Dear Shapeyou,I have always hated waist trainers, body magic and all those other stuffs people use to make themselves look better.I always believed my tummy would go down somehow (I try to exercise once in a while). I was comfortable with this thought until two weeks ago when my boyfriend’s mum celebrated her 50th birthday. My boyfriend and I have dated for two years.
And in those two years, my boyfriend has never complained about my tummy except one time he joked about it when I was at his house. We had just had lunch and three hours after my tummy was still bulging out. We laughed over it and that was it. This certain day, after the party, my boyfriend and I were sitting outside. I open up LIB and saw one of your posts. I immediately start to criticize those that wear waist trainers or body shapers and the men who allow them wear it. I kept talking and talking. I noticed my boyfriend wasn’t saying anything. ‘Wasn’t he paying attention?’ I asked myself. Chike say something naa or what do you think?. ‘I think you should get one’. His words shocked me. I didn’t say anything. He noticed I was upset, he then held me close and asked me; ‘how long have you been trying to work on your tummy?’ I was still quiet.’ Annie, it is a trainer isn’t it?A waist trainer. You should waist train. There’s nothing wrong in it. I don’t see anything wrong with it’. I asked him what he meant and if he was indirectly trying to insult me. It doesn’t change who you are’, he replies me‘it only helps you get the body you desire. If it makes you feel better about yourself and gives your body a defined shape, what are you waiting for? It’s like growing hair, he continued nobody says short hair is bad but if you can grow a long hair, does it make you a different person? We should get you one of those and you can continue with your exercising too’.
For the first time, I understand what you shapeyou people mean. I read all your posts again and I fully understand.Maybe I was being too conservative or too judgmental but now I fully understand.
I have started waist training and I’m happy but most importantly, I’m proud of myself. With good exercising, a healthy lifestyle and waist training, I’m loving my body now. I had thought I didn’t care but now, I do care. Not just for me but also for my man. It doesn’t change who I am but I’m loving the results.
Can’t wait for the long term results!Thank you shapeyou people.
Remember, our products do not rule out a healthy lifestyle,
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ok...for the ladies..
ok thanks, but i have killer shape.lol
I hope it truely works.
Will it reduce d fat or hide it? Rubbish
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Good testimony
Biia umu nwanyi afo mmiri ukwa stop deceiving ur selves! Stop bin lazy and burn those isi ewu n nkwobi the normal natural way. Very annoying!
okay tanx
Ok heard you
Lindsy baby I can only agree wit you on this till I see a pic of you wearing the waisttrainer and all 'lol' #onelovefromSnow#
if only the can just say NO! to food and work out every weekend, theyt will save themselves from all this, I hate lazy women #LvmXmasShoppingfestivalDec10
4 women do d rite tine amuzieemmanuel@gmail.com
Super story! Ife bulu ebu,ebugo.
Ara dara Ada,adago.
Ike pelu mpe,epego.
Ukwu talu ata,atago.
The earlier you accept this and come to terms,the better for you.
Kai Linda and waist trainers.
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Nice job
Does dis work i mean 4real
Shape me,shape you,shape us, abege its enough jare. All this tieing of stomach in the name of shaping must have its own disadvantage joor.
Linda,you don become their ambassador abi?free us abeg
everyone can earn money.. easily
i really need this stuff....but no money for now...i hope it will still be on sale by next year......
Ok noted
Do all this shape up really work?????
It's either ds waist trainer pple r paying Linda a fortune 4 ds adverts or she wants 2 try 1 anyway cool wld try if need be....... NJ
Is gud 4 fat pple
Nice one......will think about it
Body exercise keeps body to look more healthier. It reduces fat from the fatty body too. mjabdulk@gmail.com
this should equally be applicable to guys with disgusting pot belly. Even my daddy because he own is like he is 8months pregnant. Some young guys pot of bellies is so annoying when they remove they shirts. <<>>. REPORTING>>>. LIVE FROM PORT NOVIA>>>
Ok seen
ExercIse reguIarIy nd eat heaIthy food. Waist trainer is Jx a bons
Them ladies needs it....... I don't. (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Hmmmn we don hear
Waist trainer Dats all we hear you products are expensive joor
Exercise reguIarIy nd eat good food. Waist trainer is Just a bonus
Nice one buh I love my body nd shape,d only tin I need more is butt,I don't wana go for implant jagons,I need a real butt lol
Very good of her
Abeg na girdle jor. Enough of dis inconvenient over tight thing biko. Eat right, eat early b4 7pm, good water in-take n regular exercise will do d magic jare.
This is good Linda,i tink I wil need one lol.
To whom it may concern.
Very Good of her
next plz
is it really working! am a mother of 3, i think i need to get one for my tommy
I need ddem 2 oh. Winkz
Long live LIB™
Hmm...these shape ppl mean business oo. See adverts na...lool
Those dat needs it know demselves........
Eniola badmus .... is that you ??
There's something about the girl in the middle. I Likey!
This is a made up cock nd bull story
Okay naa
One and only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
I don hear you
ok ooo... we ve heard
Intresting, but can it work as a postpartum girdle?
These people must be paying lindodo good money ooo. This adverts no be small something
PEOPLE Go and lose weight in a normal way exercise and eat healthy.
waist train kor shape waist ni... waist of time na only waist person they put fat?
Nice, I added dem on BB nd was adviced to go for waist cincher, belle don big afta 2kids e no easy. Lolssss
Hmmm..me likey. Next year I must get mine
Ohk ooo...we don hear #gift#
Do they deliver to S.A?
She's lost when it comes to diet...I mean take a look around... You always have a choice.... The easy way ain't always the best...did she ever gym??? And nat jx that, watch wah you eat... I mean...look at Miss L.
Hehe...no offense, its just ma say... Cherrio
Will love to get soonest....sop say so
Generation of fake ass women...sooo unfortunate!!!
Noted next pls
it all gud
Arrrgghh...dts enuf...
And that is what I call mature suggestion...
Hummmm nice one. Hapi for you
=CYNTHIA=commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
I like my shape
I nid ds shape you lik kilode.a good samaritan on ds blog to help,i'll lav ya all my life
Okay.....nice story
Goodday to you all...am a final year student of the department of Economics,University of lagos...am really in need of a temporary job placement around lagos for about two months...I don't really care about the pay,i need the experience and I also don't want to stay idle since an idle mind is the devil's workshop..be sure to get the best from me...am one of the outstanding students in my class with mostly A's and few B's(manuscript could be provided)...thanks in anticipation...osasonadamilola@gmail.com
@jbankzE no it moves the fat to other area of the body
Definitely not for me. I'll completely disappear if I try it on. Lols
Got a killer shape so ain't needing it
im certainly going to get one. ds weekend.. tnx to LIB.
nice,i think i need one
Me I need it ooh.
Long live LIB™
which one is for men na,at list we have seen jeggings.which one again.
Same ere Killer Killer shape
Seen. Girls stop being lazy and follow the ryt way. Some of you that are always dieting, all you need is eat well and exercise and you will be okay.
Yeah! What she said is encouraging but seeing is believing
I go buy new year
Where can one buy this? Please my wife is a size 14 and she would kill to have a set or two, i want to buy it for her as a special gift? I beg o.
Ama try it
Niceeee, but I cant afford it
All of you that eat eba for breakfast and poundo for dinner: this thing cannot help you!!!!! Stop eating and start exercising. Fatty bumbum
Will get mine after xmas coz of rice, fufu, palmy, wey i go chop.
Buhahahahaha bastard boy.
Umu nwwanyi ike unu agwu go m
Your dad has pot belly like he is 8months pregnant?? What sort of child are you?You come on social media to say trash about ur own father....SMH for u. and to think u have ur name on display,,silly child.
Love urself just d way u are.
Sire, it's not the same as before, u can still resurrect Ara darada. Puff up the Ike and Restructure the Ukwu. Lols.
Me e no concern me ooooo, dat one na story for the gods
Just passing by
will love to try it on
i will like to try it on
I slim die so I nor need am
pple with firm nd hard body need it
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