My goodness! What kind of human beings exist in this world?This is the shocking moment a Chinese stepmother whipped, beat, kicked and stamped on a girl less than 2 years old just because she wet herself...and the brutal beating, which lasted 5 minutes, was caught on tape.
The stepmother whipped the young girl 87
times with a branch, kicked her 14 times and gave her eight slaps to the
face. The more the young girl cried, the more the woman screamed and beat her. At one time, the woman kicked the toddler in the leg until she fell. Then grabbed her by the ear, threw her to the floor, slapped her again and used a branch to beat her.
Someone filmed the assault from a widow above the compound and posted it online. Hours after it was posted online, thousands called for the woman's arrest, but the police refused to arrest her, saying there was nothing they could do. Unbelievable. See the photos after the cut...
The toddler cowers against a wall as the woman switches the branch for her hand, striking the girl in the face |
Grabbing the child by the ear, the woman throws her on to the floor before continuing her prolonged attack |
The woman kicks the child square in the chest, knocking her back as she wails loudly |
The stepmother stamps on the girl as the witness films the five-minute attack |
Photo credit: UK Daily Mail
Lord Jesus! This Chinese people are so wicked.
Makes me wonder why God gave some people children
Hell No!! This one na winch ooooo
Dillish Matthews Reveals The First Time She Kissed & Made Love (Tweets)
Scattered brain woman, lunatic
Wicked mother
Too bad for the kid, it's a pity that some women are heartless. #onelovefromSnow#
God is watching
Na wa oooooo...jeez
I need to know the kind of weed she smokes! #smh
Dis world is a piece of land full of wide animals called Human beings.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
OMG! Can you imagine. The woman deserves serious slaps.
From their movies, u go know say Chinese people sabi beat children. Dem with Nigerians na da drag that cup ( beating of children award) she don learn Karate finish,she da practice am for d child body. Wicked woman!
Wickedness in the highest order! How will you kick a small baby? Haba, slap no do? Even me as I'm big like this if person kick me I go almost faint, its naw small baby, what did he do! Why will you scatter your frustration on this small child? Haba! No be you born the pikin o, she should be severly punished, this is absurd
Why are some women so wicked. Beware,children have their guardian angels.
D woman na witch, silly idiot!
Height of wickedness. chaaai!
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Any woman can be a mother but it takes someone with a heart to be a mummy.
Plain wickedness
I get that what the woman did was evil but the person who shot the video is more EVIL!!! 5 minutes and she couldn't go down to stop the beating! All s/he was after was to get a salacious video to post online and garner retweets and likes! Story of the modern world! Everybody wants to be a star!!!!
Mad woman!!! . MM
Beat her 86times, slap her 500times, kick her 97 times, Tie a heavy stone to her neck, and fling her into the Atlantic Ocean, the shark infested area. Witch!!!!
N the person ws jst there filmin witout doin anytin immediately.wht is really his intention as he ws filmin make money? Both him/she n d woman r beasts.may God hv mercy on u two
Dat woman is devil herself dts all I can say & dts y d police re scared 2 arrest her.
Datz really bad of her, neva seen sum1 so hrtlez
Haba! Dahz too bad,buh wait ooº°˚˚°Âºo who was counting d number f kicks,slap nd all †Ñ’Ã¥†.hmmmmm
So d pesin dat was snapn nd video tappn d scene shuld b arrestd too...... Pple of todai enjoys getn wat dey will put online dan saving a soul
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
I'm broken, my God il definitly punish dis thing dat call herself woman
Really Unbelievable dat d police cn't do anythin and some wld say nigerian police re bad. These police men re worse and if care is nt taken, she'll kill that child
I don't understand,why can't they arrest her?
Chinko ppl
Very wicked MFs
Same thin is happening in my house
There is dis lady beating up a child of 4yrs old fro bedwetting, serious beatin all the lil man body go peel
He is nt her child tho
Children re wonderful creatures
Beating him/her up aint a guarantee he or she wont bed wet tommorow
Maybe when d child is permanently disfigured or when d police would react.
Wicked woman buy, how could she,sure she's high oh cheap drugs that y
Dis witch needs to be flog on her bare ass thoroughly
#######LIB MY BADT HABIT#######
WTF!...wat kind of human being does this to a child? chinko people shaaa, dem b werey..#feeling sorry 4 d little girl
Oh no! what a wicked woman! this one is real shedevil..she should be thrown in Jail!
that was so cruel, wicked step mother. olorun jowo malemi kuro nidi eru mi. i wonder if she would treat her own child like that.
God pls give me long life to take care of my kids(amen) wicked woman will she do dis to her own child
Wicked step mother.
The stupid idiot that was busy doing paparazzi, could not even intervene.
I don't no Y devil always possess those stepmothers, if it was her own child will she do all dat to her, smh poor little child Ndo nwam, as for de stepmother God will surely judge u..(Rochas W Know)
Dis is sad.hw heartless can pple b?
nonsense, instead of going to stop the woman, they were busy videoing,
now that it has been caught on tape, okay?? we should do what???
Woe betide dis woman. She will never hear d cry of her own child.
And there was nothing the police could do. ? Chinese people and their regard for life.
And police can't do nada about dis?dat woman is mean gosh!!!
She devil,you will never find rest.
All I see is poverty, there re so many poor people living in China and their government is only interested in industrial policies! They re only thinking of the next product to import to third world countries like Nigeria
....this has just broken my heart! I mean, is there nothing at all we can do to ensure either the little girl leaves the home or the woman is arrested cus I feel eventually, she'll kill her. Until I became I mother, I just "aww, ahhh" and that's it but now, seeing stuff like this just kills me inside. Imagine!87 times just for peeing on herself which every child does. I used to pee on myself as a child, I bet you pee'd on yourself as a child too but this does not warrant 87 lashes, 8 slaps, kicks etc...God why?
Cant we do anything about this? Yes, I have time on my hands as I'm on maternity leave. This is ridiculous!
She must be insane. She needs psychiatric check.
Very unfortunate dat pple like dis ends up nt hvin dia own child bcos of d cruel attack 2 an unaged child.
that inhuman..i trust 9ja on dis cos by now dis woman for de enjoy cell breeze ..
Na her type we yahoo boys dey job.
this one na professional witch!! karma is waiting for her.. wicked ewu like her!
Lord have mercy. It's well with d poor child.
That's why I can never pay for any step parent for my children. Men are dumb enough to believe another woman will care for a child like their own. Big fat lie. I was raised by one and I've seen loafs of them in action. Just have your family in one place and guard any intruders. Evil intruders
Am a guy and this brought tears to my eyes. Why would a woman be dis wicked. I cried wen i saw the little baby in a defensive stance.
So brutal! OmO OLA say so!
Dat person videoing this should be arrested too. So the person could not come down and give the woman q dirty slap but rather watched her whipped a baby 87times. Smart phones and stupid people
Hmmn, dis is ridiculous... Some pple don't jst deserve to be blessed wit a child *Flora*
Nothing the police can do?????? Like are u freaking kidding me!!!!
My heart is beating very fast rite now, am a mother I can stand dis kind of a thing.
The person filming dis too has a mind cos I wld have gone 2 meet her myself.
GOD pls don't let me die young cos I want 2 be there 4 d wonderful kids u have given me, pls GOD.
Dis is a barbaric act and deserves to be punished, the kid is just too young to be beaten like dat
The idiot that recorded this could av at least gone to intervene. Just imagine it was one of those 'beat to death' scenerio. Dats how he shd av stupidly been there recording. Nonsense!
aunty linda Nigerian mothers hav done worse.......
Why did they not arrest the wicked woman?what if she had killed the child?The person that filmed it should have rescued the child when the evil stepmother was beating her.You watched a wicked stepmother beat a 2 year old girl for 5 minutes?Totally unacceptable.
Arrrrrrrrrr! Abeg linda stop! *takes a deep breath* that woman deserves to sit on a burning gas! and also to swallow a molten coal down her throat. Ekewensu!!! Linda post my comments
Some women tho.....the kinda heart they have is simply evil n wicked!
How can they not arrest her??? Omo, she go chop public beating very soon
This is wickedness from the pit of hell!!
I won't even have the patience to film it..I'd beat d woman blind
Unbelievable could dis b true?
Wow Obara jesus! Dis woman is a devil in disguise
Some women ae jst so callous......wat does a 2yr old knw for God sakes##bbm straight face smiley#
Wicked woman! The police said they could do nothing! Imagine that!! When this little girl die in this woman hands some day they will come out to persecute and talk rubbish for the dead.Godforbid. They should better save the child now!!!
Dis woman is bad o ah ah ah chai d poor gal
Police should arrest the fool that film and witness the whole abuse and didn't stop her. Or better still whoop the lady's ass just like she did to the child.
That's cruelty.
Linda u are beautiful oo,what can I do to make u love me?
God in heaven knows I'll kill this woman if I could lay my hands on her. I'll beat her to death
Pls responsible authorities should take. Apporriate actactions..
Very wicked and stupid woman..
My goodness! And the police refused to arrest her? What rubbish
OMG! This is a criminal offence
I'm sure u mean export
Useles government..stupid woman
Chinese police don't see child abuse as an offence that warrants arrest? seriously?!!! a kid less than 2? they should arrest the police that gave that response right after they arrest this idiot
So the person chose to video it rather than stopping it??? Linda you're right "What kind of human beings exist in this world?"
MY GOODNESS! is this witchcraft or wizardry? what sort of wickedness is this?
My thoughts exactly
Linda you're too fond of exaggerating stuffs....were you there when it happened huh ? ? ?
very sad
Linda, u shuldnt hav said chinese wman bt a mad chinese wman....
This woman is heartless.
God knows i will kill any woman who tries this on my kid.
Please don't blame the person that took that footage. They have probably been warning her but she wouldn't listen because definately this is not the first time this would happen. Besides if this video is not recorded, how would we know what this wicked woman is capable of? And how I really wish this happened in America. This woman don die finish be dat o
Correct witchcraft b dis woman
Na craze woman be dt ooo
She shld come to naija and c toddlers bedwetting...How many naija mothers have mal-handled their children dis way?The answer is No...
Moreover,d solution doesn't lie wiv beating...if a child takes in excessive sugar and water,it causes bedwetting.
Waking up the child @ nite so he can empty his/her bladder also helps.
Pls visit my blog
Ok oh. For those that like to show off with foreign nannies, see what Chinese will do to your child
Pure wickedness.
choi! i worry for that baby o! dis kain tin no fit happen for USA sha. beht its because its not her child na
Don't generalize like that, a lot of Nigerians do vile things does it mean all Nigerians are wicked? This woman is in trouble cos she was recorded
And after all this, what has been done to the woman?
Wickedness of the highest order.
it shd be made known to her dat '' there is God ooooo''
#Child #Abuse........... Wicked Chinese Woman ever exist
So d Chinese police are afraid of d woman. Huh, maybe d person dat recorded d scenee too is afraid of d woman also. She must really be wicked. Don't worry woman, thr is 1 Being dat can't be afraid of u but u shld b afraid of n dat is GOD. HE will visit u soon wit ur deserved judgement. HeartleSs n mad Chinko woman
Why are most WOMEN so heartless and wicked. Is it in the gen of a woman to be devilish i keep wondering everyday.
If God chooses neva to give dis woman a child, pple we say God Y?
Chinese are very wicked by nature, i am not surprise.
If a Man did this to woman, the whole world will call him beast, animal all sort of names. they will start preaching violence against women.women are more wicked to children more than men especially if not their own.
Those people who filmed the entires things are also very wicked and contributed to the brutal attacks of that woamn why could they not stop her instead they choose to watch filming it and posting it how does that help they should have stopped her what if the girl died
They equally evil , they had the power to stop evil by stopping the woman or taking the child away but they continued to let that child suffer who knows what kinds of wickedness that DEMONIC STEPMOTHER has in store for her later if you ask. Me the viewers who looked on the ones who posted this and the vicious stepmother are all guilty of the same crime pure wickedness and you can't blame social media for this
There is a fine line between doing what is right and posting for amusement. am so angry and dissapointed at how people no this world is changing.
he people who filmed the entire thing are also very wicked and contributed to the brutal attacks of that little girl, why could they not stop her, instead they choose to watch, film it and post it. How does that help, they should have stopped her what if the girl died ?
They are equally evil , they had the power to stop evil by stopping that woman or taking the child away but they continued to let that child suffer who knows what kinds of wickedness that DEMONIC STEPMOTHER has in store for her later ? if you ask me the viewers who looked on, the ones who posted this and the vicious stepmother are all guilty of the same crime pure wickedness and ignorance.
You can't blame social media for this, there is a fine line between doing what is right and posting for amusement. Am so angry and disappointed at how people, no this world is changing and it is not good
he people who filmed the entire thing are also very wicked and contributed to the brutal attacks of that little girl, why could they not stop her, instead they choose to watch, film it and post it. How does that help, they should have stopped her what if the girl died ?
They are equally evil , they had the power to stop evil by stopping that woman or taking the child away but they continued to let that child suffer who knows what kinds of wickedness that DEMONIC STEPMOTHER has in store for her later ? if you ask me the viewers who looked on, the ones who posted this and the vicious stepmother are all guilty of the same crime pure wickedness and ignorance.
You can't blame social media for this, there is a fine line between doing what is right and posting for amusement. Am so angry and disappointed at how people, no this world is changing and it is not good
Says who that things like that doesn't happen in america? Abi na dem worse pass
Says who that things like that doesn't happen in america? Abi na dem worse pass
Lord please help us and deliver us from these wolves in sheeps clothing
This is not the first time i have seen a video of Chinese people maltreating thier children. What is wrong with these breaks my heart as a mum to see such wickedness. how many will i weep for? Please and please mums should stop this for Gods sake and the sake a thier innocent children....phew!!!!
Does anybody know what happened after? I wanna kill her....... God bless you baby!!
OMG this is so sad and horrible :(
How can we found out what happend after wit this little girl?
Please report the lady who is beating the 4 year old before it's too late.. Please
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