Though Jessie didn't name names but quite a number of people believed she was refering to Riri. Jessie had to explain further. She wrote
I’m going to be honest. My tweet about Instagram was NOT aimed at anyone in particular. But I will openly say the amount of pictures including men and woman nude and girls and guys promoting smoking drugs on the internet these days is a lot. Feels like the boundaries are disappearing. Its become fashionable and in my opinion its too much. Call me what you want but that’s MY opinion and I’m entitled to one.I agree, Jessie!
You are damn right Jess, attention seekers now revert to posing nude, smoking weed and doing gay shit to trend on media.
I'm wiv jessie j.....*rme*
i agree with her,tink i like her 4 dat
She's right ojare and if Riri feels the tweets are about her, she knows what to do. Rirri has been quiet lately sef.
Maybe she wasn't referring to Rihanna. People do crazy shit on the internet now. So maybe she was actually generalizing.
LooL...I completely agree!Kaiy
thats so true...
The world is control by God but devil is there to take some to his own way I think when someone is alone and bored he or she can do anything that comes to d mind if that person may God save us from devil
that is so true....
I agree, even in our supposed religious country.
I concur too
My dear we're gradually returning to Eden.
won't be surprised if Lindiway posts who rocked dis nakedness better between Rihanna and Madonna.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Tell her!!
I agree with u Jessy,Riri is just a mess these days.I want my Riri of -If its lovin' dat u want-; *sobbing*
Camer chic!
Try it to ward off boredom jare...am sure u'l look good in ur birthday suit.it's funny ao ppl just pose nude n post it on d social media...
You go girl! Well said, period.
I completely agree...the amount of nudity and indecency I see openly on instagram these days is ridiculous. The less clothes you wear, the more likes you get...
Heheheee.. Jessie,trouble dey sleep u go wake am. True tok from u jawe..
True talk but she n rihanna looks demonic in those pics.
Take a quip on Rihanna, den she replies n den u boost ur carreer. Same circle. #Shame#. Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DATSHAPIBOBOY
Every body is entitled to thier own opinions so let them be besides the masses like to see celebrity tities it causes more pulicity which they need to survive so if u want to be famous just post ur titis with ur face so we could all goggle you someday
Of course she is fully entitled to her opinion so like she said, she did aim @ no1 in particular. Is it just Rihanna dat has α nude pics on de net or is it cuz she is α celeb & Jessie is too? Abeg make una free de babe joor. Linda next plzzzzzz
She is ryt... But life is about choice is either u want TO or u DON'T
Now that is some comment. it was just about time some one said something definitive about it. We are fast going beyond the boundaries of sensibility.
Totally agree
I just fell in love with Jesse J right now. Ts rily gettn outta hand o, cos a lot of young adults even kids are exposed 2 a lot of stuffs on d internet! And it can influence dem 2, cos dey wud tink ts so COOL!. God help us!!!
I second U̶̲̥̅̊ linda......i agree Ŵi̶̲̅τ her τ̅☺ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡ 100%!
Gôd̶̲̥̅̊ ϐłêšš U̶̲̥̅̊ jare jessie! Neva knew W̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊ still Hλ√ƺ som gud-morally minded oyinbos, tot all had gone bananas!
I agree 3....kpam...
What annoys me the most is these people are celebrities. Some of our youths look up to them as role models so promoting nudity and drug use is doing the society no good. It's just sad that people know which celebrity is slagging about but have no idea of the individual who invented the internet. I love Jessie J by the way!
i totally agree with her and like she said it wasnt aimed @ anyone since its not only riri doing
if she had made d second statement ist or alone, i wlda agreed wiv her without saying she sef dey find attention, and na wen pesin dey find attention, na im dem dey always yab pesin wey dey hawte @ dat moment.... So d moral of ma gist be say, Jesse shame.... Sorry J, sing more songs jare, so dah u can get real attention, no b dis crooked one wey u wan manufacture wiv ya own hand
New respect for jessie
mmmmssssssccchhhhhheeeeewwwww, Who be Jessie J? Abeg she should go and sit her ass down somewhere jare. If she has body like Riri she should take pic and post otherwise she should shut up
Who's she trying to fool? She was definitely referring to Rihanna. What Rihanna does is uncalled for, but if you're going to say something, don't be afraid to stand by it.
She is absolutely right.
I support your ministry jessie. tell them,they need to hear some natural and church truth. Haleluyah
ok jessie j is right.. but as my wonderful bible says let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.. although not extremely provocative, jessie is doing the same thing that rihanna is doing just on a subtle level.. they both promote sex.. sex sells.. jessie promotes sex in her videos irrespective of the songs message although quite subtle.. rihannna on the other hnd isnt scared to go against moral boundaries. both are the samae... so y criticize rihanna... she isnt any better in my opinion anyways.. p.s.. countdown to rihanna's end if care isnt taken.. look at how brittany faded, lindsay lohan.. both where on the top of their games.. its only a matter of time.
She's obviously generalizing and she did not mention anyone's name, it's people like Linda that just assume things...plus on instagram I hear people esp girls post nude pics, she has probably seen a lot of them.
U're right Jessie.......at least we still have some sane people around....
as said by jessie j d openly bisexual woman!!!! hiss abeg NEXT
Yes oo
That's rich coming from Jessie J. That woman goes around eternally in a catsuit, apparently the only thing that she discovered makes her look sexy, with that eternal severe fringe which she thinks is the best coiffe since Big Afro. Unfortunately she's not. Somewhere in a desert, a Camel is missing its toes whenever she dons one of her catsuits! Jessie just cannot keep up with the competition and she has thrown a hissy through the this self-righteous verbiage.
She just called Rihanna's kettle [or whoever she's ranting against] black. Now, if only Jessie looked half as gorgeous as Rihanna, had one-tenth of Rihanna's popularity or wealth, that woman will be going naked.
I know her personally and she's no nun. She's a bisexual who is as vile and vacuous as the worst of them attention-seekers. So I do not buy the hypocrisy even in a coma. She's false. She wants to look natural, pristine, ladylike? Well, how about removing all that slap from her face, the false lashes and nails, that bloodshot lipstick, wear undramatic heels and wear ordinary dresses like every girl. Binging and smoking on the sly does not make you a teetotal or nonsmoker. Bring herself down a notch.
#joiningthetrend#....Check out my nude pic on Instagram....n don't wonder what I'm smoking on..its JUMBO
Tried so hard to understand what u typed.. Go back to skul jor
On a more serious note, I'm kind of bored seeing Riri naked (with no supporting activity). For Pete sake, she should just do a sextape.
Lmao this bonario is hilarioussssss!!!!!! Wtf who rocked this nackedness better.
Lol @bonario "gradually returning to Eden"; if dis was twitter I'd have favorited dis comment ^_^
Oh Bona! Why?! Hahahahahahahaha. You're effing hilarious!
Looolz joker!
I agree with Jessie J and I don't think she is referring to Rihanna. Nudity has now become the norm in our society.
Both of you look like ojuju calabar. Hahahahahaaaa
wow good to know we still have some sane celebrity(s)...
Kudos gurl
She can pokenose eh!! Dat she pokenosed into d game's affairs!! She is lucky to be breathing!!
Shut up Jessie Jay or what ever.. You are definitely bored and looking for attention, what about you and those tight dresses u wear in your videos that makes u look like u're naked.. Honestly speaking, I hate self righteous people..
In some other self righteous people's eyes, Jessie J and Rihanna are on the same level of immoral nudist..Go to google to see Jessie J's nude photos . This Hypocrite JEALOUS BIYATCH!!!
Awesome reply. (•ˆ⌣ˆ•)
Hehehe...plsss go bak 2 skul or learn aw 2 type b4 yabbin someone...jesse j just sed simply d truth..
I love Jessie J***
Linda you agree???
weird that you do
post all the pics
here.we mistook it
for endorsement.lol
If you go through Riri's latest tweet,i think she has taken style to respond to this Jesse's tweet.Linda pls check it out.You know Riri doesnt take it cool wiv anyone trying to throw jabs at her. #RudegyalTinz
Abeg make she go siddon...charcoal calling snow black! Mtchew....she is openly bi sexual and she doesn't think that's a moral boundary? Jesus christ! Has she heard that gist about stones and glass houses
You are a retard. Spell properly olodo. Typing like the fucking crypt keeper, with all your signs and wonders.
Dear Klessia.
You are equally a 'tard, so I can definitely see why you'd defend one of your kind.
Keep it up.
Love, concerned LIBer.
Olodiferous. She has an even BETTER body than Rihanna. FYI. Besides.... Does a beautiful body mean that a person must always flaunt their nakedness?
Zip your mouth if you have nothing to say.@ anon 1.35am
Perhaps R should stop singing & become your special adult entertainer. Mumu
Funny world decent ones sue for their nakedness published without consent. That's how you differential between wisdom & foolishness
The difference is clear
Rihanna reminds me of Tonto Dike! Two possessed demons who r going outta control! Remember Whitney houston and d jewish drug addict AMY WINEHOUSE who over dozed last year? Just saying!
Anytime I c a womans nakedness,unless I'm in love her,something in me dies.
Same with most guys. A ladies dignity is her hidden treasure, and d moment she exposes it to world to view,she is as useless as a fake currency!!
I most totally concur...luv u jessie j.
Imagine d nude catsuit she wore for Olympics closing ceremony.pot calling kettle black.dr olaspecial
Biko leave linda alone! Everyone assumed it was rihanna she was talkn to including foreign journals.
Datz rubbish. Dat shez nt a better person does nt make wat shez saying any less right!
OMG Linda,this is very old news since last yr...NEXT pls!
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