What is wrong with a secular artist performing inside a church? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 9 April 2015

What is wrong with a secular artist performing inside a church?

Is there anything wrong with an artist who sings 'worldly' songs to perform inside a church? Some people seem to think so. Mavin artiste, Korede Bello, was invited to sing his hit song, Godwin, at the youthful Harvesters International Christian Centre (HICC) in Lekki Lagos as the church marked the Easter celebration on Sunday April 5th. Korede performed in all three services and had the church choir members as his backup singers.

Now a US based Pastor named Olusola Fabunmi is condemning this, saying the church was wrong to invite Korede, who is not a gospel singer, to perform on their altar. Pastor Olusola feels certain questions have to be asked before anyone is allowed to sing in God's house, e.g is he born-again? Is he sanctified with the spirit of God and baptized in the holy spirit? etc. See what he wrote after the cut and tell us if you agree with him...or not!

Korede Bello is a young man I love personally, and have nothing against him. But it’s written here, that when we chose the way of the world, we have clearly chosen our paths; becoming an enemy of God. Please, there must be a clearly defined boundaries of who sings, and /or ministers in churches. Some of the questions that come to mind are; is he born again? Sanctified with the spirit of God and baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Also, let’s ask ourselves, what’s even the purpose of people singing in churches and Christian concerts? Where purpose is lacking, abuse is inevitable writes Francis Wale Oke in his book; The Power of the Holy Spirit. So I believe very strongly that one major purpose of choristers or Psalmists singing is to prepare the minds and hearts of the people for the word of God that is to come shortly; since we see in parable of the sower that the hearts of men is like a soil, and when the seed (which is the word of God) is sown, one of the factors that will determine the level of harvest yielded is the condition of the soil (hearts).”
I wish to submit by saying that the only difference that makes the difference between church gatherings/ programs and others like clubs, parties is the Presence of Almighty God. If he is not there, we might spend hours and do all manners of spiritual gymnastics, it’s sheer of wasting of time, energy and resources. And the ministers who know their onions do all it takes to secure his presence. But I think today in the word of a very senior man of God, one of the older generation, Dr. Ayodele who said in Houston recently, that churches in this generation has been reduced to ABC… Meaning; Attendance, Building and Cash.


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Anonymous said...

The word is "secular" not circular when used in relation to music.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Linda it's secular, not circular.

Anonymous said...

@Linda it is secular and not circular. Take note

Dave Mide said...

It is totally wrong! You have to respect the muslims in this area, they won't tolerate something of such. For Christ sake, even Jesus said "Give what is ceasar to ceasar and to God what is God". How could they invite Korede bello and everyone would start dancing Shoki? inside the church?
I perfectly understand its a youth program but nevertheless such shouldnt have been granted. Meanwhile, this aint bout k.bello, its bout the church

Anonymous said...

Was he singing a gospel song when he performed? If so then there's nothing wrong with it as he was singing a song to glorify God but if he was singing a secular song then that's not right. The house of God should be a place of worship and praise to the most high and should kept that way.

Unknown said...

Its not tottally wrong joor..

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Unknown said...

For performing GODWIN, I don't think it's wrong.


Unknown said...

Na him sabi, I shaa knw Korede nailed it!

Nky said...

And who is he to judge?

Unknown said...

Abeg carry ur holier than though attitude and go and sleep . You are not God so who are you to judge who is born again or not. in the bible, most of the powerful songs and psalms were penned by Solomon and David who both were not perfect, so who are u to judge.

Anonymous said...

lol. linda wetin be circular? hahahahaha
you're such a dumb hoe <3

Unknown said...

I Totally Agree with Him!! Nice Write up Pastor Sola.... God Bless You Now and Always!!!

Unknown said...

So cus he's nt born again....he shudnt climb the altar to sing? Really? Olusola bia sekpulu ani here ka mpia gi 24 lashes na ike. Ijiro okwu biko

Anonymous said...


Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

I don't agree with the pastor. What about singers like Sammie Okposu who sings christian songs yet dated a lot of actresses before he got married, what about the church goers who pay tithes, do they have to be born again for pastors to accept it in their church?

Unknown said...

i agree with pastor Olusola.
Is he Born again?

Anonymous said...

Linda it's 'secular' not circular.

oiza said...

That's fact!

Anonymous said...

Religion...Very hard topic to comment on!!!

Anonymous said...

I thot the sole purpose of a church is to win souls for christ? I don't think there is anything wrong. To me inviting him to perform and giving him an opportunity to listen to the word is a plus. Who are we humans to condemn?

Stevoski said...

There's nothing absolutely wrong in an artist single in church...one can't b a judge here...Does it mean all artist ar sinners?...only God can judge..and besides dat song is praises 2 God...abeg my brother #Godwin

Anonymous said...

Linda it's 'secular' not circular

Unknown said...

I think d man of God is right. Give caesar wat belongs to him n God wat belongs to God. #shikinah.

Anonymous said...

Hi. You don't have to post this. The correct spelling is 'SECULAR' not "circular". You may want to correct it before many more people see it.

She said...

Linda, it is not "circular" but secular. Check your spellings ohhh

Unknown said...

He is veri correct.....

Unknown said...

I absolutely tink itz wrong 4 dem 2 invvitee koredee 2 sing in d church.

Unknown said...

I strongly agree with him, not inside a church as Korede is no where near a gospel artiste.

christiana said...

my take is simple. we shouldn't be quick to judge others because no man is perfect. A circular singer does so as his/her job. How do you know he/she doesn't have a personal connection with God? Korede is a circular singer, yes! But the song God win is a song of appreciation to God. So what's wrong in recognizing and appreciating God's gifts to us?

Unknown said...

I absolutely tink itz wrong 4 dem 2 invvitee koredee 2 sing in d church.

Idyllic Prince said...

Every thing is wrong, what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness?
~Idyllic has spoken~

Unknown said...

100% very wrong,korede is not a gospel singer so I don't see any valuable reason he should perform GODWIN in the house of God

The so-called pastor is not a man of God so he would not see anything wrong with it

Turning a house of God to a disco hall..dance if shame


Anonymous said...

Many people wit dff views. Nothing is wrong in it. Jesus has not come for the saved but for those still in sin. Even If its Charley boy. It is my sincere prayer that no one goes to hellfire. So, am okay with that.


Finally shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Anonymous said...

even the devil sings in church

Unknown said...

I guess all his members are born again none of them go to nightclubs,smoke,fornicates,etc. pls men of God stop all dis,istead u can advice him to turn completely to gospel if u must say somtin.

Molurlah's MakeOver said...

I kinda agree with the Pastor. There's a big difference btwn "Secular" artists n gospel artists

Innocentia Annie said...

Maybe he is right
Maybe he is wrong
Maybe he should ask Koredo if he's born again

Anonymous said...

This man of God is right! True talk.
God bless yu sir
Today korede bello will sing Godwin
2mrw twee be beat that pussy up, abeg it is clear! Its either u sing for god and god alone or for the world. Simple

Anonymous said...


Bukky said...

It's 'secular' linda not circular

eka said...

I really understand d Pastor`s views,
And second the opinion too,
But looking at it from a Biblical view, in d sense that we are all SINNERS and UNRIGHTEOUS in d sight of God Almighty,
its very hard 2 judge between d two types of singers
who is d right choice 2 perform in a church...

Unknown said...

Linda Please note, 'Secular' not 'Circular'

Unknown said...

I totally disagree with this man,1stly Jesus Christ came for we sinners,he said all has sin $ come short of His Glory,he who has no sin should cast d 1st stone,2ndly,d song is not a wordly Song cos I know d lyrics,by giving Bello chance to perform in His present many souls will be won,cause some people will just attend service becos Koredo will perform $ from there 1 or more souls wil be won,by d way,who made him d judge when God has asked us not to judge!

Jigsaw said...

I believe the correct word is "secular" not "circular"

Unknown said...

God bless you Pastor.May God help us all. I bet you, some babes in that church were drooling during his performance #NothingButTheTruth

Unknown said...

There is what we SANCTUARY and the other called STAGE..

Anonymous said...

the hypocrite should go and take several seats..together with his medieval mindset

Anonymous said...

He is so right. Are there to be performances in church? Or Ministration? And can we minister to the spirit of the Saints and worship God with that which is at is very core carnal?

Too many churches nowadays just focus on gingering the congregation. What was the role of the Levites in the Bible? (which is now what the modern day choir tries to replicate, although why there is a need for Levites in a new testament church is another story entirely)

They that worship God must worship him in "Spirit" and in "Truth" all else is just to satisfy our own fleshly desires. We can fool ourselves, but we can't fool God

Unknown said...

Same thing the pharisees asked jesus when
they saw him with matthew the tax collector.
I guess we all remembered the response jesus
give them. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

He is so right. Are there to be performances in church? Or Ministration? And can we minister to the spirit of the Saints and worship God with that which is at is very core carnal?

Too many churches nowadays just focus on gingering the congregation. What was the role of the Levites in the Bible? (which is now what the modern day choir tries to replicate, although why there is a need for Levites in a new testament church is another story entirely)

They that worship God must worship him in "Spirit" and in "Truth" all else is just to satisfy our own fleshly desires. We can fool ourselves, but we can't fool God

Lady J said...

i love Korede Bello like kilode. but i total agree with the US pastor.

Anonymous said...

He is so right. Are there to be performances in church? Or Ministration? And can we minister to the spirit of the Saints and worship God with that which is at is very core carnal?

Too many churches nowadays just focus on gingering the congregation. What was the role of the Levites in the Bible? (which is now what the modern day choir tries to replicate, although why there is a need for Levites in a new testament church is another story entirely)

They that worship God must worship him in "Spirit" and in "Truth" all else is just to satisfy our own fleshly desires. We can fool ourselves, but we can't fool God

Anonymous said...

He is so right. Are there to be performances in church? Or Ministration? And can we minister to the spirit of the Saints and worship God with that which is at is very core carnal?

Too many churches nowadays just focus on gingering the congregation. What was the role of the Levites in the Bible? (which is now what the modern day choir tries to replicate, although why there is a need for Levites in a new testament church is another story entirely)

They that worship God must worship him in "Spirit" and in "Truth" all else is just to satisfy our own fleshly desires. We can fool ourselves, but we can't fool God

darling_girl said...

I see nothing wrong as long as they are praising God. Follow darling girl on Twitter @darlingng and Instagram @darlingnigeria for daily hair, beauty and fashion tips.

Anonymous said...

Hello... Secular not Circular :) and I agree.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's anything wrong there sha

gretel said...

Lmaoooo. What of rectangular?

Unknown said...

I think the correct word is "secular" not circular @ lindaikeji

Anonymous said...

Word....you are very correct sir

eka obasi said...

He have big fact dere,he must be filled up wit de holy gost b4 standing in de alter of God,Dts just de truth!

Anonymous said...

It's spelled secular and not "circular". Please correct. It's nauseating.

bitchplis (BentOuttaShape) said...

Secular not circular.....korede bello is not d first. M.I ,skales ,Timi dakolo have been there before.I hope pasuma won't be invited one day..and it's gbagada not lekki

Unknown said...

I guess you mean to use the word 'Secular' and not ' Circular' in the heading.......better you change it before comments start rolling in. Yay! First time 'commenter'

Anonymous said...

But this pastor is saying nothing but d truth...i love korede too but him singing godwin which isnt even a christian song on d alter isnt right abeg...d godwin song sef, d hype is too much, nofin spectacular to me

Anonymous said...

It's spelled secular and not "circular". Please correct the error. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Absolutely nothing wrong. it only depends on what song He is performing while in the church. And Linda dear, that word is "Secular" :)

David N. Udoumoh said...

It's 'secular' and not 'circular' please!!!

Unknown said...

Even some gospel artist do the weirdest thing u could ever imagine. Lord have mercy.

Unknown said...

It depends on the song he sang in church, hope he didnt sing Dorobucci in church?

Unknown said...

Linda he is absolutely right and correct, do remember that God is not man, he will never compromise his ways, no matter how civilised man would become, it's vain before God.

Unknown said...

To be plain, I think he is right

Unknown said...

That's not fair anyone can claim being born again with a black heart

Unknown said...

Linda. Thanks for the question. Thats my church and yes we invited korede bello to the island for our evening gathering and he performed. He is a born again christian and he sang God win and winner are we in christ( the pidgin version). If he wants the video to watch what was performed, We can give it to him. The same bible ask us not to Judge anyone so what did he just do by saying we have reduced christianity to ABC. Does he attend the church? Has he listened to our sermon? Y are we human beings quick to judge without all the facts.

David N. Udoumoh said...

It's 'secular' and not 'circular' please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree!!!! He's said it all

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ehen...Lool,cos i saw d billboard/poster on my way 4rm church ....honestly i found it vewy weird tho....who am i 2 judge anyways?

Unknown said...

Is it the person performing the song or the song in itself is bad, which one??? Linda take note!

ify said...

Soo true, Dere shld be a difference btw d world and d church

Unknown said...

Is it the person performing the song or the song in itself is bad, which one??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Is it the person performing the song or the song in itself is bad, which one??? Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

What makes him think koredo bello is an unbeliever, he think celebrities are idol worshiper or what , that was uncalled for

Anonymous said...

Are we not all 'secular' people?....and don't we all come to church to worship God?! People are just so hasty to judge and condemn.

Unknown said...

mtcheww we don cme again d guy came 2 d HICC gbagada too on sunday noting wrong wit it jor *GODWIN

Unknown said...

Secular, not Circular

Anonymous said...

Stop the sentiments! It is wrong, wrong, wrong! The world is becoming churchy and vice versa. That he sang "God win" doesn't make him a "Christian" in the right sense of the word. Pastors should keep the house of God pure and holy. Stop mixing!!!

SOLA said...


ROM12:1-2 (NLT)-:

"1And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."


Unknown said...

What is the church turning to? Can this happen in a mosque? The altar is a holy place. This should not happen in the presence of God.

KUSH said...

And dose sisters in choir are born again abi?

lgho said...

I personally so agree with what he said...Cos he his not a gospel singer so I wounder what song he will b singing in d house of God.

Unknown said...

I think he is right, no mattar d title dat song is worldly n don't suppose 2 be singing in d church of God

Anonymous said...

He is very right. We need to watch who preaches or sing on God's alter so as not to pollute it. Remember do not be unequally yoked with unbeliever. Not condemning korede tho, but we need to be careful when it comes to spiritual tins.

Unknown said...

I also do not have anything against Korede Bello personally, and won't blame him for accepting the invitation at all. I'd just like to add a question to the ones already raised in the post. What was HICC pastor's motive for bringing KB to those services? The answer to that will help us not waste unnecessary saliva. It's amazing 'there are obviously no good enough gospel artistes with hit tracks' to invite for church events anymore. So shocking! I agree with Pastor Olusola Fabunmi 100%. Linda take note o

Anonymous said...

Like there are sooooo many gospel artists around.. They aren't hard to find
Pastor Craig Lewis said, The Church, in trying to evangelize the world, tried to become like the world, and has forgotten what they truly are.


Anonymous said...

I mean, its a Church not an event of some kind, people need to separate their social lives from the church.

Anonymous said...

U must be a fool

Unknown said...

This was exactly the topic I and my music director was discussing some days back.as a gospel artist that I am, its not right to sing 'wordly' songs in the house of God when he told me to lead the remix of duncan mighty's OBIANUJU.i frowned at that and didn't do it.so he used someone else and I didn't officiate in songs that sunday.
The question I asked was how many worldly singers remix gospel songs and use it in clubs?I bet u none.so y do we as gospel singers feel that we can bring wordly songs to church?
does it mean that gospel artists ain't creative anymore to be original with good gospel songs and lyrics to also preach the gospel?
let people differentiate the 2 sides of the coin.
thats how I feel about the issue.
if u r for the gospel then be for the gospel, if u r for the world then sing for the world.
rkelly and some intl singers had this same problem.

Mao Akuh (Oriflame) said...

Something is WRONG. Too Bad!. Linda you dey go church abi you dey read your Holy Bible at all? Inukwa ajuju.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to all the "judges" in the house..I wonder why this pastor didn't write about the times that we had myles munroe, George adegboye in our church.This same set of people have all sorta songs on their phone and they play it day and night. And did i hear the word "Altar?? Remember the body is the church and not the building,if the altar is that "sacred" people that hold parties in event centres that are used as church venues should probably fall down and die!

Anonymous said...

Wot a stupid comment,Ode!!

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely Wrong!! I knw many pple wil come out and attack n also insult. Ba mind u people, it is de act dat is being condemned nt the individual. It is de choice of song not de personality. If u see it to be right den why dnt u invite Flavor to render his ''Ashewo'' tune during a communion service or any oda sunday for dat matter in ur church. The qstn is can u go n stand in front of Ogun shrine to perform a gospel act? Lets please stop acting like we re not children of God. The same way u can't sing 'Gobe' whn having a devotion at home cs u respect yo mum n dad n God, dats de same way u can't do such in de house of God. Im opened for constrcuctive criticism, hweva may u be forgiven if u jux dnt see the relevance of ds issue ba turn to insult n abuse. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Which one is sanctuary? Where u do financial deals cos dat's Wots done der now so just shut up

Unknown said...

Is Sammy okoposo a secular or gospel singer?

Unknown said...

Yes I agree with the pastor is very wrong

mr Goldberg said...

I very totally agree with the comment of the M.O.G

Anonymous said...

Do dey minister der or collect money? EWU!!!

Anonymous said...

He's right sha.. but humans are always so quick to judge. korede bello just had his first celebrity controversy

RichyGame said...

Korede is a boy close to God's heart. His signing on Mavin is a struggle as that was the break out he was looking for but the association at times troubles. That is why he ensures his lyrics are clean and thus the reason for the song "God Win". He is at cross roads but has decided to stay in the faith. I tell you this authoritatively as he confessed to a friend a few weeks back,precisely at Trace MDs birthday get together. Now, I'm not judging or saying I'm for the church performance o. Just a statement of fact, daz all.

Unknown said...

we shld blame dose dat invited im,nt not korede,any which way,NA GODWIN.

gDavid said...

I totally agree with him. Secular musicians are not to be allowed to minister in the house of God.
We shouldn't reduce the house of God to mere gathering all in the name of modernization.
We will only send the wrong message to the hearts of believers.

Anonymous said...

All in the name of wining soul for Christ, we can use other ways to achieve this and not by brining un believer to the alter of God. It's disheartening that some of our so called pastor can do any thing to get congregation. Note we have lots of. Christian artist with better songs. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What r dey?

anonymous said...

It's a pity that the church is fast mixing up with the world which is a clear sign of d end times. Imagine a worldly artist who Im not even sure if he is a christian (I recall listening to an interview that cool fm granted him where I think he mentioned that he was a muslim). And for such a person to be granted access to the pulpit to perform shows gross desecration of the altar of God. In the Islamic religion you dare not try that! How much more the holy sanctuary of the most high. A lot of things are allowed these days in the house of God all in the name of entertainment and I wonder if these people really know what they are doing. I was arguing with a friend the other day who said there was nothing wrong for comedians to crack jokes on the pulpit (some of these jokes are very crass and out of line). However, the question we need to ask is, is that part of what the church was commissioned to do? Is that how the church of old was? Why not keep comedy and other forms of entertainment where it is meant to be and let the church focus on the great commission? We are in the perilous times and true believers who want to make heaven at last should be able to separate btw the chaff & d wheat.

Anonymous said...

Like d people der r filled up Abi? Goat

Unknown said...

Linda,hope u have qualified editors.
Go for them now,so that your empire shall not come under ridicules. #Godwin

Anonymous said...

Which one is christian song, d one dey will mention sango? Mtchewww

the queen said...

Sound reasoning! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Linda everytin is wrong when u bring worldly tins into d house of God to poison d minds of d children of God.

Unknown said...

This means...someday..the church will invite TerryG , Flavour and d odas to come sing......That he added GOD in his song does not make it Gospel.........The church did wrong...very wrong...... How many pple fell under d auction of d Holyspirit while he ministered????
Secular and Gospel....dats how it goes............U cant interchange it.....

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....

Anonymous said...

Abegi, make we hear word. All these people that will be claiming holiness. Go and look at the olusola fabunmi profile picture on fb blowing kisses. Park well oga #Godwin

Davido's driver said...

This is so wrong. My opinion... argue with your bible verse below. Lindaobserve

Errand Plug said...

Canl minds won't understand...only spiritual men will do. Study your scripture and you will know the truth.

Unknown said...

True words for he spoke well, and spoke wt in my mind mostly in d last line. Indeed churches has b reduced to ABC.

Unknown said...

ya'll shud remember he sang
"we go pop champagne today na Godwin o"
hw did he handle dt part while singing in the church tho?

Unknown said...

So true , perfect example !

AIRBAG100 said...

As far as preaching and spreading the Gospel is concern personality doesn't count anybody can be use as a tool for God's work so stop judging it's not korede u came to worship in church na God u come serve and the praises na for God

Unknown said...

Shoutout to all the "judges" in the house..I wonder why this pastor didn't write about the times that we had myles munroe, George adegboye in our church.This same set of people have all sorta songs on their phone and they play it day and night. And did i hear the word "Altar?? Remember the body is the church and not the building,if the altar is that "sacred" people that hold parties in event centres that are used as church venues should probably fall down and die!April 9, 2015 at 11:34 AM

do u know that before now, the alter was taken so seriously that even the priest was tied b4 he enters so dat if he didn't makeit inside, he wud be dragged out.
it is called the holy of holies.so dont be too quick to comment on matters.yea we all listen to different genre of songs but wen it comes to standing in the alter of God please sanctify yourself so that the spirit cam work thru u so u dont end entertaining but touch lives and heal broken hearted.
do u know that gospel songs can raise the dead? Its the level of preparation of the person singing I tell u.so it's not something u do with carnality.

Unknown said...

Did u read what he said? And where did he judge him? Let's be sincere we all sing these songs but when it comes to the house of the lord its aint right. Its a church . Its like inviting 2pac singing change inside church . Church is for worship.

Unknown said...

So just becus he doesn't singer gospel songs makes him a sinner or nt born again? hmmmm he who is witout blemish shud cast d first stone ...... All ds naija pastors n pretence smh most of em are worst dan pegans in their closets !!!

Enebechi Constance said...

Hmmmm. I wonder what our altars are turning into these days. "christians" are quickly loosing their grip. well i am not surprised,..end time. I am not against the artist performing,but the fact that he was specially invited to sing a particular song. IT IS WELL.

Unknown said...

God bless you more my brother for that question "... secular musician remixing gospel songs...?" And the answer is NONE.

Anonymous said...

64 souls won to Christ just becos Korede Bello came to sing @HICCIsland. how many souls did u win to Christ bcos holy spirit came to sing in ur church on Easter Sunday? Join us this Sunday. 8am & 10am and ur life will never be the same. HICCIsland Church plot 94,after 2nd roundabout, Lekki

NigerianStyles said...



Anonymous said...

What ever happen to Nathaniel Bass, Joe praise nd d rest? Well only God can judge.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe the standards of God is clearly stated in the bible without any ambiguity. Less we hastily forget God is not a man and can never compromise his standards. In the old testaments there were men singled out to serve on the alter of God, these men were sanctified and filled with the spirit of the living God. And who born them well to derail from following the commandments as it was stated?
Korede is not a gospel artist, he has no business on the alter, if he was just in the gathering of friends or youths or even any other gathering that is not church service...then it would have been understandable. we must learn to do God's business just as he has instructed us in his holy book. We must be cautious of bringing the world into the word!. God bless us.

Anonymous said...

Dey may not all b filled buh sld we now pollute dem d more wt worldly songs?

Unknown said...

Jesus said I came for the unsaved notime the righteous, that could be another Avenue to bring him close to God, one message from the altar that day may change his life for ever, I see nothing bad for him to sing a Christian song on the altar, if that be the case how many of his choir members can he verge for that do not sleep in their boy friends housebbefore coming to sing on the altar.as far as he did not sing an ungodly song on the alter he is good to go
Moreover how many gospel artist are righteous

Anonymous said...

Yea he may b a believe, is he living a christ like life?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! Notin sld b wrong in d eyes of whom worldly tins av eaten up his brain

Anonymous said...

oluwaseyi jonathan olagbegi you are a big fool. 2pac and Koredo bello ? Odeh like you

Anonymous said...

Tnx God bless u. Truth is bitter!!!

Anonymous said...

Pls ask dem o. Dey all av eyes dey can't see and even turning deaf ears to d truth. Do d comparison of d 2 religion dey r quite different. Xtians nowadays tilt more to d worldly way of life and it saddens bitterly.

mum jayjay said...

it is wrong cant imagine the congragation dancing shoki in the presence of God.

Anonymous said...

World ppl,I hail O! holier than everyone! I was in that service and I heard Korede say clearly " since I gave my life to Christ, my life has not being the same".Even if that was not the case, did Jesus come for the saved? NO. He came for the lost sheep. I can't wait to see the Olamide's, Terry G's, Flavours and "the odas" in church. If your church wont let them in, plsssss ask them to come to HICC....WE lOVE EVERYONE

Anonymous said...

Christians sld av a deep rethink. D kingdom of God sld b our priority and gaining more souls 4 Christ is our primary assignment.

Anonymous said...

That's how you so called born agains disrespect yourselves,

Anonymous said...

I love when people act like they know who should be in church and who shouldn't. A lot of 'pastors' and 'choristers' do worse things than the secular artists; yet we celebrate them and even defend them when they are caught pants down
Ask yourselves o Pharisees, would Jesus have denied him the right to perform?

It's never that serious guys. Jesus rolled with 'sinners'

Zeme said...

Everything is wrong with it! Korede is not a gospel artiste. And the fact that God's name is used in one of his songs is not enough reason for the performance. See why I can't attend new generational churches, they use their dressing, music n mode of worship to modernize Christianity

Anonymous said...

If d reverse was d case it wld av bin welcome but No it isn't. Hw many times av dey invited a gospel singer to perform in deir programs/concerts? Do dey evn give a hoot abt d gospel in ur song? Let's not shy away frm d truth.

Unknown said...

Every thing is wrong with that invitation

David Thompson said...

those that are commenting rubbish here, i believe you all have read the bible, abut i know you all lack understanding, the pastor was not judging he was only basing on the biblical fact that its improper and not right,i know some of you here might even go as far as doing worst things if the chance was giving you.

Anonymous said...

So, do you know who our greatest competition is?- satan. When he uses different strategies to bring people to the kingdom of hell- including alcohol, sex, fun, food, money, etc.; you are saying church can't bring in a popular artiste to perform a secular song inorder to get his fans to come to church on easter? Do you know how many people gave their lives to Christ at that service? Okay I'm done asking questions. Christians ehn, we can be such hypocrites.

yawanow said...

I don't agree coz i really don't see anything wrong with it.

Just like lady gaga singing gospel or praises, people will see it as a joke considering what we have seen but we should remember "thou shall not judge". The thoughts of God are not same with man. I'm a chorister in my church and i love to dance dorobucci @home or club. I love God and he alone knows the depth of out love for him.

Unknown said...


Mr Billz Clayton said...

I dont think castigating him is best sha. The song sef even wen sung in the club u'll notice a lot of people sincerely thanking God. #Godwin

Anonymous said...

U sound like 1 who belong to d do as I say not do as I do caucus. Continu

Unknown said...

Truth be told, it was wrong for the pastor to have invited him to the church. Afterallll most secular musicians sing songs attributed to God, so should we now use that as bases to start inviting them to church? The things in church most especially music should be taken sacred cos that's the only thing God needs from us. Thus the church should never be compromised for any course.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if someone had invited TUPAC to church, his story would have been different

Unknown said...

I agree with him, it was wrong.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with popping champagne? Did he say we will drown in champagne? Stop it

Anonymous said...

Are u living a Christian like life! Because he's a celebrity doesn't not make him d devil.

Anonymous said...

Kanye west sang "Jesus walked" them for invite am too now! Smh at Christendom

oby onogwu said...

hmmmm, we are all so quick to judge, am a proud member of Harvesters International Christain Centre (HICC) you can't come to my church and remain the same, we've had great men of God like the late Dr. Myles Munroe,Pst. Mensa Otabil,Rev George Adegboye,Pst J.T kalejaiye come there to minister the word of God to us and we've also had gospel artiste come there too. KB wrote that song to glorify God and we glorified God with the song cause we are not here for perfect people we are her for the inperfect and pls Olushola Fabunmi next time you have an issue with another pastor like you i suggest you reach out to him first before bringing him or his ministry for the world to judge.

Anonymous said...

why are we deceiving ourselves? Is there anywhere in the bible where in the time of Jesus christ people sing in the temple be it gospel or secular? Even Paul doctrine as stated by the bible was not inline with how Jesus runs his temple.

Unknown said...

When the church fail to take gospel to the world, the world in turn enters the church with theirs.

Unknown said...

the world has finally enter the church as church refuse to take gospel the world

mimi said...

Everything is wrong.... its either you are all for God or ure for the world... no one leg in, one leg out.

Unknown said...

Let God be the judge but in my opinion it's wrong to invite a secular artist to sing in the church. let what is sacred be sacred.

lifted said...

Not that is wrong, but need to be evangelize 1st,so as to stay connected to right source of flow. Which is Holy spirit, becos essence of sing is to bring God's present into the tabernacle.

lifted said...

Not that is wrong, but need to be evangelize 1st,so as to stay connected to right source of flow. Which is Holy spirit, becos essence of sing is to bring God's present into the tabernacle.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites at work here. Who told the so called holier than thou yankee refugee pastor that Korede is not born again? is there anything in the song to suggest it is an anti-Christ song? Was the song not praising God? Do not be surprised if the song wins the gospel song of the yearand those talking what they dont know will hide their so called inglorious righteous faces in shame because NA GOD WIN.

Unknown said...

Lmfao,,korredo take Note,and answer all dis questions!!!!#Godwin

Oprah Morgridge said...

he is 100 percent correct. A secular artist shouldn't be performing in a church, honestly what then is the difference between the church and the club? even if its Godwin, its still totally wrong.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with that as long as he was not singing the wrong song in the church. Godwin is a song of praise and have gone global. No amount of hypocrisy can stop it from being appreciated. #Godwin

Unknown said...

Morning all.
My submission will be in questions and answers.
First question is, who is a sinner and who did Jesus christ come for in the first place?
He categorically said it in plain words that he came for sinners and he did not just say it but act it, he dined with them and went looking for them where they were.

Secondly question is in john 8:7, he who is without sin let him cast the first stone.
Now what happened, they all disappeared by the time jesus raised his head up, then he told the woman have you seen all your accusers have left, so in this regard, who made you a judge over Korede bello, yes we see his act and its known to us he is with ma in re orcs, we did our home work well before the invitation but what of some people who commit all sorts in private and feel they are deceiving man, yet God sees and have mercy on them.
Thirdly who says the podium in church is meant for pastors alone and by Korede performing there it has made it unsanctified, I choose to disagree with that, is it not the same God that says let the children come to me they are the heritage of the most high, what if by that singular act of coming to perform Godwin, he meets with an encounter on that same sanctified podium and his life is changed forever. So don't deprive others of tasting the good, joy and peace from the most high God which you already have. This is why they call christian hypocrites, if you know HICC very well you will know we never judge, discriminate but rather embrace, encourage and allow everyone come to CHRIST as they are because no one found CHRIST on their own without been ministered to at some point but maybe some people did, that is fine but not everyone did that.

Fourthly do you know the motive and intent of the church when Korede was invited to perform, also what season it was, not like churched charged people to come watch him perform. Church did not charge for the show for people to watch him, but rather gave out free tickets to get lives saved, just as salvation is free. Use what the world likes to get to them, they do not have to go and listen to him sing it at the club or a show where they will still pay but we gave them free access to him.
Did this same Jesus upon meeting Simon Peter the sinner then hemp him with catching as many fishes as possible he tried to catch to no avail before he now introduced himself to him and ask him to come be the fishers of men.
He only came to witness to people how God indeed has won in all situations in our lives, how he paid the price in full, how sin and grave has no power over us, and all Korede sang was testifying to the victory of God.
Also facts needs to be gotten right, he only sang in the evening service not morning.

Anonymous said...

Pastor olushola I believe this msg will get 2 u;rememba judgement begins 4rm d altar,if I were u I will mind my ministry not judging ors.

Anonymous said...

Korede Bello maybe more appreciated by God than those condeming his using his work to praise God. He even said in the song that he has changed his name to GODWIN. i therefore disagree with the US pastor.

Unknown said...

You be arm robber u go rob dem no catch u "na Godwin" hw en take go do dat line or is he encouraging de youth de youth to try it...I fink it's nt right. who knw hw many tyms en go don perform dat song 4 clubs or ungodly places now dem bring him to de holy huz of God...we should all be careful wat we bring to de huz of God...I don't av anytin against de artist I like him, just don't fink dis is right but at de end of de day all na en hustle...de G'O should tink twice b4 making such move...#Godwin

Anonymous said...

Korede Bello is on point. Na God win.

Anonymous said...

I will agree with the woman, cos even if Jesus came to die for the sinners, there is a clear difference between lost souls coming to the Lord for repentance and entertaining people by a person who sings secular music.

You will be surprised at the direction of the inspiration on the youths. You are in the worls , but not of the world, that was what Jesus said.
Remember the bible passage, which records that Jesus was angry because people were buying and selling in the house of GOD.
And we can only conclude that "it doesn't matter" if Koredo Bello confirms he doesnt sing secular songs again.

Juleslouis said...

I'll say its wrong. Its d same as having snoop dog sing in a church. But Godwin isn't a bad song sha. And its secular nor cicular.

Unknown said...

Morning all.
My submission will be in questions and answers.
First question is, who is a sinner and who did Jesus christ come for in the first place?
He categorically said it in plain words that he came for sinners and he did not just say it but act it, he dined with them and went looking for them where they were.

Secondly question is in john 8:7, he who is without sin let him cast the first stone.
Now what happened, they all disappeared by the time jesus raised his head up, then he told the woman have you seen all your accusers have left, so in this regard, who made you a judge over Korede bello, yes we see his act and its known to us he is with ma in re orcs, we did our home work well before the invitation but what of some people who commit all sorts in private and feel they are deceiving man, yet God sees and have mercy on them.
Thirdly who says the podium in church is meant for pastors alone and by Korede performing there it has made it unsanctified, I choose to disagree with that, is it not the same God that says let the children come to me they are the heritage of the most high, what if by that singular act of coming to perform Godwin, he meets with an encounter on that same sanctified podium and his life is changed forever. So don't deprive others of tasting the good, joy and peace from the most high God which you already have. This is why they call christian hypocrites, if you know HICC very well you will know we never judge, discriminate but rather embrace, encourage and allow everyone come to CHRIST as they are because no one found CHRIST on their own without been ministered to at some point but maybe some people did, that is fine but not everyone did that.

Unknown said...

Fourthly do you know the motive and intent of the church when Korede was invited to perform, also what season it was, not like churched charged people to come watch him perform. Church did not charge for the show for people to watch him, but rather gave out free tickets to get lives saved, just as salvation is free. Use what the world likes to get to them, they do not have to go and listen to him sing it at the club or a show where they will still pay but we gave them free access to him.
Did this same Jesus upon meeting Simon Peter the sinner then hemp him with catching as many fishes as possible he tried to catch to no avail before he now introduced himself to him and ask him to come be the fishers of men.
He only came to witness to people how God indeed has won in all situations in our lives, how he paid the price in full, how sin and grave has no power over us, and all Korede sang was testifying to the victory of God.
Also facts needs to be gotten right, he only sang in the evening service not morning.

Fifth question, Is harvester the first church to invite Korede?
No, but I will not start naming before the churches too are now condemned. He is a youth, so we use him to reach out to his peer, nothing wrong in using that to win souls for God, and that day alone Korede performed in HICC souls were won for Christ and heaven has an account of this.

It is best to work out our salvation with fear and trembling rather than looking at Korede a blessed child climbing the podium to sing to his father in heaven, so that you do not get to heaven and see him sitted at the right hand side of the father and yet you are still wondering how did he make it. Note as well, all the songs he performed were just related to jesus wining.
Gods command to us is to love him first and love our brothers and sisters as our selves, so if u do not love God then you can't love a Korede bello enough to come perform to his brothers and sisters.
We encourage you all to come the way you are to God, been a sinner is not a thing of shame, we all were once there, HICC loves you all that way so we can transform you into what God expects of you,and we can make pacesetters of you all.
I therefore pray for you out there reading this, we love you and pray the redeemer will perfect all concerning you and will give you peace that passeth all understanding. Find your way to him as he first loved you like a prodigal son so please love him back as he paid the price in full.

Word of advice to the pastor lady who started this,be careful the stones you throw, social media is a strong tool it can make and destroy other people, it's a used to share opinions and views but let it be the right one not attacking the character of a person, church or otherwise, now you have opened yourself to people going to dig out facts about you yourself as one person already comment and you know you will not like it to be judged of whether your past or present, let's love ourselves as Christians and stop bringing up unhealthy rivalry. This can affect an unbeliever out there still trying to make up his mind, he will just be like, see the people am looking up to sef, they are busy still attacking one another's personality.
God is love
Have a good day and stay blessed.

Unknown said...

OWKAY, let me start by saying' May God have mercy on us and our entire generation. It pains my heart to see the way we are falling out of place with God. We think Christianity is just a name for a religion, we are not even sure deep in our hearts if there is a God, we are just scared to voice it out. The only 2 reasons why we go to church is one, we were born Christians, and two, we want to belong somewhere.
Now, Linda, let me go to the issue at hand. Firstly, I don’t think this is an issue to debate on. God has made it clear, you cannot serve 2 masters…you cannot serve both God and money [Matt. 6:24] and he also says, where you treasure is, there your heart will be [Matt. 6:21]. We don’t want to be black or white, but shades of grey, God does not and will never allow that. I see no reason why a secular artist will or should minister in the church. The church is the body of Christ, and you can only preach Christ if Christ lives in you. This is not a matter of judging or not judging someone, you cannot eat your cake and have it. Nobody said someone who is not born again should not come to church. Can the blind lead the blind? The prayers of a sinner is an abomination to God so is the worship of a sinner. I did not say this, the bible did. Let us search our heart, the truth lies within. It is high time we stop living this weak and powerless Christian life and thirst for God. I rest my case. God bless!

Shinaayomi said...

you have to know the reason for inviting him before u open u mouth an talk, lets nt be hypocrite. the idea was to pull crowd nd get them born again. u need to see d number of people that gave there life to Christ that day. lets talkwith fact pls.

Anonymous said...

whats the difference between a choir who praises God and sins outside the church or circular singer who praises God and sings inside to the church to praise God?... the difference is that one doesnt pretend who he is but acknowledge the fact that there is God.

Anonymous said...

The US pastor is not man of God cos Gay marriage is approved in US and u did not see any thing bad there so becos kb is praising God in the church with a song titled Godwin he is now a sinner, there is God oo when Jesus comes we will know those that will be called born again and born against .

Unknown said...

You really sound sensible nice one...

Anonymous said...

Well! It is wrong for him to mount the stage to sing. He is known to be a wordly singer, he can attend the church he is free too but mounting the altar to sing is not cool. That means you are saying any cecular musician can mount the stage even Maheeda all she has to do is sing a song that has to do with God! Common! I like that church but they are too wordly. They care about their appearance more than the inner man. Much more focused on the wordly things so I am not surprised

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him singing in church. The song he sang 'Godwin', glorifies God and he modified it to suit a church. He also sang other christian songs. Who are we to judge Korede Bello,he may have a better relationship with God than you all judging him. I love my church. HICC All the way.

Unknown said...

Thank you dear..nice point

Unknown said...

You are on point

Anonymous said...

@igwe precious, so you admit that you listen to all genre of songs abi? The altar is your heart what we have in church is a construction called podium or "riser" and besides, korede bello sand Godwin on the "altar" and attested to the fact that he is born again, saved and sanctified.And lest i forget,we had 297 salvations that Sunday in church and a lot of people who had never been to church. So because they are artists, they shouldn't come to church abi? they should go and worship sango? If they are spotted in okija shrine y'll same set of people that will cast stone. hian! The mission of hicc is to reach out to the unsaved and get them to christ. You doubt that, just sit in our service once you will be a believer.

My Two Kobo said...

A thousand likes for that comment

Unknown said...

There's nothing wrong. Even the so called gospel singers are they all born again?

Anonymous said...

In the spirit realm, there's an orderly way of doing things. Yes Christ came for the sinners but did he join them to sin because he wanted to save them? Your church invited him cos they wanted more popularity. Na him una don get so.

Wale Adekanye said...

Lets not decieve ourselves, this is a shame to the church and it is totally not accepted at all. HICC members u better tell ur pastors the truth if he doesnt know the truth.

Unknown said...

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.

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