"Yes. You all have been guessing about that, but una get strength, why una wan know my guy? Do you know if I have? I laugh when I hear stuff like this. I just laugh at the assumptions. I have always loved being with just one guy. I don't do runs. Because I bought a car, gullible people are saying I do runs. So because I bought a car, I will have to sleep around before I can get it? That's silly. Everyone has become a judge and the main judges don't have work to do again. Please I am too young to be in a hurry to get rich. God can bless you anytime with just one breakthrough, if you are okay, cool and contented" she said. Continue...
Halima also said a woman can
sleep her way through the top but it would never last. She revealed that
she has been working since she turned 13years old.
"I am not controversial. People talk and the press writes. Guess my name gives them gossip orgasm. I am a simple couch-loving lady. I love my bed, my comfort, whether there is spring or mat, I am great at home. I don't party. I feel like I don't have fun and I am still not having fun because I am too serious and have being working since I was 13years. But its okay. I am making my own rules and making sure I follow them. I love meriting stuff so I don't cut corners. Hard work is better. You can sleep your way to the top but it never lasts. I knew that from day one. When people reject me, I don't worry because they are the ones loosing, not knowing how amazing I am. People like judging and as long as people like hearing hear say, then they add lies to sweeten the gist. So how am I controversial? I am always misunderstood by lots of people. Just because I don't talk too much does not mean I am unfriendly or arrogant. I am just a calmed-natured person. Not giving to stress. People have made me calm because of their constant gossips. I am now like "Django". I laugh and move on. I know that people still fight for me behind. So, God bless you all for the love" she said
We know! U don't run you walk. Walk's girl!
You aren't a runs gal, but an ashi... Engr Emy...
LOL.. gossip-gasm..
But whats the difference between a girl that gets appreciated with a car and the one that gets maybe as a plate,of Ice cream? I guess its just the level of benevolence.
Don't mind them dear,God bless your hustle.
Thumps up*
Well said
Na so dem dey talk oo
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Ohk... She didn't have to try so hard to convince ppl, if she is who she says she is.
I won't judge, but, It's only her and God that know 'whats up'.
Let love lead!
* My R1.50c comment *
That is one hot chick....... If I touch you will not be surprise if my hands do burn
But what??? Yahoo boy?
~D great anonymous!
Good for her, but what's wrong in being a runs girl? As long as it put food on your table nd pays ur bills.
Una don hear am abiii. Halima is not into runs. Orishirishi. *Flips my sponged yaki darling and walks away*. Next!!!!
Shut your mouth HALIMA ABUBAKAR ! You are a proper RUNS girl....if you want to dare me, bring it on...my name is Bolaji (OmoOba), Iam 120 percent sure of what iam saying. And u know who iam, I did not hide my identity. I hit it first (3 times)...then handed you over to my friend, Demola. And you know it was all business.
Work brings profit; talk brings poverty! Proverbs 14:23 TLB
Hehehehe. . Well said.. bt wait for libers dem dey find fault on wat 90% of celebrities say or do. . Nd pls dnt take wat dey say personal cos dats our hobby
Indecent girls turn to runz when they have alil bit of fame or they forget those that stood by them , in the end dem go regret am . Na for church last last , munachi na example . Beauty fades but love stands
Okay... I love her though...
I never heard about ppl saying she does "runs"...anyways, interesting interview!
Lol! You are a Runner girl
I like dis lady
Na u sabi o! Dat one no concern me.
Who gives a shit? Dumbass illiterate... which work @ 13! u wey I kno for abuja abi anoda person! Muy frnd sharrap dere and go siddon !#posh april
ask yourself again.
hmmm. we hear!
Hmmmm well said! Dnt mind dem gbeborun jare! Live ur life as it pleases u. U owe no one an explanation!
Who says you are?..
Its soo funny d way pple judge others as if dey are perfect
Someone sounds guilty here.. !! Next plz..
Well sorry gal but i still think yu are a runs gal but may God bless ur huzzle as always though.....
nice talk. 4get abt the prejudice.
Am nt a fan bt I stand with her on this people should b allowed to live their life as they please.
my dear keep your head up and be focused.
help me ask her, is she a virgin?
OK!!!!!!! Next Ms Tee
Aunty , kedu nke meee last ?
#forget ndi asiri.
I've never looked at you like a runs girl, never will do that..
I'm not arguing or tryna go against your words..
Just saying, № girl will admit she's a runs girl even if she knows she sleeps with men for money..
Anyways, I'm happy you don't let the gossip get to you..
Even if she is into runs, nobody has d f**kin right to judge her. Thr's all man for himslf. And besides, she jst claimed she isnt, so haters, stop hating
Nigerian's shuld fink of beta finz 2 do dan caln sumbodi "runs babe". Evn if she does t,its her bodi nd nt urs.if she no buy car na same una go insult her. Babe live ur life fr u nd nobodi else.
My dear, nuttin do u, anybody can call u whatever name they like, it is what God calls u that matters, som armed robbers and runs gals comment here and they wil stil abse u asif they are better off,just live ur life and dnt bother abt wat any animal tinks of u,ppl wud always talk, weda u r good or bad
Loool. We have heard you
Lol True @chess
I just love Halima, well packaged babe...............
people will always talk my dear, so never mind
Does it matter?
My comment should appear as the no 4 .no ojoro o.
Hmmm each mallam with his own kettle.
Tell it to the birds....
Stop hating bitches, go make ur own money#
ι v always loved her
ℓ̊ wonder why people gossip n hate... Buying a car is it thru runz??? Amibo
Are u explaining to idiots? Are they better dan u? Dnt they sin? Abeg live ur life darling,ppl wey de do bad tins na dem de first judge ppl and attack dem
My dear plp talk wen dey re behind u, so dnt luk bk n move on. Oloshi Nigerians.
Ride-on my dear. Though u're not my favourite in the movie industry(although I love ur person), but I would never castigate u for any reason. I also laugh whenever I read gossips about other stars, and wonder whose headache are they swallowing paracetamol for? Just keep doing ur things my dear and never let those already-made-bitter-assholes get @ u for any damn reason. God loves and cherish you just the way you are, and I love u too.
You sure look like one
Who was expecting her to accept she's a Runs Girl? She didn't answer the simple question: How did she get the money to buy an expensive car and a house in USA?
Anyway nothing like Runs Girl in the 1st place, Ashawo na Ashawo!
A̶̲̥̅♏ Just living my own life.
Some naija pple believe any single successful lady must do runz to remain successful dat is a myth..so never give a listening ear to gossip halima darling.love u
I beg what's my own? Hit my name jawe if u want to be an Online Entrepreneur!!
I only agree with one out of all,people tend to tag you snub or arrogant if you don't talk much,i for one is an example but the rest she's talking rubbish,some EPs go just read this thing smile lie lie girl
*We dont care*
My dear i dey feel u, u r nt a runs girl, u r just a cool babe. jst like me too, "Inoliketoomuchactivitiesaroundme"
*yawns* is that all? I b'live u ok
Don't mind them live ur life the way u want abeg
Runs girl or not, I like your breast.
By their comments we shall know them..
You ended up not making any sense by the end of the day..
Halima forget all these hypocrates. Atleast she no deygive for free, if u hve sex b4 marriage it is a sin and I am sure we all do dat so pls make una take toilet seats joor. Even ministers,govt officials, politicians, celebrities etc dey do am for money abeg no body holy pass. Linda u better post this even u sef dey do runs, so ma dears we r all guilty.
Hahaha.. U dey husstle Linda Ikeji Awuf money ??? God is watching you ooo..
I'm laughing so hard @flips my sponged darling yaki. I'm sure u don't even fix 'darling yaki' since u called it 'yaki darling'. Still laughing.
sure, we agree...
U only sleep around for fame and fortune right?
...like we dont know better! it ll have been better you said nofin.
Before nko? Will you admit that? WHORE!
And what if? Pls leave her alone.
Love your haters Halima Abubakar they are your biggest fans....
even the tatto on ur breast vindicate ur claim that u re not a runz girl.....Lmao.....
live and let live
Well said, unless u're a virgin....don't hate.
Who I go ask?
C naija girl mentality , runz and prostitution are both d same , no difference at all , that's y it's on d increase , a lot of pretty young girls into prostitution but call it runz or aristo , fooling ur selves
Good for her na only God know best,u can deceive people but u can't deceive God,chai chai .
Linda, u don start again? Post my previous comment nah.
This APPLE, why are you so bitter? You brand everyone a whore or gay, people you don't know. You live your life on cheap internet gossips. You've become notorious on this blog because of your malicious comments. You are one bad APPLE. Someone called you a bitch, that's exactly who you are-A BITCH. May God help you!
And so.even if she deceive pipo is dat their biz? Sum timez l wnder why pipo lyk puting eyez on sumbdy's matter. Dz is d reason why l luv my #Diva# tonto dike. She nver give a damn wot you fink, see her sour lyk an Eagle. Doesn't top we d fanz to hate them n be your fanz. #Never# So dear do not mind dem ok. I can feel ur pain true ur speech buh u just hve to knw dz, only successful sumone pipo talk abt. If you re nt prospering nobdy would had knw you. So keep ur head up n never allow wot they said to border you cos u re a moving train.
~CYNTHIA~ commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
hehe...who cares
Really pls gist us jor no mind her.
If u say so
Who is she again...??
Bolaji u dirty dog who doesn't know u can lie for Africa..... Cos your mother is a prostitute u must rubbish every woman..... Leave the poor girl alone and go pray for your mama to retire from a ashawo work...
God knows the best sha
Pls do nt live ur life as it pleases u o! U don't own ur life. God is d owner and giver of life. So pls live ur life as it pleases God. Shalom.
@Bolaji u ought to b ashamed of yourself priding urself over Sex.. I hop u not marid cos I fel for ur wife ..Bloody He- goat.
It is better to do runs and get a car and a house as reward than runs for a Blackberry and money to buy recharge cards.
That's different level of runs. Lol.
Halima na only u follow come?chei chei
Hmm...am not a fan of hers...if uve not seen pictures of her in bed with different men then how sure r u to label her as a runs lady...i dont believe in seeing other peoples weakness....its rude to call her names...
Dear Halima nobody talks or famz wit a failure o. so just keep thanking God 4 he has made u som1 ppl can sit nd talk about, nt many r dis lucky dearie.
if they r nt talking abt u den u r dead cos gossip can only b abt d living or ever seen ppl gossiping abt d dead? nah!
Noted,, *yawns*
Halima.......One advice for u. TrY & dress more responsibly.
U are addresseD d way u are dressed. *COVER UP*
What's with people drinking panadol for another person headache either she is a runs girl or not it's her business why not let her be biko
Why does she feel the need to defend herself from nowhere or is it that the interviewer asked?
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