Former PMAN president, Dr. Tee Mac Omatshola Iseli yesterday returned documents
to real estate allocated to PMAN worth N5.6billion. He handed the papers
over to the new president Mr Pretty Okafor (formerly of Junior & Pretty), who sent out this
press release below...
Thank you Dr Tee Mac. The Nigerian musicians under the leadership of Mr Pretty Okafor appreciate your kind hand over of the PMAN land documents that were in your possession. By handing them over to the president Mr Pretty Okafor, you have distinguished yourself as a positive reference point and a respecter of the rule of law. You have also displayed the true quality of a statesman worthy of special honour. We hope other past leaders in possession of PMAN property will emulate your foot steps even as we call on all stake holders to support our drive to reclaim the lost glory of PMAN and fulfill the objectives of its founding fathers.
Ok, onto d next one
Leaders that will handover by May 28/29, u dey hear...learn frm that
Distinguished yourself as a positive reference point ". Note that! Imagine if all citizens could be addressed that way.. don't you think our country would be compared with UK? Gal 6:10
PMAN has properties of 5billion naira?? Whaaaaaat!!!
Very good
thats what i call honesty @ it pick
Nimelda said so.....
***explicit content***
The fear of BUHARI...
Nice one
Good for them, and I wish them well.
Awwwwww! Such an honest man. Linda take note!
He's disciplined n dt makes him a gd leader.
A man of integrity.
Were the documents seized or what dis 1 they thanking him biko!...isn't it d right tin 4 him 2 hand over in d 1st place?..#confused
Wow... Pls run for president mr tec mac...
My Oh My!!! is this Pretty? Wow! now a grown man. RIP Junior
Is a grown man's name really PRETTY? Wow.
Corruption is not steal lol
Hmmm,all this while? That's kind of him.
PMAN is that rich? Anyway, nice of Tee-Mac.
One of SCOAN faithful...
Good man, bless you Sir.
Emmanuel: God is with us!
who allocated PMAN that much assets
A very good thing to do
Ok o.
Check out Alibaba's exclusive interview.
www.naijacarlovers.blogspot.com is the place.
Well done
Yep. His birth name.
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