the same Aribisala that said he will never forgive Buhari for investigating him.

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote this is an idiot!

Anonymous said...

My cities(children of God) shall be spread through prosperity. Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. Even Jesus clothe was being fought for by the soldier who nailed him, does that sound like a cheap clothe.

Anonymous said...

My cities(children of God) shall be spread through prosperity. Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. Even Jesus clothe was being fought for by the soldier who nailed him, does that sound like a cheap clothe.

Anonymous said...

When you judge a prophet, you become answerable to God.

Tonito said...

It's a pity, people like to pick wordsmoutnofncontext.. After reading everything you have written,moots clear you don't have anything to say that's compelling enough.. What you see in the life of Pastor Adeboye is vision at work.. And that's how God works with His children... Pm any years ago when this same man of God had no food on his table while preaching the gospel, where were you? Years ago when this same professor of mathematics had only but a room to shelter both him and his entire family after leaving his job to follow Christ where were you?
People will always envy your success and not talk about your struggles...
If the church wants to have a cinema, a mall, a school, it's not a wake up and see the future, without money today, gospel can't go anywhere don't let your small kinds deceiv you...Every statement the Man of God made were clauses...If I try your best to desist from slandering somebody you know little or nothing about...

Anonymous said...

Ur indeed very stupid to have made such statement

Anonymous said...

Writer, remember you are talking to a man of God, what he meant by saying that he is richer than Bill Gate, was that if he said he needed a pear of shoe, almost all the members will bring the shoe without him going to buy it or struggling to give him . But Bill Gate will have to shop for his shoe. Please get a better understanding of whatever article you are writing, than for you to give a wrong motive about something to people out there. making people to jump into conclusion for what they don't know, Again be careful when you are talking something about a man of God. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

In redemption camp, we have a supermarket were people could buy things conveniently without going the distance, I believe in such supermarkets prices of things are low, affordable, and of good quality. Also the cinemas could be used as centres for video evangelism, gospel ministrations, etc. Please wherever we see /find comments like thus, let's avoid them. Shalom !

Anonymous said...

Believe first in God, then you will also be able to believe in His prophets.Pastor E.A Adeboye is a true man of God. God will guide you.

Anonymous said...

N. K- interesting comments all along. The truth is Femi Arabi salary owns a church somewhere on the Island and he has been battling with the raising the population of his church without success. He was a member of RCCG who thought he got a call and left to start off his own church. I bet he is confused and can't get over the rate of God's support toward the RCCG even after he has left the church thus all the distortions and misrepresentation of a simple analogy that Pastor Adeboye used. He is a born loser, he lost all his senile arguments with Buhari, and now, he has become more infamous with the man of God. Femi Aribisala, woe betide you!

Anonymous said...

God bless Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Pastor Mrs F.A Adeboye, Pastors, Ministers, Workers, and all members of the RCCG, In Jesus Name. Shalom !

Anonymous said...

It's only in Christianity we hear wise up. People are blowing up themselves for what they believe in. I hope your wiseness has gotten you somewhere?

Anonymous said...

oh shut up... At the end of the day it's not your money

Anonymous said...

see how devil dey beg people receive curse
4 ur information,d new auditorium is being built becos d current one is
small and can no longer contain us...
u beta b careful dnt b lyk Miriam who became leprous becos she spoke against
moses God's sent

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aribisala, thanks for your courageous stance. Bottom line is: the road leading to destruction is wide, glitters and paved with the niceties of modernity and many are on it. Yet, the road that leads to life is narrow, tight, "ugly" and few are the ones finding it. Let those who have ears heed the message for the end time draws near. QED@atm

Anonymous said...

U r so on point. That's part of the reason these so-called pastors never confront the massive corruption by those in power even in the face of the grinding poverty, youth unemployment and societal vices perpetuated by the ruling class. On the other hand, it seems many of these blind followers like it just the way it is: they call these pastors "daddy": meaning they are the "children" who will follow "daddy" even into the pit bcos afterall, "daddy" knows best. Suppose, ignorance is bliss but this ignorance is most costly and pitiable to a people, its resources and future advancement. Naijas ought to thank Aribisala for attempting to make them see clearly bcos to do otherwise, is: goodcause4trouble

Digital Inspiration said...

the writer should please read the bible well and stop quoting the bible out of context.

Anonymous said...

Everybody should be careful what is uttered. Lynda , this is not a fair account . May God help the writer & the readers .

Unknown said...


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