I decided to speak up today because i finally built the courage to walk away from domestic violence. somebody who is violent and not in control of there emotions is not at all your problem and you are not there as punching bag for whatever crises that he may be going through, which im guily in i made excuses for many months hiding behind the pain trying to be a goid woman and continue to "hold it down" as hundreds of women probably have done or maybe still going through. My eyes opened last night when nearly lost my life in our vegas hotel room last night being strangled to death nearly not breathing while im being chocked looking straight at the man i loved unconditionally for 7 moths straight whilst he strangling me. Yes he did it before but i and yes i was stupid in thinking because i didnt loose my breathe i took it as its just a mistake i no he loves meThis is the girl
il forgive him and try and help him be there for him in whatever he is going through.....no! Its so easy to get caught up in giving chances because you want to save "love" and try to be as forgiving as god said we should and u dont wana "give up" believing in the person you love. But last night i decided to say NO enough is enough what if he had taken my life... Over what? A lil argument? Stitches in my split lip, a hole going through my mouth and then now What argument is worth being strangled to death. None! So please Learn from me i have finally found the stregth to leave and share my stregth with whoever else may need that little bit of empowerment and encouragement. I hold my head high and i thank god for giving me the streght and opening my eyes last night that i have more of a purpose on this earth than to allow a man to have my life in his hands whilst he has my love and support through thick and thin no body deserves to be held down like that. Its my time to move on and be free. No body understands what its like to take that and be quiet for so long untill it happens to them. And me too i now understand. Im ready to continue being the happy bruise free, stitches free, motivated, excited about life person that i have always been! #NoMorePain x
And that's Kidd Kidd with 50cent
Sorry, go n treat yourself
Must you tell us on social media? When u were eating his money did you do giveaway? Lindaobserve
so oyinbo people don dey beat their women? see how her lips don come resemble fresh ponmo...post a free ads,buy cheap, sell very fast here!
Oshey Victim...But what did u do tho?
Women are so annoying! smh
See the ugly man wey dey beat fine woman aww he didn't know what God gave to him
Dat committee of friends are women beater. Sorry girl, listen to Davido's driver & go treat yourself. Linda take note!
That's what happens wen u date a kid
@davidoz driver... you too much!!! nice comment im with you and your boss.
That's wah happens when u date a kid
Thank God she finally summon d courage 2 walk out of domestic violence relationship. Op babes lyk r wl learn 4rm r
Ndo nne oma
Whatever she did doesn't Justify beating her up
Domestic violence must never be supported..... Speak up.
****PRINCE CHARMING 2 says so****
I knw she knew he was a gal frnd beater b4 dating him.... Noise maker, carry mouth like vampire.....
Na dis FUGLY guy toush you?! Choi! God punish satan... On top wetin na? Msteeww
Shebi u knw u don't have to be so stupid!
Pretty lady turned into punching bag. Some guys r so irresponsible.
Pretty lady turned into punching bag. Some guys r so irresponsible.
Lol she stayed for the money Abeg! All this talk about love. 7months is not long enough for you to be taking such and claiming love. Bye girl!
Her English ehn! Didn't understand most of what she wrote but I tried. Women should be loved and treated like princesses even when they don't deserve it! Hitting them is just a no-no!! If you are done with her, set her free, if you need to beat up on something, go to a GYM and punch a sand bag!
If she really wanted to walk away, she could have done so in silence like a lot of people do. She wants sympathy and she wants to drag him down. Maybe he doesn't care again. Who knows
Sorry beauty
I hate domestic violence like I hate the devil enough said
Its funny how some women allow dis happen to dem ova n ova again,we shud learn to walk away,love no be by force.#saynotodomesticviolence#
Sorry dear
Guys instead of abusing and cursing her, we should stand against this and encourage other women in her shoes to speak out and have the boldness to walk away. Rilly many calm to be in love and go tru all dis but Love is never violence,love is never hurt,love isnt pain...Women in her shoes need to tk this bold step and walk away,TAKE A BRIEF WALK AWAY FOR GOOD!!!
how does this concern 50 cent? fame whore
Too bad...
Bad binnez 4 fitty.
Senator dino malayes family memeber be this guy
Oshey bastard scum of the earth like you anon 3:52pm. Ass wipe oshi! You should have ended up in a condom idiat! Women are so annoying so why don't you turn gay? Fool trying to justify violence. Ode! If not that your generation have no hand in your supidity I for join them in the curse.
NO to domestic violence! did not even know they were dating, I'm such a huge G-unit fan, this hurts, hurts to see kidd kidd is this way, you grow you blow, you on the path to unlimited success then you go and do this
Staying in Jupiter has obviously fried your brain matter. Anuofia mnuo! She's a noise maker abi? May what she saw in his hands be the portion of the female in your live since you support such. Ewu hausa! Zuzurugi puo here.
Men should really stop hitting women.
C d guys face.sef, ds one u go know say na confirm woman beater
Cent wan play wayo abi? Don't mind him , maybe he wants to spend his bet money alone.
dont mind d mofo.. I guess ur mother and sisters are also annoying.. C d ugly modafucker wey dey beat persn sef, mtchew..
Rap and violence goes hand in hand.
D guy no fine sef, can u imagine??? Babe, wat were u tinkin in d first place?? Kpele, treat urself and move very far on..
#ewwwwww!.......looks painful... pele o
Am glad she gathered the strength to move on
This babe na fake Jamaica coz jamo babes go cut that hand when u dey sleep
Don't support violence of any kind.
The kiddo has to be dealt with.
Thank you Christopher! You a man and your father's child! As for anon3:52 I guess your mother is annoying as well
You can just imagine the imp!!!!
Bt y do som men beat women..can't dey just walk away? I mean b man enof 2 say NO 2 domestic violence
See the ugly kidd kidd sef. Sorry for her ordeal sha... and I just couldn't help but notice her horrible grammar.
I'm glad she found the courage to walk away.
What's a girl like that doing with a guy like that .. Girls know your worth ...
See this fine girl this guy messed her face. Guys should learn to control their emotions. No woman is worth this kind of beating. Is this what G-unit is known for? Women beater.
Busy Fingers.
She nor know say na agbero park she for enter motor,,what was she expecting love and care??? G Unit has money to offer apart from that look else where
Friends of same feather
Women can be provocative you know... well sorry go and treat yourself inugo
Too bad, na too much igboo cause a m. ndoo treat ur wound n take some pain reliever, u'll be fyne.
Never heard of this guy tho. How many albums does he have? Well, women! Ladies! Girls! Say no to violence. Walk away!
50 cent too is a bully, not surprised his boy is the same. Men who hit women are cowards. Hope you like it when it happens to your daughter.
***explicit content***
When u tell them fine gals to stay away from celebrities, they won't hear you! Just learn ur lesson n well done for speaking out!
And men are not? You sound like a woman beater. I feel for you coz you might end up in jail. Smellos!
Some men dnt grow up.na imm name dey follow am KID.
I must introduce the KIDD guy to MAYWEATHER... If he no fight MAYWEATHER win, na bastard him be... coming up MAYWEATHER vs KIDD (May 31)
I only pray 4women to be really psychologically strong to be able to deal squarely with men, boys, guys etc in d best way possible & 2 stop believing they are weak in any way... Wisdom is the real strength NOT muscles like all these fools think!
Her english fit cause brain cancer. Anyway, so sorry for what u passed through. U waited for too long to walk out, thank God u finally did.
Is that the question you'll ask your daughter or sister if someone does the same to them?
Only weak sorry Losers hit women!
A yah bet Wat did u do b for him Bet u up.....#wink
Wetin u do naw b for him Bet u.....#wink
D guy ugliness no get part 2
All ds type of men
She claims she's been with him through thick and thin...shes wrong dey hv just been for barely a year....btw....y du people (ladies) always say that?
Una mouth sharp for this blog,thunder fire una left yansh....yup,this is Mr 3:52
This is awful.
kpele o. i hope he gets arrested.
He is a beast, see what he did to her
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