Not only were both women registered as keynote speakers, they also spoke back-to-back. To make matters worse, their dressing rooms were conveniently right next to each other. The whole brouhaha started when Wendy's entourage realized that her dressing room was next to NeNe's.
Her husband Kevin Hunter who is also her manager demanded they moved NeNe's dressing room far from his wife's. While they were still working on that, Wendy went on stage to do a keynote address to the thousands in attendance and talked about 'ten rules every woman should live by.'
NeNe used to be friends with Wendy before they had a fight over a tweet NeNe made about Reality stars and Wendy's reaction to it by insulting Nene's sitcom, this incident happened in 2013 and they stopped being friends.
Anyways, after Wendy's keynote address, she was followed on stage by Leakes who addressed the audience by saying: 'I'm your home girl. I live my life as an open book and I'm happy I don't need ten rules to live by!'
That pissed Williams' husband off!
According to the eyewitness at the event, Kevin pushed through the curtains and stormed the stage and was cursing at the top of his lungs. 'He kept yelling 'get her m*********ing ass off the stage. We don't f*** with her! Wendy don't f*** with her. Cut that b****'s mic off!!"
While he was on stage, NeNe's friend Diana Gowins jumped on stage and confronted Kevin Hunter asking 'What the hell is your problem? If you have a problem with NeNe, take it up with me!'
Those two kept going at it for a long time until the event organizers called security to diffuse the situation.
Those two kept going at it for a long time until the event organizers called security to diffuse the situation.
While this commotion was going on, Wendy was busy signing her book unaware of what was going on between her husband and Diana.
In his anger, Kevin asked Wendy to cut her book signing short, which angered the crowd and they started booing him.
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Wendy Williams with Hubby/Manager Kevin Hunter |
Organizers of The Ultimate Women's Expo had to refund 80 tickets for patrons who paid to get autographed books from Williams but couldn't because her husband made her leave abruptly.
Nene even acknowledged there was drama ...
dey purposely put dem close to each other...tomjerryswit
There cup of tea
Funny how Wendy and Nene look like trannies.
Lmao Wendy is mean.Her hubby got busy embarrassing himself for her and there she was signing books.Choi
Their wahala abeg
Their wahala abeg
Linda likes Wendy cos Wendy insults Kris Jenner and her kids every chance she gets.
Better to be managed by my mom than my husband who looks like a thug.Wendy mouths off at everyone yet her husband goes around buying real crocodile skin boots for side chicks with money he made off his Tran looking wife.I like Nene and I dare Wendy to face off with her.As Nigerians say.....she go hear am.
Lol... This mumu Wendy, pls don't tell us her stories. We don't F*** with her *tongue out*
waiting for comments from other LIB readers cos this matter no concern me
Nimelda said so...
Their barrel of red wine. I choputas not. Linda take note!
They all love drama! Everyone has got "Kanye" in their soul ...period!
Show of shame, and immaturity to control d ill-feelings they hav for each other. Dis is unacceptable, and it has got to d point of b called keeping malice wit each other. Wht a shame to those we look up to as role model's.
I soooooooooo much dislike dis bi**h Wendy she's just 1 hyporete
Their cup of nsacafe
Drama everywhere.
Kevin trying to play the role of wife~defender
forgetting that Mrs big Bobby flat butt can
take care of her sh*t.
I don put RECORD On today's show
I hope she talks abt it. Have also read pples twits, it seems d hussy acted so inappropriate, y get involved in girls fight? Some men sha
Errrrmmm so????
Kids in adult clothing. The organizers too made a mistake by putting feuding celebrities in side by side dressing rooms.
What a sissy husband. House husband. Shouting pass woman. Drama king. Wendy u married a girl
Nawa ooo
For me, the whole blame is on the husband for being so petty. For christ sake you are the man there, even when you fink thins ain't going well, you should act matured and enlightened rather than behave like a true tout.
I understand he was trying to protect his wife, that said he should have stayed out of it is women matter.
Ok, I'm no fan of Nene ' s, but boy am I happy Wendy got served??? That woman thrives in publicising other people's drama.
Will be waiting for Wendy on "Hot Topics". Hope she addresses her husband's attitude like she will if it were someone else's man. SMH
Dier wahala biko!
Wendy better say this on hot topics.
Wendy's hubby is a bitch for coming onto Nene like that.. he could've waited for her to finish the speech before berating her... he even got Wendy's fans mad at her for cutting the autograph signing short, he's really a bitch..
a glimpse into d life of people who claim to "live the perfect life"
Ds Wendy wor wor sha.... Wetin b ds?
Did I Just Comment ???
Women and their foolishness.....and why would the husband get involved in their mess??? So childish really
Some Men though.
The Douchebag messed his Wife's game up Big time.
Ugly flat assed tout married to an old foolish tout. Shameless blacks.
Ugly flat assed tout married to an old foolish tout. Shameless blacks.
Women palava no be men wahala.
He made a fool out of himself.
She had better address this drama objectively on her next show.
You spoke my mind.
Nene leakes will finish Wendy Williams anytime anyday.. you think Wendy has mouth? you haven't seen Nene talk! she has mouth more than anybody in the industry! Nene Leakes don't play!!!!
Like I care
I wonder what the judgemental bitch will say about the unnecessary drama her husband created. #mofos
Everyday new drama
Everyday new drama
If other people's men and women were to protect their own with wendy's big old mouth... she would be resting in peace now. Guess karma's a bitch, it finds a way of sneaking up on you and fucks you like its gat nothing to lose. #itActuallyGatNuffinToLose
Why will someone like a Bitch like nene? One who once you are not sucking up to her gets angry and becomes your enemy? God forbid! Shebi kandy buruss don talk am finish for their reunion, and dts exactly the way I see nene! How can someone always think so highly of herself and thinks so lowly of others????
@DeeD25. My thoughts exactly. Nene has bad mouth eeehh
It was all Kevin's fault. Wendy and Nene handled themselves well.
i wonder how much they do big braids in Tanzania (wetin concern fish with raincoat)? How this mata take affect my take home?
not 2 people I would care much about what they do
Fighting over a woman-woman palava.
Nene just got publicity for Kevin playing the role of jobless husband.
Dere hedik bt Wendy husband bin. Looking lyk an escort
That was very childish of Kevin Hunter
You look up to these women as role models. Wow! You need to get out more. Smh.
Thank you! Can't stand it when grown men behave like bitches! It seems Wendy herself did not get involved in the drama and was carrying on, while Captain Save-a-ho kept on. Yuck!
Errr....don't think Wendy has ever claimed to live the perfect life honey. She's been pretty open about her life when she was on the come up with the drug use et al.
Agadi ekwe nka
Abeg. Kandi just a disgruntle star with money. Nene maybe brash but she speaks the truth. Even wen others bad mouth some1 Nene takes her time to have her own opinion.
wendy got what she deserve, this is a hot topic, wendy check your husband like you try to check everyone else . I bet you lips are seal. nene do not let wendy get under your skin, be the better woman
wendy your husband is like a little busy woman, did you marry a man or mice, wendy check your husband.you talk about what everyone should do and always say ask wendy. ask wendy why my husband act like a fool. check that
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