For the first time ever in the history of Gulder Ultimate
Search, contestant Ikenna Emedike fondly known as Ikenna E the doctor appealed
to the council of elders for a second chance after the anchorman Chidi Mokeme
called him out as ‘Evicted’.
Ikenna who recently bore the 'Stump of Shame', which made
him 'deaf and dumb' for a day after disobeying the council of elders, 'Stood on
Stump' after sleeping in a luxury room alongside three other contestants, was
also unable to complete the Octagon Chart
The Octagon Chart
task involved contestants arranging three pieces of a hexagon to form the word
Shortly after eight contestants had completed their tasks,
Ikenna finished his and attempted to proceed but was stopped by the anchorman
Chidi Mokeme who said:
“But unfortunately for
you Ikenna, stay right there because you are hereby evicted from the Ultimate
Search... Goodbye”
Ikenna, in an emotion-laden voice responded,
“Excuse me sir, I don’t
want to go sir, give me one more chance, please sir”
The anchorman however showed no sympathy.
Ikenna Emedike joins Nwagbagiro Sandra, Iwuoha Ikenna,
Nwagboso Joshua, Eriata Blessing & Erijakpor Loretta who have also been
evicted from Gulder Ultimate Search XI The Mission.
The night also saw the remaining eight contestants Nne Cosy
Joe, Ubachukwu Chinedu, Otto Canon Chimenem, Afolabi Emmanuel Olusegun, Iroh
Noela, Appi Samantha, Robinson Sharon and Addoh Evi elected into the General’s
Watch Ikenna’s Eviction video: Here
Catch exciting episodes of Gulder Ultimate Search 11 everyday on
African Magic World (DSTV), Real -Stars (Star Times), Minaj TV Obosi
(Terrestrial), Ebony Life TV (DSTV), Galaxy TV (Lagos, Ibadan and Ondo), Hip TV
(DSTV & GoTV), Nigezie (Star Times) and WapTV (Star Times) from 10pm to
11pm; and on the AIT Network (Terrestrial) from 10:30pm to 11:30pm.
visit http://www. gulderultimatesearch.tv for more.
Follow Social media conversation with hashtag #GUSTheMission
BEGS. Nor come spoil the small one when I know. I wan write exam soon.
Awww! I actually felt for him.
For the first time a contestant is asking for a second chance.
Please, you guys should give him the chance, after all, God is giving us more than ten chances to serve HIm
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Eyah! Pele, I hope he gets one.
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Aww...and I liked him fa :(
I pity him tho. May God be wiv him.
eyaa! touching..well,someone have to win..he did his best...
Lmao..d guy don get budget.
Eeya poor ikenna,desperately in need of the cash or probably the fame.pls give him one more chance.
laff wan kee me for hia.
Via Linda what's wrong with you nah,y do I have to prove that I'm not a robot before commenting on each post'no make me vex oo
“Excuse me sir, I don’t want to go sir, give me one more chance, please sir” lmaooo, the dude just dey imagine the millions wey him done lost already...
eya.. nd i've been voting 4 dis guy.
I feel for him.
Lolz..... D guy doesn't wanna be evicted.... Buh why all of d contestant igbos nah.... I think those organizing G.U.S are tribalistic ooo
awwwwwww..too bad
His eviction was so painful aswear.i reali lik his person n he is making d house lively..I dnt reali lik naija reality programme cos der is alwyz a foul play.dey alrdy knw dier winner,which I tink is cannon or evi..
I really didn't want to relive this thing na cos the thing stabbed me in the heart, it was that painful for me, I wanted him to win
Ehya... I could actually see the shock on his face when he heard he was evicted. :(
i rilli lykd ikenna nd dint want him out of d game yet anyways dats how it goes nd sharon left today
Too bad, liked the Ikenna guy sha, pls can sum1 tell me why I can't watch all dese videos lately 'sadface'
Wow no mercy!,d last day will be like dat
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What are u saying here? U think this is BBA? Making house lively? If u given a task and u come last there's always that probability that u gonna be evicted so please try and understand something.. this is a game and there are rules. No sentiments here! GUS may play foul in selection but when it comes to the show u see everything for yourself..
Life must go on bruh
what exactly happend to d guy dt he was evicted...missed watching it 2dy
dude its nat a do r die fin, jst go jome nd bckl ap 4 nxt season bro
Oh sorry man
Ehyah, too bad someone has to go. Life goes on irrespective of how it goes down. He should let it go.
stupid show. How much punishment is enough. u punish him and still evict him for the same crime.crap show.
I tell you..
eyaa. felt sad for him.
U Sabi chop fufu, can u compare fufu ad amala, abi u tink sey na politricks abi rice dem dey sharing on d field, park well.
Via lindinwe, carry my comment play election for fayosr
poor guy should go home & rest, must be tough living in the forest even for a little while.
We will be asked to vote him back into the competition soon. He'll be the "wildcard". Watch out!
I felt so bad for him. He must have been desperate to muster all that courage to ask for a second chance. I almost cried.....#Sad
And it seems Chidi was relishing that moment
I felt so bad for him. He must have been desperate to muster all that courage to ask for a second chance. I almost cried.....#Sad
And it seems Chidi was relishing that moment
Chidi Mokeme my crush in years past and to come. I love the way he says you're here by evicted from the guilder ultimate search *drooling*
for some reason I kinda feel sorry for him
Wow, so afikpo chic u r LIB reader. U r wonderful. I wish ur blog d best too just like LIB.
It was indeed a funny experience n a pitiable one too. He was even d one I was cheering up to finish on tym. But I guess luck ran out of him. God has already appointed who will energe d winnwr
Otondo, are otto, cosy, emmanuel, evi, blessing, loretta, samantha igbo? Isi nkpi like u
i feel u guy....guess u r not giving up... the rule has to prevail...doo oh...pele..
Na em biznx,sharon left ystadai and d nxt shuld be canon
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
U b mad person for wetin u dey talk,u dey patronize d babe abi
@Jerry, its survival of d fittest, nofin tribalistic about d show. Its either u are fit 2 be in d jungle or not. Emmanuel(Afolabi) & som odas dat hv left ain't Igbo.
Dey pass tru various rigorous exercises 2 get in.
No be everything & every time wey una go dey point fingers at Igbos.
Felt 4 Ikenna, he least expected his Eviction.
Hw i wish he wil b given a second chance. Glo4single says so
Taa mechionu.. Pls dnt mention My Darling Canons name again
Poor dear
God knows i can never go for dis kinda competition or reality show or wateva it is called. this is suffer head. after all d stress,he will go home nd treat himself of malaria & typhoid without any consolation prize for gulder.
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Dats how the last day z gonna be..........NO MERCY
God Bless u Linda,get to watch sm episodes
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