What is wrong with a secular artist performing inside a church? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 9 April 2015

What is wrong with a secular artist performing inside a church?

Is there anything wrong with an artist who sings 'worldly' songs to perform inside a church? Some people seem to think so. Mavin artiste, Korede Bello, was invited to sing his hit song, Godwin, at the youthful Harvesters International Christian Centre (HICC) in Lekki Lagos as the church marked the Easter celebration on Sunday April 5th. Korede performed in all three services and had the church choir members as his backup singers.

Now a US based Pastor named Olusola Fabunmi is condemning this, saying the church was wrong to invite Korede, who is not a gospel singer, to perform on their altar. Pastor Olusola feels certain questions have to be asked before anyone is allowed to sing in God's house, e.g is he born-again? Is he sanctified with the spirit of God and baptized in the holy spirit? etc. See what he wrote after the cut and tell us if you agree with him...or not!

Korede Bello is a young man I love personally, and have nothing against him. But it’s written here, that when we chose the way of the world, we have clearly chosen our paths; becoming an enemy of God. Please, there must be a clearly defined boundaries of who sings, and /or ministers in churches. Some of the questions that come to mind are; is he born again? Sanctified with the spirit of God and baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Also, let’s ask ourselves, what’s even the purpose of people singing in churches and Christian concerts? Where purpose is lacking, abuse is inevitable writes Francis Wale Oke in his book; The Power of the Holy Spirit. So I believe very strongly that one major purpose of choristers or Psalmists singing is to prepare the minds and hearts of the people for the word of God that is to come shortly; since we see in parable of the sower that the hearts of men is like a soil, and when the seed (which is the word of God) is sown, one of the factors that will determine the level of harvest yielded is the condition of the soil (hearts).”
I wish to submit by saying that the only difference that makes the difference between church gatherings/ programs and others like clubs, parties is the Presence of Almighty God. If he is not there, we might spend hours and do all manners of spiritual gymnastics, it’s sheer of wasting of time, energy and resources. And the ministers who know their onions do all it takes to secure his presence. But I think today in the word of a very senior man of God, one of the older generation, Dr. Ayodele who said in Houston recently, that churches in this generation has been reduced to ABC… Meaning; Attendance, Building and Cash.


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fola said...

My pple Mk u knw decieve urself oo!pastor will be behavin as na dem be saint na big lie!na only jehova witness i respect most any other religion ar cantafit either u take it or leave it!d religious leader known d truth but they ar dubious!

Anonymous said...

i agree completely with the Pator. they may as well have invited dbanj to perform his gospel song.

It is not enough to sing a gospel song, the spirit at work in the person coming to minister to God's people matters as well. Korede is clearly a secular artiste, and cannot lead the people in creating the required spiritual atmosphere for service to God.

Pastors really need to be careful with who is invited to minister to brethren, they should remember they are accountable to God for how they lead the congregation.
The world has really entered into the church

Anonymous said...

They are lots of good gospel songs out there that are even more danceable than what is in offer in the secular world, but they don't get publicity, people like Okey Sokay, Henrisoul, Gaise, Giftberries, Gameman, all have hit songs, but they don't get airplay . google their songs. You will be surprised at the quality in not only the lyrics but the beats too.

Anonymous said...

Who is light and who is darkness??? Many of you who claim to be members and workers of some churches..is more unrighteous than the secular singers...nothing is wrong with them inviting him.

Anonymous said...

Someone said respect muslims for not singing Allah win in the mosque or in church but they behead human beings and u and US pastor see them as born again go and ask pastor chris oyakilomeh of christ embassy who is a born again pls you people should live Korede Bello alone. prophet is not accepted in his land he sings God win and i dont see anthing wrong in it full stop

Anonymous said...

This is not about Korede Bello but about the church. The altar is supposed to be sacred, i think it is wrong to be a professed sinner and climb the altar to minister.

If Maheeda sings a song about God today and shows her nudity online tomorrow, will it be right to invite her to minister in church next tomorrow because she sang a song about God. The congregation in church is a mixed multitude, we have different people good and bad in church but my issue is when you give artist that promote night clubs, alcohol, womanizing and all sorts of ills the altar to sing because the person is popular, e.g banky w sang in my church on sunday, i felt so uncomfortable.

It is totally wrong, the altar is not for everybody, yes there are choristers and even choir leaders and pastors that have skeletons in their cupboard and that's why the bible says judgement will start from the church.

I feel so uncomfortable when i see a comedian that always crack vulgar and dirty joke climbing the altar, same for musicians.

God help our imperfections.

fola said...

U pple ar just sayin born again what z d meanin ov born again pls?ur dubious pastor ar dey born again?important tins dey woun't focus on that o eg slipin with churche member,gettin married with pregnancy nd so on

Linda's sugar daddy said...

Mr/Mrs/Miss Anonymous 12.52, are you getting high off your stupidity?
so to you its proper to sing we gon pop champagne in church? So to you now, singing about alcohol and taking that to the altar is ok?
Next we go hear now na it's ok to wank in church, afterall no be out and out sex.
rubbish fellow

Miss Dee said...

'do not be unequally yoked with the unbelievers'

Anonymous said...

All this too know Pastors i call them deceivers please u people should not deceive this poor boy trying to make it through singing what did he do wrong pls in psalm 150 and 149 said praise God with singing and dancing he did not mention the type of song and dance so we should not be races we all are sinners the korede is dancing and prasing God with his Godwin song anywhere he is praising God so go and read your bible well.God win

Anonymous said...

Wait o . Why is ds pastor looking for cheap publicity? Why is did is air his view via secular sites?? Why cant he send it to Awake, Watchtower. And likes??

Jules said...

It's wrong Buh my question is how many of the "so called" choristers are born again? Even the pastors gan! May God help us

Anonymous said...

All this too know Pastors i call them deceivers please u people should not deceive this poor boy trying to make it through singing what did he do wrong pls in psalm 150 and 149 said praise God with singing and dancing he did not mention the type of song and dance so we should not be races we all are sinners the korede is dancing and prasing God with his Godwin song anywhere he is praising God so go and read your bible well.God win

Unknown said...

Indirectly y'all are discriminating him, it's the same thing as saying ur a girl u can't go to school, stay home. By inviting him to church he might give his life to Christ. There is no problem with this, the only problem is if he's singing a worldly song in the church

Unknown said...

I love you right now

Joy I said...

Na wa O!! Later we all be condemning the pharisees n Sadducees in d bible. The only one dat has the right to condemn anyone is Jesus Christ cos he paid the ultimate price and since He hasnt Condemned Korede Bello den no one should. Our God is loving at least that's what my bible tells me and He will neva condemn any1 Instead He would correct us in love as Our earthly parents would do. Lets all stop dis our religious act and start practicing true Christianity which is about us being in a PERSONAL relationship with God. Korede Bello didnt even sing a worldly song in church ooo. D godwin dat he sang sef was remixed cos he didnt include some of d lyrics he used in d main song. Guys plsssss lets stop judging one anoda. God Comanded us not to.

Unknown said...

And who blessed him with the Gift of singing..are sinners forbidden to enter the house of God and worship him?

Unknown said...


Jojo said...

Ovation CLAP!!!! For u. Many people don't know it's not their duty to judge anyone.

Anonymous said...

I am so ashamed for all of you claiming born again and judging korede did you know that almost all the musicians started singing and playing muuic in church ?Psquare mum is more than a pastor . Donjazzy's Dad is a special senior apostle in the church and many more so are u saying the US pastor is more holy than these people no i don't think so we are the church , forget alter search your mind and know what you are, claiming pastor will not save you very big respect to the pastor that invited korede Bello to the church praise and worship God with his song Godwin there is nothing wrong at all Godwin

Unknown said...

Nothing is wrong at all Godwin is not for idol worshipers the korede is praising God with his song Godwin may God bless him in the mighty name of God Amen Linday post my comment pls.

Anonymous said...

Linda, don't mind these holier than thou church goers. There is nothing wrong with that in as much as the musician is not gonna sing secular music that does not glorify God. If you listen to that song, Godwin, u will come to the conclusion that it is a song that glorifies God, and that was what Korede sang. The holier than thou pastor was definitely over reaching. Left for him, it is only his type, to wit, hypocrites, that would be allowed in the churches. Have you forgotten what they said about Jesus when he was mingling with sinners and tax collectors and what his answer was? Had it been that this pastor was born during the time of Jesus, he would have taken umbrage at Jesus for doing that and Jesus would have given him same answer. Please, the church is not meant just for the 'righteous', it is for sinners too. They may get saved in the process of attending church. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Some of you don't understand the things of the spirit at all.... There's an orderly way of doing things..

Unknown said...

I totally agree Linda, Spiritual things are very slippery.

Anonymous said...

To all, church like any other ordinary gathering of people. It is both to entertain and also to share brotherly love. I would rather listen to his music in the church than go to the club. What matters above all is the heart and your personal relationship with GOD!

Anonymous said...

wale Adekanye what is your baptismal name before you can corect person of God go and be baptized how did u know that the pastor that invited korede bello is wrong when your name sound like occult name pls Godwin song and the lyrics are ok Godwin.

Unknown said...

There's nothing wrong with inviting a secular singer to perform an inspirational or gospel song in the Church. Only God and a person know where he/she is headed(heaven or hell).Being born-again is not all about singing gospel songs.We should learn to Stop been judgemental and sanctimonious

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm....thank God say man no be God oooo!!!


it is wrong

genieatus said...

i think this is sheer hypocrisy...besides pastor...pastior your own church and allow others pastor theirs....for every man has a consince and should act accorind to his conscience.

crappy holier than thou attitude. am sure this pastor would normally close his ears once he hears secular music....

sammy said...

There are church/kingdom principles to be adhered to. 'Godwin' definitely sounds safe to be sung by christians not into secular music, but getting the artiste to perform on the altar is a different level. Like the pastor said, certain questions need to be asked before one gets on the altar. Singing on the altar is a ministry on its own; you cannot minister in church and minister in club, it doesnt work that way. Lets do things in moderation and not abuse position. No offense to the performer, hes probably holier than some of the choir members but thats not the point here.

B Ud said...

It isn't okay, Linda. Call a spade a spade! its either you are for christ or the devil. there is nothing like being inbetween. you guyz should learn to take control of your lives. You are solely responsible for it.

Anonymous said...

Korede Bello song GODWIN is good enough to win the gospel song of the year award in all platforms. Even three year old children of all nationalities sing it gleefully as if they have been singing it from their mother's wombs. NA GOD WIN. Hypocrites and haters can go and drown themselves in the lagoon if they wish. Oba of Lagos will not charge them for their free graves .

Unknown said...

Don't know the argument here... If it's actually a gospel song I see nothing wrong.. We're all children of God so no division. Everyone has a source of livelihood so no qualms.. He sings secular music doesn't make him less godly.. Afterall Keffy(RIP) had a Gospel collabo with Timanya and it became an instant hit even the pastors called her to church for performance so Abeg let's die this matter cos its senseless. Afterall akpororo and d rest comedians performs both in church and secular settings..

Anonymous said...

Gbogbo yin ti ya werey...

Anonymous said...

You are very correct...

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure the church is for everyone, sinners and born-agains, to come and worship God. If the song was written to exhale the Lord, then let it be.

Anonymous said...

He replaced "we go pop champagne" with "we go celebrate" when he sang in church.

Unknown said...

the pastor is totally wrong!!! who is he to judge koredo bello? does he know d relationship he has with God. again are all the people in church born again. what song did he sing in church...our problem is hypocrisy and pretention...the house of God is meant for everyone. how do u hope to convert anyone from their sinful ways if u keep judging them? christ made friends with levi the tax collector (mathew) zacheus whom he visited sef. if the american pastor feels d house of God is for born again christians only, then hes not fit to be a teacher. im sure if we were around during the time of Jesus we will condemn him for associating with mary magdalen and mathew. people shudnt judge biko

Elielizm said...

Do not judge so that you will not be judged...With the kind of pastors we have these days who is born again and who is a born against? Abeg to you tents O Israel.

Anonymous said...

What is the qualification to be addressed as a gospel artiste? Almost all artistes either started in the church or their parents are clergy in the service of God. We should stop being hypocrites. Korede Bello's song Godwin is a gospel song and a commercial success for the young artiste. Instead of us to encourage his efforts, we are here talking from two sides of our mouth. We know of Pastors and general overseers of some churches who play host to some politicians and offer them the church pulpit as podium for their political campaign soapbox . We should be careful here o! because na God win. Korede is on point and nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites go and hang yourselves. Na God win.

Anonymous said...

It's totally wrong and unacceptable, i know churches like MFM, Winners, Deeper life, RCCG,Dunamis, Catholic, Anglican can't try rubbish. Why didn't they invite Frank Edward, Sinach and other gospel singers, they for even invite nikki minaj or maheeda too, rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they invite a gospel artiste? There are a lot of wonderfully talented gospel artists dat need to be encouraged. Mercy dat won Nigerian idol 2, has not excelled cos she wants to do gospel but d pple in charge wouldn't hear dat.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they invite a gospel artiste? There are a lot of talented artists in gospel dat need to be encouraged. Mercy dat won Nigerian idol 2 hasn't excelled cos she wants to do gospel, but d sponsors and promoters won't hear dat.

Unknown said...

Its so so wrong! Champagne...wrong...countdown...also wrong!!

Unknown said...

He sang Godwin#

Unknown said...

Thunder fire you der!! Na ur papa she f*ck abii??! Idiot!!

Anonymous said...

firstly I would like to say those that were against pastor sola do not know GOD and are not spirit filled.No church fill with the HOLY GHOST bring a strange fire on the altar of the lord.you don't bring what doesn't glorify the name of the lord into his presence.

nunulicious said...

the church is becoming wordly and he world is becoming churchy

Unknown said...

Mr anonymous dont be quick tto justify ur pastor and ur church, I bet ur church as big as it is shud ve a gud multi purpose hall cos dat shud ve been the very best place to host a secular artist and I bet u people especially sinnners will still attend in abundance as dat seem to be d only logical reasons I ve been seeing here
its wrong for a secular artist to mount the alter of God and I know u and ur pastor also know this fact
and mind u we ve so many gospel artists who are far better than these secular artists of which I am one of them.
The major problem gospel artists have in Nigeria is dat we dont get endorsed or sponsored and its so difficult for a loner to foot ur bills dat will get the whole world to know wat ur doing as its capital intensive and dat seems to be d edge secular artists ve over us, they ve the backings of conglomerates that sponsor there music.trust me.
u can feel free to visit some of my pages on these sites if u wish to
these are just few of my pages
u can view them and maybe download one of my songs and compeare it with what secular artists do.
I ve been to alaba intl mkt n trust me it's extremely capital intensive for ur works to be publicised by media houses and dats wat secular artist do more than us coz they ve the wherewithal.
But justifying wat ur pastor did is totally wrong of u.

Anonymous said...

When he said in his lyrics 'We go pop champagne today ' did he sing that too at the church ?

All these end time churches out for money

Unknown said...

Thank you dear now they'll be nothing wrong if had come to the church to pay tithe mtcheew

nunulicious said...

then again, But the name of the song is #Godwin no be song wey dey glorify God?

Unknown said...

And yet David made heaven!!!My dear pls read ur bible

Unknown said...

And pple like u are suppose to be the ones who sings in church? What a shame

Princess Babs said...

@Olubuola, even Jesus turned water into wine (wine is defined as fermented grape fruit or any other fruit which has been matured and contains at least 10% alcohol). Jesus even gave his disciples wine as his "blood" at the last supper. Oh you ignorant people, read your bible and do some research. You have internet for crying out loud! Alcohol is not a sin. Its drunkenness that is a sin, same as gluttony.

Unknown said...

And if I may ask pls @annoy 11:28 are those gospel artist like u call them saints? Because if I'm to use few in nigeria as an example well, I rest my cast

Unknown said...

Do u read ur bible @ all?ooh sorry study your bible @ all? N of all the men in the world David was the apple of God's eyes

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites go and hang yourselves. Na God win.

Anonymous said...

Ehn ehn. u still now posted circular on twitter. Circumference nko? it is wrong iiooo. if u like don't post it cos i yabbed you. #circular or oval

Unknown said...

The Pastor should tak Several Seats bak Abeg,is he Holier dan Korede Bello.All Dese Pharesee of our Generation.God Sees our Hearts plus I c Noting Wrong in.him Singing a Son 2 Glorify God d Song sound Christian 2 me

Anonymous said...

Totally wrong, someone is comparing Solomon & David with Korede Bello, please go & read ur Bible very well before u come here & talk rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, which inspiration does he has u better stop deceiving ur self, u can serve 2 masters. If u want to serve God u serve God & if u want to serve d devil face devil squarely.

Anonymous said...

Three Gbosa for you!!!

Suplux said...

But u all condones Akpororo's Jokes in church too?

Jesus Reigns said...

Sound advice

Unknown said...

@anon 12:27 Yes pastors and choristers may do worse but the worst is when u glorify ur wrong (sins)!

Unknown said...

And a big shame on d church who invited such artist to sing. E just remain to bring those bum-bum video vixens to con dey twerk for church na

advent said...

Everything is wrong with it jare!!

Unknown said...

@onyitex Joseph what do u mean , not totally wrong ????

Anonymous said...

my pastor says 'come as you are'
we go to chuch to be saved, if he is not by invitting him they are drawing him close 2 christ...
more so why are we pretending, 95% of pple in the chuch listen to such music, and all know the song #Godwin. so lets come off it and pray to God to make us rapturable rather than judging others when God himself has not dealt with us according to our sins. do we even know wat choristers do b4 ministering to us in services.
#God help us all.

Anonymous said...

But Jesus did not join Matthew to take up tax collecting. Matthew left tax collecting to follow Christ. So the people's opinion of him did not matter because he was saved by answering Christ's call.
It is very important to spend more time with God meditating on His word and then when you want to drop a verse to make a point it will be accurate.

Unknown said...

Wisdom should have been applied in the whole process. In a Sunday service, he should have sang a general chorus, not his own song.
At the point of singing on the altar, he removes all altars and places himself as a priest at that moment in the sanctuary. He was also marketing he songs, he could have been invited during a special program for the youths on a weekend, not on a Sunday.

Unknown said...

Ok with general choruses and not his song..

Anonymous said...


Rolake said...

Why don’t you reject their givings just because you think they aren’t born again... the aim of the church has always been to increase the number of youths that attend service.. wouldnt be great to see youths being led to christ? u dont do that by inviting someone dey dont know, u do that by inviting someone they can relate with. there and then, thats where ppl get their encounter! even a sinner can minister to you, depends on how you relate to what is said! thats the reason i stopped attending redeemed, dont get it wrong, i love daddy GO, but the followers have carried the church on their head than carrying God the father himself!

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