After 10years of making history and landmark...The Search for whom will represent the seat of power of Nigeria will emerge for 2015 Edition ,27 Beautiful Contestants representing various ethnic groups in Nigeria will contest for the prestigious Crown.
The Winner will represent Nigeria @ Miss Tourism Universe and Miss Africa Naiades 2015.. The grand finale promises to be a spectacular event which will also feature the LITTLE QUEEN OF ASO NIGERIA BEAUTY PAGEANT ,Vice President Prof Yemi Oshinbajo will be the Special Guest of Honour.... 15 Distinguished Nigerians will receive ASO OUTSTANDING AWARD 2015 and the event will also feature Music by top class Musicians,Comedians,Captains of Industries,Politicians ,Tourists Around the World ,Celebrities ,Top Media Executives....
Ticket- Diamond-500k (Table. For 8+ Champagne, Gold-20k Sliver-5k,Bronze-3k(Children below 10years) Ticket Available @ The Bank,Top J Wine Bar,Drumstix,Jevniks Restaurants,Banana Republic. For More Info,Branding,Ticket Reservations and partnership Contact 08036798508,08069552027 or Visit www.queenofaso.org
Lets see how cute they re,and who wins the crown!
Fake beauty. We ain't even proud of our Black anymore, Evey1 is bleaching their skin. It's high time Nigerian girls appreciate their natural beauty.
Cute girls, some are way cuter than others.
Sandra looks like karishika.
Omo see fine fine gals abeg.....
They r all queens inn their own rite
Fine gehs
What kind of beauty contest is this? Half of the girls there are lying about their ethnicity. Why can't Nigerians just be honest? If people can be crooked concerning small things like this, is it our politicians you can now trust to not be corrupt? Shameful
Wishing them all the best. Linda take note!
The igala and the ogoni girl are the bomb.
Wish u all the best my friend Habibat Aliyu
OGONI,Itsekiri,Edo,yoruba,Ijaw,Fulnai,IBIBIO and Okrika...They are Beautiful esp.Ogoni and Itsekiri!!!! Beauties
Umu oma
*lib's namesake*
Mtccheeewww. Beauty pageant every where.
The Edo... Fulani and ijaw is pretty
Pedro oluwatosin is beautiful
The eyes balls on the Nupe chic tho...
Igbo girls rock bt eyeing d Hausa chic
Ugly girls except the tiv rep
~D great anonymous!
Achado Jenifer and amina are do bueatiful
Wish dem all d best.....
Wow! Achado Jenifer and Pedro amina beauty are out of dis world i hope one of them won.
The Ogoni lady has striking features
The Igbo lady is beautiful
No 1 or 2 Wins it 4 me
The Okrika lady looks sexy
Most of dem are beautiful anyway, but some go pack well o
Awww pretty ladies all the best
Congrat Queen of Aso on ur 10yr Anniversary
Congrat Queen of Aso on ur 10yr Anniversary
Beautiful ladies except.
For nupe and ekiti. #lipssealed#
I guess the winner will get to be Flavour's third baby mama.
They all lookpretty and cute. I wish them all d best!
Pretty girls after a while they will sabotage the show pageant and start bringing in ugly girls becos they spread their legs.
They're all so pretty and mature. But beauty pageants are never fair in Nigeria. Its a game of the highest 'sharer'
D all look good n I wish dem all d best
Igbo n Yoruba r the pretty
Igbo n Yoruba r pretty
Igbo, tiv, Igala n Yoruba r so pretty
Am d winner is Queen Yoruba,Gbaggi,Fulani,Hausa and Igbo
Fank God am beautiful
Linda which is Queen of Aso Rock...Nigerian 2 hv sense.....2 much moni 4 d organiser
Ibibio,Ebira,yoruba,hausa and Igbo....My Top 5
Okrika rocks
Grammar pls sir!d Lord is surely ur strength.
All d best best to all of them and I wish them d very best of d best. They all look pretty. Congrats 2d winner in adv.
Pretty ladies fulani, hausa and ebira my top 3...All the best
Cute gals http://nairagoodies.com
Fooooll....u can choose to represent any tribe, as far as u be Nigeria
Beautiful girls but the sad thing is that dey have to fcuk their way through.......the best pussy wins
Igala chic all d way!!! She is flawless and her lips are sexy.The ijaw chic,her smile could make her win,very contagious and i like.The ogoni chic facial structure is great for a model.The Edo chic,I loveeee her hair and I think she is fashionable.The tiv chic,if u don't hold back your smile u'll look prettier.The yoruba and igbo chic are cute.....yummy
Y'all vote for peace suleiman, she damn awesome
This kate girl of kalabari don carry herself here again....she has caused enough trouble in port harcourt......d organzers should beware of this girl...she is as bad as d devil himself....Linda Observe
The fulani chick and itsekiri chick are the prettiest
This kate of kalabari don carry herself here again o....she has caused enough troubles in portharcourt....the organisers should beware of this girl.except they don't like their agency.
Samantha Ubani all the way.....
Itsekiri, Yoruba and Ibibio
Kate Asima All the way
Tochi wishes them luck
The yoruba girl is bleaching master.she was a black girl and she is known for fucking around I'm not suprised she fucked her way through here.she and her friends are well known for fucking all over the place.dirty girl that lives in my backyard at festac forming porsch.
All d best best to all of them and I wish them d very best of d best. They all look pretty. Congrats 2d winner in adv.
Ijaw, igbo, itshekiri, tiv and ibibio contestants are the only ones with right facial features.
Yoruba tosin you won do pageant too? This old bleaching girl..hian!
Ok, best of luck to all of them
This tosin wey her pussy dey smell like dry fish.u still wan try luck for here too.goodluck oh.i tink say u be wan die for video vixen work bcos I know say na yur life be that.this girl na festac and lekki ashawo from torparz hotel she and that her friend wey lodge for mosaic.
Henry say so
This tosin yoruba wey dey f*ck around my backyard for festac.bleach master smelly pus*y geh..linda nawa for you self o
Hahahahahahehehehehehihihihihi so tosin don commot from video vixen she don still spread leg enter here.this na confirmed ashi wey dey lodge for torparz hotel..bleachy bleachy
Henry says so
Smelly pus*sy tosin pedro.i hope u av started washing yur p*ssy wella o. Becos dat yur infection for there no good o.
A lot of these cuties are off tha chain. Damn....
Congrats o tosin amina phedro yoruba..ur bleaching don try for ur body.local yoruba girl wey get tribal mark for face go com dey feel funky for instagram.makeup dey help you becos u ugly without am.u dey my backyard for festac na
Ibibio all the way
@ Anita..no vez say dem fine pass u..e dey pain u gah gah
Most of em are Igbo's,,, not being tribalistic hatters..
Beautiful Girls! Aliyu Habibat killed it-its all about confidence, intelligence and beauty... Goodluck!
Aliyu Habibat! Wish yhu d best of luck! Kisses
Ibibio(mad cheekbones), yoruba and ijaw are d only ones dt wld still be beautiful makeupfree.
Ogoni and Igbo are runner ups (eye makeup is really helping them).
The rest are not up to 4/10. Light skin does not equate to beauty.
what are you saying can't u see queen ibira? be blabing trash dere.
The yoruba girl has omotolas smile. Beautiful.
na wa ooo . they better check her well. pls what did she do in ph? pls give us details oo. na wa for gurls oo. she even look troublesome sef.
Kate Asima of kalabari all the way
Who dash this smelly tosin pageant.nawa o..with ur tribal mark for face stil dey form ajebutter.this local village girl. Your smelly pus*y wont make u even get to the top 3 bcos the organizers no go fit stand that smell
All pretty
i like the igbo , yoruba , igala and gbaggi most
All the best girls
Hmm tosin pedro the ashy of festac/lekki wey dey go lodge for one turpaz hotel for lekki.u wan try ur luck for here too? Video never reach u again na pageant for ur age abeg go sheet!
Igbo is very pretty
Yeah the Igbo lady is cute
The fulani representative princess Jessica is the most pretty, small girl, with very innocent look, no too much make up, she has to be the winner if the organizers really know what they are doing
The fulani representative princess Jessica is the most pretty, small girl, with very innocent look, no too much make up, she has to be the winner if the organizers really know what they are doing
This Jukun girl is more reserved from her outta look...She actually deserve the queen of Aso 2015...
Fulani, hausa, itsekiri my top 3 all the best girls
Wow!!! Fulani so gorgeous.
Yoruba, fulani all the way 4me
I love dat igbo lady very sexy,pretty and beautify
achado n amina re so.preety
The fulani representative princess Jessica is the most pretty, small girl, with very innocent look, no too much make up, she has to be the winner if the organizers really know what they are doing
Kalabari all the way she is cute KATE Y ASIMA love you bae
Anulika nkita shatap!!! Is it Becoz u don't hv money 2 buy gud cream...ode
BLOSSOM UBANI (Ijaw) the LORD is your Strength
you are the capital idiot here.why should one tribe want to claim to all tribes. the igbos must stop this theiving behavior.your girls are not finer than any other tribe but only cheaper.idiot.
No natural beauty. Non of them is beautiful from my own definition of beauty.
Anon 10:22 if Igbo babe handle u....ah swear I go auction ur family.......Igbo chicks are the most expensive
As ugly as u r how can u tell when one is beautiful, ugly Nkechi
She goes about causing conflicts among groups and individuals!she is into runs,she is not just fit to b a queen!i hope the agency in charge of this pageant take note on time before she get in and spoil all they have laboured for.a queen is a public figure and is suppose to have good character.she is not just worthy of being a contestant ralkless of winning.i just hope they realise on time
Kate Asima for queen of Aso
Queen of Aso Nig best pageant in Abuja....i prefer Gbaggi 4 d Crown
Miss fulani so gorgeous
Miss KALABARI sail well you are very ok we know you very well and yes the organisers please do us well and check you again cos you don't ve any stain
Igala kalabari ijaw go well one of you should win the crown
You are known already don't worry, they know your stories
Yes they should investigate well cos I know her
Lol truly? Nawa for girls oh
Wetin tosin pedro dey do for here?common gerrarahere shii! Dis ashawo of lekki
Tosin no way for you! No certificate self dull girl wey stop for secondary school. No future plans.u com life com twerk for instagram very foolish girl
Tosin did you go to school? Do you av a certificate? Na instagram be ur certificate.i must be celebrity by force! nawa oh Bleach master!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you guys see kalabari she is cute simple but beautiful make up
Kalabari girls are cute I wish you the best kate Asima
Wish them all the best.
Most of these girls are yorubas and igbos representing states some hve never been to, why can't the organizers be true and select girls from d rightful states, I know a lot of girls who are interested n passionate about modelling buh are not given the oppurtuntiy.all I'm saying is that it should be a fulani girl dht will represent d fulani,and same for every tribe or culture...#word.
Hahaha see Samantha oo. Ugly albino! Everyday u dey one paegentry or d other. Go and finish school and do business or become a pastor like ur fada!
I wish u were saying the truth or maybe it's the kate herself writing this.....if u know her well as u claim u would know she is not worth it at all....i also know her well!go check her history with people arround her.
I know her well also, I am her neighbour In ozioma suit Choba,in pH. she does not have a good history and she is a fake person...@anno 6:55 before u comment make sure you have facts.
I tink say na only me know this yoruba tosin girl to be ashawo o wey dey use video vixen cover up. Na by force to be celebrity? Go to school oh old mama and the girl inner sometin dey smell die! Choi!
Urhobo wado! With the sound of oneness u have my total support miss Evelyn.
Tosin ogu fire you for there.who dash u pagaent? Yur story dey everywhere
Kalabari girl is pretty cool go girl the crown is urs
Christabel iwaula we know you are behind this write up, your hatred for for her can't stop her from shining I just want you to pls state why you want her dismiss and also mention the problems she has been causing in which organisations or keep that your smelling mouth shut and watch the end of this pageant* Christabel uneducated illiterate
People will just be wanting to eat people's success I know her damp well she is my next door neighbour she is very very good, good history to date organisers pls investigate her well
Kalabari get d crown
Kalabari Queen fits u
Am Stephen her next door neighbor . who's is this person that is my neighbor that I don't knw am in room 20 so pls wats ur room. Number let's knw u
Am Gerrard her neighbor she is good and well respected in our compound and street pls fear God and don't spoil her name cos of personal issues you guys muat ve had
Miss Igbo is pretty chai
Miss Igbo my best bet for the crown
I know sandra,she is so sexy,nice skin and so pretty.miss Igbo for Queen of aso 2015
Miss kalabari got an amazing smile..she is so cute and got an awesome personality..she deserve the crown
Miss itsekiri is so pretty, she's got a good smile
Evelyn victor go bring the crown, the sky is ur limit
peace believe ur head they there God be with u
Igala fine girl may God be with u...u look good and sweet Sail On
Wanna knw who won in the contest.
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