Okoye has publicly shown support to his friend, footballer Emmanuel
Adebayor, who took to his Facebook page yesterday to
expose issues he's
having with his family. Sharing his opinion, Peter said the pressure is
always on the most successful in the family. What he wrote on instagram
"I thank
you for sharing your story bro, that was very brave. Indeed as
Africans, the pressure is always on the most successful in the family and
it hurts when your efforts are not appreciated and belittled. Truth is,
you owe no one. Your family should be proud of you and not condemn you.
I'm so proud of you bro. Remain blessed"
Even davido
I support him too. Lindaobsv
I kinda understand what d guy is saying too
That's thoughtful of em,but goin on social media with family issues is a very big ni 4 me. Kpele to d most successful in d family!
Nice of him......
Well said peter
true talk bro
we africans should learn frm it
Peter learn to mind your own family
and stay off others.
Lol...peter should do and tell us his own story 😏😏😏
That's what friends do,so cool
Hmmmmm, okay o
Family wahala solve it... nd dnt let ppl knw
Yea, tws brave he opened up
I Rep 27th May
***explicit content***
What do u expect?
Its only natural for u to be pressured when successful. But i don't think its right dissing your family on social media. Remember, at some point prior to your success, we didn't hear of your issues. In my opinion, you should arrange your HOUSE/FAMILY and stop all dis. Remember, na our culture.
Welcome to africa where the successfull once are always bothered and hated if they are not complying......
You Owe no ONE!!!!!!! Gbam!!!!!!
Yea I seconded
Big mouth, over sabi. must you put your mouth in everything.
I support him as well even tho he is selfish in playing football tho.... I think he is honest
He is so right. Family members can suck one dry & still remain ungrateful. Linda take note!
well its true, he does not owe them and yes its very brave to speak up like that, if he was poor not sure they will have his time
Lol...Well said tho
True... Africans needs to stop all this rubbish they do, everyone shud fight and hustle for themselves... To do good no be by force
that is what friends do
Successful Men!! More grease to their elbow mehn!! God bless all the siblings that support their family, including my bro Nnanna. #fromagratefulheart
Peter should please mind his business. Some people will now use this opportunity to start fighting their family members who demand just little assistance from them.
Yes...It is so true; as Paul said, YOU OWE NO ONE. This African mentality of depending on the most successful person in the family is what is killing us. Everyone should fend for himself and be self reliant. No one is more blessed than the other...every successful person isn't lucky...he/she had to work hard for what he/she has.
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A friend indeed..nice
Exactly. Well said
That is what solidarity is. Big ups Peter, I guess you know a little about what Adebayor is going through.
remain blessed???igbo man
Yeah I like that from peter, very good support.
Yeah! Some family ar hell. I know Wat peter is thinking. I tank GOD forgiving me sweet family.
Naso buoda peteru
Lobatan........... Eleyi ti kan aye.
Me sef support una......
true talk..
I support you both. Lorlahbhanks
Good of him..
Well said
Well said. He should build houses for each member of the family. Greedy lazy people. Some families become automatically useless or lazy when one member is successful.
I agree! D pressure is always too much, dats wen u'll b hearing stories dat ur elder bro dropped outa sch cos of u!
Hello peter, that u suport your friend does not mean you are right. Bro thats your own opinion. As for me, my family is all i have worked for and they mean a lots to me.
Very thoughtful of him
Adebayor do yourselve a favor and take care of yourself. You have done enough. Everyone should work hard. I am working hard today not waiting for my brother or sister. People should learn to work hard no favor from heaven.
Guy na wa for u ooo, as if u be davidos driver tru tru. Lol
Lol, as if u be davidos driver tru tru
You're a good person
Abeg bro enjoy your handwork
I also support him and may God be with him.
Even me
That's how some family members are.when they see that you are Successful that's when they willall their problems.its high time people started taking responsibility of themselves and leave those who are struggling to make it post a free classified advert here
Once you have a job and successful, the pressures are always on.
As you give, so shall you receive, just do the ones you can and leave the rest to God.
Peter msg is very lovely, and helpful thereof to Adebayor. He nailed it straight on, and told him exactly wht I wil hav told him. God bless him.
Ofcourse, that's why we cover molestation, child abuse etc because it is done by a member of the family
What is our culture ? When his family was granting interviews up and down to the press you people didn't see that one! Shut the hell up
But if you get very sick you will expect your family to be there for you
If u have give,instead of buying stupid cars and vanity,invest in a human being,because tomorrow your children may need their own children's help,most people don't like begging,its just unfortunate accessing loans is not easy,I know someone like this,he ran away from family for years and he was brought back bedridden,it was the same family that cared for him,so you should be grateful if you have to give,because begging is not easy at all
I won't want the footballer did was right but he has it to the point where he couldn't take it again and I don't blame him for that. I just pray God helps his family
Instead of relying on others, work hard to get yours. I'd rather be self made..
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Keep shut you!Bloody retard.Yourself and Dominica
Why don't you and other family members go out and hustle like others.
I feel his pain because I have been there and I know how it feels carrying everyone's problem .
Peter Okoye stole my comment. His comment was exactly what i had in mind cos it is what i am going through with my family too. In Africa, it is a crime to be successful in the midst of poor relatives. They will want to be like you without doing anything and as such whatever you give is never appreciated. It is a pity some parent supports this act. I feel for him.
Oh shut up! Do you know how his family have been disgracing him in the press? Now he shares his own side and it's a problem. What stupid and silly culture are you talking about? Same African culture that makes the rest of the family lazy when one is successful?
Linda I have a strong feeling you are going through this yourself
Good for u inbecile. Your wife and children should be ur priority not ur family mugun
Peter plz share ur own story....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Adebayor pls dnt mind any of dem ur family will always b ur family all dis pple talking trash can't help if u av problem dat is when u will knw u av no one but ur family can never liv u we dnt knw wat happen I can't judge cus we didn't hear frm ur family u will always want to defend urself we dnt knw why dey are fighting with u so peter face ur business nd stop pock nosing into some one affairs
From his narrative he is d only useful one in his family,others are useless sound so dump...ur face doesn't compliment ur comment. Digest what he's trying to say dullard.
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Gbam! Everybody hustle on your own!!!
Linda I hope you know such fate await u someday, most poor families like yours are always like that. And God help you that u marry a man who isn't as rich as u Hummmm watch how ur family especially that ur forward sister and dad are gonna make life hard for them!
Just learn from this
Ok, but I still think that Bayo did wrong by coming on Social media to expose what's been happening in his family. He should have just cut off from everyone of them completely.
We Pray for God intervention... He alone cane help here.. But take this from me.. " if someone try esterblishing don't mess up the chance to be on your own.. bcus no one on earth will be happy with u when such is messed up with.. been a dependant is worst than any sickness.." Adebaba as i call u.. i personally feel for u.. I ll still be happy if u can give them one more chance to visit the Man of God pls.. If u can follow up it ll be best. and after the visit u ll see ur real family.. God bless u as u manage to come and embark on the visit...
. <<100%Nigerian>>
Well... I hope Adebayor will acknowlede ur support 'sabinatu yahaya' THIS IS YARDLEY!
Hmmmn. My dear ...
Very true and truly you owe them nothing soldo your best and leave them to their hatred.
Well said
I wonder why some people prefers living in d dark. Some commentators said it's our culture!!! Pllllllsssss, should one suffer this much for family and all he gets is his downfall from his own blood, and you expect him not to cry out? Any ways if they cut the finger that feeds them, who will suffer? My guy live your life to the fullest, God that has not made you dry, sees your heart. they will be wondering why you are not yet broke, tell them, Blessed is the hand that giveth than the hand that taketh.
My dear, cant u see what linda posted? She said "his friend", so he is free to say something.
Our so called African family members are very very ungrateful folks! To hell with them all !!
Our so called African family members are very very ungrateful folks! To hell with them all !!
Oga driver, abeg explain which of Davido family dey worry am... U sha want to just write something
Good one
For how long will my comment starts being visible?
Adebayor is fu**ing Huddah big brother..
Good to see his english has improved or he got some help *enter* Lola doing Peter's homework since 1999
Wetin him wan hear. Whatever we say here does it get to his ears?. Linda abeg ans. Family mata na still family tins. Dey will sort demselves out someday.
That's just the truth.
I almost forgot myself and children because of family problem they want you to live all your life for them this culture is total nonsensical.
Christie...we are back to making dumb and retard comments aren't we
Let me clarify by saying this is not just an African thing. Albeit more pronounced in Africa, it's actually everywhere. Read John Grisham's The Last Testament, then you will see the idiotic mentality is everywhere.
U owe no one except ur parents and children.
What an idiot!! What village are you from backward cow @Agukwe
Na Our Culture??? Na Our Culture????? Listen to yourself.... So he should suffocate and die... bcos of culture?????
Am sure you are the kind of idiot waiting to collect Free House And Salary for doing NOTHING!!
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