Fortunately for him, his suicide was foiled by a corrections officer who was walking by his cell. According to TMZ, the officer saw him sitting on the ground with his feet up on the bunk bed, a piece of linen around his neck which was tied to the leg of the bed and his face was purple. The officer cut the linen, removed it and saved his life. War Machine is currently in a medical isolation cell on suicide watch.
Corrections officers saw a suicide note in War Machine's cell and for some reason, TMZ got a copy of it. In it, he talks about the night he attacked his girlfriend after finding out she'd been unfaithful, and a whole lot of creepy stuff. See the suicide note after the cut...

War Machine is still facing 32 charges - including attempted murder and rape, while he waits behind bars.
Christy after she was attacked...
Christy pictured last week...recovering from the brutal attack
Long essay
Hmmmm quite heart rendering.
His note was so long, thought suicide notes are always short.
Hmmmmm via infocoast.net
he has issues
Whaaattt!! Don Jazzy calls Tiwa Savage a mad woman![PIC]
Mtchew!!!!! Am nt even moved one bit!
See as the guy writing scatter come dey like where chicken dey find food
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Sorry Bro..suicide isn't always cool. Pity u bro..buh what if it was a well calculated plan to draw the public sympathy and maybe christys' and sway d jury...whatever bro!..well played
reading his letter brought tears to my eyes, am just weak and dont know what to say at all even though there is no justification for he had done but he might have change. but is a big lesson to learn from, sometimes is hard but we need to try and walk away from anger and violence rather staying to argue who is at forth at that moment by trying nt to stir up anger. we just have to try for safety.
So sad.
And he wrote all this crap in upper case
Foolish Man,Funny enough there are so many Nigerian men that behave like an animal like this, May U die young,all u guys that beat women,may ur dreams never come through, May sickness befall u all,....nonsense......thank Good the lady is recovering.
Foolish Men,they won't put a ring on it and they won't allow u date someone else, I will be 28 by January and my man won't even talk abt marriage but pick my calls to abuse any other man that calls me, pure bullshit!
What do you expect from a lady who is a porn star? She must cheat.. E be like to put pot on top fire wood and u dey expect make d pot no black.
like seriously War machine ( what a name), she cheats on u even will working.
dont have time for reading those notes,dats his biz,#female beater.Goldensarah9@yahoo.com
Exact words from a violent man.
Always tryna make the girl feel bad. Tryna shit blames on the female.. Tryna say she's the reason why he went haywire and beat her to a pulp..
Then the sweet nothings at the end to make her feel guilty and loved at the same time.
Yea right!
I've seen too many violent humans to know how they think..
This one? I aint moved.
If she likes herself, let her move on.
If he's lucky to be free, which I strongly doubt.
He's still gonna beat her and always ready to apologize with flowers till the day she drops down....
just hard to feel sorry for any man who raise his hands on a woman
Daaayyyuuummm!!! He went IN on her!!! Animal! In a cage where he belongs!
TMZ shouldn't have published it since he didn't die
He is not ready to commit suicide,he is looking for pity
U have not denied u beat her. And u would hv killed her if shr didnt make a run for it. So glad d officer saw you b4 you succeded in committing suicide. If u could look at Christy when beating her you can look at her during the trial!
Guy u gave no excuse 2 brutalise a woman, 4k u. U re lucky u didn't meet ICHIE Ekwensu. I am a guy & dts d worst tn a guy will ever want or wish 2 do, to beat a woman dts very shameful. 4 d suicide note, dts d new trend of madness 4 d whites. Whc black go wan die, evn if hunger, poverty, no hope d hustle continue. #madeofblack (in Phyno voice)
But the guy panel-beat that girl sha...Kilode! wettin she thief?
Wow! The most negative aspect about men who abuse their partners is not realizing when to stop and think. Keeping one's emotions (anger) in check takes a whole lot of experience...and maturity which some/most are lacking.
The note too long jare. How can somebody do this to a fellow being let alone a girlfriend?
He would have killed her, I don't know how these Oyinbo ppl think, CI has taught me a great deal... sorry christy!
bullshit ...............next
Nawa oooo he really brutalized his girlfriend sha...... Buh judging from d suicide letter he wrote I guess he loves his girlfriend.
Too long for a suicide note, no wonder he didn't die. All the time he could have died, he was writing a bloody waec English language paper 1 essay. Mtscheeeew. Ciroma oshy!
*** forst to comment ***
sorry linda I don't understand the statement .Are you saying the man is accusing a porn star of un faithfulness ?
so all the men that fok her in the front and back are just acting
I thank God that am born black
oyinbo are so funny
porn star is unfaithful to her husband .not ex porn star oh
or maybe na me no understand English
sorry linda I don't understand the statement .Are you saying the man is accusing a porn star of un faithfulness ?
so all the men that fok her in the front and back are just acting
I thank God that am born black
oyinbo are so funny
porn star is unfaithful to her husband .not ex porn star oh
or maybe na me no understand English
I actually shed a tear as I read this, here is a guy full of regret and sorrow! Passion makes us do stupid things and as much as I hate men who lay their filthy hands on women, I believe this guy is sorry! Yes he deserves to be in jail, but he is sorry. Linda he didn't say blame the victim oh!
Nawa o wasn't patient 2read all but he is so silly, wishing Christy a quick recovery and d asshole shud rot in jail pls #onelovefromSnow#
Obsession! Chai
It would have been better to live in his sorrowful state than go to hell thinking he is going to a place of eternal rest.
hmmmm speechless!
i just voted for our all time Linda Ikeji superBLOCKER!! happy i did.
Am not suprised,any man that can conveniently love a pornstar is not normal.
While I don't in anyway support his actions, I truly believe his girlfriend is living to protect her new bf!
Too porn stars, Thats crazy and irritating! To hell with them both! I never knw that porn stars hate cheating too.
Sad story..pity them both
Two porn stars, Thats crazy and irritating! To hell with them both! So they hate being cheated too? Even when the go nude on videos for public view
Am not suprised,any man that can conveniently love a pornstar is not normal.
U dating a porn star and xpect her to be faithful. Smh sha
Hmmmmm, I really feel for him. Thank God he is still alive. Suicide is an act of cowardice. Pls learn to face whatever the problem is.
What if a woman raise her hand on a man what do u call that? Some women are just terrible am talking from xperience.
Wow u jus nailed. We need to write a book on women hitters d two of us. This is jus hw they r, dt useless A-hole lemme not mention hs name, God help me forgiv u 4 d abuse u gemme in skool some of d bruises r stil visible esp d one on my skull,haidressers kip askin wot happend. N they cn beg and pet 4 Africa. Weaklings, tufia!!
It's easy to judge... Some females if they were males could do worse than males when faced with some issues. It doesn't vindicate him of the crime but it shows a man who knows that he walked a dark path and he is at a shameful end and he is so scared to face it.
He needs to learn how to control himself, but there are a lot of bad personality traits breaking people out there except for pure violence. Action always brings reactions and u need to build the strength to do things right.
Society is evil, people r bin pushed down terrible roads and when the fruit manifests people start judging. Let's just pray for God's grace and wisdom over our lives
He 'cried' like a remorseful person and should be punished but given less sentence.
Wow dats gud dey spoiled his sucide mission....
He knew he was going to be rescued that's why he took his time
Obsessed maybe.....not love......u don't hurt those u love instead u take their place
Evil shidren....he wrote the letter so long so the other inmates wud av bin back frm lunch or wtever
Stunts aye
Mehn... Fu*k wat all these chicks on here are saying... You don't repay evil with evil... Don't ever wish any1 death, didn't you parents teach you?
When y'all be running your mouths with insulting words and shaking ur asses asking for attention, you did not know u were dating someone who can brush you... Damn hypocrites... Y'all should learn from this and pray that your man don't go this far to table your issue when you derail... #wisewordsfromarealist
D story too long abeg nd dey shuld pity d guy small by sendin em to life imprisonment. Rubbish letter to da gods!
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Eiya....i pity ur stupidity...coming here to talk abt ur relationship...ain't nobody got time for dat!!!!
dude is an idiot....n he will jerk off in jail..till erternity....he is in jail n some black niccas like lex steele shane diesel..rico strong..brian pumper..wesley pipes. are gang ganging his gal..d porn whore...LMFAo...www.iwonpopular.com
Oloshi, we know ur type. Anyway i also av something for u,may u never av a husband talkless of a male child mumu
I just cannot feel sorry 4 a man dat batter a woman....am not moved...NEXT!!!
Many a time, people are not who they appear or seem to be... It's always a different thang on the surface from what is within.. and the legal system especially in Yankee just makes slaves and jailbird instead of delivering justice.. If Zimmerman is still walking the streets of USA, then the law is really an ass..
The way things are ain't always the way it is.. and the American legal system is a piece of shit... I'm in no way justifying the crime he committed, he's not doing that as well, he's not even blaming his hoe for his own crime, but he's demoralized because he's being accused of what he didn't do and there is no way he can defend himself... If Zimmerman is still walking the streets of USA, then the American Legal System is an ass..
His suicide note should be enough for his charges to be reviewed, let him be punished for his crime and not what his girlfriend's lawyer things he should be punished for... His note seems clear enough, he's ready to go to jail for the crime he committed.
Sometimes we need to see beneath the surface.. always a different layer to every man and every action.
na wa O! Anyway i blame the guy! he fall hand.... Christy Mack is one of the most sought after porn actress in the business...for crying out loud! that chic does more the 3 porn movies in a week... she can never be yours dude!!... she's PLC...lmao!!
na wa O! Anyway i blame the guy! he fall hand.... Christy Mack is one of the most sought after porn actress in the business...for crying out loud! that chic does more the 3 porn movies in a week... she can never be yours dude!!... she's PLC...lmao!!
hmmm.. ok o! linda please post my comments o. hv been commenting but don't see them. thanks.
Bonario its heart rending and not heart rendering! Anyway I wish they would rehabilitate him and get him back on his feet soon. Quick recovery to his ex gf
i bliv he did this to draw the sympathy of the public, suicide note na im long like this??
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